			void LightManager::Update(Camera_64* pCamera)

				// Find the lights affecting the frustum
void ezDynamicQuadtree::FindVisibleObjects(const ezFrustum& Viewfrustum, EZ_VISIBLE_OBJ_CALLBACK Callback, void* pPassThrough) const
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(m_uiMaxTreeDepth > 0, "ezDynamicQuadtree::FindVisibleObjects: You have to first create the tree.");

  if (m_NodeMap.IsEmpty())

  FindVisibleObjects(Viewfrustum, Callback, pPassThrough, m_BBox.m_vMin.x, m_BBox.m_vMax.x, m_BBox.m_vMin.z, m_BBox.m_vMax.z, 0, m_uiAddIDTopLevel, ezMath::Pow (4, m_uiMaxTreeDepth-1), 0xFFFFFFFF);
void ezDynamicQuadtree::FindVisibleObjects(const ezFrustum& Viewfrustum, EZ_VISIBLE_OBJ_CALLBACK Callback, void* pPassThrough, float minx, float maxx, float minz, float maxz, ezUInt32 uiNodeID, ezUInt32 uiAddID, ezUInt32 uiSubAddID, ezUInt32 uiNextNodeID) const
  // build the bounding box of this node
  ezVec3 v[8];
  v[0].Set(minx, m_BBox.m_vMin.y, minz);
  v[1].Set(minx, m_BBox.m_vMin.y, maxz);
  v[2].Set(minx, m_BBox.m_vMax.y, minz);
  v[3].Set(minx, m_BBox.m_vMax.y, maxz);
  v[4].Set(maxx, m_BBox.m_vMin.y, minz);
  v[5].Set(maxx, m_BBox.m_vMin.y, maxz);
  v[6].Set(maxx, m_BBox.m_vMax.y, minz);
  v[7].Set(maxx, m_BBox.m_vMax.y, maxz);

  const ezVolumePosition::Enum pos = Viewfrustum.GetObjectPosition(&v[0], 8);

  // stop traversal, if node is outside view-frustum
  if (pos == ezVolumePosition::Outside)

  ezDynamicTree::ezMultiMapKey mmk;
  mmk.m_uiKey = uiNodeID;

  // get the iterator where the objects stored in this sub-tree start
  ezDynamicTreeObjectConst it1 = m_NodeMap.LowerBound(mmk);

  // if there are no objects AT ALL in the map after the iterator, OR in this subtree there are no objects stored, stop
  if ((!it1.IsValid()) || (it1.Key().m_uiKey >= uiNextNodeID))

  // if the node is COMPLETELY inside the frustum -> no need to recurse further, the whole subtree will be visible
  if (pos == ezVolumePosition::Inside)
    mmk.m_uiKey = uiNextNodeID;
    const ezDynamicTreeObjectConst itlast = m_NodeMap.LowerBound(mmk);

    while (it1.IsValid())
      // first increase the iterator, the user could erase it in the callback
      ezDynamicTreeObjectConst temp = it1;

      Callback(pPassThrough, temp);

  else if (pos == ezVolumePosition::Intersecting)
    // the node is visible, but some parts might be outside, so refine the search

    mmk.m_uiKey = uiNodeID + 1;
    const ezDynamicTreeObjectConst itlast = m_NodeMap.LowerBound(mmk);

    // first return all objects store at this particular node
    while (it1.IsValid())
      // first increase the iterator, the user could erase it in the callback
      ezDynamicTreeObjectConst temp = it1;

      Callback(pPassThrough, temp);

    // if there are additional child nodes
    if (uiAddID > 0)
      const float lx = ((maxx - minx) * 0.5f) * s_LooseOctreeFactor;
      const float lz = ((maxz - minz) * 0.5f) * s_LooseOctreeFactor;

      const ezUInt32 uiNodeIDBase = uiNodeID + 1;
      const ezUInt32 uiAddIDChild = uiAddID - uiSubAddID;
      const ezUInt32 uiSubAddIDChild = uiSubAddID >> 2;

      // continue the search at each child node
      FindVisibleObjects (Viewfrustum, Callback, pPassThrough, minx, minx + lx, minz, minz + lz, uiNodeIDBase + uiAddID * 0, uiAddIDChild, uiSubAddIDChild, uiNodeIDBase + uiAddID * 1);
      FindVisibleObjects (Viewfrustum, Callback, pPassThrough, minx, minx + lx, maxz - lz, maxz, uiNodeIDBase + uiAddID * 1, uiAddIDChild, uiSubAddIDChild, uiNodeIDBase + uiAddID * 2);
      FindVisibleObjects (Viewfrustum, Callback, pPassThrough, maxx - lx, maxx, minz, minz + lz, uiNodeIDBase + uiAddID * 2, uiAddIDChild, uiSubAddIDChild, uiNodeIDBase + uiAddID * 3);
      FindVisibleObjects (Viewfrustum, Callback, pPassThrough, maxx - lx, maxx, maxz - lz, maxz, uiNodeIDBase + uiAddID * 3, uiAddIDChild, uiSubAddIDChild, uiNextNodeID);