bool LIB_ARC::HitTest( wxPoint aPosition, int aThreshold, const TRANSFORM& aTransform )

    if( aThreshold < 0 )
        aThreshold = GetPenSize() / 2;

    // TODO: use aTransMat to calculates parameters
    wxPoint relativePosition = aPosition;

    NEGATE( relativePosition.y );       // reverse Y axis

    int distance = wxRound( EuclideanNorm( TwoPointVector( m_Pos, relativePosition ) ) );

    if( abs( distance - m_Radius ) > aThreshold )
        return false;

    // We are on the circle, ensure we are only on the arc, i.e. between
    //  m_ArcStart and m_ArcEnd

    wxPoint startEndVector = TwoPointVector( m_ArcStart, m_ArcEnd);
    wxPoint startRelativePositionVector = TwoPointVector( m_ArcStart, relativePosition );

    wxPoint centerStartVector = TwoPointVector( m_Pos, m_ArcStart );
    wxPoint centerEndVector = TwoPointVector( m_Pos, m_ArcEnd );
    wxPoint centerRelativePositionVector = TwoPointVector( m_Pos, relativePosition );

    // Compute the cross product to check if the point is in the sector
    int crossProductStart = CrossProduct( centerStartVector, centerRelativePositionVector );
    int crossProductEnd = CrossProduct( centerEndVector, centerRelativePositionVector );

    // The cross products need to be exchanged, depending on which side the center point
    // relative to the start point to end point vector lies
    if( CrossProduct( startEndVector, startRelativePositionVector ) < 0 )
        EXCHG( crossProductStart, crossProductEnd );

    // When the cross products have a different sign, the point lies in sector
    // also check, if the reference is near start or end point
    return 	HitTestPoints( m_ArcStart, relativePosition, MINIMUM_SELECTION_DISTANCE ) ||
            HitTestPoints( m_ArcEnd, relativePosition, MINIMUM_SELECTION_DISTANCE ) ||
            ( crossProductStart <= 0 && crossProductEnd >= 0 );
bool GERBER_DRAW_ITEM::HitTest( const wxPoint& aRefPos )
    // calculate aRefPos in XY gerber axis:
    wxPoint ref_pos = GetXYPosition( aRefPos );

    // TODO: a better analyze of the shape (perhaps create a D_CODE::HitTest for flashed items)
    int     radius = std::min( m_Size.x, m_Size.y ) >> 1;

    if( m_Flashed )
        return HitTestPoints( m_Start, ref_pos, radius );
        return TestSegmentHit( ref_pos, m_Start, m_End, radius );
bool GERBER_DRAW_ITEM::HitTest( const wxPoint& aRefPos ) const
    // In case the item has a very tiny width defined, allow it to be selected
    const int MIN_HIT_TEST_RADIUS = Millimeter2iu( 0.01 );

    // calculate aRefPos in XY gerber axis:
    wxPoint ref_pos = GetXYPosition( aRefPos );

    SHAPE_POLY_SET poly;

    switch( m_Shape )
    case GBR_POLYGON:
        poly = m_Polygon;
        return poly.Contains( VECTOR2I( ref_pos ), 0 );

    case GBR_SPOT_POLY:
        poly = GetDcodeDescr()->m_Polygon;
        poly.Move( m_Start );
        return poly.Contains( VECTOR2I( ref_pos ), 0 );

    case GBR_SPOT_RECT:
        return GetBoundingBox().Contains( aRefPos );

    case GBR_ARC:
            double radius = GetLineLength( m_Start, m_ArcCentre );
            VECTOR2D test_radius = VECTOR2D( ref_pos ) - VECTOR2D( m_ArcCentre );

            int size = ( ( m_Size.x < MIN_HIT_TEST_RADIUS ) ? MIN_HIT_TEST_RADIUS
                                                            : m_Size.x );

            // Are we close enough to the radius?
            bool radius_hit = ( std::fabs( test_radius.EuclideanNorm() - radius) < size );

            if( radius_hit )
                // Now check that we are within the arc angle

                VECTOR2D start = VECTOR2D( m_Start ) - VECTOR2D( m_ArcCentre );
                VECTOR2D end = VECTOR2D( m_End ) - VECTOR2D( m_ArcCentre );

                double start_angle = NormalizeAngleRadiansPos( start.Angle() );
                double end_angle = NormalizeAngleRadiansPos( end.Angle() );

                if( m_Start == m_End )
                    start_angle = 0;
                    end_angle = 2 * M_PI;
                else if( end_angle < start_angle )
                    end_angle += 2 * M_PI;

                double test_angle = NormalizeAngleRadiansPos( test_radius.Angle() );

                return ( test_angle > start_angle && test_angle < end_angle );

            return false;

    case GBR_SPOT_MACRO:
        // Aperture macro polygons are already in absolute coordinates
        auto p = GetDcodeDescr()->GetMacro()->GetApertureMacroShape( this, m_Start );
        for( int i = 0; i < p->OutlineCount(); ++i )
            if( p->Contains( VECTOR2I( aRefPos ), i ) )
                return true;
        return false;

    // TODO: a better analyze of the shape (perhaps create a D_CODE::HitTest for flashed items)
    int radius = std::min( m_Size.x, m_Size.y ) >> 1;

    if( radius < MIN_HIT_TEST_RADIUS )
        radius = MIN_HIT_TEST_RADIUS;

    if( m_Flashed )
        return HitTestPoints( m_Start, ref_pos, radius );
        return TestSegmentHit( ref_pos, m_Start, m_End, radius );