 * @fn      osalInitTasks
 * @brief   This function invokes the initialization function for each task.
 * @param   void
 * @return  none
void osalInitTasks( void )
  ICall_EntityID entity;
  ICall_Semaphore sem;
  uint8 taskID = 0;
  uint8 i;

  tasksEvents = (uint16 *)osal_mem_alloc( sizeof( uint16 ) * tasksCnt);
  osal_memset( tasksEvents, 0, (sizeof( uint16 ) * tasksCnt));

  /* LL Task */
  LL_Init( taskID++ );

  /* HCI Task */
  HCI_Init( taskID++ );

#if defined ( OSAL_CBTIMER_NUM_TASKS )
  /* Callback Timer Tasks */
  osal_CbTimerInit( taskID );

  /* GAP Task */
  GAP_Init( taskID++ );
  /* ICall BLE Dispatcher Task */
  bleDispatch_Init( taskID );

  // ICall enrollment
  /* Enroll the service that this stack represents */
  ICall_enrollService(ICALL_SERVICE_CLASS_BLE, NULL, &entity, &sem);

  /* Enroll the obtained dispatcher entity and OSAL task ID of HCI Ext App
   * to OSAL so that OSAL can route the dispatcher message into
   * the appropriate OSAL task.
  osal_enroll_dispatchid(taskID, entity);

  /* Register all other OSAL tasks to use the registered dispatcher entity
   * ID as the source of dispatcher messages, even though the other OSAL
   * tasks didn't register themselves to receive messages from application.
  for (i = 0; i < taskID; i++)
    osal_enroll_senderid(i, entity);
 * Main entry function for the stack image
int stack_main( void *arg )
  /* User reconfiguration of BLE Controller and Host variables */
  setBleUserConfig( (bleUserCfg_t *)arg );
  /* Establish OSAL for a stack service that requires accompanying
   * messaging service */
  if (ICall_enrollService(ICALL_SERVICE_CLASS_BLE_MSG,
                          (ICall_ServiceFunc) osal_service_entry,
                          &osal_entity, &osal_semaphore) !=
    /* abort */

  halIntState_t state;
  // Turn off interrupts
  //osal_int_disable( INTS_ALL );

  // Initialize NV System
  osal_snv_init( );

  // Initialize the operating system

  // Allow interrupts
  //osal_int_enable( INTS_ALL );

  osal_start_system(); // No Return from here

  return 0;  // Shouldn't get here.