int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_ADC_Init(); MX_USART1_UART_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ char ch; ch = 'x'; HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t *)&ch, 1, 100); sprintf(strbuf,"Hello\n"); uint32_t adcvals[5]; HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc); /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc); for (int i=0;i<3;i++){ while(HAL_IS_BIT_CLR(hadc.Instance->ISR, (ADC_FLAG_EOC|ADC_FLAG_EOS))){} adcvals[i] = hadc.Instance->DR; } for (int i=0;i<5;i++){ sprintf(strbuf,"i:%d,adc:%4d ",i,adcvals[i]); HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1,strbuf,strlen(strbuf),1000); } sprintf(strbuf,"\n"); HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1,strbuf,strlen(strbuf),1000); HAL_Delay(1000); } /* USER CODE END 3 */ }
int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_COMP1_Init(); MX_COMP2_Init(); MX_I2C1_Init(); MX_TIM3_Init(); MX_USART1_UART_Init(); MX_ADC_Init(); MX_DMA_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ init_all(); /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { period_time_check_flags(); // if (HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_4) != GPIO_PIN_RESET) // { // HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_10); // buzzer(beeps,1); // buzzer_speed(100); // } /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ speed_counter++; } /* USER CODE END 3 */ }
void board_init() { /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); MX_GPIO_Init(); #if ENABLE_UART MX_USART1_UART_Init(); uart_printf("\r\n\r\nUART online!\r\n"); #endif MX_ADC_Init(); MX_I2C1_Init(); uart_printf("board_init done\r\n"); }
/* --- AOS Initialization --- */ void AOS_init(void) { /* MCU Configuration */ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Unlock the Flash Program Erase controller */ //HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_UART_Init(); MX_TIM2_Init(); MX_TIM7_Init(); /* PWM Timers will override P1, P3 & P4 */ MX_TIM3_Init(); MX_TIM15_Init(); #ifndef TX MX_ADC_Init(); #endif /* AOS Initialization */ /* Startup indicator sequence */ blink(500); HAL_Delay(100); blink(100); HAL_Delay(100); blink(100); /* Initialize random seed for PRNG */ srand(atoi(_firmTime)); }
int main(void) { int i=5000; uint8_t ultrasoundEnableFlag; uint16_t voltage; /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config_8MHz(); //__HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); HAL_GPIO_WritePin( DCDC_EN_GPIO_Port , DCDC_EN_Pin , 0); // HAL_GPIO_WritePin( DCDC_PWR_GPIO_Port , DCDC_PWR_Pin , 0 ); //open drain kimenet,pch fet, MX_ADC_Init(); //MX_I2C1_Init(); //MX_TIM3_Init(); MX_USART1_UART_Init(); GPIO_TIM3_OFF(); //HAL_Delay(100); MX_RTC_Init(); /* Enable Power Clock */ //__HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE(); uartTester(); // GPIO_TIM3_OFF(); //Feszültseg ellenörzése,sippogás----------------------------------------------------- voltage=voltage_read(ADC_CHANNEL_2,2); if(Full<voltage) batteryLevel=3; if(Medium < voltage && voltage<= Full) batteryLevel=2; if(Medium >= voltage) batteryLevel=1; HAL_Delay(1000); beeps(batteryLevel,1); PutString("Software version 2016.07.26.\n"); PutString("batteryLevel: "); PutNumber(batteryLevel); PutString("\n"); while(1){ //Feszültseg ellenörzése, paraméterek beállítása,fesz fvében------------------------ voltage=voltage_read(ADC_CHANNEL_2,2); if(Low > voltage){ if(UltraLow > voltage){ voltage=voltage_read(ADC_CHANNEL_2,2); if(UltraLow > voltage){ HAL_GPIO_WritePin( DCDC_PWR_GPIO_Port , DCDC_PWR_Pin , 1 ); //open drain kimenet,pch fet, HAL_PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode(); } } ultrasoundEnableFlag=0; sleepNum=LowVoltSleep; }else{ ultrasoundEnableFlag=1; sleepNum= linear(sleepNumMax,sleepNumMin, voltageMin,voltageMax,voltage); soundNum= linear(soundNumMin,soundNumMax,voltageMin,voltageMax,voltage); sounDelay=sDelay; } PutString("sleepNum"); PutNumber(sleepNum); PutString("\n"); PutString("soundNum"); PutNumber(soundNum); PutString("\n"); //Ultrahang generálás--------------------------------------------------------------- if(ultrasoundEnableFlag){ PutString("ultrasound(1)\n "); ultrasound(1); } //Sleep----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HAL_ADC_MspDeInit(&hadc); HAL_Delay(10); PutString("sleep!\n"); HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(RTC_IRQn, 0, 0); HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(RTC_IRQn); for(uint8_t e=0 ; e < sleepNum ; e++){ HAL_RTC_GetTime(&hrtc,&sTim,RTC_FORMAT_BIN); HAL_RTC_GetDate(&hrtc, &sDat, RTC_FORMAT_BIN); HAL_RTC_GetTime(&hrtc,&sTim,RTC_FORMAT_BIN); HAL_RTC_GetDate(&hrtc, &sDat, RTC_FORMAT_BIN); PutNumber((uint32_t)sTim.Hours); PutString(":"); PutNumber((uint32_t)sTim.Minutes); PutString(":"); PutNumber((uint32_t)sTim.Seconds); PutString("\n"); if(sTim.Minutes==59){ sAlarm.AlarmTime.Minutes=0; if(sTim.Hours==23){ sAlarm.AlarmTime.Hours=0; }else{ sAlarm.AlarmTime.Hours=sTim.Hours+1; } }else{ sAlarm.AlarmTime.Minutes=sTim.Minutes+1; sAlarm.AlarmTime.Hours=sTim.Hours; } HAL_RTC_SetAlarm_IT(&hrtc, &sAlarm, FORMAT_BIN); PutString("alarm: "); PutNumber((uint32_t)sAlarm.AlarmTime.Hours); PutString(":"); PutNumber((uint32_t)sAlarm.AlarmTime.Minutes); PutString(":"); PutNumber((uint32_t)sAlarm.AlarmTime.Seconds); PutString("\n"); SleepMode(); } HAL_NVIC_DisableIRQ(RTC_IRQn); } }
int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN Init */ /* USER CODE END Init */ /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* USER CODE BEGIN SysInit */ /* USER CODE END SysInit */ /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_ADC_Init(); MX_I2C1_Init(); MX_RTC_Init(); MX_USART1_UART_Init(); MX_SPI2_Init(); /* Initialize interrupts */ MX_NVIC_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start(&hadc, ADC_SINGLE_ENDED); /* Enable Ultra low power mode */ HAL_PWREx_EnableUltraLowPower(); __HAL_RCC_WAKEUPSTOP_CLK_CONFIG(RCC_STOP_WAKEUPCLOCK_HSI); /* Buffer used for transmission on USART1 */ char tx1_buffer[120]; RFM95_init(&hspi2); uint8_t payload_buff[14]; PAYLOAD_Garden payload_garden; payload_garden.MessageType = 50; payload_garden.MessageId = 0; // Start in sensing mode. state = MAIN_STATE_SENSE; /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ /* Do some work */ if (state == MAIN_STATE_SENSE) { HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc); // junk readings payload_garden.Temperature = TEMPERATURE_external(); payload_garden.CpuTemperature = TEMPERATURE_cpu(); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOA, LED_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET); payload_garden.MessageId++; payload_garden.VCC = BATTERY_vcc(); payload_garden.ChargeMv = BATTERY_ChargeMv(); payload_garden.ChargeMa = BATTERY_ChargeMa(); /* Get the light reading while the adc gets ready */ payload_garden.Light = LIGHT_lux(); payload_garden.Temperature = TEMPERATURE_external(); payload_garden.CpuTemperature = TEMPERATURE_cpu(); HAL_ADC_Stop(&hadc); sprintf(tx1_buffer, "id:%d, vcc:%d, mv:%d, ma:%d, C:%d, cpuC:%d, lux:%d\n", payload_garden.MessageId, payload_garden.VCC, payload_garden.ChargeMv, payload_garden.ChargeMa, payload_garden.Temperature, payload_garden.CpuTemperature, payload_garden.Light); HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t*) tx1_buffer, strlen(tx1_buffer), 1000); PAYLOAD_Garden_serialize(payload_garden, payload_buff); RFM95_send(&hspi2, payload_buff, 14); state = MAIN_STATE_TX; } /* Do nothing while the transmission is in progress */ else if (state == MAIN_STATE_TX) { if (dio0_action == 1) { RFM95_setMode(&hspi2, RFM95_MODE_SLEEP); state = MAIN_STATE_SLEEP; } //TMP while interrupts are investigated //HAL_Delay(30); //state = MAIN_STATE_SLEEP; } /* Now that all the work is done, sleep until its time to do it all again */ else if (state == MAIN_STATE_SLEEP) { HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOA, LED_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET); //TMP while RFM is diabled //HAL_Delay(1000); /* Turn off the pin interrupts */ HAL_NVIC_DisableIRQ(EXTI4_15_IRQn); HAL_SuspendTick(); /* Enter Stop Mode */ HAL_RTCEx_SetWakeUpTimer_IT(&hrtc, 60, RTC_WAKEUPCLOCK_CK_SPRE_16BITS); HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON, PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI); HAL_RTCEx_DeactivateWakeUpTimer(&hrtc); HAL_ResumeTick(); /* Turn on the pin interrupts */ HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(EXTI4_15_IRQn); state = MAIN_STATE_SENSE; } } /* USER CODE END 3 */ }
int main(void) { /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_DMA_Init(); MX_ADC_Init(); MX_SPI1_Init(); MX_USB_DEVICE_Init(); MX_TIM14_Init(); HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); EE_Init(); EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[0], &x_low_th); EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[1], &x_high_th); EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[2], &y_low_th); EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[3], &y_high_th); HAL_FLASH_Lock(); HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc, (uint32_t*)axis, 5); while (1) { HAL_GPIO_WritePin(SPI1_nCS_GPIO_Port, SPI1_nCS_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET); HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT(&htim14); while (!u100ticks) /* do nothing for 100 us */; HAL_TIM_Base_Stop_IT(&htim14); u100ticks = 0; HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_SPI_Receive(&hspi1, rx_buffer, sizeof(rx_buffer), 3000); switch(status) { case HAL_OK: report.buttons[0] = 0x00; // report.buttons[1] = 0x00; report.buttons[2] = 0x00; if ((rx_buffer[0] & 0xff) != 0xff) // if all bits of rx_buffer[0] is 1 assume shifter is disconnected { if (rx_buffer[0] & 4) report.buttons[0] |= 1; else report.buttons[0] &= ~1; if (rx_buffer[0] & 1) report.buttons[0] |= (1 << 1); else report.buttons[0] &= ~(1 << 1); if (rx_buffer[0] & 2) report.buttons[0] |= (1 << 2); else report.buttons[0] &= ~(1 << 2); if (rx_buffer[0] & 8) report.buttons[0] |= (1 << 3); else report.buttons[0] &= ~(1 << 3); if (rx_buffer[1] & 1) report.buttons[2] |= 1; else report.buttons[2] &= ~1; if (rx_buffer[1] & 2) report.buttons[2] |= (1 << 1); else report.buttons[2] &= ~(1 << 1); if (rx_buffer[1] & 4) report.buttons[2] |= (1 << 2); else report.buttons[2] &= ~(1 << 2); if (rx_buffer[1] & 8) report.buttons[2] |= (1 << 3); else report.buttons[2] &= ~(1 << 3); if (rx_buffer[1] & 32) report.buttons[0] |= (1 << 4); else report.buttons[0] &= ~(1 << 4); if (rx_buffer[1] & 128) report.buttons[0] |= (1 << 5); else report.buttons[0] &= ~(1 << 5); if (rx_buffer[1] & 64) report.buttons[0] |= (1 << 6); else report.buttons[0] &= ~(1 << 6); if (rx_buffer[1] & 16) report.buttons[0] |= (1 << 7); else report.buttons[0] &= ~(1 << 7); } break; case HAL_TIMEOUT: case HAL_BUSY: case HAL_ERROR: Error_Handler(); default: report.buttons[0] = 0xff; break; } HAL_GPIO_WritePin(SPI1_nCS_GPIO_Port, SPI1_nCS_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET); = 0x01; x_axis = ((X_AXIS << 2) + x_axis * 96) / 100; y_axis = ((Y_AXIS << 2) + y_axis * 96) / 100; if (rx_buffer[0] & 16) { if (y_axis < y_low_th) // stick towards player { report.buttons[1] = 128; report.buttons[2] &= ~(1 << 4); } else if (y_axis > y_high_th) // stick opposite to player { report.buttons[1] = 0; // neutral report.buttons[2] |= (1 << 4); } else { report.buttons[1] = 0; // neutral report.buttons[2] &= ~(1 << 4); } } else { report.buttons[1] &= ~(1 << 7); report.buttons[2] &= ~(1 << 4); if (y_axis < y_low_th) // stick towards player { if (x_axis < x_low_th) { if (!report.buttons[1]) report.buttons[1] = 2; // 2nd gear } else if (!report.buttons[1]) { report.buttons[1] = (x_axis > x_high_th) ? ((rx_buffer[0] & 64) ? 64 : 32) : 8; } } else { if (y_axis > y_high_th) // stick opposite to player { if (x_axis < x_low_th) { if (!report.buttons[1]) report.buttons[1] = 1; // 1st gear } else if (!report.buttons[1]) { report.buttons[1] = (x_axis > x_high_th) ? 16 : 4; } } else { report.buttons[1] = 0; // neutral } } } report.axis[0] = x_axis; report.axis[1] = y_axis; if (report2send == 2) { HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); EE_WriteVariable(VirtAddVarTab[0], x_low_th); EE_WriteVariable(VirtAddVarTab[1], x_high_th); EE_WriteVariable(VirtAddVarTab[2], y_low_th); EE_WriteVariable(VirtAddVarTab[3], y_high_th); HAL_FLASH_Lock(); report2send = 0; } if (hUsbDeviceFS.pClassData && ((USBD_HID_HandleTypeDef *)hUsbDeviceFS.pClassData)->state == HID_IDLE) { USBD_HID_SendReport(&hUsbDeviceFS, (uint8_t *)&report, sizeof(report)); } } }
int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_DMA_Init(); MX_ADC_Init(); APP_ADC_Init(&hadc); #ifdef USE_COMPARATORS MX_COMP1_Init(); MX_COMP2_Init(); #endif MX_DAC_Init(); MX_USART2_UART_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2,str,strlen((const char *) str),1000); HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2,heading,strlen((const char *) heading),1000); dacConfig.DAC_Trigger = DAC_TRIGGER_NONE; dacConfig.DAC_OutputBuffer = DAC_OUTPUTBUFFER_DISABLE; HAL_DAC_ConfigChannel(&hdac,&dacConfig,DAC_CHANNEL_1); HAL_DAC_SetValue(&hdac,DAC_CHANNEL_1,DAC_ALIGN_12B_R,2048); HAL_DAC_Start(&hdac,DAC_CHANNEL_1); /* Initialize ADC peripheral according to the passed parameters */ if (HAL_ADC_Init(&hadc) != HAL_OK) { while(-1); } /* ### - 2 - Start calibration ############################################ */ if (HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start(&hadc, ADC_SINGLE_ENDED) != HAL_OK) { while(-1); } /* ### - 3 - Channel configuration ######################################## */ /* Select Channel 0 to be converted */ ///sConfig.Channel = ADC_CHANNEL_0; //if (HAL_ADC_ConfigChannel(&hadc, &sConfig) != HAL_OK) //{ // Error_Handler(); //} /* ### - 4 - Start conversion in DMA mode ################################# */ if (HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc, (uint32_t *) adcBuf,ADC_BUFSIZE) != HAL_OK) { while(-1); } compValues[0]= '-'; compValues[1]= '-'; #ifdef USE_COMPARATORS HAL_COMP_Start_IT(&hcomp1); HAL_COMP_Start_IT(&hcomp2); #endif /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ uint16_t cnt=0; uint16_t dacValue = 0; memset(dataline, ' ', sizeof(dataline)); dataline[sizeof(dataline)-1] = 0; while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ HAL_DAC_SetValue(&hdac,DAC_CHANNEL_1,DAC_ALIGN_12B_R,dacValue); #ifdef WAIT_BEFORE_READING int i; for(i=0; i < 10000; i++); #endif itoa (cnt,(char *) &dataline[0],5); itoa (dacValue,(char *)&dataline[10],5); itoa (adcBuf[0],(char *)&dataline[20],4); dataline[25] = '/'; itoa (adcBuf[2],(char *)&dataline[25],4); itoa (adcBuf[1],(char *)&dataline[40],4); dataline[45] = '/'; itoa (adcBuf[3],(char *)&dataline[45],4); #ifdef USE_COMPARATORS dataline[60] = compValues[0]; dataline[65] = compValues[1]; #else // memcpy("Not Used",dataline[60],8); #endif dataline[70] = (HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOA,GPIO_PIN_6)==GPIO_PIN_SET)?'X':'0'; dataline[75] = (HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOA,GPIO_PIN_7)==GPIO_PIN_SET)?'X':'0'; dataline[87] = '\r'; dataline[88] = '\n'; dataline[89] = 0; HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2,dataline,strlen((const char *) dataline),1000); cnt++; dacValue = (dacValue >= (4096-DAC_STEPSIZE))?0:dacValue+DAC_STEPSIZE; } /* USER CODE END 3 */ }
int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ // AxesRaw_t data; FRESULT res; /* FatFs function common result code */ uint32_t byteswritten, bytesread; /* File write/read counts */ char rtext[256]; /* File read buffer */ // HALL_SENS_PWR_ON; // CLAMP_SENS_PWR_ON; // 1. SPI1 is for ACC /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_ADC_Init(); MX_SDIO_SD_Init(); MX_SPI1_Init(); MX_SPI2_Init(); MX_USART1_UART_Init(); MX_USART2_UART_Init(); MX_FATFS_Init(); MX_RTC_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ HAL_RTCEx_DeactivateWakeUpTimer(&hrtc); HAL_RTCEx_SetWakeUpTimer_IT(&hrtc, 1, RTC_WAKEUPCLOCK_CK_SPRE_16BITS); EXTI0_IRQHandler_Config(); // EXTI13_IRQHandler_Config(); // HAL_DBGMCU_EnableDBGStopMode(); //HALL_SENS_PWR_ON; //CLAMP_SENS_PWR_OFF; // init gpio before! UC_2_8V; printf("FW start\r\n"); LIS3DH_PreInit(); LIS3DH_SetMode(LIS3DH_NORMAL); //reg1 LIS3DH_SetODR(LIS3DH_ODR_400Hz); //reg1 LIS3DH_SetAxis(LIS3DH_X_ENABLE | LIS3DH_Y_ENABLE | LIS3DH_Z_ENABLE ); //reg1 //Direct IRQ from watemark and overrun to 1st pin. reg3 LIS3DH_SetInt1Pin(LIS3DH_CLICK_ON_PIN_INT1_DISABLE | LIS3DH_I1_INT1_ON_PIN_INT1_DISABLE | LIS3DH_I1_INT2_ON_PIN_INT1_DISABLE | LIS3DH_I1_DRDY1_ON_INT1_DISABLE | LIS3DH_I1_DRDY2_ON_INT1_DISABLE | LIS3DH_WTM_ON_INT1_ENABLE | LIS3DH_INT1_OVERRUN_DISABLE); //REG4 LIS3DH_SetBDU(MEMS_ENABLE); LIS3DH_SetFullScale(LIS3DH_FULLSCALE_2); //reg4 //REG5 LIS3DH_FIFOModeEnable(LIS3DH_FIFO_STREAM_MODE); //Enable store into FIFO reg5 LIS3DH_Int1LatchEnable(MEMS_ENABLE); //LIS3DH_FIFO_CTRL_REG LIS3DH_SetTriggerInt(LIS3DH_TRIG_INT1); LIS3DH_SetWaterMark(15); // watermark for irq generation from fifo LIS3DH_FIFO_CTRL_REG LIS3DH_ReadFIFO(); // clean FIFO and reset IRQ while (1) { //LIS3DH_GetInt1Src(&resp); //printf("INT1SRC %i ", resp); /*LIS3DH_GetFifoSourceBit(LIS3DH_FIFO_SRC_WTM, &resp); printf("WTM %i ", resp); LIS3DH_GetReg3Bit(LIS3DH_I1_WTM, &resp); printf("WMBIT %i ", resp); LIS3DH_GetFifoSourceFSS(&resp); printf("FIFO %i\r\n", resp); //LIS3DH_GetIntCounter(&resp); //printf("Interrupts counter=%i\r\n", resp); if (resp > 26) { //rep: //LIS3DH_GetFifoSourceFSS(&resp); //printf("> %i recs in FIFO (while)\r\n", resp); //HAL_Delay(15); //LIS3DH_GetInt1Src(&resp); /* rep: if(LIS3DH_GetAccAxesRaw(&data)==1){ LIS3DH_GetFifoSourceBit(LIS3DH_FIFO_SRC_WTM, &resp); //printf("X=%6d Y=%6d Z=%6d \r\n", data.AXIS_X, data.AXIS_Y, data.AXIS_Z); printf(" READ WTM%i\r\n", resp); } else { printf("ER\r\n"); } LIS3DH_GetFifoSourceFSS(&resp); if (resp > 0) goto rep; LIS3DH_ResetInt1Latch(); LIS3DH_FIFOModeEnable(LIS3DH_FIFO_STREAM_MODE);*/ LIS3DH_ReadFIFO(); HAL_Delay(2000); } //ENABLE ALL IRQs //LIS3DH_SetInt1Pin(LIS3DH_CLICK_ON_PIN_INT1_DISABLE | LIS3DH_I1_INT1_ON_PIN_INT1_ENABLE | LIS3DH_I1_INT2_ON_PIN_INT1_ENABLE | LIS3DH_I1_DRDY1_ON_INT1_ENABLE | LIS3DH_I1_DRDY2_ON_INT1_ENABLE | LIS3DH_WTM_ON_INT1_ENABLE | LIS3DH_INT1_OVERRUN_ENABLE); //LIS3DH_SetInt2Pin(LIS3DH_CLICK_ON_PIN_INT2_DISABLE | LIS3DH_I2_INT1_ON_PIN_INT2_ENABLE | LIS3DH_I2_INT2_ON_PIN_INT2_ENABLE | LIS3DH_I2_BOOT_ON_INT2_ENABLE | LIS3DH_INT_ACTIVE_HIGH); // HAL_Delay(2000); /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ // if(LIS3DH_GetAccAxesRaw(&data)==1){ // printf("X=%6d Y=%6d Z=%6d \r\n", data.AXIS_X, data.AXIS_Y, data.AXIS_Z); // } else { // printf("ER\r\n"); // } HAL_Delay(50); // lowest_power(); //go to stop. Wakeup on RTC wakeup or 1st or 2d PIN wakeup } //SDIO FAT PART. //ENABLE_2_5V; //DC-DC enable SD_PWR_ON; //Power to SD card //INIT SD and CARD after because no power to sd HAL_Delay(50); MX_SDIO_SD_Init(); MX_FATFS_Init(); /*##-1- FatFS: Link the SD disk I/O driver ##########*/ if(FATFS_LinkDriver(&SD_Driver, SDPath) == 0){ /* success: set the orange LED on */ //HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOG, GPIO_PIN_7, GPIO_PIN_RESET); /*##-2- Register the file system object to the FatFs module NB! mout right now! ###*/ res = f_mount(&SDFatFs, (TCHAR const*)SD_Path, 1) ; if(res != FR_OK){ /* FatFs Initialization Error : set the red LED on */ printf ("Problem fmount\r\n"); while(1); } else { /*##-3- Create a FAT file system (format) on the logical drive#*/ /* WARNING: Formatting the uSD card will delete all content on the device */ res = f_mkfs((TCHAR const*)SD_Path, 0, 0); if(res != FR_OK){ /* FatFs Format Error : set the red LED on */ printf ("Problem f_mkfs\r\n"); while(1); } else { /*##-4- Create & Open a new text file object with write access#*/ if(f_open(&MyFile, "Hello.txt", FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE) != FR_OK){ /* 'Hello.txt' file Open for write Error : set the red LED on */ printf ("Problem f_open\r\n"); while(1); } else { /*##-5- Write data to the text file ####################*/ res = f_write(&MyFile, wtext, sizeof(wtext), (void*)&byteswritten); if((byteswritten == 0) || (res != FR_OK)){ /* 'Hello.txt' file Write or EOF Error : set the red LED on */ printf ("Problem f_write\r\n"); while(1); } else { /*##-6- Successful open/write : set the blue LED on */ // HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOG, GPIO_PIN_12, GPIO_PIN_RESET); f_close(&MyFile); /*##-7- Open the text file object with read access #*/ if(f_open(&MyFile, "Hello.txt", FA_READ) != FR_OK){ /* 'Hello.txt' file Open for read Error : set the red LED on */ //HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOG, GPIO_PIN_10, GPIO_PIN_RESET); printf ("Problem f_open\r\n"); while(1); } else { /*##-8- Read data from the text file #########*/ res = f_read(&MyFile, rtext, sizeof(wtext), &bytesread); // if((strcmp(rtext,wtext)!=0)|| (res != FR_OK)){ // /* 'Hello.txt' file Read or EOF Error : set the red LED on */ // printf ("Problem f_read\r\n"); // while(1); // } else { // printf ("FAT operation done OK!\r\n"); /* Successful read : set the green LED On */ //HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOG, GPIO_PIN_6, GPIO_PIN_RESET); /*##-9- Close the open text file ################*/ f_close(&MyFile); } } } } } } /*##-10- Unlink the micro SD disk I/O driver #########*/ FATFS_UnLinkDriver(SD_Path); /* USER CODE END 3 */ }
int main(void) { /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_DMA_Init(); MX_ADC_Init(); MX_TIM2_Init(); MX_TIM21_Init(); batpins battery3; batpins battery4; pwm_timers b3_tims; pwm_timers b4_tims; batprops props_bat3; batprops props_bat4; /* Battery 3 */ b3_tims.conv_timer = htim2; b3_tims.dchg_timer = htim21; battery3.v_adc_chan = ADC_CHANNEL_4; battery3.i_adc_chan = ADC_CHANNEL_8; battery3.chg_port = chg_onoff_3_GPIO_Port; battery3.chg_pin = chg_onoff_3_Pin; battery3.dchg_pin = TIM_CHANNEL_1; battery3.conv_chg_pin = TIM_CHANNEL_1; battery3.conv_dchg_pin = TIM_CHANNEL_2; battery3.pwm_tims = b3_tims; props_bat3.i_adc_val = 0; props_bat3.v_adc_val = 0; props_bat3.adc_val_old = adc_read(battery3.i_adc_chan); props_bat3.id_adc_stpt = 400 + props_bat3.adc_val_old; props_bat3.ic_adc_stpt = props_bat3.adc_val_old - 600; props_bat3.conv_bst_stpt = 200; // Need to calibrate this to boost to desired voltage props_bat3.pwm_chg_stpt = 0; // Initialized to 0. Program will change as needed. props_bat3.pwm_dchg_stpt = 720; // Initialize near where discharge FET turns on props_bat3.pi = 0; /* Battery 4 */ b4_tims.conv_timer = htim2; b4_tims.dchg_timer = htim21; battery4.v_adc_chan = ADC_CHANNEL_11; battery4.i_adc_chan = ADC_CHANNEL_10; battery4.chg_port = chg_onoff_4_GPIO_Port; battery4.chg_pin = chg_onoff_4_Pin; battery4.dchg_pin = TIM_CHANNEL_2; battery4.conv_chg_pin = B4_CHG_CHAN; // Change in h file (used in multiple locations, dma_offset func) battery4.conv_dchg_pin = TIM_CHANNEL_4; battery4.pwm_tims = b4_tims; props_bat4.i_adc_val = 0; props_bat4.v_adc_val = 0; props_bat4.adc_val_old = adc_read(battery4.i_adc_chan); props_bat4.id_adc_stpt = 500 + props_bat4.adc_val_old; props_bat4.ic_adc_stpt = props_bat4.adc_val_old - 200; props_bat4.conv_bst_stpt = 200; // Need to calibrate this to boost to desired voltage props_bat4.pwm_chg_stpt = 0; // Initialized to 0. Program will change as needed. props_bat4.pwm_dchg_stpt = 720; // Initialize near where discharge FET turns on props_bat4.pi = 0; /* Initialize global variables */ #ifdef BAT1 TimeCounter3 = 0; TimeCounter4 = 0; uint32_t restStartms3 = 0; uint32_t i3 = 0; uint32_t voltage3 = 0; uint32_t current3 = 720; status bat_stat3 = OK; i3_origin = props_bat3.adc_val_old; #endif #ifdef BAT2 uint32_t restStartms4 = 0; uint32_t i4 = 0; uint32_t voltage4 = 0; uint32_t current4 = 720; status bat_stat4 = OK; i4_origin = props_bat4.adc_val_old; #endif //uint32_t dc_pwm[1] = {800};//, 500, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 250, 750}; //uint32_t test2[2] = {100, 900}; //uint32_t sine = 0; /* Initialize converter and charge / discharge pins */ conv_init(battery3); conv_init(battery4); //HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(&htim2, TIM_CHANNEL_3, &dc_pwm, (uint16_t)1); //HAL_Delay(10); //HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(&htim2, TIM_CHANNEL_4, &dc_pwm[8], (uint16_t)2); //HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(&htim2, TIM_CHANNEL_1, 200, (uint16_t)SINE_RES_500HZ); //HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(&htim2, TIM_CHANNEL_4, 800, (uint16_t)SINE_RES_500HZ); //Bat2 conv dchg //pwm_sine_Start(battery3.pwm_tims.conv_timer, battery3.conv_dchg_pin, dc_pwm, sine); // Boost (discharge) //pwm_sine_Start(battery3.pwm_tims.conv_timer, battery3.conv_chg_pin, dc_pwm, sine); // Buck (charge) //pwm_sine_Start(battery4.pwm_tims.conv_timer, battery4.conv_dchg_pin, test2, sine); // Boost (discharge) //pwm_sine_Start(battery4.pwm_tims.conv_timer, battery4.conv_chg_pin, 400, sine); // Buck (charge) //pwm_Set(battery3.pwm_tims.dchg_timer, battery3.dchg_pin, 750); // pwm_Set(battery4.pwm_tims.dchg_timer, battery4.dchg_pin, 760); //pwm_sine_Start(battery3.pwm_tims.conv_timer, battery3.conv_chg_pin, dc_pwm, sine); // Buck (charge) //HAL_GPIO_WritePin(battery3.chg_port, battery3.chg_pin, GPIO_PIN_SET); // Charging On //HAL_GPIO_WritePin(battery4.chg_port, battery4.chg_pin, GPIO_PIN_SET); // Charging On //pwm_sine_Start(battery4.pwm_tims.conv_timer, battery4.conv_chg_pin, dc_pwm, sine); // Buck (charge) //HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(battery4.pwm_tims.conv_timer, battery4.conv_dchg_pin); //HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim2, TIM_CHANNEL_2); // Bat1 conv dchg uint8_t u8_oc3 = 0; uint8_t u8_oc4 = 0; // Wait for batteries to be connected //while(adc_read(battery3.v_adc_chan) < 500 || adc_read(battery4.v_adc_chan) < 500) {} /* Infinite loop */ while (1) { #ifdef BAT1 /* First battery */ if(TimeCounter3>=5) // 4ms, ie 2 periods of 500Hz sine wave { switch(bat_stat3) { case DISCHARGE: bat_stat3 = discharge_main(battery3, &props_bat3, &restStartms3, i3, bat_stat3); break; case CC: bat_stat3 = chg_ctrl(battery3, &props_bat3, i3, i3_origin); //HAL_Delay(1); break; case CV: bat_stat3 = cv_main(battery3, &props_bat3, &restStartms3, i3, i3_origin, bat_stat3); break; case FULL: if(HAL_GetTick() - restStartms3 >= REST) { props_bat3.i_adc_val = 0; props_bat3.v_adc_val = 0; props_bat3.adc_val_old = adc_read(battery3.i_adc_chan); bat_stat3 = DISCHARGE; } break; case LVDC: if(HAL_GetTick() - restStartms3 >= REST) { props_bat3.i_adc_val = 0; props_bat3.v_adc_val = 0; props_bat3.adc_val_old = adc_read(battery3.i_adc_chan); bat_stat3 = CC; } break; case OK: props_bat3.i_adc_val = 0; // normally reset in d/chg func, but not used so reset here props_bat3.v_adc_val = 0; // normally reset in d/chg func, but not used so reset here bat_stat3 = CC; break; case OVERCURRENT: bat_stat3 = OVERCURRENT; break; default: bat_stat3 = OK; break; } TimeCounter3 = 0; i3 = 0; } /* Update ADC readings */ current3 = adc_read(battery3.i_adc_chan); voltage3 = adc_read(battery3.v_adc_chan); props_bat3.i_adc_val = props_bat3.i_adc_val + current3; props_bat3.v_adc_val = props_bat3.v_adc_val + voltage3; /* Over-current protection */ if(current3>3950 || current3<100) { u8_oc3++; if(u8_oc3 > 15) { conv_init(battery3); bat_stat3 = OVERCURRENT; } } else { u8_oc3 = 0; } i3++; #endif #ifdef BAT2 /* Second battery */ if(TimeCounter4>=5) // 4ms, ie 2 periods of 500Hz sine wave { switch(bat_stat4) { case DISCHARGE: bat_stat4 = discharge_main(battery4, &props_bat4, &restStartms4, i4, bat_stat4); break; case CC: bat_stat4 = chg_ctrl(battery4, &props_bat4, i4, i4_origin); break; case CV: bat_stat4 = cv_main(battery4, &props_bat4, &restStartms4, i4, i4_origin, bat_stat4); break; case FULL: if(HAL_GetTick() - restStartms4 >= REST) { props_bat4.i_adc_val = 0; props_bat4.v_adc_val = 0; props_bat4.adc_val_old = adc_read(battery4.i_adc_chan); bat_stat4 = DISCHARGE; } break; case LVDC: if(HAL_GetTick() - restStartms4 >= REST) { props_bat4.i_adc_val = 0; props_bat4.v_adc_val = 0; props_bat4.adc_val_old = adc_read(battery4.i_adc_chan); bat_stat4 = CC; } break; case OK: props_bat4.i_adc_val = 0; // normally reset in d/chg func, but not used so reset here props_bat4.v_adc_val = 0; // normally reset in d/chg func, but not used so reset here bat_stat4 = CC; break; case OVERCURRENT: bat_stat4 = OVERCURRENT; break; default: bat_stat4 = OK; break; } TimeCounter4 = 0; i4 = 0; } /* Update ADC readings */ current4 = adc_read(battery4.i_adc_chan); voltage4 = adc_read(battery4.v_adc_chan); props_bat4.i_adc_val = props_bat4.i_adc_val + current4; props_bat4.v_adc_val = props_bat4.v_adc_val + voltage4; /* Over-current protection */ if(current4>3950 || current4<100) { u8_oc4++; if(u8_oc4 > 15) { conv_init(battery4); bat_stat4 = OVERCURRENT; } } else { u8_oc4 = 0; } i4++; #endif HAL_SYSTICK_IRQHandler(); } }
int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN Init */ /* USER CODE END Init */ /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* USER CODE BEGIN SysInit */ /* USER CODE END SysInit */ /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_ADC_Init(); MX_I2C1_Init(); MX_RTC_Init(); MX_USART1_UART_Init(); MX_SPI2_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ /* Buffer used for transmission on USART1 */ char tx1_buffer[80]; uint8_t count = 0; /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ sprintf(tx1_buffer, "Count is %d\n", count); HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t*) tx1_buffer, strlen(tx1_buffer), 5000); count++; uint16_t adc_val = ADS1015_SingleEnded(&hi2c1, ADS1015_ADDRESS, 3, ADS1015_GAIN_ONE); sprintf(tx1_buffer, "adc_val: %d\n", adc_val); HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t*) tx1_buffer, strlen(tx1_buffer), 5000); //ADS1015_writeRegister(&hi2c1, ADS1015_ADDRESS, ADS1015_REG_POINTER_CONFIG, ADS1015_REG_CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_3); //HAL_Delay(ADS1015_CONVERSIONDELAY); // uint16_t adc_val = ADS1015_readRegister(&hi2c1, ADS1015_ADDRESS, ADS1015_REG_POINTER_CONVERT); //sprintf(tx1_buffer, "adc_val: %04X\n", adc_val); // HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t*) tx1_buffer, strlen(tx1_buffer), 5000); HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOA, LED_Pin); HAL_Delay(1000); } /* USER CODE END 3 */ }
int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_ADC_Init(); MX_DAC_Init(); MX_I2C1_Init(); MX_RTC_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ //int loopCnt = 0; while (1) { Button_Function buttonFunction = checkButtonFunction(); if (buttonFunction == BTNFUNC_STATECHN) { wakeupSleepState = (wakeupSleepState == STATE_WAKEUP) ? STATE_SLEEP : STATE_WAKEUP; } if (buttonFunction == BTNFUNC_CAL) { setSensorDevPwr(DEV_PWR_ON); getSnrDrvDacVal(); setSensorDevPwr(DEV_PWR_OFF); wakeupSleepState = STATE_WAKEUP; } if (wakeupSleepState == STATE_WAKEUP) { uint16_t snrAdcVal = 0; setBlueToothDevPwr(DEV_PWR_ON); setSensorDevPwr(DEV_PWR_ON); setSysWakeUpLed(LED_ON); setSysStsLed(LED_OFF); int snrDrvDacVal = readEEPROM32(EEPROM_ADDR_SNRDRVVAL); if ((snrDrvDacVal < 1) || (snrDrvDacVal > 0xFFF)) { getSnrDrvDacVal(); } snrAdcVal = (uint16_t)dacOutAdcIn(snrDrvDacVal, ADC_CHANNEL_8); if (snrAdcVal > SNR_PASS_THRESHOLD) { setTestPassLed(LED_ON); setTestFailLed(LED_OFF); } else { setTestFailLed(LED_ON); setTestPassLed(LED_OFF); } if (hi2c1.State == HAL_I2C_STATE_READY) { setBleSig(BLESIG_HI); if (HAL_I2C_Slave_Transmit(&hi2c1, (uint8_t *)&snrAdcVal, 2, 3000) == HAL_OK) { setSysStsLed(LED_ON); HAL_Delay(100); setSysStsLed(LED_OFF); HAL_Delay(100); setSysStsLed(LED_ON); HAL_Delay(100); setSysStsLed(LED_OFF); } else { setSysStsLed(LED_ON); HAL_Delay(300); setSysStsLed(LED_OFF); } } else { setSysWakeUpLed(LED_OFF); HAL_Delay(100); setSysWakeUpLed(LED_ON); HAL_Delay(100); setSysWakeUpLed(LED_OFF); HAL_Delay(100); setSysWakeUpLed(LED_ON); HAL_Delay(100); } setTestFailLed(LED_OFF); setTestPassLed(LED_OFF); HAL_Delay(1000); setBleSig(BLESIG_LO); HAL_Delay(1000); } else { goSleep(); } /* loopCnt++; if (loopCnt >= 2) { loopCnt = 0; } */ /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ } /* USER CODE END 3 */ }