 * Initialize engine data
 * @param[in]     ComplexDescriptor   Pointer to user defined complex descriptor
 * @param[in,out] Wrapper             Pointer to wrapper config descriptor
 * @param[in]     Pcie                Pointer to global PCIe configuration
PcieMapInitializeEngineData (
    IN       PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR     *ComplexDescriptor,
    IN OUT   PCIe_WRAPPER_CONFIG         *Wrapper,
    IN       PCIe_PLATFORM_CONFIG        *Pcie
    PCIe_ENGINE_CONFIG        *EngineList;
    PCIe_ENGINE_DESCRIPTOR    *EngineDescriptor;

    EngineList = PcieConfigGetChildEngine (Wrapper);
    while (EngineList != NULL) {
        if (PcieLibIsEngineAllocated (EngineList)) {
            if (EngineList->Scratch != 0xFF) {
                EngineDescriptor = PcieInputParserGetEngineDescriptor (ComplexDescriptor, EngineList->Scratch);
                LibAmdMemCopy (&EngineList->EngineData, &EngineDescriptor->EngineData, sizeof (EngineDescriptor->EngineData), GnbLibGetHeader (Pcie));
                if (PcieLibIsDdiEngine (EngineList)) {
                    LibAmdMemCopy (&EngineList->Type.Ddi, &((PCIe_DDI_DESCRIPTOR*) EngineDescriptor)->Ddi, sizeof (PCIe_DDI_DATA), GnbLibGetHeader (Pcie));
                    EngineList->Type.Ddi.DisplayPriorityIndex = (UINT8) EngineList->Scratch;
                } else if (PcieLibIsPcieEngine (EngineList)) {
                    LibAmdMemCopy (&EngineList->Type.Port, &((PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR*) EngineDescriptor)->Port, sizeof (PCIe_PORT_DATA), GnbLibGetHeader (Pcie));
        EngineList = PcieLibGetNextDescriptor (EngineList);
 * Helper function to dump input configuration to debug out
 * @param[in]  ComplexDescriptor   Pointer to user defined complex descriptor
PcieUserConfigConfigDump (
  IN      PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR     *ComplexDescriptor
  PCIe_ENGINE_DESCRIPTOR      *EngineDescriptor;
  PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR     *CurrentComplexDescriptor;
  UINTN                       ComplexIndex;
  UINTN                       Index;
  UINTN                       NumberOfEngines;
  UINTN                       NumberOfComplexes;

  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (PCIE_MISC, "<---------- PCIe User Config Start------------->\n");

  NumberOfComplexes = PcieInputParserGetNumberOfComplexes (ComplexDescriptor);
  for (ComplexIndex = 0; ComplexIndex < NumberOfComplexes; ++ComplexIndex) {
    CurrentComplexDescriptor = PcieInputParserGetComplexDescriptor (ComplexDescriptor, ComplexIndex);
    NumberOfEngines = PcieInputParserGetNumberOfEngines (CurrentComplexDescriptor);
    IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (PCIE_MISC, "  ComplexDescriptor SocketId - %d\n  NumberOfEngines - %d\n",

    for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfEngines; Index++) {
      EngineDescriptor = PcieInputParserGetEngineDescriptor (ComplexDescriptor, Index);
      PcieUserDescriptorConfigDump (EngineDescriptor);
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (PCIE_MISC, "<---------- PCIe User Config End-------------->\n");
 * Configure engine list to support lane allocation according to configuration ID.
 * @param[in]  EngineType          Engine type
 * @param[in]  ComplexDescriptor   Pointer to used define complex descriptor
 * @param[in]  Wrapper             Pointer to wrapper config descriptor
 * @retval     AGESA_SUCCESS       Topology successfully mapped
 * @retval     AGESA_ERROR         Topology can not be mapped
PcieEnginesToWrapper (
    IN      PCIE_ENGINE_TYPE            EngineType,
    IN      PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR     *ComplexDescriptor,
    IN      PCIe_WRAPPER_CONFIG         *Wrapper
    AGESA_STATUS                Status;
    PCIe_ENGINE_CONFIG          *EngineList;
    PCIe_ENGINE_DESCRIPTOR      *EngineDescriptor;
    UINT8                       ConfigurationId;
    UINT8                       Allocations;
    UINTN                       Index;
    UINTN                       NumberOfDescriptors;

    ConfigurationId = 0;
    Allocations = 0;
    IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (GNB_TRACE, "PcieEnginesToWrapper Enter\n");
    NumberOfDescriptors = PcieInputParserGetNumberOfEngines (ComplexDescriptor);
    do {
        Status = PcieFmConfigureEnginesLaneAllocation (Wrapper, EngineType, ConfigurationId++);
        if (Status == AGESA_SUCCESS) {
            Allocations = 0;
            for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfDescriptors; Index++) {
                EngineDescriptor = PcieInputParserGetEngineDescriptor (ComplexDescriptor, Index);
                if (EngineDescriptor->EngineData.EngineType == EngineType) {
                    // Step 1, belongs to wrapper check.
                    if (PcieCheckDescriptorMapsToWrapper (EngineDescriptor, Wrapper)) {
                        EngineList = PcieConfigGetChildEngine (Wrapper);
                        while (EngineList != NULL) {
                            if (!PcieLibIsEngineAllocated (EngineList)) {
                                // Step 2.user descriptor less or equal to link width of engine
                                if (PcieCheckLanesMatch (EngineDescriptor, EngineList)) {
                                    // Step 3, Check if link width is correct.x1, x2, x4, x8, x16.
                                    if (!PcieIsDescriptorLinkWidthValid (EngineDescriptor)) {
                                        PcieConfigDisableEngine (EngineList);
                                        return AGESA_ERROR;
                                    if (EngineDescriptor->EngineData.EngineType == PciePortEngine) {
                                        // Step 4, Family specifc, port device number match engine device
                                        if (PcieCheckPortPciDeviceMapping ((PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR*) EngineDescriptor, EngineList)) {
                                            //Step 5, Family specifc, lanes can be muxed.
                                            if (PcieFmCheckPortPcieLaneCanBeMuxed ((PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR*) EngineDescriptor, EngineList)) {
                                                PcieAllocateEngine ((UINT8) Index, EngineList);
                                    } else {
                                        PcieAllocateEngine ((UINT8) Index, EngineList);
                            } //end if PcieLibIsEngineAllocated
                            EngineList = PcieLibGetNextDescriptor (EngineList);
                    } //end if PcieCheckDescriptorMapsToWrapper
                } // end if EngineType
            } //end for
    } while (Status == AGESA_SUCCESS && Allocations != 0);
    IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (GNB_TRACE, "PcieEnginesToWrapper Exit [%x]\n", Status);
    return Status;