## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA..
#if $has_spi
    ## FIXME: care about mega spi flag!
    spi=new HWSpi(this,
		  $irq_bysrc["SPI, STC"].addr, true);

    rw[$io["SPCR"].addr]=& spi->spcr_reg;
    rw[$io["SPSR"].addr]=& spi->spsr_reg;
    rw[$io["SPDR"].addr]=& spi->spdr_reg;
#end if						
    AvrDevice(64, 512, 0xfda0, 8192),
    portx(this, "X"),
    flagJMPInstructions = false;
    flagMULInstructions = false;
    flagMOVWInstruction = false;
    fuses->SetFuseConfiguration(2, 0xdf);
    irqSystem = new HWIrqSystem(this, 2, 13);
    eeprom= new HWEeprom(this, NULL, 512, 0, HWEeprom::DEVMODE_AT90S); // no irq available
    stack = new HWStackSram(this, 16);
    porta= new HWPort(this, "A");
    portb= new HWPort(this, "B");
    portc= new HWPort(this, "C");
    portd= new HWPort(this, "D");

    // portx is internaly used for ocr1b and icp, this 2 pins are not gpio!
    // set DDR Bit 0 to output: ocr1b
    // set DDT Bit 1 to input: icp
    spi= new HWSpi(this, irqSystem, PinAtPort( portb, 5), PinAtPort( portb, 6), PinAtPort( portb, 7), PinAtPort(portb, 4),/*irqvec*/ 8, false);

    uart= new HWUart( this, irqSystem, PinAtPort(portd,1), PinAtPort(portd, 0),9,10,11) ;

    wado= new HWWado(this);

    prescaler = new HWPrescaler(this, "01");
    timer01irq = new TimerIRQRegister(this, irqSystem);
    timer01irq->registerLine(1, new IRQLine("TOV0", 7));
    timer01irq->registerLine(3, new IRQLine("ICF1", 3));
    timer01irq->registerLine(5, new IRQLine("OCF1B", 5));
    timer01irq->registerLine(6, new IRQLine("OCF1A", 4));
    timer01irq->registerLine(7, new IRQLine("TOV1", 6));
    timer0 = new HWTimer8_0C(this,
                             new PrescalerMultiplexerExt(prescaler, PinAtPort(portb, 0)),
    inputCapture1 = new ICaptureSource(PinAtPort(&portx, 1));
    timer1 = new HWTimer16_2C2(this,
                               new PrescalerMultiplexerExt(prescaler, PinAtPort(portb, 1)),
                               new PinAtPort(portd, 5),
                               new PinAtPort(&portx, 0),

    // analog comparator: no bandgap, no ADC-connection
    acomp = new HWAcomp(this, irqSystem, PinAtPort(portb,2), PinAtPort(portb, 3), 12, NULL, timer1, NULL, NULL, false);

    gimsk_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "GIMSK");
    gifr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "GIFR");
    mcucr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "MCUCR");
    extirq = new ExternalIRQHandler(this, irqSystem, gimsk_reg, gifr_reg);
    extirq->registerIrq(1, 6, new ExternalIRQSingle(mcucr_reg, 0, 2, GetPin("D2"), true));
    extirq->registerIrq(2, 7, new ExternalIRQSingle(mcucr_reg, 2, 2, GetPin("D3"), true));

    rw[0x5f]= statusRegister;
    rw[0x5e]= & ((HWStackSram *)stack)->sph_reg;
    rw[0x5d]= & ((HWStackSram *)stack)->spl_reg;
    // 0x5c reserved
    rw[0x5b]= gimsk_reg;
    rw[0x5a]= gifr_reg;
    rw[0x59]= & timer01irq->timsk_reg;
    rw[0x58]= & timer01irq->tifr_reg;

    rw[0x55]= mcucr_reg;

    rw[0x53]= & timer0->tccr_reg;
    rw[0x52]= & timer0->tcnt_reg;

    rw[0x4f]= & timer1->tccra_reg;
    rw[0x4e]= & timer1->tccrb_reg;
    rw[0x4d]= & timer1->tcnt_h_reg;
    rw[0x4c]= & timer1->tcnt_l_reg;
    rw[0x4b]= & timer1->ocra_h_reg;
    rw[0x4a]= & timer1->ocra_l_reg;
    rw[0x49]= & timer1->ocrb_h_reg;
    rw[0x48]= & timer1->ocrb_l_reg;

    rw[0x45]= & timer1->icr_h_reg;
    rw[0x44]= & timer1->icr_l_reg;

    rw[0x41]= & wado->wdtcr_reg;

    rw[0x3f]= & eeprom->eearh_reg;
    rw[0x3e]= & eeprom->eearl_reg;
    rw[0x3d]= & eeprom->eedr_reg;
    rw[0x3c]= & eeprom->eecr_reg;

    rw[0x3b]= & porta->port_reg;
    rw[0x3a]= & porta->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x39]= & porta->pin_reg;

    rw[0x38]= & portb->port_reg;
    rw[0x37]= & portb->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x36]= & portb->pin_reg;

    rw[0x35]= & portc->port_reg;
    rw[0x34]= & portc->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x33]= & portc->pin_reg;

    rw[0x32]= & portd->port_reg;
    rw[0x31]= & portd->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x30]= & portd->pin_reg;

    rw[0x2f]= & spi->spdr_reg;
    rw[0x2e]= & spi->spsr_reg;
    rw[0x2d]= & spi->spcr_reg;

    rw[0x2c]= & uart->udr_reg;
    rw[0x2b]= & uart->usr_reg;
    rw[0x2a]= & uart->ucr_reg;
    rw[0x29]= & uart->ubrr_reg;

    rw[0x28]= & acomp->acsr_reg;

    AvrDevice(64, 128, 0, 4*1024)
    flagJMPInstructions = false;
    flagMULInstructions = false;
    flagMOVWInstruction = false;
    fuses->SetFuseConfiguration(6, 0xda);
    v_bandgap.SetAnalogValue(1.22); // reference voltage is 1.22V!
    irqSystem = new HWIrqSystem(this, 2, 14);
    eeprom= new HWEeprom(this, irqSystem, 256, 12, HWEeprom::DEVMODE_AT90S);
    stack = new HWStackSram(this, 8);

    portb= new HWPort(this, "B");
    portc= new HWPort(this, "C");
    portd= new HWPort(this, "D");

    admux = new HWAdmux6(this, &portc->GetPin(0), &portc->GetPin(1), &portc->GetPin(2),
                               &portc->GetPin(3), &portc->GetPin(4), &portc->GetPin(5));
    aref = new HWARefPin(this);
    ad = new HWAd(this, HWAd::AD_4433, irqSystem, 11, admux, aref); // vec 11 ADConversion Complete
    spi= new HWSpi(this, irqSystem, PinAtPort( portb, 3), PinAtPort( portb, 4), PinAtPort( portb, 5), PinAtPort(portb, 2),/*irqvec*/ 7, false);
    uart= new HWUart( this, irqSystem, PinAtPort(portd,1), PinAtPort(portd, 0),8,9,10) ;
    wado= new HWWado(this);

    prescaler = new HWPrescaler(this, "01");
    timer01irq = new TimerIRQRegister(this, irqSystem);
    timer01irq->registerLine(1, new IRQLine("TOV0", 6));
    timer01irq->registerLine(3, new IRQLine("ICF1", 3));
    timer01irq->registerLine(6, new IRQLine("OCF1", 4));
    timer01irq->registerLine(7, new IRQLine("TOV1", 5));
    timer0 = new HWTimer8_0C(this,
                             new PrescalerMultiplexerExt(prescaler, PinAtPort(portd, 4)),
    inputCapture1 = new ICaptureSource(PinAtPort(portb, 0));
    timer1 = new HWTimer16_1C(this,
                              new PrescalerMultiplexerExt(prescaler, PinAtPort(portd, 5)),
                              new PinAtPort(portb, 1),
    // analog comparator: no ADC-connection
    acomp = new HWAcomp(this, irqSystem, PinAtPort(portd, 6), PinAtPort(portd, 7), 13, NULL, timer1);

    gimsk_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "GIMSK");
    gifr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "GIFR");
    mcucr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "MCUCR");
    extirq = new ExternalIRQHandler(this, irqSystem, gimsk_reg, gifr_reg);
    extirq->registerIrq(1, 6, new ExternalIRQSingle(mcucr_reg, 0, 2, GetPin("D2")));
    extirq->registerIrq(2, 7, new ExternalIRQSingle(mcucr_reg, 2, 2, GetPin("D3")));

    rw[0x5f]= statusRegister;
    rw[0x5e]= & ((HWStackSram *)stack)->sph_reg;
    rw[0x5d]= & ((HWStackSram *)stack)->spl_reg;
    rw[0x5b]= gimsk_reg;
    rw[0x5a]= gifr_reg;
    rw[0x59]= & timer01irq->timsk_reg;
    rw[0x58]= & timer01irq->tifr_reg;

    rw[0x55]= mcucr_reg;

    //0x54: MCUSR reset status flag (reset, wado, brown out...) //TODO XXX

    rw[0x53]= & timer0->tccr_reg;
    rw[0x52]= & timer0->tcnt_reg;

    rw[0x4f]= & timer1->tccra_reg;
    rw[0x4e]= & timer1->tccrb_reg;
    rw[0x4d]= & timer1->tcnt_h_reg;
    rw[0x4c]= & timer1->tcnt_l_reg;
    rw[0x4b]= & timer1->ocra_h_reg;
    rw[0x4a]= & timer1->ocra_l_reg;
    // 0x49, 0x48 reserved
    rw[0x47]= & timer1->icr_h_reg;
    rw[0x46]= & timer1->icr_l_reg;

    rw[0x41]= & wado->wdtcr_reg;

    rw[0x3f]= & eeprom->eearh_reg; // register normally reserved, but used by avr-libc!
    rw[0x3e]= & eeprom->eearl_reg;
    rw[0x3d]= & eeprom->eedr_reg;
    rw[0x3c]= & eeprom->eecr_reg;

    // 0x3b-0x39: no port a here

    rw[0x38]= & portb->port_reg;
    rw[0x37]= & portb->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x36]= & portb->pin_reg;

    rw[0x35]= & portc->port_reg;
    rw[0x34]= & portc->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x33]= & portc->pin_reg;

    rw[0x32]= & portd->port_reg;
    rw[0x31]= & portd->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x30]= & portd->pin_reg;

    rw[0x2f]= & spi->spdr_reg;
    rw[0x2e]= & spi->spsr_reg;
    rw[0x2d]= & spi->spcr_reg;

    rw[0x2c]= & uart->udr_reg;
    rw[0x2b]= & uart->usr_reg;
    rw[0x2a]= & uart->ucr_reg;
    rw[0x29]= & uart->ubrr_reg;

    rw[0x28]= & acomp->acsr_reg;

    rw[0x27]= & ad->admux_reg;
    rw[0x26]= & ad->adcsra_reg;
    rw[0x25]= & ad->adch_reg;
    rw[0x24]= & ad->adcl_reg;

    rw[0x23]= & uart->ubrrhi_reg;

AvrDevice_attinyX5::AvrDevice_attinyX5(unsigned ram_bytes,
                                       unsigned flash_bytes,
                                       unsigned ee_bytes):
    AvrDevice(64 ,          // I/O space above General Purpose Registers
              ram_bytes,    // RAM size
              0,            // External RAM size
              flash_bytes)  // Flash Size
    flagJMPInstructions = false;
    flagMULInstructions = false;
    fuses->SetFuseConfiguration(17, 0xffdf62);
    irqSystem = new HWIrqSystem(this, 2, 15); // 2 bytes per vector, 15 vectors
    eeprom = new HWEeprom(this, irqSystem, ee_bytes, 6, HWEeprom::DEVMODE_EXTENDED); 
    stack = new HWStackSram(this, 12);
    clkpr_reg = new CLKPRRegister(this, &coreTraceGroup);
    osccal_reg = new OSCCALRegister(this, &coreTraceGroup, OSCCALRegister::OSCCAL_V5);
    portb = new HWPort(this, "B", true, 6);

    gpior0_reg = new GPIORegister(this, &coreTraceGroup, "GPIOR0");
    gpior1_reg = new GPIORegister(this, &coreTraceGroup, "GPIOR1");
    gpior2_reg = new GPIORegister(this, &coreTraceGroup, "GPIOR2");
    gimsk_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "GIMSK");
    gifr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "GIFR");
    mcucr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "MCUCR");
    pcmsk_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "PCMSK");
    extirq = new ExternalIRQHandler(this, irqSystem, gimsk_reg, gifr_reg);
    extirq->registerIrq(1, 6, new ExternalIRQSingle(mcucr_reg, 0, 2, GetPin("B2")));
    extirq->registerIrq(2, 5, new ExternalIRQPort(pcmsk_reg, portb));

    // GTCCR register and timer 0
    gtccr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "GTCCR");
    prescaler0 = new HWPrescaler(this, "0", gtccr_reg, 0, 7);

    timer01irq = new TimerIRQRegister(this, irqSystem);
    timer01irq->registerLine(1, new IRQLine("TOV0",   5));
    timer01irq->registerLine(2, new IRQLine("TOV1",   4));
    timer01irq->registerLine(3, new IRQLine("OCF0B", 11));
    timer01irq->registerLine(4, new IRQLine("OCF0A", 10));
    timer01irq->registerLine(5, new IRQLine("OCF1B",  9));
    timer01irq->registerLine(6, new IRQLine("OCF1A",  3));
    timer0 = new HWTimer8_2C(this,
                             new PrescalerMultiplexerExt(prescaler0, PinAtPort(portb, 2)),
                             new PinAtPort(portb, 0),
                             new PinAtPort(portb, 1));

    // PLLCSR register and timer 1
    pllcsr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "PLLCSR");
    timer1 = new HWTimerTinyX5(this,
                               new PinAtPort(portb, 1),
                               new PinAtPort(portb, 0),
                               new PinAtPort(portb, 4),
                               new PinAtPort(portb, 3));

    // ADC
    admux = new HWAdmuxT25(this, &portb->GetPin(5), &portb->GetPin(2), &portb->GetPin(4), &portb->GetPin(3));
    aref = new HWARef8(this, &portb->GetPin(0));
    ad = new HWAd(this, HWAd::AD_T25, irqSystem, 8, admux, aref);

    // Analog comparator
    acomp = new HWAcomp(this, irqSystem, PinAtPort(portb, 0), PinAtPort(portb, 1), 7, ad, NULL);

    // USI
    usi = new HWUSI_BR(this, irqSystem, PinAtPort(portb, 0), PinAtPort(portb, 1), PinAtPort(portb, 2), 13, 14);

    // IO register set
    rw[0x5f]= statusRegister;
    rw[0x5e]= & ((HWStackSram *)stack)->sph_reg;
    rw[0x5d]= & ((HWStackSram *)stack)->spl_reg;
    //rw[0x5c] reserved
    rw[0x5b]= gimsk_reg;
    rw[0x5a]= gifr_reg;
    rw[0x59]= & timer01irq->timsk_reg;
    rw[0x58]= & timer01irq->tifr_reg;
    //rw[0x57] reserved
    //rw[0x56] reserved
    rw[0x55]= mcucr_reg;
    //rw[0x54] reserved
    rw[0x53]= & timer0->tccrb_reg;
    rw[0x52]= & timer0->tcnt_reg;
    rw[0x51]= osccal_reg;
    rw[0x50]= & timer1->tccr_reg;

    rw[0x4f]= & timer1->tcnt_reg;
    rw[0x4e]= & timer1->tocra_reg;
    rw[0x4d]= & timer1->tocrc_reg;
    rw[0x4c]= gtccr_reg;
    rw[0x4b]= & timer1->tocrb_reg;
    rw[0x4a]= & timer0->tccra_reg;
    rw[0x49]= & timer0->ocra_reg;
    rw[0x48]= & timer0->ocrb_reg;
    rw[0x47]= pllcsr_reg;
    rw[0x46]= clkpr_reg;
    rw[0x45]= & timer1->dt1a_reg;
    rw[0x44]= & timer1->dt1b_reg;
    rw[0x43]= & timer1->dtps1_reg;
    //rw[0x42] reserved
    //rw[0x41] reserved
    //rw[0x40] reserved

    rw[0x3f]= & eeprom->eearh_reg;
    rw[0x3e]= & eeprom->eearl_reg;
    rw[0x3d]= & eeprom->eedr_reg;
    rw[0x3c]= & eeprom->eecr_reg;
    //rw[0x3b] reserved
    //rw[0x3a] reserved
    //rw[0x39] reserved
    rw[0x38]= & portb->port_reg;
    rw[0x37]= & portb->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x36]= & portb->pin_reg;
    rw[0x35]= pcmsk_reg;
    //rw[0x34] reserved
    rw[0x33]= gpior2_reg;
    rw[0x32]= gpior1_reg;
    rw[0x31]= gpior0_reg;
    rw[0x30]= &usi->usibr_reg;

    rw[0x2f]= &usi->usidr_reg;
    rw[0x2e]= &usi->usisr_reg;
    rw[0x2d]= &usi->usicr_reg;
    //rw[0x2c] reserved
    //rw[0x2b] reserved
    //rw[0x2a] reserved
    //rw[0x29] reserved
    rw[0x28]= &acomp->acsr_reg;
    rw[0x27]= &ad->admux_reg;
    rw[0x26]= &ad->adcsra_reg;
    rw[0x25]= &ad->adch_reg;
    rw[0x24]= &ad->adcl_reg;
    rw[0x23]= &ad->adcsrb_reg;
    //rw[0x22] reserved
    //rw[0x21] reserved
    //rw[0x20] reserved

AvrDevice_atmega128base::AvrDevice_atmega128base(unsigned flash_bytes,
                                                 unsigned ee_bytes):
    AvrDevice(224, 4096, 0xef00, flash_bytes)
    // detect ATMega128 configuration
    bool is_m128 = (flash_bytes == 128 * 1024);
        flagELPMInstructions = true;
        flagELPMInstructions = false;
    fuses->SetFuseConfiguration(18, 0xfd99e1);
    irqSystem = new HWIrqSystem(this, 4, 35); //4 bytes per vector, 35 vectors
    eeprom = new HWEeprom( this, irqSystem, ee_bytes, 22); 
    stack = new HWStackSram(this, 16);
    xdiv_reg = new XDIVRegister(this, &coreTraceGroup);
    osccal_reg = new OSCCALRegister(this, &coreTraceGroup, OSCCALRegister::OSCCAL_V3);
    porta = new HWPort(this, "A");
    portb = new HWPort(this, "B");
    portc = new HWPort(this, "C");
    portd = new HWPort(this, "D");
    porte = new HWPort(this, "E");
    portf = new HWPort(this, "F");
    portg = new HWPort(this, "G", false, 5);

        rampz = new AddressExtensionRegister(this, "RAMPZ", 1);
        rampz = NULL;

    sfior_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "SFIOR");

    admux = new HWAdmuxM16(this, &portf->GetPin(0), &portf->GetPin(1), &portf->GetPin(2),
                                 &portf->GetPin(3), &portf->GetPin(4), &portf->GetPin(5),
                                 &portf->GetPin(6), &portf->GetPin(7));
    aref = new HWARef4(this, HWARef4::REFTYPE_NOBG);
    // vector 21 ADConversion Complete
    ad = new HWAd(this, (is_m128) ? HWAd::AD_M128 : HWAd::AD_M64, irqSystem, 21, admux, aref);

    spi = new HWSpi(this, irqSystem,
            PinAtPort(portb, 2), PinAtPort(portb, 3), PinAtPort(portb, 1),
            PinAtPort(portb, 0),/*irqvec*/ 17, true);

    eicra_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "EICRA");
    eicrb_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "EICRB");
    eimsk_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "EIMSK");
    eifr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "EIFR");
    extirq = new ExternalIRQHandler(this, irqSystem, eimsk_reg, eifr_reg);
    extirq->registerIrq(1, 0, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicra_reg, 0, 2, GetPin("D0")));
    extirq->registerIrq(2, 1, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicra_reg, 2, 2, GetPin("D1")));
    extirq->registerIrq(3, 2, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicra_reg, 4, 2, GetPin("D2")));
    extirq->registerIrq(4, 3, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicra_reg, 6, 2, GetPin("D3")));
    extirq->registerIrq(5, 4, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicrb_reg, 0, 2, GetPin("E4")));
    extirq->registerIrq(6, 5, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicrb_reg, 2, 2, GetPin("E5")));
    extirq->registerIrq(7, 6, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicrb_reg, 4, 2, GetPin("E6")));
    extirq->registerIrq(8, 7, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicrb_reg, 6, 2, GetPin("E7")));
    assr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "ASSR");
    prescaler0 = new HWPrescalerAsync(this, "0", PinAtPort(portg, 4), assr_reg, 3, sfior_reg, 1, 7);
    prescaler123 = new HWPrescaler(this, "123", sfior_reg, 0, 7);
    wado = new HWWado(this);

    usart0 = new HWUsart(this, irqSystem,
               PinAtPort(porte,1), PinAtPort(porte,0), PinAtPort(porte, 2),
               18, 19, 20, 0);
    usart1 = new HWUsart(this, irqSystem,
               PinAtPort(portd,3), PinAtPort(portd,2), PinAtPort(portd, 5),
               30, 31, 32, 1);

    timer012irq = new TimerIRQRegister(this, irqSystem);
    timer012irq->registerLine(0, new IRQLine("TOV0",  16));
    timer012irq->registerLine(1, new IRQLine("OCF0",  15));
    timer012irq->registerLine(2, new IRQLine("TOV1",  14));
    timer012irq->registerLine(3, new IRQLine("OCF1B", 13));
    timer012irq->registerLine(4, new IRQLine("OCF1A", 12));
    timer012irq->registerLine(5, new IRQLine("ICF1",  11));
    timer012irq->registerLine(6, new IRQLine("TOV2",  10));
    timer012irq->registerLine(7, new IRQLine("OCF2",   9));
    timer3irq = new TimerIRQRegister(this, irqSystem, -2);
    timer3irq->registerLine(0, new IRQLine("OCF1C", 24));
    timer3irq->registerLine(1, new IRQLine("OCF3C", 28));
    timer3irq->registerLine(2, new IRQLine("TOV3",  29));
    timer3irq->registerLine(3, new IRQLine("OCF3B", 27));
    timer3irq->registerLine(4, new IRQLine("OCF3A", 26));
    timer3irq->registerLine(5, new IRQLine("ICF3",  25));
    timer0 = new HWTimer8_1C(this,
                           new PrescalerMultiplexer(prescaler0),
                           new PinAtPort(portb, 4));
    inputCapture1 = new ICaptureSource(PinAtPort(portd, 4));
    timer1 = new HWTimer16_3C(this,
                            new PrescalerMultiplexerExt(prescaler123, PinAtPort(portd, 6)),
                            new PinAtPort(portb, 5),
                            new PinAtPort(portb, 6),
                            new PinAtPort(portb, 7),
    timer2 = new HWTimer8_1C(this,
                           new PrescalerMultiplexerExt(prescaler123, PinAtPort(portd, 7)),
                           new PinAtPort(portb, 7));
    inputCapture3 = new ICaptureSource(PinAtPort(porte, 7));
    timer3 = new HWTimer16_3C(this,
                            new PrescalerMultiplexerExt(prescaler123, PinAtPort(porte, 6)),
                            new PinAtPort(porte, 3),
                            new PinAtPort(porte, 4),
                            new PinAtPort(porte, 5),
    acomp = new HWAcomp(this, irqSystem, PinAtPort(porte, 2), PinAtPort(porte, 3), 23, ad, timer1, sfior_reg);

    rw[0x9d]= & usart1->ucsrc_reg;
    rw[0x9c]= & usart1->udr_reg;
    rw[0x9b]= & usart1->ucsra_reg;
    rw[0x9a]= & usart1->ucsrb_reg;
    rw[0x99]= & usart1->ubrr_reg;
    rw[0x98]= & usart1->ubrrhi_reg;
    // 0x97, 0x96 reserved
    rw[0x95]= & usart0->ucsrc_reg;
    // 0x94 - 0x91 reserved
    rw[0x90]= & usart0->ubrrhi_reg;
    // 0x8f reserved
        rw[0x8e]= & ad->adcsrb_reg;
    // 0x8d reserved
    rw[0x8c]= & timer3->tccrc_reg;
    rw[0x8b]= & timer3->tccra_reg;
    rw[0x8a]= & timer3->tccrb_reg;
    rw[0x89]= & timer3->tcnt_h_reg;
    rw[0x88]= & timer3->tcnt_l_reg;
    rw[0x87]= & timer3->ocra_h_reg;
    rw[0x86]= & timer3->ocra_l_reg;
    rw[0x85]= & timer3->ocrb_h_reg;
    rw[0x84]= & timer3->ocrb_l_reg;
    rw[0x83]= & timer3->ocrc_h_reg;
    rw[0x82]= & timer3->ocrc_l_reg;
    rw[0x81]= & timer3->icr_h_reg;
    rw[0x80]= & timer3->icr_l_reg;
    // 0x7f, 0x7e reserved
    rw[0x7d]= & timer3irq->timsk_reg;
    rw[0x7c]= & timer3irq->tifr_reg;
    // 0x7b reserved
    rw[0x7a]= & timer1->tccrc_reg;
    rw[0x79]= & timer1->ocrc_h_reg;
    rw[0x78]= & timer1->ocrc_l_reg;
    rw[0x6f]= osccal_reg;

    rw[0x6a]= eicra_reg;
    rw[0x65]= & portg->port_reg;
    rw[0x64]= & portg->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x63]= & portg->pin_reg;
    rw[0x62]= & portf->port_reg;
    rw[0x61]= & portf->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x5f]= statusRegister;
    rw[0x5e]= & ((HWStackSram *)stack)->sph_reg;
    rw[0x5d]= & ((HWStackSram *)stack)->spl_reg;
    rw[0x5c]= xdiv_reg;
        rw[0x5b]= & rampz->ext_reg;
    rw[0x5a]= eicrb_reg;
    rw[0x59]= eimsk_reg;
    rw[0x58]= eifr_reg;
    rw[0x57]= & timer012irq->timsk_reg;
    rw[0x56]= & timer012irq->tifr_reg;
    rw[0x53]= & timer0->tccr_reg;
    rw[0x52]= & timer0->tcnt_reg;
    rw[0x51]= & timer0->ocra_reg;
    rw[0x50]= assr_reg;
    rw[0x4f]= & timer1->tccra_reg; 
    rw[0x4e]= & timer1->tccrb_reg;
    rw[0x4d]= & timer1->tcnt_h_reg;
    rw[0x4c]= & timer1->tcnt_l_reg;
    rw[0x4b]= & timer1->ocra_h_reg;
    rw[0x4a]= & timer1->ocra_l_reg;
    rw[0x49]= & timer1->ocrb_h_reg;
    rw[0x48]= & timer1->ocrb_l_reg;
    rw[0x47]= & timer1->icr_h_reg;
    rw[0x46]= & timer1->icr_l_reg;
    rw[0x45]= & timer2->tccr_reg;
    rw[0x44]= & timer2->tcnt_reg;
    rw[0x43]= & timer2->ocra_reg;

    //0x42: on chip debug

    rw[0x40]= sfior_reg;
    rw[0x3f]= & eeprom->eearh_reg;
    rw[0x3e]= & eeprom->eearl_reg;
    rw[0x3d]= & eeprom->eedr_reg;
    rw[0x3c]= & eeprom->eecr_reg;
    rw[0x3b]= & porta->port_reg;
    rw[0x3a]= & porta->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x39]= & porta->pin_reg;
    rw[0x38]= & portb->port_reg;
    rw[0x37]= & portb->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x36]= & portb->pin_reg;
    rw[0x35]= & portc->port_reg;
    rw[0x34]= & portc->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x33]= & portc->pin_reg;
    rw[0x32]= & portd->port_reg;
    rw[0x31]= & portd->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x30]= & portd->pin_reg;
    rw[0x2f]= & spi->spdr_reg;
    rw[0x2e]= & spi->spsr_reg;
    rw[0x2d]= & spi->spcr_reg;
    rw[0x2c]= & usart0->udr_reg;
    rw[0x2b]= & usart0->ucsra_reg;
    rw[0x2a]= & usart0->ucsrb_reg;
    rw[0x29]= & usart0->ubrr_reg;
    rw[0x28]= & acomp->acsr_reg;
    rw[0x27]= & ad->admux_reg;
    rw[0x26]= & ad->adcsra_reg;
    rw[0x25]= & ad->adch_reg;
    rw[0x24]= & ad->adcl_reg;
    rw[0x23]= & porte->port_reg;
    rw[0x22]= & porte->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x21]= & porte->pin_reg;
    rw[0x20]= & portf->pin_reg;

AvrDevice_atmega1284Abase::AvrDevice_atmega1284Abase(unsigned ram_bytes,
                                                     unsigned flash_bytes,
                                                     unsigned ee_bytes ):
    AvrDevice(256-32,       // I/O space size (above ALU registers)
              ram_bytes,    // RAM size
              0,            // External RAM size
              flash_bytes), // Flash Size
    porta(this, "A", true),
    portb(this, "B", true),
    portc(this, "C", true),
    portd(this, "D", true),
    gtccr_reg(&coreTraceGroup, "GTCCR"),
    assr_reg(&coreTraceGroup, "ASSR"),
    prescaler01(this, "01", &gtccr_reg, 0, 7),
    prescaler2(this, "2", PinAtPort(&portb, 6), &assr_reg, 5, &gtccr_reg, 1, 7)
    flagELPMInstructions = true;
    fuses->SetFuseConfiguration(19, 0xff9962);

    irqSystem = new HWIrqSystem(this, 4, 31);

    eeprom = new HWEeprom(this, irqSystem, ee_bytes, 25, HWEeprom::DEVMODE_EXTENDED); 
    stack = new HWStackSram(this, 16);
    clkpr_reg = new CLKPRRegister(this, &coreTraceGroup);
    osccal_reg = new OSCCALRegister(this, &coreTraceGroup, OSCCALRegister::OSCCAL_V5);

    rampz = new AddressExtensionRegister(this, "RAMPZ", 1);

    eicra_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "EICRA");
    eimsk_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "EIMSK");
    eifr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "EIFR");
    extirq012 = new ExternalIRQHandler(this, irqSystem, eimsk_reg, eifr_reg);
    extirq012->registerIrq(1, 0, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicra_reg, 0, 2, GetPin("D2")));
    extirq012->registerIrq(2, 1, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicra_reg, 2, 2, GetPin("D3")));
    extirq012->registerIrq(3, 2, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicra_reg, 4, 2, GetPin("B2")));

    pcicr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "PCICR");
    pcifr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "PCIFR");
    pcmsk0_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "PCMSK0");
    pcmsk1_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "PCMSK1");
    pcmsk2_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "PCMSK2");
    pcmsk3_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "PCMSK3");
    extirqpc = new ExternalIRQHandler(this, irqSystem, pcicr_reg, pcifr_reg);
    extirqpc->registerIrq(4, 0, new ExternalIRQPort(pcmsk0_reg, &porta));
    extirqpc->registerIrq(5, 1, new ExternalIRQPort(pcmsk1_reg, &portb));
    extirqpc->registerIrq(6, 2, new ExternalIRQPort(pcmsk2_reg, &portc));
    extirqpc->registerIrq(7, 3, new ExternalIRQPort(pcmsk3_reg, &portd));

    timerIrq0 = new TimerIRQRegister(this, irqSystem, 0);
    timerIrq0->registerLine(0, new IRQLine("TOV0",  18));
    timerIrq0->registerLine(1, new IRQLine("OCF0A", 16));
    timerIrq0->registerLine(2, new IRQLine("OCF0B", 17));

    timer0 = new HWTimer8_2C(this,
                             new PrescalerMultiplexerExt(&prescaler01, PinAtPort(&portd, 4)),
                             new PinAtPort(&portb, 3),
                             new PinAtPort(&portb, 4));

    timerIrq1 = new TimerIRQRegister(this, irqSystem, 1);
    timerIrq1->registerLine(0, new IRQLine("TOV1",  15));
    timerIrq1->registerLine(1, new IRQLine("OCF1A", 13));
    timerIrq1->registerLine(2, new IRQLine("OCF1B", 14));
    timerIrq1->registerLine(5, new IRQLine("ICF1",  12));

    inputCapture1 = new ICaptureSource(PinAtPort(&portb, 0));
    timer1 = new HWTimer16_2C3(this,
                               new PrescalerMultiplexerExt(&prescaler01, PinAtPort(&portd, 5)),
                               new PinAtPort(&portd, 5),
                               new PinAtPort(&portd, 4),

    timerIrq2 = new TimerIRQRegister(this, irqSystem, 2);
    timerIrq2->registerLine(0, new IRQLine("TOV2",  11));
    timerIrq2->registerLine(1, new IRQLine("OCF2A", 9));
    timerIrq2->registerLine(2, new IRQLine("OCF2B", 10));

    timer2 = new HWTimer8_2C(this,
                             new PrescalerMultiplexer(&prescaler2),
                             new PinAtPort(&portd, 7),
                             new PinAtPort(&portd, 6));

    gpior0_reg = new GPIORegister(this, &coreTraceGroup, "GPIOR0");
    gpior1_reg = new GPIORegister(this, &coreTraceGroup, "GPIOR1");
    gpior2_reg = new GPIORegister(this, &coreTraceGroup, "GPIOR2");

    admux = new HWAdmuxM16(this, &porta.GetPin(0), &porta.GetPin(1), &porta.GetPin(2),
                                 &porta.GetPin(3), &porta.GetPin(4), &porta.GetPin(5),
                                 &porta.GetPin(6), &porta.GetPin(7));
    aref = new HWARef4(this, HWARef4::REFTYPE_BG3);
    ad = new HWAd(this, HWAd::AD_M164, irqSystem, 24, admux, aref);

    acomp = new HWAcomp(this, irqSystem, PinAtPort(&portb, 2), PinAtPort(&portb, 3), 23, ad, timer1);

    spi = new HWSpi(this,
                    PinAtPort(&portb, 5),   // MOSI
                    PinAtPort(&portb, 6),   // MISO
                    PinAtPort(&portb, 7),   // SCK
                    PinAtPort(&portb, 4),   // /SS
                    19,                     // irqvec
    wado = new HWWado(this);

    usart0 = new HWUsart(this,
                         PinAtPort(&portd, 1),    // TXD0
                         PinAtPort(&portd, 0),    // RXD0
                         PinAtPort(&portb, 0),    // XCK0
                         20,   // (21) RX complete vector
                         21,   // (22) UDRE vector
                         22);  // (23) TX complete vector

    usart1 = new HWUsart(this,
                         PinAtPort(&portd, 3),    // TXD1
                         PinAtPort(&portd, 2),    // RXD1
                         PinAtPort(&portd, 4),    // XCK1
                         28,   // (29) RX complete vector
                         29,   // (30) UDRE vector
                         30,   // (31) TX complete vector
                         1);   // instance_id for tracking in UI

    // 0xCF - 0xFF reserved

    rw[0xCE]= & usart1->udr_reg;
    rw[0xCD]= & usart1->ubrrhi_reg;
    rw[0xCC]= & usart1->ubrr_reg;
    // 0xCB reserved
    rw[0xCA]= & usart1->ucsrc_reg;
    rw[0xC9]= & usart1->ucsrb_reg;
    rw[0xC8]= & usart1->ucsra_reg;
    // 0xC7 reserved
    rw[0xC6]= & usart0->udr_reg;
    rw[0xC5]= & usart0->ubrrhi_reg;
    rw[0xC4]= & usart0->ubrr_reg;
    // 0xC3 reserved
    rw[0xC2]= & usart0->ucsrc_reg;
    rw[0xC1]= & usart0->ucsrb_reg;
    rw[0xC0]= & usart0->ucsra_reg;
    // 0xBF reserved
    // 0xBE reserved
    rw[0xBD]= new NotSimulatedRegister("TWI register TWAMR not simulated");
    rw[0xBC]= new NotSimulatedRegister("TWI register TWCR not simulated");
    rw[0xBB]= new NotSimulatedRegister("TWI register TWDR not simulated");
    rw[0xBA]= new NotSimulatedRegister("TWI register TWAR not simulated");
    rw[0xB9]= new NotSimulatedRegister("TWI register TWSR not simulated");
    rw[0xB8]= new NotSimulatedRegister("TWI register TWBR not simulated");
    // 0xB7 reserved
    rw[0xb6]= & assr_reg;
    // 0xb5 reserved
    rw[0xb4]= & timer2->ocrb_reg;
    rw[0xb3]= & timer2->ocra_reg;
    rw[0xb2]= & timer2->tcnt_reg;
    rw[0xb1]= & timer2->tccrb_reg;
    rw[0xb0]= & timer2->tccra_reg;
    // 0x8c - 0xaf reserved
    rw[0x8b]= & timer1->ocrb_h_reg;
    rw[0x8a]= & timer1->ocrb_l_reg;
    rw[0x89]= & timer1->ocra_h_reg;
    rw[0x88]= & timer1->ocra_l_reg;
    rw[0x87]= & timer1->icr_h_reg;
    rw[0x86]= & timer1->icr_l_reg;
    rw[0x85]= & timer1->tcnt_h_reg;
    rw[0x84]= & timer1->tcnt_l_reg;
    // 0x83 reserved
    rw[0x82]= & timer1->tccrc_reg;
    rw[0x81]= & timer1->tccrb_reg;
    rw[0x80]= & timer1->tccra_reg;
    rw[0x7F]= new NotSimulatedRegister("ADC register DIDR1 not simulated");
    rw[0x7E]= new NotSimulatedRegister("ADC register DIDR0 not simulated");
    // 0x7D reserved
    rw[0x7C]= & ad->admux_reg;
    rw[0x7B]= & ad->adcsrb_reg;
    rw[0x7A]= & ad->adcsra_reg;
    rw[0x79]= & ad->adch_reg;
    rw[0x78]= & ad->adcl_reg;
    // 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77 reserved
    rw[0x73]= pcmsk3_reg;
    // 0x72 reserved
    // 0x71 reserved
    rw[0x70]= & timerIrq2->timsk_reg;
    rw[0x6F]= & timerIrq1->timsk_reg;
    rw[0x6E]= & timerIrq0->timsk_reg;
    rw[0x6d]= pcmsk2_reg;
    rw[0x6c]= pcmsk1_reg;
    rw[0x6b]= pcmsk0_reg;
    // 0x6A reserved
    rw[0x69]= eicra_reg;
    rw[0x68]= pcicr_reg;
    // 0x67 reserved
    rw[0x66]= osccal_reg;
    // 0x65 reserved
    rw[0x64]= new NotSimulatedRegister("MCU register PRR not simulated");
    // 0x63 reserved
    // 0x62 reserved
    rw[0x61]= clkpr_reg;
    rw[0x60]= new NotSimulatedRegister("MCU register WDTCSR not simulated");
    rw[0x5f]= statusRegister;
    rw[0x5e]= & ((HWStackSram *)stack)->sph_reg;
    rw[0x5d]= & ((HWStackSram *)stack)->spl_reg;
    // 0x5c reserved
    rw[0x5b]= & rampz->ext_reg;
    // 0x58 - 0x5a reserved
    rw[0x57]= new NotSimulatedRegister("Self-programming register SPMCSR not simulated");
    // 0x56 reserved
    rw[0x55]= new NotSimulatedRegister("MCU register MCUCR not simulated");
    rw[0x54]= new NotSimulatedRegister("MCU register MCUSR not simulated");
    rw[0x53]= new NotSimulatedRegister("MCU register SMCR not simulated");
    // 0x52 reserved
    rw[0x51]= new NotSimulatedRegister("On-chip debug register OCDR not simulated");
    rw[0x50]= & acomp->acsr_reg;
    // 0x4F reserved
    rw[0x4E]= & spi->spdr_reg;
    rw[0x4D]= & spi->spsr_reg;
    rw[0x4C]= & spi->spcr_reg;
    rw[0x4B]= gpior2_reg;
    rw[0x4A]= gpior1_reg;
    // 0x49 reserved
    rw[0x48]= & timer0->ocrb_reg;
    rw[0x47]= & timer0->ocra_reg;
    rw[0x46]= & timer0->tcnt_reg;
    rw[0x45]= & timer0->tccrb_reg;
    rw[0x44]= & timer0->tccra_reg;
    rw[0x43]= & gtccr_reg;
    rw[0x42]= & eeprom->eearh_reg;
    rw[0x41]= & eeprom->eearl_reg;
    rw[0x40]= & eeprom->eedr_reg;
    rw[0x3F]= & eeprom->eecr_reg;
    rw[0x3E]= gpior0_reg;
    rw[0x3D]= eimsk_reg;
    rw[0x3C]= eifr_reg;
    rw[0x3b]= pcifr_reg;
    // 0x38, 0x39, 0x3A reserved
    rw[0x37]= & timerIrq2->tifr_reg;
    rw[0x36]= & timerIrq1->tifr_reg;
    rw[0x35]= & timerIrq0->tifr_reg;
    // 0x2C - 0x34 reserved
    rw[0x2B]= & portd.port_reg;
    rw[0x2A]= & portd.ddr_reg;
    rw[0x29]= & portd.pin_reg;
    rw[0x28]= & portc.port_reg;
    rw[0x27]= & portc.ddr_reg;
    rw[0x26]= & portc.pin_reg;
    rw[0x25]= & portb.port_reg;
    rw[0x24]= & portb.ddr_reg;
    rw[0x23]= & portb.pin_reg;
    rw[0x22]= & porta.port_reg;
    rw[0x21]= & porta.ddr_reg;
    rw[0x20]= & porta.pin_reg;

文件: atmega8.cpp 项目: ndim/simulavr
AvrDevice_atmega8::AvrDevice_atmega8() :
	AvrDevice(64, // I/O space above General Purpose Registers
			1024, // RAM size
			0, // External RAM size
			8 * 1024), // Flash Size
	irqSystem = new HWIrqSystem(this, 2, 19); //2 bytes per vector, 19 vectors
	eeprom = new HWEeprom(this, irqSystem, 512, 15);
	HWStackSram * stack_ram = new HWStackSram(this, 11); // Stack Pointer data space used 11 Bit wide.
	stack = stack_ram;
	portb = new HWPort(this, "B");
	portc = new HWPort(this, "C");
	portd = new HWPort(this, "D");

	spmRegister = new FlashProgramming(this, // defined device
			32, // 32 words per page * 2 bytes per page * 128 pages = 8192 Bytes
			0xC000, // No Read-While-Write section starts at 0xC00
			FlashProgramming::SPM_MEGA_MODE); //

	RegisterPin("AREF", &aref);

	admux = new HWAdmux(this,
			&portc->GetPin(0), // ADC0
			&portc->GetPin(1), // ADC1
			&portc->GetPin(2), // ADC2
			&portc->GetPin(3), // ADC3
			&portc->GetPin(4), // ADC4
			&portc->GetPin(5), // ADC5
			&portc->GetPin(19), // ADC6 only TQFP version
			&portc->GetPin(22)); // ADC7 only TQFP version

	ad = new HWAd(this,
			14); // Interrupt Vector ADC Conversion Complete

	spi = new HWSpi(this,
			PinAtPort(portb, 3), // MOSI
			PinAtPort(portb, 4), // MISO
			PinAtPort(portb, 5), // SCK
			PinAtPort(portb, 2), // SS
			10, // Interrupt Vector Serial Transfer Complete

	gicr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup,

	gifr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup,

	mcucr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup,

	mcucsr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup,

	extirq = new ExternalIRQHandler(this,

	extirq->registerIrq(1, // INT0 External Interrupt Request 0
			6, // GICR Bit 6 - INT0: External Interrupt Request 0 Enable
			new ExternalIRQSingle(mcucr_reg,0, 2, GetPin("D2"))); // INT0

	extirq->registerIrq(2, // INT1 External Interrupt Request 1
			7, // GICR Bit 7 - INT1: External Interrupt Request 1 Enable
			new ExternalIRQSingle(mcucr_reg, 2, 2, GetPin("D3"))); // INT1

	sfior_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup,

	assr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup,

	prescaler01 = new HWPrescaler(this,

	prescaler2 = new HWPrescalerAsync(this,
			PinAtPort(portb, 6),

	wado = new HWWado(this);

	usart = new HWUsart(this,
			PinAtPort(portd, 1), // TX
			PinAtPort(portd, 0), // RX
			PinAtPort(portd, 4), // XCK
			11, // USART, RX Complete
			12, // USART Data Register Empty
			13); // USART, TX Complete

	timer012irq = new TimerIRQRegister(this, irqSystem);

	timer012irq->registerLine(0, new IRQLine("TOV0", 9));

	timer012irq->registerLine(2, new IRQLine("TOV1", 8));

	timer012irq->registerLine(3, new IRQLine("OCF1B", 7));

	timer012irq->registerLine(4, new IRQLine("OCF1A", 6));

	timer012irq->registerLine(5, new IRQLine("ICF1", 5));

	timer012irq->registerLine(6, new IRQLine("TOV2", 4));

	timer012irq->registerLine(7, new IRQLine("OCF2", 3));

	timer0 = new HWTimer8_0C(this,
			new PrescalerMultiplexerExt(prescaler01,
			PinAtPort(portd, 4)), // T0

	inputCapture1 = new ICaptureSource(PinAtPort(portb, 0)); // ICP1

	timer1 = new HWTimer16_2C2(this,
			new PrescalerMultiplexerExt(prescaler01,
			PinAtPort(portd, 5)), // T1
			new PinAtPort(portb, 1), // OC1A
			new PinAtPort(portb, 2), // OC1B
			inputCapture1, false);

	timer2 = new HWTimer8_1C(this,
			new PrescalerMultiplexer(prescaler2),
			new PinAtPort(portb, 3)); // OC2

	rw[0x5f] = statusRegister;
	rw[0x5e] = &stack_ram->sph_reg;
	rw[0x5d] = &stack_ram->spl_reg;
//	rw[0x5c] Reserved
	rw[0x5b] = gicr_reg;
	rw[0x5a] = gifr_reg;
	rw[0x59] = &timer012irq->timsk_reg;
	rw[0x58] = &timer012irq->tifr_reg;
	rw[0x57] = &spmRegister->spmcr_reg;
//	rw[0x56] TWCR
	rw[0x55] = mcucr_reg;
	rw[0x54] = mcucsr_reg;
	rw[0x53] = &timer0->tccr_reg;
	rw[0x52] = &timer0->tcnt_reg;
//	rw[0x51] OSCCAL/OCDR
	rw[0x50] = sfior_reg;
	rw[0x4f] = &timer1->tccra_reg;
	rw[0x4e] = &timer1->tccrb_reg;
	rw[0x4d] = &timer1->tcnt_h_reg;
	rw[0x4c] = &timer1->tcnt_l_reg;
	rw[0x4b] = &timer1->ocra_h_reg;
	rw[0x4a] = &timer1->ocra_l_reg;
	rw[0x49] = &timer1->ocrb_h_reg;
	rw[0x48] = &timer1->ocrb_l_reg;
	rw[0x47] = &timer1->icr_h_reg;
	rw[0x46] = &timer1->icr_l_reg;
	rw[0x45] = &timer2->tccr_reg;
	rw[0x44] = &timer2->tcnt_reg;
	rw[0x43] = &timer2->ocra_reg;
	rw[0x42] = assr_reg;
	rw[0x41] = &wado->wdtcr_reg;
	rw[0x40] = &usart->ucsrc_ubrrh_reg;
	rw[0x3f] = &eeprom->eearh_reg;
	rw[0x3e] = &eeprom->eearl_reg;
	rw[0x3d] = &eeprom->eedr_reg;
	rw[0x3c] = &eeprom->eecr_reg;
//	rw[0x3b] Reserved
//	rw[0x3a] Reserved
//	rw[0x39] Reserved
	rw[0x38] = &portb->port_reg;
	rw[0x37] = &portb->ddr_reg;
	rw[0x36] = &portb->pin_reg;
	rw[0x35] = &portc->port_reg;
	rw[0x34] = &portc->ddr_reg;
	rw[0x33] = &portc->pin_reg;
	rw[0x32] = &portd->port_reg;
	rw[0x31] = &portd->ddr_reg;
	rw[0x30] = &portd->pin_reg;
	rw[0x2f] = &spi->spdr_reg;
	rw[0x2e] = &spi->spsr_reg;
	rw[0x2d] = &spi->spcr_reg;
	rw[0x2c] = &usart->udr_reg;
	rw[0x2b] = &usart->ucsra_reg;
	rw[0x2a] = &usart->ucsrb_reg;
	rw[0x29] = &usart->ubrr_reg;
//	rw[0x28] ACSR
	rw[0x27] = &admux->admux_reg;
	rw[0x26] = &ad->adcsr_reg;
	rw[0x25] = &ad->adch_reg;
	rw[0x24] = &ad->adcl_reg;
//	rw[0x23] TWDR
//	rw[0x22] TWAR
//	rw[0x21] TWSR
//	rw[0x20] TWBR

AvrDevice_at90canbase::AvrDevice_at90canbase(unsigned ram_bytes,
                                                 unsigned flash_bytes,
                                                 unsigned ee_bytes ):
    AvrDevice(224,          // I/O space above General Purpose Registers
              ram_bytes,    // RAM size
              0,            // External RAM size
              flash_bytes), // Flash Size
    porta(this, "A", true),
    portb(this, "B", true),
    portc(this, "C", true, 7),
    portd(this, "D", true),
    porte(this, "E", true),
    portf(this, "F", true),
    portg(this, "G", true),
    gtccr_reg(&coreTraceGroup, "GTCCR"),
    assr_reg(&coreTraceGroup, "ASSR"),
    prescaler013(this, "01", &gtccr_reg, 0, 7),
    prescaler2(this, "2", PinAtPort(&portc, 7), &assr_reg, 5, &gtccr_reg, 1, 7) {
    flagELPMInstructions = true;
    fuses->SetFuseConfiguration(20, 0xff9962);
    irqSystem = new HWIrqSystem(this, (flash_bytes > 8U * 1024U) ? 4 : 2, 37);

    eeprom = new HWEeprom(this, irqSystem, ee_bytes, 26, HWEeprom::DEVMODE_EXTENDED); 
    stack = new HWStackSram(this, 16);
    clkpr_reg = new CLKPRRegister(this, &coreTraceGroup);
    osccal_reg = new OSCCALRegister(this, &coreTraceGroup, OSCCALRegister::OSCCAL_V4);

    rampz = new AddressExtensionRegister(this, "RAMPZ", 1);

    eicra_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "EICRA");
    eicrb_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "EICRB");
    eimsk_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "EIMSK");
    eifr_reg =  new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "EIFR");
    extirq01 = new ExternalIRQHandler(this, irqSystem, eimsk_reg, eifr_reg);
    extirq01->registerIrq(1, 0, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicra_reg, 0, 2, GetPin("D0")));
    extirq01->registerIrq(2, 1, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicra_reg, 2, 2, GetPin("D1")));
    extirq01->registerIrq(3, 2, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicra_reg, 4, 2, GetPin("D2")));
    extirq01->registerIrq(4, 3, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicra_reg, 6, 2, GetPin("D3")));
    extirq01->registerIrq(5, 4, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicrb_reg, 0, 2, GetPin("E4")));
    extirq01->registerIrq(6, 5, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicrb_reg, 2, 2, GetPin("E5")));
    extirq01->registerIrq(7, 6, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicrb_reg, 4, 2, GetPin("E6")));
    extirq01->registerIrq(8, 7, new ExternalIRQSingle(eicrb_reg, 6, 2, GetPin("E7")));
    timerIrq0 = new TimerIRQRegister(this, irqSystem, 0);
    timerIrq0->registerLine(0, new IRQLine("TOV0",  17));  // TIMER0 OVF
    timerIrq0->registerLine(1, new IRQLine("OCF0A", 16));  // TIMER0 COMP
    timer0 = new HWTimer8_1C(this,
                             new PrescalerMultiplexerExt(&prescaler013, PinAtPort(&portd, 7)),
                             new PinAtPort(&portb, 7));

    timerIrq1 = new TimerIRQRegister(this, irqSystem, 1);
    timerIrq1->registerLine(0, new IRQLine("TOV1",  15));  // TIMER1 OVF
    timerIrq1->registerLine(1, new IRQLine("OCF1A", 12));  // TIMER1 COMPA
    timerIrq1->registerLine(2, new IRQLine("OCF1B", 13));  // TIMER1 COMPB
    timerIrq1->registerLine(3, new IRQLine("OCF1C", 14));  // TIMER1 COMPC
    timerIrq1->registerLine(5, new IRQLine("ICF1",  11));  // TIMER1 CAPT
    inputCapture1 = new ICaptureSource(PinAtPort(&portd, 4));
    timer1 = new HWTimer16_3C(this,
                               new PrescalerMultiplexer(&prescaler013),
                               new PinAtPort(&portb, 1),
                               new PinAtPort(&portb, 2),
                               new PinAtPort(&portb, 3),
    timerIrq2 = new TimerIRQRegister(this, irqSystem, 2);
    timerIrq2->registerLine(0, new IRQLine("TOV2",  10));  // TIMER2 OVF
    timerIrq2->registerLine(1, new IRQLine("OCF2A", 9));  // TIMER2 COMP
    timer2 = new HWTimer8_1C(this,
                             new PrescalerMultiplexer(&prescaler2),
                             new PinAtPort(&portb, 4));

    timerIrq3 = new TimerIRQRegister(this, irqSystem, 3);
    timerIrq3->registerLine(0, new IRQLine("TOV3",  31));  // TIMER3 OVF
    timerIrq3->registerLine(1, new IRQLine("OCF3A", 28));  // TIMER3 COMPA
    timerIrq3->registerLine(2, new IRQLine("OCF3B", 29));  // TIMER3 COMPB
    timerIrq3->registerLine(3, new IRQLine("OCF3C", 30));  // TIMER3 COMPC
    timerIrq3->registerLine(5, new IRQLine("ICF3",  27));  // TIMER3 CAPT

    inputCapture3 = new ICaptureSource(PinAtPort(&porte, 7));
    timer3 = new HWTimer16_3C(this,
                               new PrescalerMultiplexerExt(&prescaler013, PinAtPort(&porte, 6)),
                               new PinAtPort(&portb, 1),
                               new PinAtPort(&portb, 2),
                               new PinAtPort(&portb, 3),

    gpior0_reg = new GPIORegister(this, &coreTraceGroup, "GPIOR0");
    gpior1_reg = new GPIORegister(this, &coreTraceGroup, "GPIOR1");
    gpior2_reg = new GPIORegister(this, &coreTraceGroup, "GPIOR2");

    admux = new HWAdmuxM16(this, &portf.GetPin(0), &portf.GetPin(1), &portf.GetPin(2),
                                 &portf.GetPin(3), &portf.GetPin(4), &portf.GetPin(5),
                                 &portf.GetPin(6), &portf.GetPin(7));
    aref = new HWARef4(this, HWARef4::REFTYPE_NOBG);
    ad = new HWAd(this, HWAd::AD_M164, irqSystem, 25, admux, aref);

    spi = new HWSpi(this,
                    PinAtPort(&portb, 2),   // MOSI
                    PinAtPort(&portb, 3),   // MISO
                    PinAtPort(&portb, 1),   // SCK
                    PinAtPort(&portb, 0),   // /SS
                    20,                     // irqvec

    wado = new HWWado(this);

    acomp = new HWAcomp(this, irqSystem, PinAtPort(&porte, 2), PinAtPort(&porte, 3), 24, ad, timer1);

    usart0 = new HWUsart(this,
                         PinAtPort(&porte,1),    // TXD
                         PinAtPort(&porte,0),    // RXD
                         PinAtPort(&porte,2),   // XCK
                         21,   // RX complete vector
                         22,   // UDRE vector
                         23,   // TX complete vector

    usart1 = new HWUsart(this,
                         PinAtPort(&portd,3),    // TXD
                         PinAtPort(&portd,2),    // RXD
                         PinAtPort(&portd,5),   // XCK
                         32,   // RX complete vector
                         33,   // UDRE vector
                         34,   // TX complete vector

    /* 0xfb - 0xff reserved */
    /* 0xd8 - 0xfa CANBUS TODO */
    /* 0xcf - 0xd7 reserved */
    rw[0xce]= & usart1->udr_reg;
    rw[0xcd]= & usart1->ubrrhi_reg;
    /* 0xcb reserved */
    rw[0xca]= & usart1->ucsrc_reg;
    rw[0xcc]= & usart1->ubrr_reg;
    rw[0xc9]= & usart1->ucsrb_reg;
    rw[0xc8]= & usart1->ucsra_reg;
    /* 0xc7 reserved */
    rw[0xc6]= & usart0->udr_reg;
    rw[0xc5]= & usart0->ubrrhi_reg;
    rw[0xc4]= & usart0->ubrr_reg;
    /* 0xc3 reserved */
    rw[0xc2]= & usart0->ucsrc_reg;
    rw[0xc1]= & usart0->ucsrb_reg;
    rw[0xc0]= & usart0->ucsra_reg;
    /* 0xbd - 0xbf reserved */
    rw[0xBC]= new NotSimulatedRegister("TWI register TWCR not simulated");
    rw[0xBB]= new NotSimulatedRegister("TWI register TWDR not simulated");
    rw[0xBA]= new NotSimulatedRegister("TWI register TWAR not simulated");
    rw[0xB9]= new NotSimulatedRegister("TWI register TWSR not simulated");
    rw[0xB8]= new NotSimulatedRegister("TWI register TWBR not simulated");
    /* 0xb7 reserved */
    rw[0xb6]= & assr_reg;
    /* 0xb4 - 0xb5 reserved */
    rw[0xb3]= & timer2->ocra_reg;
    rw[0xb2]= & timer2->tcnt_reg;
    /* 0xb1 reserved */
    rw[0xb0]= & timer2->tccr_reg;
    /* 0x9e - 0xaf reserved */
    rw[0x9d]= & timer3->ocrc_h_reg;
    rw[0x9c]= & timer3->ocrc_l_reg;
    rw[0x9b]= & timer3->ocrb_h_reg;
    rw[0x9a]= & timer3->ocrb_l_reg;
    rw[0x99]= & timer3->ocra_h_reg;
    rw[0x98]= & timer3->ocra_l_reg;
    rw[0x97]= & timer3->icr_h_reg;
    rw[0x96]= & timer3->icr_l_reg;
    rw[0x95]= & timer3->tcnt_h_reg;
    rw[0x94]= & timer3->tcnt_l_reg;
    /* 0x93 reserved */
    rw[0x92]= & timer3->tccrc_reg;
    rw[0x91]= & timer3->tccrb_reg;
    rw[0x90]= & timer3->tccra_reg;
    /* 0x8e - 0x8f reserved */
    rw[0x8d]= & timer1->ocrc_h_reg;
    rw[0x8c]= & timer1->ocrc_l_reg;
    rw[0x8b]= & timer1->ocrb_h_reg;
    rw[0x8a]= & timer1->ocrb_l_reg;
    rw[0x89]= & timer1->ocra_h_reg;
    rw[0x88]= & timer1->ocra_l_reg;
    rw[0x87]= & timer1->icr_h_reg;
    rw[0x86]= & timer1->icr_l_reg;
    rw[0x85]= & timer1->tcnt_h_reg;
    rw[0x84]= & timer1->tcnt_l_reg;
    // 0x83 reserved
    rw[0x82]= & timer1->tccrc_reg;
    rw[0x81]= & timer1->tccrb_reg;
    rw[0x80]= & timer1->tccra_reg;
    /* 0x7e-0x7f DIDR TODO */
    rw[0x7C]= & ad->admux_reg;
    rw[0x7B]= & ad->adcsrb_reg;
    rw[0x7A]= & ad->adcsra_reg;
    rw[0x79]= & ad->adch_reg;
    rw[0x78]= & ad->adcl_reg;
    /* 0x76-0x77 reserved */
    /* 0x74-0x75 External memory control registers TODO */
    /* 0x72-0x73 reserved */
    rw[0x70]= & timerIrq2->timsk_reg;
    rw[0x6F]= & timerIrq1->timsk_reg;
    rw[0x6E]= & timerIrq0->timsk_reg;
    /* 0x6b-0x6d Reserved */
    rw[0x6A]= eicrb_reg;
    rw[0x69]= eicra_reg;
    /* 0x67-0x68 Reserved */
    rw[0x66]= osccal_reg;
    /* 0x62-0x65 Reserved */
    rw[0x61]= clkpr_reg;
    rw[0x60]= & wado->wdtcr_reg;
    rw[0x5f]= statusRegister;
    rw[0x5e]= & ((HWStackSram *)stack)->sph_reg;
    rw[0x5d]= & ((HWStackSram *)stack)->spl_reg;
    /* 0x5c reserved */
    rw[0x5b]= & rampz->ext_reg;
    /* 0x58-0x5A Reserved */
    /* 0x57 SPMCSR TODO?? */
    /* 0x56 Reserved */
    /* 0x55 MCUCR -- Memory control TODO */
    /* 0x54 MCUSR -- Memory control TODO */
    /* 0x53 SMCR -- sleep register TODO */
    /* 0x52 Reserved */
    /* 0x51 OCDR */
    rw[0x50]= & acomp->acsr_reg;
    /* 0x4f reserved */
    rw[0x4E]= & spi->spdr_reg;
    rw[0x4D]= & spi->spsr_reg;
    rw[0x4C]= & spi->spcr_reg;
    rw[0x4B]= gpior2_reg;
    rw[0x4A]= gpior1_reg;
    /* 0x48 - 0x49 reserved */
    rw[0x47]= & timer0->ocra_reg;
    rw[0x46]= & timer0->tcnt_reg;
    /* 0x45 reserved */
    rw[0x44]= & timer0->tccr_reg;
    rw[0x43]= & gtccr_reg;
    rw[0x42]= & eeprom->eearh_reg;
    rw[0x41]= & eeprom->eearl_reg;
    rw[0x40]= & eeprom->eedr_reg;
    rw[0x3F]= & eeprom->eecr_reg;

    rw[0x3E]= gpior0_reg;
    rw[0x3D]= eimsk_reg;
    rw[0x3C]= eifr_reg;

    /* 0x39-0x3b Reserved */
    rw[0x38]= & timerIrq3->tifr_reg;
    rw[0x37]= & timerIrq2->tifr_reg;
    rw[0x36]= & timerIrq1->tifr_reg;
    rw[0x35]= & timerIrq0->tifr_reg;

    rw[0x34]= & portg.port_reg;
    rw[0x33]= & portg.ddr_reg;
    rw[0x32]= & portg.pin_reg;

    rw[0x31]= & portf.port_reg;
    rw[0x30]= & portf.ddr_reg;
    rw[0x2F]= & portf.pin_reg;

    rw[0x2E]= & porte.port_reg;
    rw[0x2D]= & porte.ddr_reg;
    rw[0x2C]= & porte.pin_reg;

    rw[0x2B]= & portd.port_reg;
    rw[0x2A]= & portd.ddr_reg;
    rw[0x29]= & portd.pin_reg;

    rw[0x28]= & portc.port_reg;
    rw[0x27]= & portc.ddr_reg;
    rw[0x26]= & portc.pin_reg;

    rw[0x25]= & portb.port_reg;
    rw[0x24]= & portb.ddr_reg;
    rw[0x23]= & portb.pin_reg;

    rw[0x22]= & porta.port_reg;
    rw[0x21]= & porta.ddr_reg;
    rw[0x20]= & porta.pin_reg;

AvrDevice_atmega16_32::AvrDevice_atmega16_32(unsigned ram_bytes,
                                             unsigned flash_bytes,
                                             unsigned ee_bytes,
                                             unsigned nrww_start,
                                             bool atmega16):
    AvrDevice(64 ,          // I/O space above General Purpose Registers
              ram_bytes,    // RAM size
              0,            // External RAM size
              flash_bytes)  // Flash Size
    fuses->SetFuseConfiguration(16, 0x99e1);
    irqSystem = new HWIrqSystem(this, 4, 21); //4 bytes per vector, 21 vectors
    eeprom = new HWEeprom(this, irqSystem, ee_bytes, atmega16 ? 15 : 17);
    stack = new HWStackSram(this, atmega16 ? 11 : 12);
    osccal_reg = new OSCCALRegister(this, &coreTraceGroup, OSCCALRegister::OSCCAL_V3);
    porta = new HWPort(this, "A");
    portb = new HWPort(this, "B");
    portc = new HWPort(this, "C");
    portd = new HWPort(this, "D");

    spmRegister = new FlashProgramming(this, 64, nrww_start, FlashProgramming::SPM_MEGA_MODE);

    // TWI/I2C not implemented yet, vectors 17/19
    // Analog Comparator not implemented yet, vectors 16/18
    // Store Program Memory Ready not implemented yet, vectors 21/21

    sfior_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "SFIOR");

    admux = new HWAdmuxM16(this, &porta->GetPin(0), &porta->GetPin(1), &porta->GetPin(2),
                                 &porta->GetPin(3), &porta->GetPin(4), &porta->GetPin(5),
                                 &porta->GetPin(6), &porta->GetPin(7));
    aref = new HWARef4(this, HWARef4::REFTYPE_NOBG);
    ad = new HWAd_SFIOR(this, HWAd::AD_M16, irqSystem, atmega16 ? 14 : 16, admux, aref, sfior_reg);

    spi = new HWSpi(this, irqSystem,
                    PinAtPort(portb, 5), PinAtPort(portb, 6), PinAtPort(portb, 7),
                    PinAtPort(portb, 4),/*irqvec*/ atmega16 ? 10 : 12, true);

    gicr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "GICR");
    gifr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "GIFR");
    mcucr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "MCUCR");
    mcucsr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "MCUCSR");
    extirq = new ExternalIRQHandler(this, irqSystem, gicr_reg, gifr_reg);
    extirq->registerIrq(1, 6, new ExternalIRQSingle(mcucr_reg, 0, 2, GetPin("D2")));  // INT0
    extirq->registerIrq(2, 7, new ExternalIRQSingle(mcucr_reg, 2, 2, GetPin("D3")));  // INT1
    extirq->registerIrq(atmega16 ? 18 : 3, 5, new ExternalIRQSingle(mcucsr_reg, 6, 1, GetPin("B2")));  // INT2
    assr_reg = new IOSpecialReg(&coreTraceGroup, "ASSR");
    prescaler01 = new HWPrescaler(this, "01", sfior_reg, 0);
    prescaler2 = new HWPrescalerAsync(this, "2", PinAtPort(portc, 6),
                                      assr_reg, 3, sfior_reg, 1);
    wado = new HWWado(this);

    usart = new HWUsart(this, irqSystem,
                        PinAtPort(portd,1), PinAtPort(portd,0), PinAtPort(portb, 0),
                        atmega16 ? 11 : 13, atmega16 ? 12 : 14, atmega16 ? 13 : 15);

    timer012irq = new TimerIRQRegister(this, irqSystem);
    timer012irq->registerLine(0, new IRQLine("TOV0",  atmega16 ? 9 : 11));  // Timer/Counter0 Overflow
    timer012irq->registerLine(1, new IRQLine("OCF0",  atmega16 ? 19 : 10));  // Timer/Counter0 Compare Match
    timer012irq->registerLine(2, new IRQLine("TOV1",  atmega16 ? 8 : 9));  // Timer/Counter1 Overflow
    timer012irq->registerLine(3, new IRQLine("OCF1B", atmega16 ? 7 : 8));  // Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B
    timer012irq->registerLine(4, new IRQLine("OCF1A", atmega16 ? 6 : 7));  // Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A
    timer012irq->registerLine(5, new IRQLine("ICF1",  atmega16 ? 5 : 6));  // Timer/Counter1 Capture Even
    timer012irq->registerLine(6, new IRQLine("TOV2",  atmega16 ? 4 : 5));  // Timer/Counter2 Overflow
    timer012irq->registerLine(7, new IRQLine("OCF2",  atmega16 ? 3 : 4));  // Timer/Counter2 Compare Match
    timer0 = new HWTimer8_1C(this,
                             new PrescalerMultiplexerExt(prescaler01, PinAtPort(portb, 0)),
                             new PinAtPort(portb, 3));
    inputCapture1 = new ICaptureSource(PinAtPort(portd, 6));
    timer1 = new HWTimer16_2C2(this,
                               new PrescalerMultiplexerExt(prescaler01, PinAtPort(portb, 1)),
                               new PinAtPort(portd, 5),
                               new PinAtPort(portd, 4),
    timer2 = new HWTimer8_1C(this,
                             new PrescalerMultiplexer(prescaler2),
                             new PinAtPort(portd, 7));
    acomp = new HWAcomp(this, irqSystem, PinAtPort(portb, 2), PinAtPort(portb, 3), atmega16 ? 16 : 18, ad, timer1, sfior_reg);

    rw[0x5f]= statusRegister;
    rw[0x5e]= & ((HWStackSram *)stack)->sph_reg;
    rw[0x5d]= & ((HWStackSram *)stack)->spl_reg;
    rw[0x5c]= & timer0->ocra_reg;
    rw[0x5b]= gicr_reg;
    rw[0x5a]= gifr_reg;
    rw[0x59]= & timer012irq->timsk_reg;
    rw[0x58]= & timer012irq->tifr_reg;
    rw[0x57]= & spmRegister->spmcr_reg;
    //rw[0x56] TWCR
    rw[0x55] = mcucr_reg;
    rw[0x54] = mcucsr_reg;
    rw[0x53]= & timer0->tccr_reg;
    rw[0x52]= & timer0->tcnt_reg;
    rw[0x51]= osccal_reg; // Attention! OCDR register isn't simulated!
    rw[0x50]= sfior_reg;
    rw[0x4f]= & timer1->tccra_reg; 
    rw[0x4e]= & timer1->tccrb_reg;
    rw[0x4d]= & timer1->tcnt_h_reg;
    rw[0x4c]= & timer1->tcnt_l_reg;
    rw[0x4b]= & timer1->ocra_h_reg;
    rw[0x4a]= & timer1->ocra_l_reg;
    rw[0x49]= & timer1->ocrb_h_reg;
    rw[0x48]= & timer1->ocrb_l_reg;
    rw[0x47]= & timer1->icr_h_reg;
    rw[0x46]= & timer1->icr_l_reg;
    rw[0x45]= & timer2->tccr_reg;
    rw[0x44]= & timer2->tcnt_reg;
    rw[0x43]= & timer2->ocra_reg;
    rw[0x42]= assr_reg;
    rw[0x41]= & wado->wdtcr_reg;
    rw[0x40]= & usart->ucsrc_ubrrh_reg;
    rw[0x3f]= & eeprom->eearh_reg;
    rw[0x3e]= & eeprom->eearl_reg;
    rw[0x3d]= & eeprom->eedr_reg;
    rw[0x3c]= & eeprom->eecr_reg;
    rw[0x3b]= & porta->port_reg;
    rw[0x3a]= & porta->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x39]= & porta->pin_reg;
    rw[0x38]= & portb->port_reg;
    rw[0x37]= & portb->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x36]= & portb->pin_reg;
    rw[0x35]= & portc->port_reg;
    rw[0x34]= & portc->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x33]= & portc->pin_reg;
    rw[0x32]= & portd->port_reg;
    rw[0x31]= & portd->ddr_reg;
    rw[0x30]= & portd->pin_reg;
    rw[0x2f]= & spi->spdr_reg;
    rw[0x2e]= & spi->spsr_reg;
    rw[0x2d]= & spi->spcr_reg;
    rw[0x2c]= & usart->udr_reg;
    rw[0x2b]= & usart->ucsra_reg;
    rw[0x2a]= & usart->ucsrb_reg;
    rw[0x29]= & usart->ubrr_reg;
    rw[0x28]= & acomp->acsr_reg;
    rw[0x27]= & ad->admux_reg;
    rw[0x26]= & ad->adcsra_reg;
    rw[0x25]= & ad->adch_reg;
    rw[0x24]= & ad->adcl_reg;
    //rw[0x23] TWDR
    //rw[0x22] TWAR
    //rw[0x21] TWSR
    //rw[0x20] TWBR