int DexVirtualTracker::Update( void ) {

	int i = 0;
	int exit_status = 0;

	 * In the real system we measure the actual position of the manipulandum
	 *   using the call UpdateManipulandumPosition();
	 * Here we simulate the measured movement of the hand.

	double t_pos[3];
	t_pos[X] = targets->targetPosition[targets->lastTargetOn][X] + 25.0;
	t_pos[Y] = targets->targetPosition[targets->lastTargetOn][Y];
	t_pos[Z] = targets->targetPosition[targets->lastTargetOn][Z];

	switch ( simulated_movement ) {

	case TARGETED_PROTOCOL: // The manipulandum moves magically toward the most recently lit target.

		for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
			manipulandumPosition[i] += ATTRACTION_TIME_CONSTANT * 
				( t_pos[i] - manipulandumPosition[i] );

	case OSCILLATION_PROTOCOL: // The manipulandum oscillates around the center target.

		if ( TimerElapsedTime( &oscillate_timer ) < 5.0 ) {
			for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
				manipulandumPosition[i] += ATTRACTION_TIME_CONSTANT * 2 *
					( t_pos[i] - manipulandumPosition[i] );
		else if ( TimerElapsedTime( &oscillate_timer ) < 15.0 ){
			manipulandumPosition[X] = targets->targetPosition[targets->nTargets / 2][X] + 25;
			manipulandumPosition[Y] = targets->targetPosition[targets->nTargets / 2][Y] + 50.0 * sin( 2 * PI * TimerElapsedTime( &oscillate_timer ) );
			manipulandumPosition[Z] = targets->targetPosition[targets->nTargets / 2][Z];
		else {
			for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
				manipulandumPosition[i] += ATTRACTION_TIME_CONSTANT * 2 *
					( targets->targetPosition[targets->nTargets / 2][i] - manipulandumPosition[i] );



	if ( acquisition_on ) {
		for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) recordedPosition[ nAcqFrames * 3 + j] = manipulandumPosition[j];
		if ( nAcqFrames < nFrames ) nAcqFrames++;

	return( 0 );

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
  int arg;
  int use_tracker = FALSE;
  int use_isense = FALSE;
  int use_udp = FALSE;
  int orientation_only = FALSE;

  IsenseDataPacket iSenseData;
  UDPDataPacket udpData;
  int data_available = NO;
  for ( arg = 1; arg < argc; arg++ ) {
    if ( !strcmp( argv[arg], "-full" ) ) {
      width = 640;
      height = 480;
      border = false;
      fullscreen = true;
      stereo = false;
    else if ( !strcmp( argv[arg], "-hmd" ) ) {
      width = 1280;
      height = 480;
      border = false;
      fullscreen = true;
      stereo = true;
//       HMDScreen( HMD_STEREO );
    else if ( !strcmp( argv[arg], "-svga" ) ) {
      width = 2048;
      height = 768;
      border = false;
      fullscreen = true;
      stereo = true;
      HMDScreen( HMD_STEREO );
    else if ( !strcmp( argv[arg], "-nVisL" ) ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "LowRes nVis\n" );
      width = 2048;
      height = 768;
      border = false;
      fullscreen = true;
      stereo = true;
//      HMDScreen( HMD_STEREO );
    else if ( !strcmp( argv[arg], "-nVis" ) ) {
      width = 2560;
      height = 1024;
      border = false;
      fullscreen = true;
      stereo = true;
//      HMDScreen( HMD_STEREO );
    else if ( !strcmp( argv[arg], "-noborder" ) ) border = FALSE;
    else if ( !strcmp( argv[arg], "-tracker" ) ) use_tracker = TRUE;
    else if ( !strcmp( argv[arg], "-isense" ) ) use_isense = TRUE;
    else if ( !strcmp( argv[arg], "-udp" ) ) use_udp = TRUE;
    else if ( !strcmp( argv[arg], "-ori" ) ) orientation_only = TRUE;
    else if ( !strcmp( argv[arg], "-sensor" ) ) {
      if ( arg < argc ) sscanf( argv[arg], "%d", &viewpoint_sensor );
      fprintf( stderr, "Using sensor %d.\n", viewpoint_sensor );
    else closure_record = argv[arg];

  fprintf( stderr, "Closure record: %s\n", closure_record );
  /* Start up optical tracker. */
  if ( use_tracker ) {
    SensorSetHysteresis( 1, 2.0, 0.5 ); // mm and degrees
    * The simulated tracker goes through 7 phases.
    * The first is stationary.
    * The next three are translation movements along X,Y and Z, respectively.
    * The last three are rotations around Z, Y and X, respectively.
    * The following sets the amplitude of each phase.
    * This call will have no effect on real tracker movements.
    SimulateSetMovement( viewpoint_sensor, sim_translation, sim_rotation ); 
    /* Shift the nominal viewpoint up, then tilt the view back down to look at the target. */
    viewpoint_position[Y] = nominal_head_height;
    SimulateSetLocation( viewpoint_sensor, viewpoint_position );
    viewpoint_orientation[Y][Y] = viewpoint_orientation[Z][Z] = cos( radians( nominal_head_tilt ) );
    viewpoint_orientation[Y][Z] = sin( radians( nominal_head_tilt ) ) ;
    viewpoint_orientation[Z][Y] = - viewpoint_orientation[Y][Z];
    SimulateSetOrientation( viewpoint_sensor, viewpoint_orientation );

    SimulateSetLocation( object_sensor, object_position );
    SimulateSetMovement( object_sensor, sim_translation, sim_rotation ); 
  if ( use_isense || use_udp ) {
    if ( UDPTrackerInitClient( &trkr, NULL, DEFAULT_PORT ) ) {
      MessageBox( NULL, "Error opening socket.", "Isense UDP", MB_OK );
      use_isense = NO;
  * Define a viewing projection with:
  *  45° vertical field-of-view - horizontal fov will be determined by window aspect ratio.
  *  60 mm inter-pupilary distance - the units don't matter to OpenGL, but all the dimensions
  *      that I give for the model room here are in mm.
  *  100.0 to 10000.0  depth clipping planes - making this smaller would improve the depth resolution.
  viewpoint = new Viewpoint( 6.0, 45.0, 10.0, 10000.0);
  int x = 100, y = 100;
  * Create window. 
  window = new OpenGLWindow();
  window->Border = border; // Remove borders for an HMD display.
  window->FullScreen = fullscreen;

  if ( window->Create( NULL, argv[0], 0, 0, width, height ) ) {
    * Create sets the new window to be the active window.
    * Setup the lights and materials for that window.
//    wall_texture->Define();
  window->SetKeyboardCallback( keyboard_callback );

  // Shade model
	glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);							// Enable Texture Mapping ( NEW )
  glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);							// Enable Smooth Shading
	glClearDepth(1.0f);									// Depth Buffer Setup
	glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);							// Enables Depth Testing
	glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL);								// The Type Of Depth Testing To Do
	glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST);	// Really Nice Perspective Calculations


  TimerSet( &frame_timer, 10.0 );
  frame_counter = 0;
  for ( double angle = 0.0; true; angle += 5.0 ) {

    if ( TimerTimeout( &frame_timer )) {
      fprintf( stderr, "Frame rate: %f\n", (double) frame_counter / TimerElapsedTime( &frame_timer ) );

      if ( use_isense ) {
        UDPTrackerGetIsenseData( &trkr, &iSenseData );
        printf("Isense Quarternion %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f   %.3f\n",
        iSenseData.Station[0].timestamp );

      TimerStart( &frame_timer );
      frame_counter = 0;
    if ( use_tracker ) {
      data_available = !GetSensorPositionOrientation( viewpoint_sensor, YES, viewpoint_position, viewpoint_orientation );
      if ( data_available ) {
        if ( !orientation_only ) viewpoint->SetPosition( viewpoint_position );
        viewpoint->SetOrientation( viewpoint_orientation );
    else if ( use_isense ) {
      data_available = !( UDPTrackerGetIsenseData( &trkr, &iSenseData ));
      if ( data_available ) {
        isense_to_matrix( iSenseData.Station[0].orientation, viewpoint_orientation );
        isense_to_vector( iSenseData.Station[0].position, viewpoint_position );
        scale_vector( 10.0, viewpoint_position, viewpoint_position );
        if ( !orientation_only ) viewpoint->SetPosition( viewpoint_position );
        viewpoint->SetOrientation( viewpoint_orientation );
    else if ( use_udp ) {
      data_available = !( UDPTrackerGetData( &trkr, &udpData ));
      if ( data_available ) {
        quaternion_to_matrix( udpData.Station[0].orientation, viewpoint_orientation );
        copy_vector( udpData.Station[0].position, viewpoint_position );
        scale_vector( 10.0, viewpoint_position, viewpoint_position );
        if ( !orientation_only ) viewpoint->SetPosition( viewpoint_position );
        viewpoint->SetOrientation( viewpoint_orientation );
    else {
      data_available = data_available;

    if ( use_tracker ) {
      data_available = !GetSensorPositionOrientation( object_sensor, YES, object_position, object_orientation );
        object->SetPosition( object_position );
        object->SetOrientation( object_orientation );
    else if ( use_isense && data_available ) {
      isense_to_matrix( iSenseData.Station[1].orientation, object_orientation );
      isense_to_vector( iSenseData.Station[1].position, object_position );
      scale_vector( 10.0, object_position, object_position );
      object->SetOrientation( object_orientation );
      if ( !orientation_only ) object->SetPosition( object_position );
    else {
      object->SetOrientation( angle, j_vector );
      object->SetPosition( object_position );


    if ( stereo ) {
      viewpoint->Apply( window, LEFT_EYE );

      viewpoint->Apply( window, RIGHT_EYE );
    else {
      viewpoint->Apply( window, CYCLOPS );
    if ( ! window->RunOnce() ) break;

  if ( use_tracker ) KillTracker();
  return( 0 );