uint_32 _e300_decrementer_timer_init
      /* [IN] the tick rate wanted */
      uint_32 frequency,

      /* [IN] External clock speed */
      uint_32 ext_clock,

      /* [OUT] DEC value loaded */
      uint_32_ptr preload_ptr
   uint_32 dec_freq,preload,hid0;

   dec_freq = _mpc5125_get_ppc_clock(ext_clock);
   preload = (dec_freq/frequency + 1 ) >> 3;


   hid0 |= (1<<6);

   *preload_ptr = preload;
   sc_ptr->SPCR |= MPC5125_SC_SPCR_TBEN;
   return MQX_OK;
static uint_32 _e200_decrementer_timer_init
      /* [IN] the tick rate wanted */
      uint_32 tickfreq,

      /* [IN] Input clock frequency */
      uint_32 clk
   uint_32 period;
   uint_32 tmp;


   period = (uint_32)( ((clk << 1)/tickfreq + 1) >> 1 );

   _PSP_SPR_GET(tmp, E200CORE_TCR);
   tmp |= E200CORE_TCR_DIE | E200CORE_TCR_ARE; /* interrupt + Auto-reload enable */
   _PSP_SPR_SET(E200CORE_TCR, tmp);

   /* preload value is one less than period */
   _PSP_SPR_SET(E200CORE_DEC, period-1);
   _PSP_SPR_SET(E200CORE_DECAR, period-1);     /* decrementer auto-reload */

   /* enable clocks for TimeBase - this applies also to decrementer */
   _PSP_SPR_GET(tmp, E200CORE_HID0);
   tmp |= E200CORE_HID0_TBEN;
   _PSP_SPR_SET(E200CORE_HID0, tmp);

   return period;
uint_32 _e300_decrementer_timer_init
      /* [IN] the tick rate wanted */
      uint_32 frequency,

      /* [IN] External clock speed */
      uint_32 ext_clock,

      /* [OUT] DEC value loaded */
      uint_32_ptr preload_ptr
   MPC83xx_SYSCON_STRUCT_PTR syscon_ptr;
   uint_32 dec_freq,preload,hid0;
   uint_32                      immr;
   immr = (uint_32)BSP_IMMR_BASE;

   syscon_ptr = (MPC83xx_SYSCON_STRUCT_PTR)(immr + MPC83xx_SYSCON_BASE);  

   dec_freq = _mpc83xx_get_core_clock(BSP_CLKIN);
   preload = (dec_freq/frequency + 1 ) >> 2;

   hid0 |= (1<<6);

   *preload_ptr = preload;
   syscon_ptr->SPCR |= MPC83XX_SYSCON_TBEN;
   return MQX_OK;
static void _e200_decrementer_kernel_isr(pointer dummy)

static void _e200_decrementer_null_isr(pointer dummy)

void _icache_disable
{ /* Body */

#if defined(PSP_PPC403) || defined(PSP_PPC401) || defined(PSP_IOP480) || \

   _PSP_SPR_SET(1019, 0);   // ICCR <= 0

#elif defined(PSP_PPC603)  || defined(PSP_PPC740)  || defined(PSP_PPC750) || \
      defined(PSP_MPC8240) || defined(PSP_G2_CORE) || defined(PSP_PPC7400) || \

   asm("   mfspr r3,1008");
   asm("   rlwinm r3,r3,0,17,15");
   asm("   mtspr 1008,r3");

#elif defined(PSP_E500_CORE) || (defined(PSP_E200_CORE) && defined (PSP_E200_CORE_Z7))

   register uint_32 val;
   _PSP_SPR_GET(val,1011); /* L1CSR1 */
   val &= ~0x01;
#ifdef PSP_BOOKE    
   asm ("msync");

#elif defined(PSP_MPC555) || defined(PSP_MPC566)
   /* Has no cache */

#elif defined(PSP_MPC505) || defined(PSP_MPC821) || defined(PSP_MPC823) || \
      defined(PSP_MPC850) || defined(PSP_MPC855) || defined(PSP_MPC860) || \
      defined(PSP_MPC866) || defined(PSP_MPC875)

   asm("   mfspr r3,560");
   asm("   oris r3,r3,0x0400");
   asm("   mtspr 560,r3");
#elif defined(PSP_PPC440)
   // Cache cannot be easily disabled.  You must modify the appropriate
   // TLB entries....

#elif defined(PSP_E200_CORE)

/* catch ERROR : undefined cpu type " */
   #error "CPU NOT DEFINED"

} /* Endbody */
void _icache_enable
      /* [IN] icache enable parameter */
      uint_32 parameter
{ /* Body */

#if defined(PSP_PPC403) || defined(PSP_PPC401) || defined(PSP_IOP480) || \

   _PSP_SPR_SET(1019, parameter);   // mtspr iccr,param

#elif defined(PSP_PPC603) || defined(PSP_MPC8240) || defined(PSP_G2_CORE) || \

   asm("   mfspr r3,1008");
   asm("   ori   r4,r3,0xA800");
   asm("   xori  r3,r4,0x2800");
   asm("   xori  r4,r4,0x2000");
   asm("   mtspr 1008,r4");
   asm("   mtspr 1008,r3");

#elif defined(PSP_E500_CORE)
   register uint_32 i,e;
   _PSP_SPR_GET(i,1011); /* L1CSR1 */
   i |= 0x03;
   e = i ^ 0x02;

#elif defined(PSP_E200_CORE)
#if defined (PSP_E200_CORE_Z7)
   register uint_32 i;
   /* Cache must be invalidated first and then enabled */
   _PSP_SPR_GET(i,E200CORE_L1CSR1);        /* L1CSR1 */
   /* enable instruction cache */
   i |= E200CORE_L1CSR1_ICE;
   asm ("msync");
   _PSP_SPR_SET(E200CORE_L1CSR1,i);      /* instruction enable cache */
   asm ("isync");

#elif defined(PSP_PPC740) || defined(PSP_PPC750) || defined(PSP_PPC7400)
   asm("   mfspr r3,1008");
   asm("   ori   r4,r3,0xA808");
   asm("   xori  r3,r4,0x2800");
   asm("   xori  r4,r4,0x2000");
   asm("   mtspr 1008,r4");
   asm("   mtspr 1008,r3");

#elif defined(PSP_MPC555) || defined(PSP_MPC566)
   /* Has no cache */

#elif defined(PSP_MPC505) || defined(PSP_MPC821) || defined(PSP_MPC823) || \
      defined(PSP_MPC850) || defined(PSP_MPC855) || defined(PSP_MPC860) || \
      defined(PSP_MPC866) || defined(PSP_MPC875)

   asm("   mfspr r3,560");
   asm("   oris  r3,r3,0x0200");
   asm("   mtspr 560,r3");
#elif defined(PSP_PPC440)
   // Cache control registers have to be set up during boot process.

/* catch ERROR : undefined cpu type " */
   #error "CPU NOT DEFINED"

} /* Endbody */
void _dcache_enable
      /* [IN] mask that defines cachable areas on 403,401 */
      /* [IN] dummy input variable on other PPCs*/
      uint_32 dcache_en_mask
{ /* Body */
#if defined(PSP_PPC403) || defined(PSP_PPC401) || defined(PSP_IOP480) || \

   _PSP_SPR_SET(1018, dcache_en_mask);  // mtspr dccr,dcache_en_mask

#elif defined(PSP_PPC603) || defined(PSP_MPC8240) || defined(PSP_G2_CORE) || \

   register uint_32 val,i,e;
   i = val | 0x5400;
   e = i ^ 0x1400;
   i = i ^ 0x1000;
#elif defined(PSP_E500_CORE)
   register uint_32 i,e;
   /* Enable address boardcast enable for L1 & L2 caches */
   i |= E500CORE_HID1_ABE;   
   _PSP_SPR_GET(i,1010); /* L1CSR0 */
   i |= 0x03;
   e = i ^ 0x02;

#elif defined(PSP_E200_CORE)
   register uint_32 i;
   /* Cahce must be invalidated first and then enabled */
   _PSP_SPR_GET(i,E200CORE_L1CSR0);        /* L1CSR0 */
   /* enable copy-back mode, 
   push buffer disabled, error injection disabled on 5674,
   enable cache */
   i |= E200CORE_L1CSR0_CE | E200CORE_L1CSR0_CWM | E200CORE_L1CSR0_DPB;
   asm ("msync");
   _PSP_SPR_SET(E200CORE_L1CSR0,i);      /* enable cache */
   asm ("isync");

#elif defined(PSP_PPC740) || defined(PSP_PPC750) || defined(PSP_PPC7400)

   register uint_32 val,i,e;
   i = val | 0x5480;
   e = i ^ 0x1400;
   i = i ^ 0x1000;

#elif defined(PSP_MPC555) || defined(PSP_MPC566)
   /* Has no cache */

#elif defined(PSP_MPC821) || defined(PSP_MPC823) || defined(PSP_MPC850) || \
      defined(PSP_MPC855) || defined(PSP_MPC860) || defined(PSP_MPC866) || \

   register uint_32 val;
   val |= 0x02000000;

#elif defined(PSP_PPC440)
   // Cache control registers have to be set up during boot process.
   // marks@6/25/03 The ibevb440 BSP has not yet done this since it relies
   //               on the IBM OS/Open rom monitor to initialize the board.

/* catch ERROR : undefined cpu type " */
   #error "CPU NOT DEFINED"

} /* Endbody */
void _dcache_flush
{ /* Body */
#if defined(PSP_PPC403) || defined(PSP_PPC401) || defined(PSP_IOP480)

   /* hardcoded branches are used, insert lines with care */
   asm(" li     r5, 0");          /* line 0 */
   asm(" mtcrf   0xFF, r5");      /* Set whole CR to zero */
   asm(" mfcdbcr   r3");          /* CDBCR -> R3*/
   asm(" clrrwi r4, r3, 1");      /* set Way A */
   asm(" ori    r4, r4, 0x10");   /* set CIS to tag */
   asm(" mtcdbcr   r4");          /* R4 -> CDBCR */
   asm(" dcread r4, 0, r5");      /* read cache TAG info*/
   asm(" andi.  r6, r4,0x10");    /* check the valid bit */ 
   asm(" beq    CR0, _dcache_flush_invalid");   /* skip line if invalid */
   asm(" clrrwi r4, r4, 9");      /* form EA that is flushed*/
   asm(" dcbf   r4, r5");         /* flush line */
   asm(" addi   r5, r5, 16");     /* set r5 for next line*/
   asm(" andi.  r6, r5, 0xFE00"); /* last flushed ?*/
   asm(" beq    CR0, _dcache_flush_next_line"); /* next line */
   asm(" bgt    CR1, _dcache_flush_end_flush"); /* end ? */
   asm(" mcrf   CR1, CR0");       /* set CR1[gt] */
   asm(" li     r5, 0");          /* line 0 */
   asm(" ori    r4, r3, 1");      /* set Way B*/
   asm(" b      _dcache_flush_next_way");       /* next line */
   asm(" mtcdbcr   r3");          /* restore CDBCR */

#elif defined(PSP_MPC555) || defined(PSP_MPC566)
   /* Has no cache */

#elif defined(PSP_PPC603) || defined(PSP_MPC8240) || defined(PSP_G2_CORE) || \
      defined(PSP_E300_CORE) || defined(PSP_E500_CORE)
   volatile uint_32 _PTR_ tmp_ptr;
   volatile uint_32       tmp;
   uint_32                i;
   ** We just stored our link register %LR on the top of the stack.
   ** When debugging with the cache enabled we want to force it to
   ** memory now.  Problems were found on the MPC8266 where the LR
   ** value restored was not the value written.
   asm(" dcbf   r0, r1");       /* Flush top of stack + 0x00 */
   asm(" li     r0, 32");
   asm(" dcbf   r1, r0");       /* Flush top of stack + 0x20 */
   asm(" li     r0, 64");
   asm(" dcbf   r1, r0");       /* Flush top of stack + 0x40 */
   asm(" li     r0, 96");
   asm(" dcbf   r1, r0");       /* Flush top of stack + 0x60 */

   /* In order to "Flush" the entire data cache, fake reads
   ** need to be executed for a select number of memory locations,
   ** then those locations need to be "flushed"
   ** there are 128 sets of 4 blocks each.
   ** the sets are addressed by bits A20 to A26
   tmp_ptr = 0;

   while (--i) {
      tmp = *tmp_ptr;
      tmp_ptr = (pointer)((uchar_ptr)tmp_ptr + PSP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
   } /* Endwhile */
   tmp_ptr = 0;

   while (--i) {
      tmp_ptr = (pointer)((uchar_ptr)tmp_ptr + PSP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
   } /* Endwhile */

#elif defined(PSP_E200_CORE)
   register uint_32 i;
   uint_32  j;
   volatile uint_32 _PTR_ tmp_ptr;

   /* In order to "Flush" the entire data cache, we need to flush
   ** either by the way or by the set (line). 
   tmp_ptr = 0;   
   asm ("msync");
   _PSP_SPR_GET(i,E200CORE_L1FINV0); /* L1FINV0 */
   for (j = 0; j < PSP_DCACHE_NUM_LINES; j++) 
      i = j << 5;       /* Specify the cache set to be selected */
      i |= 0x00000001;  /* Flush and valid without invalidation */
      tmp_ptr = (pointer)((uchar_ptr)tmp_ptr + PSP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);      
   } /* Endfor */

#elif defined(PSP_PPC740) || defined(PSP_PPC750)
   volatile uint_32 _PTR_ tmp_ptr;
   volatile uint_32       tmp;
   uint_32                i;
   uint_32                l2_cache;
   uint_32                init;
   /* In order to "Flush" the entire data cache, fake reads
   ** need to be executed for a select number of memory locations,
   ** then those locations need to be "flushed"
   ** there are 128 sets of 8 blocks each.
   ** the sets are addressed by bits A20 to A26
   ** However if the L2 cached is enabled, then it can be of
   ** size 128K, 512K or 1024K.
   tmp_ptr = 0;
   _PSP_SPR_GET(l2_cache, PPC750_L2CR);
   if (l2_cache & PPC750_L2_CACHE_L2E) {
      if ((l2_cache & PPC750_L2_CACHE_L2SIZ_MASK) == 
         init = 8193;
      } else if ((l2_cache & PPC750_L2_CACHE_L2SIZ_MASK) == 
         init = 16385;
      } else {
         init = 32769;
      }/* Endif */
   } else {
      init = 1025;
   }/* Endif */
   i = init;
   while (--i) {
      tmp = *tmp_ptr;
      tmp_ptr = (pointer)((uchar_ptr)tmp_ptr + 0x20);
   } /* Endwhile */
   tmp_ptr = 0;

   i = init - 1;
   while (--i) {
      tmp_ptr = (pointer)((uchar_ptr)tmp_ptr + 0x20);
   } /* Endwhile */

#elif defined(PSP_PPC7400)

   /* Flush L1 and L2 cache */
#elif defined(PSP_MPC821) || defined(PSP_MPC823) || defined(PSP_MPC850) || \
      defined(PSP_MPC855) || defined(PSP_MPC860) || defined(PSP_MPC866) || \

   uint_32 i,way0 = 0x0000, way1 = 0x1000, cmd;

   cmd |= 0x0E000000;
   for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
      way0 += 16;
      way1 += 16;
   } /* Endfor */

#elif defined(PSP_PPC405)
   register uchar_ptr p;
   uint_32   i;

   // I'm assuming KERNEL_DATA is a large enough block of memory
   // and that it can be aligned to the beginning of a 4 * dcache
   // sized memory block.
   p = (uchar_ptr)(((uint_32)p) & ~((PSP_DCACHE_SIZE*4)-1));

   for (i = 0; i < PSP_DCACHE_NUM_LINES*4; i++) {
      register uint_32 zero = 0;
      (void) *(volatile _mqx_int _PTR_)p; // Load from the address
      __dcbf((pointer)p, zero); // Data cache block flush
      asm {
     iccci p, zero
   } /* Endfor */

#elif defined(PSP_PPC440)
   uchar_ptr p;
   _mqx_int i, old_msr = _MFMSR();

   // I'm assuming KERNEL_DATA is a large enough block of memory
   // and that it can be aligned to the beginning of a dcache
   // sized memory block.
   p = (uchar_ptr)(((uint_32)p) & ~(PSP_DCACHE_SIZE-1));

   // Must be atomic
   _MTMSR(old_msr & ~(PPC440_MSR_EE|PPC440_MSR_CE|PPC440_MSR_ME));

   // Finish all data writes

   // There are 1024 lines in the dcache.
   // Twice as much data must be read in.
   for (i = 0; i < PPC440_DCACHE_NUM_LINES2X; i++) {
      (void) *(volatile _mqx_int _PTR_)p; // Load from the address
      _DCBF((pointer)p,0); // Data cache block flush
      _ICBI((pointer)p,0); // Instruction cache block invalidate
      p += PPC440_DCACHE_LINE_SIZE;
   } /* Endfor */


/* catch ERROR : undefined cpu type " */
   #error "CPU NOT DEFINED"

} /* Endbody */
void _dcache_disable
{ /* Body */
#if defined(PSP_PPC403) || defined(PSP_PPC401) || defined(PSP_IOP480) || \

   _PSP_SPR_SET(1018,0);    // mtspr dccr,0

#elif defined(PSP_PPC603)  || defined(PSP_PPC740)  || defined(PSP_PPC750) || \
      defined(PSP_MPC8240) || defined(PSP_G2_CORE) || defined(PSP_PPC7400) || \

   register uint_32 val;
   val &= ~0x4000;

#elif defined(PSP_E500_CORE) || defined(PSP_E200_CORE)

   register uint_32 val;
   _PSP_SPR_GET(val,1010); /* L1CSR0 */
   val &= ~0x01;
#ifdef PSP_BOOKE    
   asm ("msync");

#elif defined(PSP_MPC555) || defined(PSP_MPC566)
   /* Has no cache */

/* define PSP_MPC823 in macro */   
#elif defined(PSP_MPC821) || defined(PSP_MPC823) || defined(PSP_MPC850) || \
      defined(PSP_MPC855) || defined(PSP_MPC860) || defined(PSP_MPC866) || \

   register uint_32 val;
   val |= 0x04000000;
#elif defined(PSP_PPC440)

   // Cache cannot be easily disabled.  You must modify the appropriate
   // TLB entries that allow cache to disallow it.  I'm not sure that's
   // a good idea.

/* catch ERROR : undefined cpu type " */
   #error "CPU NOT DEFINED"

} /* Endbody */