static void openwin(int x, int y, unsigned w, unsigned h, int b) { XSizeHints hints; XSetWindowAttributes swa; unsigned long swamask; Atom datom; swa.event_mask = EVMASK; swamask = CWEventMask; hints.x = x; hints.y = y; hints.width = w; hints.height = h; assert(!g_win); g_win = XCreateWindow(g_dpy, XRootWindow(g_dpy, scr()), hints.x, hints.y, hints.width, hints.height, 0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, swamask, &swa); borders(b); hints.flags = USSize | USPosition; XSetWMNormalHints(g_dpy, g_win, &hints); datom = XInternAtom(g_dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); XSetWMProtocols(g_dpy, g_win, &datom, 1); XSelectInput(g_dpy, g_win, EVMASK); g_xic = XCreateIC(g_xim, XNInputStyle, XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing, XNClientWindow, g_win, XNFocusWindow, g_win, NULL); if (g_cursor) XDefineCursor(g_dpy, g_win, g_cursor); XStoreName(g_dpy, g_win, (const char*)cvInject(CVQ_NAME, 0, 0)); }
int AuroraeTheme::topBorderMaximized() const { int left, top, right, bottom; left = top = right = bottom = 0; borders(left, top, right, bottom, true); return top; }
void findpeaks( long environment, long listlength, double *list, long *peakposes, long *peaknumber, double *thresh) { long halfenv = environment / 2; long i; *peaknumber = 0; long l,r; for (i=0;i<listlength;i++) { peakposes[i] = -2;} for (i=halfenv;i< (listlength-halfenv);i++){ if (list[i]>=thresh[0] ) { borders(halfenv, listlength,i,&l,&r); if ( ismaxoflist( list[i],list, l, r) ){ *peaknumber = *peaknumber + 1; peakposes[*peaknumber-1]=i; i = i+halfenv; } } } }
void BubbleDemo::run(EaLcdBoardGPIO& lcdBoard, uint32_t loops, uint32_t delayMs) { printf("BubbleDemo, %d loops, %dms delay\n", loops, delayMs); //update framebuffer graphics.setFrameBuffer(this->pFrmBuf); lcdBoard.setFrameBuffer((uint32_t)this->pFrmBuf); memset((void*)(pFrmBuf), 0, this->windowX * this->windowY * 2); for(int32_t n=0;n<loops;n++) { for(i = 0; i < NumBalls; i++) { x[i] += velX[i]; y[i] += velY[i]; for(j = i + 1; j < NumBalls; j++) collision(); borders(); if((int)x[i] != (int)oldX[i] || (int)y[i] != (int)oldY[i]) draw(); } wait_ms(delayMs); } memset((void*)(pFrmBuf), 0, this->windowX * this->windowY * 2); }
KDecoration::Position KDecoration::mousePosition(const QPoint &p) const { const int range = 16; int bleft, bright, btop, bbottom; borders(bleft, bright, btop, bbottom); btop = KMIN(btop, 4); // otherwise whole titlebar would have resize cursor Position m = PositionCenter; if((p.x() > bleft && p.x() < widget()->width() - bright) && (p.y() > btop && p.y() < widget()->height() - bbottom)) return PositionCenter; if(p.y() <= KMAX(range, btop) && p.x() <= KMAX(range, bleft)) m = PositionTopLeft; else if(p.y() >= widget()->height() - KMAX(range, bbottom) && p.x() >= widget()->width() - KMAX(range, bright)) m = PositionBottomRight; else if(p.y() >= widget()->height() - KMAX(range, bbottom) && p.x() <= KMAX(range, bleft)) m = PositionBottomLeft; else if(p.y() <= KMAX(range, btop) && p.x() >= widget()->width() - KMAX(range, bright)) m = PositionTopRight; else if(p.y() <= btop) m = PositionTop; else if(p.y() >= widget()->height() - bbottom) m = PositionBottom; else if(p.x() <= bleft) m = PositionLeft; else if(p.x() >= widget()->width() - bright) m = PositionRight; else m = PositionCenter; return m; }
int AuroraeTheme::topBorder() const { int left, top, right, bottom; left = top = right = bottom = 0; borders(left, top, right, bottom, false); return top; }
glm::uvec2 Indigo::NinePatch::min_size() const { glm::uvec2 margins(m_margins.x + m_margins.z,m_margins.y + m_margins.w); glm::uvec2 borders(m_info->m_borders.x + m_info->m_borders.z,m_info->m_borders.y + m_info->m_borders.w); return glm::max(margins,borders); }
void Vehicle::update() { wander(); velocity += acceleration; velocity.limit( maxSpeed ); position += velocity; acceleration.set( Vec2f::zero() ); borders(); angle = toDegrees( atan2f( velocity.y, velocity.x ) ); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // buildNeighbors void BasicSPH::buildNeighbors() { // Reserve space and initialize neighbors' data _neighbors.clear(); _neighbors.resize(_particles.size()); // Init spatial grid Vec3d borders(_h*2.0, _h*2.0, _h*2.0); Vec3d gridMin = _volumeMin; gridMin -= borders; Vec3d gridMax = _volumeMax; gridMax += borders; SpatialGrid<long> grid(_h, gridMin, gridMax); // Insert particles into grid for (long p=0; p<_particles.size(); ++p) { grid.insert(p, _particles[p].pos); } // Use grid to retrieve neighbor particles double h2 = _h*_h; std::vector<long*> nearbyParticles; for (long p=0; p<_particles.size(); ++p) { const SPHParticle &particle = _particles[p]; // Get nearby particles grid.getElements(particle.pos, _h, nearbyParticles); // Find particles that are within smoothing radius _neighbors[p].reserve(50); for (long i=0; i<nearbyParticles.size(); ++i) { long nID = *nearbyParticles[i]; const SPHParticle &neighborParticle = _particles[nID]; // Skip current particle if (nID==p) continue; Vec3d xij = particle.pos - neighborParticle.pos; // Check if distance is lower than smoothing radius double dist2 =; if (dist2 < h2) { // Yup! Add the particle to the neighbors list along with // some precomputed informations _neighbors[p].push_back(Neighbor(nID, xij, sqrt(dist2))); } } } }
void GOLWidget::paintGrid(QPainter &p) { QRect borders(0, 0, width() - 1, height() - 1); QColor gridColor = masterColor; p.setPen(gridColor); double cellWidth = (double)width() / size; double cellHeight = (double)height() / size; for (double k = cellWidth; k <= width(); k += cellWidth) p.drawLine(k, 0, k, height()); for (double k = cellHeight; k <= height(); k += cellHeight) p.drawLine(0, k, width(), k); p.drawRect(borders); }
void Camera::setCameraOnObject() { x2 = (borders().minX+borders().maxX)/2; y2 = (borders().minY+borders().maxY)/2; z2 = (borders().minZ+borders().maxZ)/2*m_zScale; calculateCameraCoordinates(); }
void Boid::run(vector<Boid> boids, float separateForce, float alignForce, float cohesionForce, float separateRadious, float alignRadious, float cohesionRadious, float maxSpeed){ this->separateForce = separateForce; this->alignForce = alignForce; this->cohesionForce = cohesionForce; this->separateRadious = separateRadious; this->alignRadious = alignRadious; this->cohesionRadious = cohesionRadious; this->maxSpeed = maxSpeed; flock(boids); update(); borders(); }
void GameWidget::paintGrid(QPainter &p) { QRect borders(0, 0, width()-1, height()-1); // borders of the universe QColor gridColor = m_masterColor; // color of the grid gridColor.setAlpha(10); // must be lighter than main color p.setPen(gridColor); double cellWidth = (double)width()/universeSize; // width of the widget / number of cells at one row for(double k = cellWidth; k <= width(); k += cellWidth) p.drawLine(k, 0, k, height()); double cellHeight = (double)height()/universeSize; // height of the widget / number of cells at one row for(double k = cellHeight; k <= height(); k += cellHeight) p.drawLine(0, k, width(), k); p.drawRect(borders); }
KDecorationDefines::Position AuroraeClient::mousePosition(const QPoint &point) const { // based on the code from deKorator int pos = PositionCenter; if (isShade()) { return Position(pos); } int borderLeft, borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom; borders(borderLeft, borderRight, borderTop, borderBottom); int paddingLeft, paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom; padding(paddingLeft, paddingRight, paddingTop, paddingBottom); const bool maximized = maximizeMode() == MaximizeFull && !options()->moveResizeMaximizedWindows(); int titleEdgeLeft, titleEdgeRight, titleEdgeTop, titleEdgeBottom; AuroraeFactory::instance()->theme()->titleEdges(titleEdgeLeft, titleEdgeTop, titleEdgeRight, titleEdgeBottom, maximized); switch (AuroraeFactory::instance()->theme()->decorationPosition()) { case DecorationTop: borderTop = titleEdgeTop; break; case DecorationLeft: borderLeft = titleEdgeLeft; break; case DecorationRight: borderRight = titleEdgeRight; break; case DecorationBottom: borderBottom = titleEdgeBottom; break; default: break; // nothing } if (point.x() >= (m_view->width() - borderRight - paddingRight)) { pos |= PositionRight; } else if (point.x() <= borderLeft + paddingLeft) { pos |= PositionLeft; } if (point.y() >= m_view->height() - borderBottom - paddingBottom) { pos |= PositionBottom; } else if (point.y() <= borderTop + paddingTop ) { pos |= PositionTop; } return Position(pos); }
void Boid::swarm(std::vector <Boid> v) { /* Lenard-Jones Potential function Vector R = me.position - you.position Real D = R.magnitude() Real U = -A / pow(D, N) + B / pow(D, M) R.normalise() force = force + R*U */ Pvector R; Pvector sum(0, 0); // Your code here.. applyForce(sum); update(); borders(); }
void gameW::paintGrid(QPainter &painter) { QRect borders(0, 0, width()-1, height()-1); QColor gridColor = "#000"; gridColor.setAlpha(40); painter.setPen(gridColor); double cellWidth = (double)width() / mapSize; for(double k = 0; k < width(); k += cellWidth) { painter.drawLine(k, 0, k, height()); } double cellHeight = (double)height()/mapSize; for(double k = 0; k < height(); k += cellHeight) { painter.drawLine(0, k, width(), k); } painter.drawRect(borders); }
void do_attack(GameInstance *g, const Server *s, Player *p, SR_Command *cmd) { SpeedRiskData *risk = (SpeedRiskData *)g->data; SR_Game_Status *status = &risk->status; int attacking, defending, attack_loss, defend_loss, defender; if (not_holds(status, p, cmd->from)) { player_error(s, p, SR_ERR_NOT_OWNER); } else if (holds(status, p, cmd->to)) { player_error(s, p, SR_ERR_INVALID_DESTINATION); } else if (!borders(cmd->from, cmd->to)) { player_error(s, p, SR_ERR_INVALID_DESTINATION); } else if (cmd->armies < 1 || cmd->armies >= status->countries[cmd->from].armies) { player_error(s, p, SR_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_ARMIES); } else { attacking = cmd->armies > 3 ? 3 : cmd->armies; defending = status->countries[cmd->to].armies > 1 ? 2 : 1; roll_for_attack(attacking, defending, s->random, &attack_loss, &defend_loss); status->countries[cmd->from].armies -= attack_loss; status->countries[cmd->to].armies -= defend_loss; defender = status->countries[cmd->to].owner; if (status->countries[cmd->to].armies == 0) { attacking = cmd->armies - attack_loss; status->countries[cmd->from].armies -= attacking; status->countries[cmd->to].armies += attacking; status->countries[cmd->to].owner = p->in_game_id; risk->players[p->in_game_id].countries_held++; risk->players[defender].countries_held--; } tell_all_mv_at_result(g, s, SR_CMD_ATTACK_RESULT, cmd->from, cmd->to); if (risk->players[defender].countries_held == 0) { all_cmd_f(g, s, SR_CMD_DEFEAT, defender); if (risk->players[defender].player != NULL) { s->log(g, "%s defeated", risk->players[defender].player->name); } } if (risk->players[p->in_game_id].countries_held == risk->board->territories) { s->change_state(g, &SR_DONE); } } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void vehicle::applyBehaviours(vector<vehicle> vehicles, ofVec2f* gradient){ ofPoint mouse(ofGetMouseX(), ofGetMouseY()); ofPoint separateForce = separate(vehicles); ofPoint seekForce = seek(mouse); ofPoint border = borders(); ofPoint slope = slopes(gradient); separateForce*=2; seekForce *= 1; border *=3; slope *= 2; applyForce(slope); applyForce(border); applyForce(separateForce); applyForce(seekForce); }
void lifeWidget::paintGrid(QPainter &p) { QRect borders(0, 0, width()-1, height()-1); QColor gridColor = Qt::blue; //m_masterColor; gridColor.setAlpha(10); p.setPen(gridColor); double cellWidth = (double)width()/universeSize; for(double k = cellWidth; k <= width(); k += cellWidth) { p.drawLine(k, 0, k, height()); } double cellHeight = (double)height()/universeSize; for(double k = cellHeight; k <= height(); k += cellHeight) { p.drawLine(0, k, width(), k); } p.drawRect(borders); }
/* This function is invoked by the main CAmkES thread in this component. */ int run(void) { int error = camkes_io_port_ops(&io_port_ops); assert(!error); /* Use the dataport address */ void *bga_ptr = (void *)mock_hdmi; bga = bga_init(bga_ptr, out16, in16); bga_set_mode(bga, 1024, 768, 24); /* 1024x768 resolution at 24 BPP */ ringbuffer_t *low = rb_new((void *)low_input, sizeof(*low_input)); if (low == NULL) { abort(); } ringbuffer_t *high = rb_new((void *)high_input, sizeof(*high_input)); if (high == NULL) { abort(); } borders(); /* Check both inputs for data and pass it to the relevant framebuffer. */ while (true) { char c; if ((c = (char)rb_poll_byte(low)) != 0) { write_low(c); } if ((c = (char)rb_poll_byte(high)) != 0) { write_high(c); } } return 0; }
void do_move(GameInstance *g, const Server *s, Player *p, SR_Command *cmd) { int armies; SpeedRiskData *risk = (SpeedRiskData *)g->data; SR_Game_Status *status = &risk->status; if (!(holds(status, p, cmd->from) && holds(status, p, cmd->to))) { player_error(s, p, SR_ERR_NOT_OWNER); } else if (!borders(cmd->from, cmd->to)) { player_error(s, p, SR_ERR_INVALID_DESTINATION); } else if (cmd->armies>=status->countries[cmd->from].armies){ player_error(s, p, SR_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_ARMIES); } else { armies = status->countries[cmd->to].armies + cmd->armies; if (armies > 255) cmd->armies = 255 - status->countries[cmd->to].armies; status->countries[cmd->from].armies -= cmd->armies; status->countries[cmd->to].armies += cmd->armies; tell_all_mv_at_result(g, s, SR_CMD_MOVE_RESULT, cmd->from, cmd->to); } }
void Predator::Draw(sf::RenderWindow &w, sf::Vector2f &wb) { borders(); sprite.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(location->x, location->y)); w.draw(sprite); }
void generate_qc( void ) { real c=0.80,d=0.5; /* constants */ int a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8; /* grid boundaries */ int hv,i,j; /* auxiliary variables */ int p[3],q[3]; /* approximant */ int no,np,na,nb,nc,nt; /* geometry numbers */ real tau[3],betrag[3],tau0[3],tau1[3]; /* grid vectors */ real perkah[3]; /* period in grid space */ real tautl; /* golden number */ real tautl0,tautl1,betrtl; /* tiling vectors (lt) */ real box[3]; vektor cen; /* cell center */ vektor perpro; /* per pe */ #ifndef BUFCELLS ivektor cpu_dim; int num_cpus = 0; int myid = 0; ivektor my_coord; /* this can't possibly work... */ cpu_dim.x=1; cpu_dim.y=1; cpu_dim.z=1; /* this can't possibly work... */ my_coord.x=0; my_coord.y=0; my_coord.z=0; #endif tautl = (sqrt(5.0)+1.0)*0.5; gam[0]=0.14;gam[1]=-0.25;gam[2]=0.33;gam[3]=-0.41;gam[4]=0.52;gam[5]=-0.33; num_sort[0]=0;num_sort[1]=0;num_sort[2]=0; /* generating grid vectors */ for (j=0;j<3;j++) { p[j] =1;q[j]=0;hv=0; for (i=0;i<appr[j];i++) { hv=q[j]; q[j]=p[j]; p[j]=p[j]+hv; } tau[j]=((real) p[j])/((real) q[j]); perkah[j]=(tautl*p[j]+q[j])/sqrt(tautl+2.0); #ifdef MPI if (0==myid) { printf("p(%1d)= %3d,q(%1d)= %3d,tau(%1d)= %3f\n", j,p[j],j,q[j],j,tau[j]); printf("period in atomic units %10.5f\n",perkah[j]); }; #endif } for (i=0;i<3;i++) { betrag[i]=sqrt(tau[i]*tau[i]+1.0); tau0[i]=tau[i]/betrag[i]; tau1[i]=1.0/betrag[i]; } gx[0]= tau0[0];gy[0]= 0; gz[0]=-tau1[2]; gx[1]= tau1[0];gy[1]= tau0[1];gz[1]= 0; gx[2]= 0; gy[2]= tau1[1];gz[2]= tau0[2]; gx[3]= 0; gy[3]=-tau1[1];gz[3]= tau0[2]; gx[4]= tau1[0];gy[4]=-tau0[1];gz[4]= 0; gx[5]= tau0[0];gy[5]= 0; gz[5]= tau1[2]; /* generating sort tiling vectors */ betrtl=sqrt(tautl+2.0); tautl0=tautl/betrtl;tautl1=1.0/betrtl; tx[0]= tautl0;ty[0]= 0; tz[0]=-tautl1; tx[1]= tautl1;ty[1]= tautl0;tz[1]= 0; tx[2]= 0; ty[2]= tautl1;tz[2]= tautl0; tx[3]= 0; ty[3]=-tautl1;tz[3]= tautl0; tx[4]= tautl1;ty[4]=-tautl0;tz[4]= 0; tx[5]= tautl0;ty[5]= 0; tz[5]= tautl1; /* distributing computation */ gmin.x=-perkah[0];gmax.x=perkah[0]; gmin.y=-perkah[1];gmax.y=perkah[1]; gmin.z=-perkah[2];gmax.z=perkah[2]; perpro.x=(gmax.x-gmin.x)/((real) cpu_dim.x); perpro.y=(gmax.y-gmin.y)/((real) cpu_dim.y); perpro.z=(gmax.z-gmin.z)/((real) cpu_dim.z); for (i=0;i<3;i++) { box[i]=4.0*perkah[i]; iper[i]=1.0/box[i]; } /* Set up 1 atom input cell */ input = (cell *) malloc(sizeof(cell)); if (0==input) error("Can't allocate input cell.") ; input->n_max=0; alloc_cell(input, 1); /* Set up cpu parts */ cen.x=(2.*my_coord.x-cpu_dim.x+1.)*perpro.x*0.5*d; lmin.x=cen.x-perpro.x*0.5-c; lmax.x=cen.x+perpro.x*0.5+c; lmin.x=MAX(lmin.x,gmin.x); lmax.x=MIN(lmax.x,gmax.x); perm[0]=2.0*(my_coord.x*perpro.x); perp[0]=perm[0]+2.0*perpro.x; cen.y=(2.*my_coord.y-cpu_dim.y+1.)*perpro.y*0.5*d; lmin.y=cen.y-perpro.y*0.5-c; lmax.y=cen.y+perpro.y*0.5+c; lmin.y=MAX(lmin.y,gmin.y); lmax.y=MIN(lmax.y,gmax.y); perm[1]=2.0*(my_coord.y*perpro.y); perp[1]=perm[1]+2.0*perpro.y; cen.z=(2.*my_coord.z-cpu_dim.z+1.)*perpro.z*0.5*d; lmin.z=cen.z-perpro.z*0.5-c; lmax.z=cen.z+perpro.z*0.5+c; lmin.z=MAX(lmin.z,gmin.z); lmax.z=MIN(lmax.z,gmax.z); perm[2]=2.0*(my_coord.z*perpro.z); perp[2]=perm[2]+2.0*perpro.z; /* computing basic grid border parameters */ for (j=0;j<6;j++) { a1=floor(gx[j]*lmin.x+gy[j]*lmin.y+gz[j]*lmin.z-gam[j]+0.5); a2=floor(gx[j]*lmax.x+gy[j]*lmax.y+gz[j]*lmax.z-gam[j]+0.5); a3=floor(gx[j]*lmin.x+gy[j]*lmax.y+gz[j]*lmin.z-gam[j]+0.5); a4=floor(gx[j]*lmax.x+gy[j]*lmin.y+gz[j]*lmax.z-gam[j]+0.5); a5=floor(gx[j]*lmin.x+gy[j]*lmin.y+gz[j]*lmax.z-gam[j]+0.5); a6=floor(gx[j]*lmax.x+gy[j]*lmax.y+gz[j]*lmin.z-gam[j]+0.5); a7=floor(gx[j]*lmin.x+gy[j]*lmax.y+gz[j]*lmax.z-gam[j]+0.5); a8=floor(gx[j]*lmax.x+gy[j]*lmin.y+gz[j]*lmin.z-gam[j]+0.5); k1min[j]=MIN(MIN(MIN(a1,a2),MIN(a3,a4)),MIN(MIN(a5,a6),MIN(a7,a8))); k1max[j]=MAX(MAX(MAX(a1,a2),MAX(a3,a4)),MAX(MAX(a5,a6),MAX(a7,a8))); } natoms=0; nactive=0; borders(); adjust(); printf("Number of PE, number of atoms: %d %d\n",myid,natoms); }
void Boid :: run () { update(); borders(); }
// Run flock() on the flock of boids. // This applies the three rules, modifies velocities accordingly, updates data, // and corrects boids which are sitting outside of the SFML window void Boid::run(vector <Boid> v) { flock(v); update(); borders(); }
void mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { if(nlhs!=1) { mexErrMsgTxt("One matrix is needed as an output"); } if(nrhs!=1) { mexErrMsgTxt("One double matrix is needed as an input"); } if(!mxIsDouble(prhs[0])) { mexErrMsgTxt("The input must be a double typed matrix"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////// CONSTANT PARAMETER DEFINITION//////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //During the optimal sigma parameter guess phase each sigma such that //sigma=SIGMA_MIN+k*DELTAT and sigma<=SIGMA_MAX will be tested. const int SIGMA_MIN=0; // minimal std-dev of the Gaussian-weighting function const int SIGMA_MAX=8; //maximal std-dev of the Gaussian-weighting function const float DELTA=0.5; //step between two consecutive std-dev //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////// READ IMAGE/////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int w1=mxGetN(prhs[0]); int h1=mxGetM(prhs[0]); float* Image= new float[w1*h1]; int tmp=0; int tmpx, tmpy; for (tmpx=0; tmpx<w1; tmpx++) for (tmpy=0; tmpy<h1; tmpy++) Image[tmpx+tmpy*w1] = (float)(mxGetPr(prhs[0]))[tmpy+tmpx*h1]; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////DEALING WITH BORDER EFFECTS: MIRROR symmetry ON COLUMNS//////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int W=w1+8*SIGMA_MAX; //new width of image afer mirror symmetry : 4 times SIGMA_MAX on each sides float* Imsym= new float[W*h1]; //new image allocation //input : image, New image, width,height, total size of the extension borders(Image,Imsym,w1,h1,4*SIGMA_MAX); //Output : //Classic mirror symmetry on columns : // C1 C2 ... CN => C2 C1 |C1 C2 ... CN|CN CN-1 etc //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////TRANSFERING DATAS TO CENTRAL FUNCTION///////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //input image , width (after symetrication), height MIRE_automatic(Imsym,W,h1,SIGMA_MIN, SIGMA_MAX, DELTA); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////REMOVING THE SYMETRIZATION : CROP (see DEALING WITH BORDERS////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#pragma omp parallel for // The following realize a CROP for (unsigned column=0;column<w1;column++) // for all columns { for (unsigned line=0;line<h1;line++) // for all lines { Image[line*w1+column] =Imsym[line*(w1+8*SIGMA_MAX)+column+4*SIGMA_MAX]; // using the useless memory of the input } } delete [] Imsym; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////DYNAMIC CORRECTION//////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////IMPOSING///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////[0,255]////////////////////////////////////////// //Computing the min and max of the output float min=Image[0]; float max=Image[0]; //#pragma omp parallel for for (unsigned i=1;i<w1*h1;i++) { if (Image[i]<min) min=Image[i]; if (Image[i]>max) max=Image[i]; } //Actually changing image-values //#pragma omp parallel for for (unsigned i=1;i<w1*h1;i++) { Image[i]=(255*(Image[i]-min)/(max-min)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////WRITING THE OUTPUT//////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mwSize dim = 2; const mwSize dims[2]={h1,w1}; plhs[0]=mxCreateNumericArray(dim, dims, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL); double* pointeur=(double*)mxGetPr(plhs[0]); for (tmpy=0; tmpy<h1; tmpy++) for (tmpx=0; tmpx<w1; tmpx++) { pointeur[tmpy+tmpx*h1]=(double)Image[tmpx+tmpy*w1]; } delete [] Image; }
void Camera::setDefaultCamera() { cam_a = (GLdouble)pi/2; cam_b = (GLdouble)pi/4; cam_r = 1.5*(borders().maxX-borders().minX); }
void Boid::run(vector<Boid*>& boids) { flock(boids); update(); borders(); }