static inline int SCREENabs (cairo_t *cr, double dist) { double dummy = 0; cairo_user_to_device_distance (cr, &dist, &dummy); return rint (dist); }
gfxSize gfxContext::UserToDevice(const gfxSize& size) const { gfxSize ret = size; cairo_user_to_device_distance(mCairo, &ret.width, &ret.height); return ret; }
gfxRect gfxContext::UserToDevice(gfxRect rect) const { gfxRect ret = rect; cairo_user_to_device(mCairo, &ret.pos.x, &ret.pos.y); cairo_user_to_device_distance(mCairo, &ret.size.width, &ret.size.height); return ret; }
static int cr_user_to_device_distance (lua_State *L) { cairo_t **obj = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, OOCAIRO_MT_NAME_CONTEXT); double x = luaL_checknumber(L, 2), y = luaL_checknumber(L, 3); cairo_user_to_device_distance(*obj, &x, &y); lua_pushnumber(L, x); lua_pushnumber(L, y); return 2; }
static void compute_hinting_scale (cairo_t *cr, double x, double y, double *scale, double *inv) { cairo_user_to_device_distance (cr, &x, &y); *scale = x == 0 ? y : y == 0 ? x :sqrt (x*x + y*y); *inv = 1 / *scale; }
void rala_glyph_set_arrow_cb_night(void* v, affine_t t) { struct cl* cl = (struct cl*)(((set_cell_cb_t*)v)->cl); cairo_t *cr = cl->cr; static cairo_pattern_t* memoized_pattern[ARROW_TYPE_MAX]; static int cell_width, cell_height; //in pixels static cairo_matrix_t scale_matrix; //Make sure width and height are the same as before double temp_width = 1.0, temp_height = 1.0; cairo_user_to_device_distance(cr, &temp_width, &temp_height); if((int)temp_width != cell_width || (int)temp_height != cell_height) { cell_width = (int)temp_width; cell_height = (int)temp_height; memset(memoized_pattern, 0, sizeof(cairo_pattern_t*)*ARROW_TYPE_MAX); cairo_matrix_init_scale(&scale_matrix, temp_width, temp_height); } //Mark dirty if(cl->w == 0) { cl->x = 2*t.wx-1; cl->y = -(2*t.wy)-1; cl->w = 3; cl->h = 3; } else { cl->w = -1; } cairo_save(cr); cairo_translate(cr,2*t.wx, -2*t.wy); setup_arrow(cr,arrow_rotate(t, ((set_arrow_cb_t*)v)->arrow_dir)); arrow_type_t arrow_type = ((set_arrow_cb_t*)v)->arrow_type; if(!memoized_pattern[arrow_type]) { cairo_surface_t* memoizer_surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, cell_width, cell_height); cairo_t* m_cr = cairo_create(memoizer_surface); cairo_scale(m_cr, cell_width, cell_height); switch(arrow_type) { case ARROW_TYPE_NONE: arrow_none_glyph_night(m_cr); break; case ARROW_TYPE_X: arrow_x_glyph_night(m_cr); break; case ARROW_TYPE_0: arrow_0_glyph_night(m_cr); break; case ARROW_TYPE_1: arrow_1_glyph_night(m_cr); break; } memoized_pattern[arrow_type] = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(memoizer_surface); cairo_pattern_set_matrix(memoized_pattern[arrow_type], &scale_matrix); } cairo_set_source(cr, memoized_pattern[arrow_type]); cairo_paint(cr); cairo_restore(cr); }
CAMLprim value ml_cairo_user_to_device_distance (value cr, value p) { double x, y; x = Double_field (p, 0); y = Double_field (p, 1); cairo_user_to_device_distance (cairo_t_val (cr), &x, &y); check_cairo_status (cr); return ml_cairo_point (x, y); }
static inline int screen_width (cairo_t *cr, double width) { double dummy = 0; cairo_user_to_device_distance (cr, &width, &dummy); if (width < 1) width = 1; return rint (width); }
static VALUE cr_user_to_device_distance (VALUE self, VALUE dx, VALUE dy) { double pair[2]; pair[0] = NUM2DBL (dx); pair[1] = NUM2DBL (dy); cairo_user_to_device_distance (_SELF, pair, pair + 1); cr_check_status (_SELF); return rb_cairo__float_array (pair, 2); }
static PyObject * pycairo_user_to_device_distance (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args) { double dx, dy; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dd:Context.user_to_device_distance", &dx, &dy)) return NULL; cairo_user_to_device_distance (o->ctx, &dx, &dy); RETURN_NULL_IF_CAIRO_CONTEXT_ERROR(o->ctx); return Py_BuildValue("(dd)", dx, dy); }
static void _rounded_rect (DiaRenderer *self, Point *topleft, Point *bottomright, Color *color, real radius, gboolean fill) { DiaCairoRenderer *renderer = DIA_CAIRO_RENDERER (self); double rv[2]; radius = MIN(radius, (bottomright->x - topleft->x)/2); radius = MIN(radius, (bottomright->y - topleft->y)/2); /* ignore radius if it is smaller than the device unit, avoids anti-aliasing artifacts */ rv[0] = radius; rv[1] = 0.0; cairo_user_to_device_distance (renderer->cr, &rv[0], &rv[1]); if (rv[0] < 1.0 && rv[1] < 1.0) { _rect (self, topleft, bottomright, color, fill); return; } DIAG_NOTE(g_message("%s_rounded_rect %f,%f -> %f,%f, %f", fill ? "fill" : "draw", topleft->x, topleft->y, bottomright->x, bottomright->y, radius)); cairo_set_source_rgba (renderer->cr, color->red, color->green, color->blue, 1.0); cairo_new_path (renderer->cr); cairo_move_to (renderer->cr, /* north-west */ topleft->x + radius, topleft->y); cairo_line_to (renderer->cr, /* north-east */ bottomright->x - radius, topleft->y); cairo_arc (renderer->cr, bottomright->x - radius, topleft->y + radius, radius, -G_PI_2, 0); cairo_line_to (renderer->cr, /* south-east */ bottomright->x, bottomright->y - radius); cairo_arc (renderer->cr, bottomright->x - radius, bottomright->y - radius, radius, 0, G_PI_2); cairo_line_to (renderer->cr, /* south-west */ topleft->x + radius, bottomright->y); cairo_arc (renderer->cr, topleft->x + radius, bottomright->y - radius, radius, G_PI_2, G_PI); cairo_line_to (renderer->cr, /* north-west */ topleft->x, topleft->y + radius); cairo_arc (renderer->cr, topleft->x + radius, topleft->y + radius, radius, G_PI, -G_PI_2); if (fill) cairo_fill (renderer->cr); else cairo_stroke (renderer->cr); DIAG_STATE(renderer->cr) }
static PyObject * pycairo_user_to_device_distance (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args) { double dx, dy; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dd:Context.user_to_device_distance", &dx, &dy)) return NULL; cairo_user_to_device_distance (o->ctx, &dx, &dy); if (Pycairo_Check_Status (cairo_status (o->ctx))) return NULL; return Py_BuildValue("(dd)", dx, dy); }
/** Draw the rectangle _centered_ at current Cairo coordinates. @param width Width of the rectangle. @param height Height of the rectangle. @param pixelOutput Round width and height to pixels. */ static void gerbv_draw_rectangle(cairo_t *cairoTarget, gdouble width, gdouble height, gboolean pixelOutput) { if (pixelOutput) { cairo_user_to_device_distance (cairoTarget, &width, &height); width -= (int)round(width) % 2; height -= (int)round(height) % 2; cairo_device_to_user_distance (cairoTarget, &width, &height); } cairo_rectangle (cairoTarget, -width/2.0, -height/2.0, width, height); return; }
void lsm_cairo_box_user_to_device (cairo_t *cairo, LsmBox *to, const LsmBox *from) { if (to == NULL) return; if (from == NULL || cairo == NULL) { to->x = 0; to->y = 0; to->width = 0; to->height = 0; } *to = *from; cairo_user_to_device (cairo, &to->x, &to->y); cairo_user_to_device_distance (cairo, &to->width, &to->height); }
FloatRect GraphicsContext::roundToDevicePixels(const FloatRect& frect) { FloatRect result; double x = frect.x(); double y = frect.y(); cairo_t* cr = m_data->cr; cairo_user_to_device(cr, &x, &y); x = round(x); y = round(y); cairo_device_to_user(cr, &x, &y); result.setX(static_cast<float>(x)); result.setY(static_cast<float>(y)); x = frect.width(); y = frect.height(); cairo_user_to_device_distance(cr, &x, &y); x = round(x); y = round(y); cairo_device_to_user_distance(cr, &x, &y); result.setWidth(static_cast<float>(x)); result.setHeight(static_cast<float>(y)); return result; }
FloatRect GraphicsContext::roundToDevicePixels(const FloatRect& frect, RoundingMode) { FloatRect result; double x = frect.x(); double y = frect.y(); cairo_t* cr = platformContext()->cr(); cairo_user_to_device(cr, &x, &y); x = round(x); y = round(y); cairo_device_to_user(cr, &x, &y); result.setX(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x)); result.setY(narrowPrecisionToFloat(y)); // We must ensure width and height are at least 1 (or -1) when // we're given float values in the range between 0 and 1 (or -1 and 0). double width = frect.width(); double height = frect.height(); cairo_user_to_device_distance(cr, &width, &height); if (width > -1 && width < 0) width = -1; else if (width > 0 && width < 1) width = 1; else width = round(width); if (height > -1 && width < 0) height = -1; else if (height > 0 && height < 1) height = 1; else height = round(height); cairo_device_to_user_distance(cr, &width, &height); result.setWidth(narrowPrecisionToFloat(width)); result.setHeight(narrowPrecisionToFloat(height)); return result; }
int draw_image_to_cairo_target (cairo_t *cairoTarget, gerbv_image_t *image, gdouble pixelWidth, enum draw_mode drawMode, gerbv_selection_info_t *selectionInfo, gerbv_render_info_t *renderInfo, gboolean allowOptimization, gerbv_user_transformation_t transform, gboolean pixelOutput) { const int hole_cross_inc_px = 8; struct gerbv_net *net, *polygonStartNet=NULL; double x1, y1, x2, y2, cp_x=0, cp_y=0; gdouble *p, p0, p1, dx, dy, lineWidth, r; gerbv_netstate_t *oldState; gerbv_layer_t *oldLayer; cairo_operator_t drawOperatorClear, drawOperatorDark; gboolean invertPolarity = FALSE, oddWidth = FALSE; gdouble minX=0, minY=0, maxX=0, maxY=0; gdouble criticalRadius; gdouble scaleX = transform.scaleX; gdouble scaleY = transform.scaleY; gboolean limitLineWidth = TRUE; gboolean displayPixel = TRUE; /* If we are scaling the image at all, ignore the line width checks * since scaled up lines can still be visible */ if ((scaleX != 1)||(scaleY != 1)){ limitLineWidth = FALSE; } if (transform.mirrorAroundX) scaleY *= -1; if (transform.mirrorAroundY) scaleX *= -1; cairo_translate (cairoTarget, transform.translateX, transform.translateY); cairo_scale (cairoTarget, scaleX, scaleY); cairo_rotate (cairoTarget, transform.rotation); gboolean useOptimizations = allowOptimization; /* If the user is using any transformations for this layer, then don't * bother using rendering optimizations */ if ((fabs(transform.translateX) > 0.00001) || (fabs(transform.translateY) > 0.00001) || (fabs(transform.scaleX - 1) > 0.00001) || (fabs(transform.scaleY - 1) > 0.00001) || (fabs(transform.rotation) > 0.00001) || transform.mirrorAroundX || transform.mirrorAroundY) useOptimizations = FALSE; if (useOptimizations && pixelOutput) { minX = renderInfo->lowerLeftX; minY = renderInfo->lowerLeftY; maxX = renderInfo->lowerLeftX + (renderInfo->displayWidth / renderInfo->scaleFactorX); maxY = renderInfo->lowerLeftY + (renderInfo->displayHeight / renderInfo->scaleFactorY); } /* do initial justify */ cairo_translate (cairoTarget, image->info->imageJustifyOffsetActualA, image->info->imageJustifyOffsetActualB); /* set the fill rule so aperture holes are cleared correctly */ cairo_set_fill_rule (cairoTarget, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD); /* offset image */ cairo_translate (cairoTarget, image->info->offsetA, image->info->offsetB); /* do image rotation */ cairo_rotate (cairoTarget, image->info->imageRotation); /* load in polarity operators depending on the image polarity */ invertPolarity = transform.inverted; if (image->info->polarity == GERBV_POLARITY_NEGATIVE) invertPolarity = !invertPolarity; if (drawMode == DRAW_SELECTIONS) invertPolarity = FALSE; if (invertPolarity) { drawOperatorClear = CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER; drawOperatorDark = CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR; cairo_set_operator (cairoTarget, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER); cairo_paint (cairoTarget); cairo_set_operator (cairoTarget, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR); } else { drawOperatorClear = CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR; drawOperatorDark = CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER; } /* next, push two cairo states to simulate the first layer and netstate translations (these will be popped when another layer or netstate is started */ cairo_save (cairoTarget); cairo_save (cairoTarget); /* store the current layer and netstate so we know when they change */ oldLayer = image->layers; oldState = image->states; for (net = image->netlist->next; net != NULL; net = gerbv_image_return_next_renderable_object(net)) { /* check if this is a new layer */ if (net->layer != oldLayer){ /* it's a new layer, so recalculate the new transformation matrix for it */ cairo_restore (cairoTarget); cairo_restore (cairoTarget); cairo_save (cairoTarget); /* do any rotations */ cairo_rotate (cairoTarget, net->layer->rotation); /* handle the layer polarity */ if ((net->layer->polarity == GERBV_POLARITY_CLEAR)^invertPolarity) { cairo_set_operator (cairoTarget, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR); drawOperatorClear = CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER; drawOperatorDark = CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR; } else { cairo_set_operator (cairoTarget, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER); drawOperatorClear = CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR; drawOperatorDark = CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER; } /* Draw any knockout areas */ gerbv_knockout_t *ko = &net->layer->knockout; if (ko->firstInstance == TRUE) { cairo_operator_t oldOperator = cairo_get_operator (cairoTarget); if (ko->polarity == GERBV_POLARITY_CLEAR) { cairo_set_operator (cairoTarget, drawOperatorClear); } else { cairo_set_operator (cairoTarget, drawOperatorDark); } cairo_new_path (cairoTarget); cairo_rectangle (cairoTarget, ko->lowerLeftX - ko->border, ko->lowerLeftY - ko->border, ko->width + 2*ko->border, ko->height + 2*ko->border); draw_fill (cairoTarget, drawMode, selectionInfo, image, net); cairo_set_operator (cairoTarget, oldOperator); } /* Finally, reapply old netstate transformation */ cairo_save (cairoTarget); draw_apply_netstate_transformation (cairoTarget, net->state); oldLayer = net->layer; } /* check if this is a new netstate */ if (net->state != oldState){ /* pop the transformation matrix back to the "pre-state" state and resave it */ cairo_restore (cairoTarget); cairo_save (cairoTarget); /* it's a new state, so recalculate the new transformation matrix for it */ draw_apply_netstate_transformation (cairoTarget, net->state); oldState = net->state; } /* if we are only drawing from the selection buffer, search if this net is in the buffer */ if (drawMode == DRAW_SELECTIONS) { /* this flag makes sure we don't draw any unintentional polygons... if we've successfully entered a polygon (the first net matches, and we don't want to check the nets inside the polygon) then polygonStartNet will be set */ if (!polygonStartNet) { if (!draw_net_is_in_selection_buffer_remove (net, selectionInfo, FALSE)) continue; } } /* step and repeat */ gerbv_step_and_repeat_t *sr = &net->layer->stepAndRepeat; int ix, iy; for (ix = 0; ix < sr->X; ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < sr->Y; iy++) { double sr_x = ix * sr->dist_X; double sr_y = iy * sr->dist_Y; if (useOptimizations && pixelOutput && ((net->boundingBox.right+sr_x < minX) || (net->boundingBox.left+sr_x > maxX) || (net-> < minY) || (net->boundingBox.bottom+sr_y > maxY))) { continue; } x1 = net->start_x + sr_x; y1 = net->start_y + sr_y; x2 = net->stop_x + sr_x; y2 = net->stop_y + sr_y; /* translate circular x,y data as well */ if (net->cirseg) { cp_x = net->cirseg->cp_x + sr_x; cp_y = net->cirseg->cp_y + sr_y; } /* render any labels attached to this net */ /* NOTE: this is currently only used on PNP files, so we may make some assumptions here... */ if (net->label) { cairo_set_font_size (cairoTarget, 0.05); cairo_save (cairoTarget); cairo_move_to (cairoTarget, x1, y1); cairo_scale (cairoTarget, 1, -1); cairo_show_text (cairoTarget, net->label->str); cairo_restore (cairoTarget); } /* Polygon area fill routines */ switch (net->interpolation) { case GERBV_INTERPOLATION_PAREA_START : draw_render_polygon_object (net, cairoTarget, sr_x, sr_y, image, drawMode, selectionInfo, pixelOutput); continue; case GERBV_INTERPOLATION_DELETED: continue; default : break; } /* * If aperture state is off we allow use of undefined apertures. * This happens when gerber files starts, but hasn't decided on * which aperture to use. */ if (image->aperture[net->aperture] == NULL) continue; switch (net->aperture_state) { case GERBV_APERTURE_STATE_ON : /* if the aperture width is truly 0, then render as a 1 pixel width line. 0 diameter apertures are used by some programs to draw labels, etc, and they are rendered by other programs as 1 pixel wide */ /* NOTE: also, make sure all lines are at least 1 pixel wide, so they always show up at low zoom levels */ if (limitLineWidth&&((image->aperture[net->aperture]->parameter[0] < pixelWidth)&& (pixelOutput))) criticalRadius = pixelWidth/2.0; else criticalRadius = image->aperture[net->aperture]->parameter[0]/2.0; lineWidth = criticalRadius*2.0; // convert to a pixel integer cairo_user_to_device_distance (cairoTarget, &lineWidth, &x1); if (pixelOutput) { lineWidth = round(lineWidth); if ((int)lineWidth % 2) { oddWidth = TRUE; } else { oddWidth = FALSE; } } cairo_device_to_user_distance (cairoTarget, &lineWidth, &x1); cairo_set_line_width (cairoTarget, lineWidth); switch (net->interpolation) { case GERBV_INTERPOLATION_x10 : case GERBV_INTERPOLATION_LINEARx01 : case GERBV_INTERPOLATION_LINEARx001 : case GERBV_INTERPOLATION_LINEARx1 : cairo_set_line_cap (cairoTarget, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND); /* weed out any lines that are * obviously not going to * render on the visible screen */ switch (image->aperture[net->aperture]->type) { case GERBV_APTYPE_CIRCLE : if (renderInfo->show_cross_on_drill_holes && image->layertype == GERBV_LAYERTYPE_DRILL) { /* Draw center crosses on slot hole */ cairo_set_line_width (cairoTarget, pixelWidth); cairo_set_line_cap (cairoTarget, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE); r = image->aperture[net->aperture]->parameter[0]/2.0 + hole_cross_inc_px*pixelWidth; draw_cairo_cross (cairoTarget, x1, y1, r); draw_cairo_cross (cairoTarget, x2, y2, r); cairo_set_line_cap (cairoTarget, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND); cairo_set_line_width (cairoTarget, lineWidth); } draw_cairo_move_to (cairoTarget, x1, y1, oddWidth, pixelOutput); draw_cairo_line_to (cairoTarget, x2, y2, oddWidth, pixelOutput); draw_stroke (cairoTarget, drawMode, selectionInfo, image, net); break; case GERBV_APTYPE_RECTANGLE : dx = image->aperture[net->aperture]->parameter[0]/2; dy = image->aperture[net->aperture]->parameter[1]/2; if(x1 > x2) dx = -dx; if(y1 > y2) dy = -dy; cairo_new_path(cairoTarget); draw_cairo_move_to (cairoTarget, x1 - dx, y1 - dy, FALSE, pixelOutput); draw_cairo_line_to (cairoTarget, x1 - dx, y1 + dy, FALSE, pixelOutput); draw_cairo_line_to (cairoTarget, x2 - dx, y2 + dy, FALSE, pixelOutput); draw_cairo_line_to (cairoTarget, x2 + dx, y2 + dy, FALSE, pixelOutput); draw_cairo_line_to (cairoTarget, x2 + dx, y2 - dy, FALSE, pixelOutput); draw_cairo_line_to (cairoTarget, x1 + dx, y1 - dy, FALSE, pixelOutput); draw_fill (cairoTarget, drawMode, selectionInfo, image, net); break; /* TODO: for now, just render ovals or polygons like a circle */ case GERBV_APTYPE_OVAL : case GERBV_APTYPE_POLYGON : draw_cairo_move_to (cairoTarget, x1,y1, oddWidth, pixelOutput); draw_cairo_line_to (cairoTarget, x2,y2, oddWidth, pixelOutput); draw_stroke (cairoTarget, drawMode, selectionInfo, image, net); break; /* macros can only be flashed, so ignore any that might be here */ default: GERB_COMPILE_WARNING(_("Skipped aperture type \"%s\""), _(aperture_names[image->aperture[net->aperture]->type])); break; } break; case GERBV_INTERPOLATION_CW_CIRCULAR : case GERBV_INTERPOLATION_CCW_CIRCULAR : /* cairo doesn't have a function to draw oval arcs, so we must * draw an arc and stretch it by scaling different x and y values */ cairo_new_path(cairoTarget); if (image->aperture[net->aperture]->type == GERBV_APTYPE_RECTANGLE) { cairo_set_line_cap (cairoTarget, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE); } else { cairo_set_line_cap (cairoTarget, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND); } cairo_save (cairoTarget); cairo_translate(cairoTarget, cp_x, cp_y); cairo_scale (cairoTarget, net->cirseg->width, net->cirseg->height); if (net->cirseg->angle2 > net->cirseg->angle1) { cairo_arc (cairoTarget, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, DEG2RAD(net->cirseg->angle1), DEG2RAD(net->cirseg->angle2)); } else { cairo_arc_negative (cairoTarget, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, DEG2RAD(net->cirseg->angle1), DEG2RAD(net->cirseg->angle2)); } cairo_restore (cairoTarget); draw_stroke (cairoTarget, drawMode, selectionInfo, image, net); break; default : GERB_COMPILE_WARNING(_("Skipped interpolation type %d"), net->interpolation); break; } break; case GERBV_APERTURE_STATE_OFF : break; case GERBV_APERTURE_STATE_FLASH : p = image->aperture[net->aperture]->parameter; cairo_save (cairoTarget); draw_cairo_translate_adjust(cairoTarget, x2, y2, pixelOutput); switch (image->aperture[net->aperture]->type) { case GERBV_APTYPE_CIRCLE : if (renderInfo->show_cross_on_drill_holes && image->layertype == GERBV_LAYERTYPE_DRILL) { /* Draw center cross on drill hole */ cairo_set_line_width (cairoTarget, pixelWidth); cairo_set_line_cap (cairoTarget, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE); r = p[0]/2.0 + hole_cross_inc_px*pixelWidth; draw_cairo_cross (cairoTarget, 0, 0, r); cairo_set_line_width (cairoTarget, lineWidth); cairo_set_line_cap (cairoTarget, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND); } gerbv_draw_circle(cairoTarget, p[0]); gerbv_draw_aperture_hole (cairoTarget, p[1], p[2], pixelOutput); break; case GERBV_APTYPE_RECTANGLE : // some CAD programs use very thin flashed rectangles to compose // logos/images, so we must make sure those display here displayPixel = pixelOutput; p0 = p[0]; p1 = p[1]; if (limitLineWidth && (p[0] < pixelWidth) && pixelOutput) { p0 = pixelWidth; displayPixel = FALSE; } if (limitLineWidth && (p[1] < pixelWidth) && pixelOutput) { p1 = pixelWidth; displayPixel = FALSE; } gerbv_draw_rectangle(cairoTarget, p0, p1, displayPixel); gerbv_draw_aperture_hole (cairoTarget, p[2], p[3], displayPixel); break; case GERBV_APTYPE_OVAL : gerbv_draw_oblong(cairoTarget, p[0], p[1]); gerbv_draw_aperture_hole (cairoTarget, p[2], p[3], pixelOutput); break; case GERBV_APTYPE_POLYGON : gerbv_draw_polygon(cairoTarget, p[0], p[1], p[2]); gerbv_draw_aperture_hole (cairoTarget, p[3], p[4], pixelOutput); break; case GERBV_APTYPE_MACRO : gerbv_draw_amacro(cairoTarget, drawOperatorClear, drawOperatorDark, image->aperture[net->aperture]->simplified, (gint)p[0], pixelWidth, drawMode, selectionInfo, image, net); break; default : GERB_MESSAGE(_("Unknown aperture type")); return 0; } /* and finally fill the path */ draw_fill (cairoTarget, drawMode, selectionInfo, image, net); cairo_restore (cairoTarget); break; default: GERB_MESSAGE(_("Unknown aperture state")); return 0; } } } } /* restore the initial two state saves (one for layer, one for netstate)*/ cairo_restore (cairoTarget); cairo_restore (cairoTarget); return 1; }
void LcCairoPainter::user_to_device_distance(double* dx, double* dy) { cairo_user_to_device_distance(_cr, dx, dy); }
void Context::userToDeviceDistance( double *dx, double *dy ) { cairo_user_to_device_distance( mCairo, dx, dy ); }
void rala_glyph_set_cell_cb_day(void* v, affine_t t) { struct cl* cl = (struct cl*)(((set_cell_cb_t*)v)->cl); cairo_t *cr = cl->cr; static cairo_pattern_t* memoized_pattern[CELL_TYPE_MAX]; static int cell_width, cell_height; //in pixels static cairo_matrix_t scale_matrix; //Make sure width and height are the same as before double temp_width = 1.0, temp_height = 1.0; cairo_user_to_device_distance(cr, &temp_width, &temp_height); if((int)temp_width != cell_width || (int)temp_height != cell_height) { cell_width = (int)temp_width; cell_height = (int)temp_height; memset(memoized_pattern, 0, sizeof(cairo_pattern_t*)*CELL_TYPE_MAX); cairo_matrix_init_scale(&scale_matrix, temp_width, temp_height); } //Mark dirty if(cl->w == 0) { cl->x = 2*t.wx-1; cl->y = -(2*t.wy)-1; cl->w = 3; cl->h = 3; } else { cl->w = -1; } cairo_save(cr); cairo_translate(cr,2*t.wx, -2*t.wy); cell_type_t cell_type = ((set_cell_cb_t*)v)->cell_type; if(!memoized_pattern[cell_type]) { cairo_surface_t* memoizer_surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, cell_width, cell_height); cairo_t* m_cr = cairo_create(memoizer_surface); cairo_scale(m_cr, cell_width, cell_height); switch(cell_type) { case CELL_TYPE_BLANK: break; case CELL_TYPE_STEM: stem_cell_glyph_day(m_cr); break; case CELL_TYPE_AND: and_gate_glyph_day(m_cr); break; case CELL_TYPE_OR: or_gate_glyph_day(m_cr); break; case CELL_TYPE_XOR: xor_gate_glyph_day(m_cr); break; case CELL_TYPE_NAND: nand_gate_glyph_day(m_cr); break; case CELL_TYPE_WIRE: wire_cell_glyph_day(m_cr); break; case CELL_TYPE_CROSSOVER: crossover_cell_glyph_day(m_cr); break; case CELL_TYPE_COPY_E: copy_cell_glyph_day(m_cr,2); break; case CELL_TYPE_COPY_N: copy_cell_glyph_day(m_cr,3); break; case CELL_TYPE_COPY_W: copy_cell_glyph_day(m_cr,0); break; case CELL_TYPE_COPY_S: copy_cell_glyph_day(m_cr,1); break; case CELL_TYPE_DELETE_E: delete_cell_glyph_day(m_cr,2); break; case CELL_TYPE_DELETE_N: delete_cell_glyph_day(m_cr,3); break; case CELL_TYPE_DELETE_W: delete_cell_glyph_day(m_cr,0); break; case CELL_TYPE_DELETE_S: delete_cell_glyph_day(m_cr,1); break; } memoized_pattern[cell_type] = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(memoizer_surface); cairo_pattern_set_matrix(memoized_pattern[cell_type], &scale_matrix); } cairo_set_source(cr, memoized_pattern[cell_type]); cairo_paint(cr); cairo_restore(cr); }
void MediaPlayerPrivateEA::paint(GraphicsContext* context, const IntRect& r) { if (!context) return; // Can get a NULL platform context so need to verify. Seems that UpdateControlTints does what is called a "fake" paint // with a null platform context just to get an invalidate. PlatformContextCairo* pPlatformContext = context->platformContext(); if (!pPlatformContext) return; cairo_t* cr = context->platformContext()->cr(); if (!cr) return; MediaUpdateInfo& info = GetMediaUpdateInfo(); const FrameView* pFV = mpWebCorePlayer->frameView(); if (!pFV) return; // Convert and store movie rect to device coords using the graphic context. double x = (double) r.x(); double y = (double) r.y(); double w = (double) r.width(); double h = (double) r.height(); cairo_user_to_device (cr, &x, &y); cairo_user_to_device_distance(cr, &w, &h); const IntRect rect((int) x, (int) y, (int) w, (int) h); // The intersection of frameView contents and the movie is used as clip rect for we just want to know what part of the movie is visible. IntRect clip = pFV->windowClipRect(true); clip.intersect(rect); // Find controls intersection HTMLMediaElement* element = static_cast<HTMLMediaElement*>(mpWebCorePlayer->mediaPlayerClient()); if(element && element->controls()) { MediaControls* pControls = element->mediaControls(); bool hideControls = pControls->shouldHideControls(); if (!hideControls) { const int kControlHeight = 16; // EAWebKitTODO: Consider finding a way to extract this info directly from the controls or pass as a theme param. IntRect boundingRect = pControls->getRect(); x = (double) boundingRect.x(); y = (double) boundingRect.y(); w = (double) boundingRect.width(); h = (double) (boundingRect.height() - kControlHeight); cairo_user_to_device (cr, &x, &y); cairo_user_to_device_distance(cr, &w, &h); const IntRect ctrlRect((int) x, (int) y, (int) w, (int) h); clip.intersect(ctrlRect); } } if ((rect != mMovieRect) || (clip != mWindowRect)) { mMovieRect = rect; // Store copy locally to detect changes. mWindowRect = clip; info.mMovieRect = rect; info.mWindowRect = clip; ClientUpdate(MediaUpdateInfo::kWindowSize); } ClientUpdate(MediaUpdateInfo::kPaint); if (info.mReturnData) { // Draw surface to view #ifndef NDEBUG static bool sAssertChecked = false; if(!sAssertChecked) { EAW_ASSERT(!info.mReturnData); sAssertChecked = true; } #endif context->save(); RefPtr<cairo_surface_t> cairoSurface = adoptRef(cairo_image_surface_create_for_data((unsigned char*) info.mReturnData, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h, w * sizeof(uint32_t))); EAW_ASSERT(cairo_surface_status(cairoSurface.get()) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS); cairo_set_source_surface(cr, cairoSurface.get(), rect.x(), rect.y()); cairo_paint(cr); context->restore(); } else { // Draw a default black background. context->save(); context->setStrokeStyle(NoStroke); context->setFillColor(Color::black, ColorSpaceDeviceRGB); context->drawRect(r); context->restore(); } }