offs_t device_disasm_interface::disassemble(std::ostream &stream, offs_t pc, const u8 *oprom, const u8 *opram, u32 options)
    offs_t result = 0;

    // check for disassembler override
    if (!m_dasm_override.isnull())
        result = m_dasm_override(device(), stream, pc, oprom, opram, options);
    if (result == 0)
        result = disasm_disassemble(stream, pc, oprom, opram, options);

    // make sure we get good results
    assert((result & DASMFLAG_LENGTHMASK) != 0);
    device_memory_interface *memory;
    if (device().interface(memory))
        address_space &space = memory->space(AS_PROGRAM);
        int bytes = space.address_to_byte(result & DASMFLAG_LENGTHMASK);
        assert(bytes >= min_opcode_bytes());
        assert(bytes <= max_opcode_bytes());
        (void) bytes; // appease compiler

    return result;
void tms57002_device::decode_error(UINT32 opcode)
	char buf[256];
	UINT8 opr[3];

	unsupported_inst_warning = 1;
	opr[0] = opcode;
	opr[1] = opcode >> 8;
	opr[2] = opcode >> 16;

	disasm_disassemble(buf, pc, opr, opr, 0);
	popmessage("tms57002: %s - Contact Mamedev", buf);
 * @brief read the microcode ROM/RAM halfword
 * Note: HALFSEL is selecting the even (0) or odd (1) half of the
 * microcode RAM 32-bit word. Here's how the demultiplexers (74298)
 * u8, u18, u28 and u38 select the bits:
 *           SN74298
 *         +---+-+---+
 *         |   +-+   |
 *    B2  -|1      16|-  Vcc
 *         |         |
 *    A2  -|2      15|-  QA
 *         |         |
 *    A1  -|3      14|-  QB
 *         |         |
 *    B1  -|4      13|-  QC
 *         |         |
 *    C2  -|5      12|-  QD
 *         |         |
 *    D2  -|6      11|-  CLK
 *         |         |
 *    D1  -|7      10|-  SEL
 *         |         |
 *   GND  -|8       9|-  C1
 *         |         |
 *         +---------+
 *  chip  out pin  BUS in   pin HSEL=0      in   pin HSEL=1
 *  --------------------------------------------------------------
 *  u8    QA  15   0   A1   3   DRSEL(0)'   A2   2   DF2(0)
 *  u8    QB  14   1   B1   4   DRSEL(1)'   B2   1   DF2(1)'
 *  u8    QC  13   2   C1   9   DRSEL(2)'   C2   5   DF2(2)'
 *  u8    QD  12   3   D1   7   DRSEL(3)'   D2   6   DF2(3)'
 *  u18   QA  15   4   A1   3   DRSEL(4)'   A2   2   LOADT'
 *  u18   QB  14   5   B1   4   DALUF(0)'   B2   1   LOADL
 *  u18   QC  13   6   C1   9   DALUF(1)'   C2   5   NEXT(00)'
 *  u18   QD  12   7   D1   7   DALUF(2)'   D2   6   NEXT(01)'
 *  u28   QA  15   8   A1   3   DALUF(3)'   A2   2   NEXT(02)'
 *  u28   QB  14   9   B1   4   DBS(0)'     B2   1   NEXT(03)'
 *  u28   QC  13   10  C1   9   DBS(1)'     C2   5   NEXT(04)'
 *  u28   QD  12   11  D1   7   DBS(2)'     D2   6   NEXT(05)'
 *  u38   QA  15   12  A1   3   DF1(0)      A2   2   NEXT(06)'
 *  u38   QB  14   13  B1   4   DF1(1)'     B2   1   NEXT(07)'
 *  u38   QC  13   14  C1   9   DF1(2)'     C2   5   NEXT(08)'
 *  u38   QD  12   15  D1   7   DF1(3)'     D2   6   NEXT(09)'
 * The HALFSEL signal to the demultiplexers is the inverted bit BUS(5):
 * BUS(5)=1, HALFSEL=0, A1,B1,C1,D1 inputs, upper half of the 32-bit word
 * BUS(5)=0, HALFSEL=1, A2,B2,C2,D2 inputs, lower half of the 32-bit word
void alto2_cpu_device::rdram()
	UINT32 addr, value;
	UINT32 bank = GET_CRAM_BANKSEL(m_cram_addr);
	UINT32 wordaddr = GET_CRAM_WORDADDR(m_cram_addr);

	if (GET_CRAM_RAMROM(m_cram_addr)) {
		/* read CROM 0 at current mpc */
		addr = m_mpc & ALTO2_UCODE_PAGE_MASK;
		LOG((this,LOG_CPU,0,"    rdram: ROM [%05o] ", addr));
	} else {
		/* read CRAM[bank] */
		addr = bank * ALTO2_UCODE_PAGE_SIZE + wordaddr;
		LOG((this,LOG_CPU,0,"    rdram: RAM%d [%04o] ", bank, wordaddr));

	m_rdram_flag = false;
	if (m_ucode_ram_base + addr >= m_ucode_size) {
		value = 0177777;    /* ??? */
		LOG((this,LOG_CPU,0,"invalid address (%06o)\n", addr));
		printf("RD CRAM_BANKSEL=%d RAM%d [%04o] invalid address!\n",
			GET_CRAM_BANKSEL(m_cram_addr), bank, wordaddr);
	value = *reinterpret_cast<UINT32 *>(m_ucode_cram.get() + addr * 4) ^ ALTO2_UCODE_INVERTED;
	char buffer[256];
	UINT8* oprom = m_ucode_cram.get() + 4 * wordaddr;
	disasm_disassemble(buffer, wordaddr, oprom, oprom, 0);
	printf("RD CRAM_BANKSEL=%d RAM%d [%04o] upper:%06o lower:%06o value:%011o '%s'\n",
			GET_CRAM_BANKSEL(m_cram_addr), bank, wordaddr, m_myl, m_alu,
			value, buffer);
	if (GET_CRAM_HALFSEL(m_cram_addr)) {
		value >>= 16;
		LOG((this,LOG_CPU,0,"upper:%06o\n", value));
	} else {