int OctreeElement::getMyChildContaining(const AABox& box) const {
    float ourScale = getScale();
    float boxLargestScale = box.getLargestDimension();

    // TODO: consider changing this to assert()
    if(boxLargestScale > ourScale) {
        qCDebug(octree, "UNEXPECTED -- OctreeElement::getMyChildContaining() "
                "boxLargestScale=[%f] > ourScale=[%f] ", (double)boxLargestScale, (double)ourScale);

    // Determine which of our children the minimum and maximum corners of the cube live in...
    glm::vec3 cubeCornerMinimum = box.getCorner();
    glm::vec3 cubeCornerMaximum = box.calcTopFarLeft();

    if (_cube.contains(cubeCornerMinimum) && _cube.contains(cubeCornerMaximum)) {
        int childIndexCubeMinimum = getMyChildContainingPoint(cubeCornerMinimum);
        int childIndexCubeMaximum = getMyChildContainingPoint(cubeCornerMaximum);

        // If the minimum and maximum corners of the cube are in two different children's cubes,
        // then we are the containing element
        if (childIndexCubeMinimum != childIndexCubeMaximum) {
            return CHILD_UNKNOWN;
        return childIndexCubeMinimum; // either would do, they are the same
    return CHILD_UNKNOWN; // since box is not contained in our element, it can't be in one of our children
int OctreeElement::getMyChildContaining(const AACube& cube) const {
    float ourScale = getScale();
    float cubeScale = cube.getScale();

    // TODO: consider changing this to assert()
    if (cubeScale > ourScale) {
        qCDebug(octree) << "UNEXPECTED -- OctreeElement::getMyChildContaining() -- (cubeScale > ourScale)";
        qCDebug(octree) << "    cube=" << cube;
        qCDebug(octree) << "    elements AACube=" << _cube;
        qCDebug(octree) << "    cubeScale=" << cubeScale;
        qCDebug(octree) << "    ourScale=" << ourScale;

    // Determine which of our children the minimum and maximum corners of the cube live in...
    glm::vec3 cubeCornerMinimum = glm::clamp(cube.getCorner(), (float)-HALF_TREE_SCALE, (float)HALF_TREE_SCALE);
    glm::vec3 cubeCornerMaximum = glm::clamp(cube.calcTopFarLeft(), (float)-HALF_TREE_SCALE, (float)HALF_TREE_SCALE);

    if (_cube.contains(cubeCornerMinimum) && _cube.contains(cubeCornerMaximum)) {
        int childIndexCubeMinimum = getMyChildContainingPoint(cubeCornerMinimum);
        int childIndexCubeMaximum = getMyChildContainingPoint(cubeCornerMaximum);

        // If the minimum and maximum corners of the cube are in two different children's cubes, then we are the containing element
        if (childIndexCubeMinimum != childIndexCubeMaximum) {
            return CHILD_UNKNOWN;

        return childIndexCubeMinimum; // either would do, they are the same
    return CHILD_UNKNOWN; // since cube is not contained in our element, it can't be in one of our children
bool ModelTreeElement::bestFitModelBounds(const ModelItem& model) const {
    if (_box.contains(model.getMinimumPoint()) && _box.contains(model.getMaximumPoint())) {
        int childForMinimumPoint = getMyChildContainingPoint(model.getMinimumPoint());
        int childForMaximumPoint = getMyChildContainingPoint(model.getMaximumPoint());
        // If I contain both the minimum and maximum point, but two different children of mine
        // contain those points, then I am the best fit for that model
        if (childForMinimumPoint != childForMaximumPoint) {
            return true;
    return false;
// TODO: consider removing this, or switching to using getOrCreateChildElementContaining(const AACube& box)...
OctreeElement* OctreeElement::getOrCreateChildElementAt(float x, float y, float z, float s) {
    OctreeElement* child = NULL;
    // If the requested size is less than or equal to our scale, but greater than half our scale, then
    // we are the Element they are looking for.
    float ourScale = getScale();
    float halfOurScale = ourScale / 2.0f;

    if(s > ourScale) {
        qCDebug(octree, "UNEXPECTED -- OctreeElement::getOrCreateChildElementAt() s=[%f] > ourScale=[%f] ",
                (double)s, (double)ourScale);

    if (s > halfOurScale) {
        return this;

    int childIndex = getMyChildContainingPoint(glm::vec3(x, y, z));

    // Now, check if we have a child at that location
    child = getChildAtIndex(childIndex);
    if (!child) {
        child = addChildAtIndex(childIndex);

    // Now that we have the child to recurse down, let it answer the original question...
    return child->getOrCreateChildElementAt(x, y, z, s);
bool ModelTreeElement::bestFitModelBounds(const ModelItem& model) const {
    glm::vec3 clampedMin = glm::clamp(model.getMinimumPoint(), 0.0f, 1.0f);
    glm::vec3 clampedMax = glm::clamp(model.getMaximumPoint(), 0.0f, 1.0f);
    if (_box.contains(clampedMin) && _box.contains(clampedMax)) {
        int childForMinimumPoint = getMyChildContainingPoint(clampedMin);
        int childForMaximumPoint = getMyChildContainingPoint(clampedMax);
        // if this is a really small box, then it's close enough!
        if (_box.getScale() <= SMALLEST_REASONABLE_OCTREE_ELEMENT_SCALE) {
            return true;
        // If I contain both the minimum and maximum point, but two different children of mine
        // contain those points, then I am the best fit for that model
        if (childForMinimumPoint != childForMaximumPoint) {
            return true;
    return false;