void SceneExporter::writeNodes(Object *ob, Scene *sce) { // Add associated armature first if available bool armature_exported = false; Object *ob_arm = bc_get_assigned_armature(ob); if (ob_arm != NULL) { armature_exported = bc_is_in_Export_set(this->export_settings->export_set, ob_arm); if (armature_exported && bc_is_marked(ob_arm)) { bc_remove_mark(ob_arm); writeNodes(ob_arm, sce); armature_exported = true; } } COLLADASW::Node colladaNode(mSW); colladaNode.setNodeId(translate_id(id_name(ob))); colladaNode.setNodeName(translate_id(id_name(ob))); colladaNode.setType(COLLADASW::Node::NODE); colladaNode.start(); std::list<Object *> child_objects; // list child objects LinkNode *node; for (node=this->export_settings->export_set; node; node=node->next) { // cob - child object Object *cob = (Object *)node->link; if (cob->parent == ob) { switch (cob->type) { case OB_MESH: case OB_CAMERA: case OB_LAMP: case OB_EMPTY: case OB_ARMATURE: if (bc_is_marked(cob)) child_objects.push_back(cob); break; } } } if (ob->type == OB_MESH && armature_exported) // for skinned mesh we write obmat in <bind_shape_matrix> TransformWriter::add_node_transform_identity(colladaNode); else TransformWriter::add_node_transform_ob(colladaNode, ob); // <instance_geometry> if (ob->type == OB_MESH) { bool instance_controller_created = false; if (armature_exported) { instance_controller_created = arm_exporter->add_instance_controller(ob); } if (!instance_controller_created) { COLLADASW::InstanceGeometry instGeom(mSW); instGeom.setUrl(COLLADASW::URI(COLLADABU::Utils::EMPTY_STRING, get_geometry_id(ob, this->export_settings->use_object_instantiation))); InstanceWriter::add_material_bindings(instGeom.getBindMaterial(), ob, this->export_settings->active_uv_only); instGeom.add(); } } // <instance_controller> else if (ob->type == OB_ARMATURE) { arm_exporter->add_armature_bones(ob, sce, this, child_objects); } // <instance_camera> else if (ob->type == OB_CAMERA) { COLLADASW::InstanceCamera instCam(mSW, COLLADASW::URI(COLLADABU::Utils::EMPTY_STRING, get_camera_id(ob))); instCam.add(); } // <instance_light> else if (ob->type == OB_LAMP) { COLLADASW::InstanceLight instLa(mSW, COLLADASW::URI(COLLADABU::Utils::EMPTY_STRING, get_light_id(ob))); instLa.add(); } // empty object else if (ob->type == OB_EMPTY) { // TODO: handle groups (OB_DUPLIGROUP if ((ob->transflag & OB_DUPLIGROUP) == OB_DUPLIGROUP && ob->dup_group) { GroupObject *go = NULL; Group *gr = ob->dup_group; /* printf("group detected '%s'\n", gr->id.name+2); */ for (go = (GroupObject *)(gr->gobject.first); go; go = go->next) { printf("\t%s\n", go->ob->id.name); } } } if (ob->type == OB_ARMATURE) { colladaNode.end(); } for (std::list<Object *>::iterator i = child_objects.begin(); i != child_objects.end(); ++i) { if (bc_is_marked(*i)) { bc_remove_mark(*i); writeNodes(*i, sce); } } if (ob->type != OB_ARMATURE) { colladaNode.end(); } }
//convert f-curves to animation curves and write void AnimationExporter::dae_animation(Object* ob, FCurve *fcu, char* transformName , bool is_param, Material * ma ) { const char *axis_name = NULL; char anim_id[200]; bool has_tangents = false; bool quatRotation = false; if ( !strcmp(transformName, "rotation_quaternion") ) { fprintf(stderr, "quaternion rotation curves are not supported. rotation curve will not be exported\n"); quatRotation = true; return; } //axis names for colors else if ( !strcmp(transformName, "color")||!strcmp(transformName, "specular_color")||!strcmp(transformName, "diffuse_color")|| (!strcmp(transformName, "alpha"))) { const char *axis_names[] = {"R", "G", "B"}; if (fcu->array_index < 3) axis_name = axis_names[fcu->array_index]; } //axis names for transforms else if ((!strcmp(transformName, "location") || !strcmp(transformName, "scale")) || (!strcmp(transformName, "rotation_euler"))||(!strcmp(transformName, "rotation_quaternion"))) { const char *axis_names[] = {"X", "Y", "Z"}; if (fcu->array_index < 3) axis_name = axis_names[fcu->array_index]; } //no axis name. single parameter. else{ axis_name = ""; } std::string ob_name = std::string("null"); //Create anim Id if (ob->type == OB_ARMATURE) { ob_name = getObjectBoneName( ob , fcu); BLI_snprintf(anim_id, sizeof(anim_id), "%s_%s.%s", (char*)translate_id(ob_name).c_str(), transformName, axis_name); } else { if (ma) ob_name = id_name(ob) + "_material"; else ob_name = id_name(ob); BLI_snprintf(anim_id, sizeof(anim_id), "%s_%s_%s", (char*)translate_id(ob_name).c_str(), fcu->rna_path, axis_name); } openAnimation(anim_id, COLLADABU::Utils::EMPTY_STRING); // create input source std::string input_id = create_source_from_fcurve(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::INPUT, fcu, anim_id, axis_name); // create output source std::string output_id ; //quat rotations are skipped for now, because of complications with determining axis. if(quatRotation) { float * eul = get_eul_source_for_quat(ob); float * eul_axis = (float*)MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * fcu->totvert, "quat output source values"); for ( int i = 0 ; i< fcu->totvert ; i++) eul_axis[i] = eul[i*3 + fcu->array_index]; output_id= create_source_from_array(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::OUTPUT, eul_axis , fcu->totvert, quatRotation, anim_id, axis_name); MEM_freeN(eul); MEM_freeN(eul_axis); } else { output_id= create_source_from_fcurve(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::OUTPUT, fcu, anim_id, axis_name); } // create interpolations source std::string interpolation_id = create_interpolation_source(fcu, anim_id, axis_name, &has_tangents); // handle tangents (if required) std::string intangent_id; std::string outtangent_id; if (has_tangents) { // create in_tangent source intangent_id = create_source_from_fcurve(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::IN_TANGENT, fcu, anim_id, axis_name); // create out_tangent source outtangent_id = create_source_from_fcurve(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::OUT_TANGENT, fcu, anim_id, axis_name); } std::string sampler_id = std::string(anim_id) + SAMPLER_ID_SUFFIX; COLLADASW::LibraryAnimations::Sampler sampler(sw, sampler_id); std::string empty; sampler.addInput(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::INPUT, COLLADABU::URI(empty, input_id)); sampler.addInput(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::OUTPUT, COLLADABU::URI(empty, output_id)); // this input is required sampler.addInput(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::INTERPOLATION, COLLADABU::URI(empty, interpolation_id)); if (has_tangents) { sampler.addInput(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::IN_TANGENT, COLLADABU::URI(empty, intangent_id)); sampler.addInput(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::OUT_TANGENT, COLLADABU::URI(empty, outtangent_id)); } addSampler(sampler); std::string target ; if ( !is_param ) target = translate_id(ob_name) + "/" + get_transform_sid(fcu->rna_path, -1, axis_name, true); else { if ( ob->type == OB_LAMP ) target = get_light_id(ob) + "/" + get_light_param_sid(fcu->rna_path, -1, axis_name, true); if ( ob->type == OB_CAMERA ) target = get_camera_id(ob) + "/" + get_camera_param_sid(fcu->rna_path, -1, axis_name, true); if( ma ) target = translate_id(id_name(ma)) + "-effect" +"/common/" /*profile common is only supported */ + get_transform_sid(fcu->rna_path, -1, axis_name, true); } addChannel(COLLADABU::URI(empty, sampler_id), target); closeAnimation(); }