isl_has_matching_typed_storage_image_format(const struct gen_device_info *devinfo,
                                            enum isl_format fmt)
   if (devinfo->gen >= 9) {
      return true;
   } else if (devinfo->gen >= 8 || devinfo->is_haswell) {
      return isl_format_get_layout(fmt)->bpb <= 64;
   } else {
      return isl_format_get_layout(fmt)->bpb <= 32;
blorp_ccs_resolve(struct blorp_batch *batch,
                  struct blorp_surf *surf, enum isl_format format)
   struct blorp_params params;

   brw_blorp_surface_info_init(batch->blorp, &params.dst, surf,
                               0 /* level */, 0 /* layer */, format, true);

   /* From the Ivy Bridge PRM, Vol2 Part1 11.9 "Render Target Resolve":
    *     A rectangle primitive must be scaled down by the following factors
    *     with respect to render target being resolved.
    * The scaledown factors in the table that follows are related to the block
    * size of the CCS format.  For IVB and HSW, we divide by two, for BDW we
    * multiply by 8 and 16. On Sky Lake, we multiply by 8.
   const struct isl_format_layout *aux_fmtl =
   assert(aux_fmtl->txc == ISL_TXC_CCS);

   unsigned x_scaledown, y_scaledown;
   if (ISL_DEV_GEN(batch->blorp->isl_dev) >= 9) {
      x_scaledown = aux_fmtl->bw * 8;
      y_scaledown = aux_fmtl->bh * 8;
   } else if (ISL_DEV_GEN(batch->blorp->isl_dev) >= 8) {
      x_scaledown = aux_fmtl->bw * 8;
      y_scaledown = aux_fmtl->bh * 16;
   } else {
      x_scaledown = aux_fmtl->bw / 2;
      y_scaledown = aux_fmtl->bh / 2;
   params.x0 = params.y0 = 0;
   params.x1 = params.dst.aux_surf.logical_level0_px.width;
   params.y1 = params.dst.aux_surf.logical_level0_px.height;
   params.x1 = ALIGN(params.x1, x_scaledown) / x_scaledown;
   params.y1 = ALIGN(params.y1, y_scaledown) / y_scaledown;

   if (batch->blorp->isl_dev->info->gen >= 9) {
      if (params.dst.aux_usage == ISL_AUX_USAGE_CCS_E)
         params.fast_clear_op = BLORP_FAST_CLEAR_OP_RESOLVE_FULL;
         params.fast_clear_op = BLORP_FAST_CLEAR_OP_RESOLVE_PARTIAL;
   } else {
      /* Broadwell and earlier do not have a partial resolve */
      params.fast_clear_op = BLORP_FAST_CLEAR_OP_RESOLVE_FULL;

   /* Note: there is no need to initialize push constants because it doesn't
    * matter what data gets dispatched to the render target.  However, we must
    * ensure that the fragment shader delivers the data using the "replicated
    * color" message.

   blorp_params_get_clear_kernel(batch->blorp, &params, true);

   batch->blorp->exec(batch, &params);
/* The x0, y0, x1, and y1 parameters must already be populated with the render
 * area of the framebuffer to be cleared.
static void
get_fast_clear_rect(const struct isl_device *dev,
                    const struct isl_surf *aux_surf,
                    unsigned *x0, unsigned *y0,
                    unsigned *x1, unsigned *y1)
   unsigned int x_align, y_align;
   unsigned int x_scaledown, y_scaledown;

   /* Only single sampled surfaces need to (and actually can) be resolved. */
   if (aux_surf->usage == ISL_SURF_USAGE_CCS_BIT) {
      /* From the Ivy Bridge PRM, Vol2 Part1 11.7 "MCS Buffer for Render
       * Target(s)", beneath the "Fast Color Clear" bullet (p327):
       *     Clear pass must have a clear rectangle that must follow
       *     alignment rules in terms of pixels and lines as shown in the
       *     table below. Further, the clear-rectangle height and width
       *     must be multiple of the following dimensions. If the height
       *     and width of the render target being cleared do not meet these
       *     requirements, an MCS buffer can be created such that it
       *     follows the requirement and covers the RT.
       * The alignment size in the table that follows is related to the
       * alignment size that is baked into the CCS surface format but with X
       * alignment multiplied by 16 and Y alignment multiplied by 32.
      x_align = isl_format_get_layout(aux_surf->format)->bw;
      y_align = isl_format_get_layout(aux_surf->format)->bh;

      x_align *= 16;

      /* SKL+ line alignment requirement for Y-tiled are half those of the prior
       * generations.
      if (dev->info->gen >= 9)
         y_align *= 16;
         y_align *= 32;

      /* From the Ivy Bridge PRM, Vol2 Part1 11.7 "MCS Buffer for Render
       * Target(s)", beneath the "Fast Color Clear" bullet (p327):
       *     In order to optimize the performance MCS buffer (when bound to
       *     1X RT) clear similarly to MCS buffer clear for MSRT case,
       *     clear rect is required to be scaled by the following factors
       *     in the horizontal and vertical directions:
       * The X and Y scale down factors in the table that follows are each
       * equal to half the alignment value computed above.
      x_scaledown = x_align / 2;
      y_scaledown = y_align / 2;

      /* From BSpec: 3D-Media-GPGPU Engine > 3D Pipeline > Pixel > Pixel
       * Backend > MCS Buffer for Render Target(s) [DevIVB+] > Table "Color
       * Clear of Non-MultiSampled Render Target Restrictions":
       *   Clear rectangle must be aligned to two times the number of
       *   pixels in the table shown below due to 16x16 hashing across the
       *   slice.
      x_align *= 2;
      y_align *= 2;
   } else {
      assert(aux_surf->usage == ISL_SURF_USAGE_MCS_BIT);

      /* From the Ivy Bridge PRM, Vol2 Part1 11.7 "MCS Buffer for Render
       * Target(s)", beneath the "MSAA Compression" bullet (p326):
       *     Clear pass for this case requires that scaled down primitive
       *     is sent down with upper left co-ordinate to coincide with
       *     actual rectangle being cleared. For MSAA, clear rectangle’s
       *     height and width need to as show in the following table in
       *     terms of (width,height) of the RT.
       *     MSAA  Width of Clear Rect  Height of Clear Rect
       *      2X     Ceil(1/8*width)      Ceil(1/2*height)
       *      4X     Ceil(1/8*width)      Ceil(1/2*height)
       *      8X     Ceil(1/2*width)      Ceil(1/2*height)
       *     16X         width            Ceil(1/2*height)
       * The text "with upper left co-ordinate to coincide with actual
       * rectangle being cleared" is a little confusing--it seems to imply
       * that to clear a rectangle from (x,y) to (x+w,y+h), one needs to
       * feed the pipeline using the rectangle (x,y) to
       * (x+Ceil(w/N),y+Ceil(h/2)), where N is either 2 or 8 depending on
       * the number of samples.  Experiments indicate that this is not
       * quite correct; actually, what the hardware appears to do is to
       * align whatever rectangle is sent down the pipeline to the nearest
       * multiple of 2x2 blocks, and then scale it up by a factor of N
       * horizontally and 2 vertically.  So the resulting alignment is 4
       * vertically and either 4 or 16 horizontally, and the scaledown
       * factor is 2 vertically and either 2 or 8 horizontally.
      switch (aux_surf->format) {
      case ISL_FORMAT_MCS_2X:
      case ISL_FORMAT_MCS_4X:
         x_scaledown = 8;
      case ISL_FORMAT_MCS_8X:
         x_scaledown = 2;
      case ISL_FORMAT_MCS_16X:
         x_scaledown = 1;
         unreachable("Unexpected MCS format for fast clear");
      y_scaledown = 2;
      x_align = x_scaledown * 2;
      y_align = y_scaledown * 2;

   *x0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(*x0,  x_align) / x_scaledown;
   *y0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(*y0, y_align) / y_scaledown;
   *x1 = ALIGN(*x1, x_align) / x_scaledown;
   *y1 = ALIGN(*y1, y_align) / y_scaledown;
isl_surf_fill_image_param(const struct isl_device *dev,
                          struct brw_image_param *param,
                          const struct isl_surf *surf,
                          const struct isl_view *view)
   *param = image_param_defaults;

   param->size[0] = isl_minify(surf->logical_level0_px.w, view->base_level);
   param->size[1] = isl_minify(surf->logical_level0_px.h, view->base_level);
   if (surf->dim == ISL_SURF_DIM_3D) {
      param->size[2] = isl_minify(surf->logical_level0_px.d, view->base_level);
   } else {
      param->size[2] = surf->logical_level0_px.array_len -

   isl_surf_get_image_offset_el(surf, view->base_level,
                                surf->dim == ISL_SURF_DIM_3D ?
                                   0 : view->base_array_layer,
                                surf->dim == ISL_SURF_DIM_3D ?
                                   view->base_array_layer : 0,
                                &param->offset[0],  &param->offset[1]);

   const int cpp = isl_format_get_layout(surf->format)->bpb / 8;
   param->stride[0] = cpp;
   param->stride[1] = surf->row_pitch / cpp;

   const struct isl_extent3d image_align_sa =
   if (ISL_DEV_GEN(dev) < 9 && surf->dim == ISL_SURF_DIM_3D) {
      param->stride[2] = isl_align_npot(param->size[0], image_align_sa.w);
      param->stride[3] = isl_align_npot(param->size[1], image_align_sa.h);
   } else {
      param->stride[2] = 0;
      param->stride[3] = isl_surf_get_array_pitch_el_rows(surf);

   switch (surf->tiling) {
      /* image_param_defaults is good enough */

   case ISL_TILING_X:
      /* An X tile is a rectangular block of 512x8 bytes. */
      param->tiling[0] = isl_log2u(512 / cpp);
      param->tiling[1] = isl_log2u(8);

      if (dev->has_bit6_swizzling) {
         /* Right shifts required to swizzle bits 9 and 10 of the memory
          * address with bit 6.
         param->swizzling[0] = 3;
         param->swizzling[1] = 4;

   case ISL_TILING_Y0:
      /* The layout of a Y-tiled surface in memory isn't really fundamentally
       * different to the layout of an X-tiled surface, we simply pretend that
       * the surface is broken up in a number of smaller 16Bx32 tiles, each
       * one arranged in X-major order just like is the case for X-tiling.
      param->tiling[0] = isl_log2u(16 / cpp);
      param->tiling[1] = isl_log2u(32);

      if (dev->has_bit6_swizzling) {
         /* Right shift required to swizzle bit 9 of the memory address with
          * bit 6.
         param->swizzling[0] = 3;
         param->swizzling[1] = 0xff;

      assert(!"Unhandled storage image tiling");

   /* 3D textures are arranged in 2D in memory with 2^lod slices per row.  The
    * address calculation algorithm (emit_address_calculation() in
    * brw_fs_surface_builder.cpp) handles this as a sort of tiling with
    * modulus equal to the LOD.
   param->tiling[2] = (ISL_DEV_GEN(dev) < 9 && surf->dim == ISL_SURF_DIM_3D ?
                       view->base_level : 0);