bool PhotoCamera::initializeFromMeshLab(QDomElement &element) { QStringList attTemp; //Get Translation attTemp = element.attribute("TranslationVector").split(" "); Eigen::Vector4f translation; for(int i = 0; i < attTemp.count(); i++){ translation(i) = attTemp[i].toFloat(); } translationMatrix.translation() = translation.head(3); //translationMatrix.col(3) = translation; //Get Center; attTemp = element.attribute("CenterPx").split(" "); principalPoint <<,; //Get RotationMatrix; attTemp = element.attribute("RotationMatrix").split(" "); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++){ rotationMatrix(i, j) = attTemp[i*4 + j].toFloat(); } } //Get Viewport; attTemp = element.attribute("ViewportPx").split(" "); viewport <<,; //Lens Distortion; attTemp = element.attribute("LensDistortion").split(" "); distortion <<,; //std::cout << distortion.transpose() << std::endl; //PixelSize; attTemp = element.attribute("PixelSizeMm").split(" "); pixelSize <<,; oneOverDx = 1/pixelSize(0); oneOverDy = 1/pixelSize(1); //std::cout << pixelSize.transpose() << std::endl; //Focal focalLength = element.attribute("FocalMm").toFloat(); buildExtrinsic(); buildIntrinsic(); buildProjection(); // cameraCenter = center(intrinsicMatrix.topLeftCorner(3,4)*extrinsicMatrix.matrix()); cameraCenter = center(intrinsicMatrix.matrix().topLeftCorner(3,4)*extrinsicMatrix.matrix()); return true; }
PhotoCamera::PhotoCamera() { intrinsicMatrix = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity(); extrinsicMatrix = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity(); rotationMatrix = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity(); translationMatrix = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity(); focalLength = 47.3606; pixelSize << 0.0319598, 0.0319598; oneOverDx = 1/pixelSize(0); oneOverDy = 1/pixelSize(1); // buildIntrinsic(); // buildExtrinsic(); }
void DepthOfFieldListener::notifyMaterialRender(Ogre::uint32 pass_id, Ogre::MaterialPtr &mat) { if(pass_id == 2) { float blurScale =.5f; Ogre::Vector4 pixelSize(1.0f / mViewportWidth, 1.0f / mViewportHeight,1.0f / (mViewportWidth * blurScale), 1.0f / (mViewportHeight * blurScale) ); Ogre::Pass *pass = mat->getBestTechnique()->getPass(0); Ogre::GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params = pass->getFragmentProgramParameters(); if (params->_findNamedConstantDefinition("pixelSize")) params->setNamedConstant("pixelSize", pixelSize); // this is the camera you're using #ifndef ROAD_EDITOR Ogre::Camera *cam = mApp->mSplitMgr->mCameras.front(); #else Ogre::Camera *cam = mApp->mCamera; #endif if (params->_findNamedConstantDefinition("dofparams")) { Ogre::Vector4 dofParams(0.0f,mApp->pSet->depthOfFieldFocus,mApp->pSet->depthOfFieldFar,1.0); params->setNamedConstant("dofparams", dofParams); } } }
template<UnsignedInt dimensions> std::size_t AbstractImage::dataSize(Math::Vector<dimensions, Int> size) const { /** @todo Code this properly when all @fn_gl{PixelStore} parameters are implemented */ /* Row size, rounded to multiple of 4 bytes */ const std::size_t rowSize = ((size[0]*pixelSize() + 3)/4)*4; /** @todo Can't this be done somewhat nicer? */ size[0] = 1; return rowSize*size.product(); }
void PhotoCamera::buildProjection() { float fov = (2 * std::atan((getHeight()/2.0)/-intrinsicMatrix(1,1))); float ratio = getWidth()/(getHeight() * pixelSize(0)/pixelSize(1)); float f = 1/ tan(fov/2); float near = 0.1; float far = 100000; // cout << "fov: " << fov << endl; // cout << "ratio: " << ratio << endl; Eigen::Matrix4f perspective = Eigen::Matrix4f::Zero(); perspective(0,0) = f/ratio; perspective(1,1) = f; perspective(2,2) = (far + near)/(near - far); perspective(3,2) = -1; perspective(2,3) = (2 * far * near)/(near - far); projectionMatrix = perspective; }
void KisLegacyTileCompressor::readTile(QIODevice *stream, KisTiledDataManager *dm) { const qint32 tileDataSize = TILE_DATA_SIZE(pixelSize(dm)); const qint32 bufferSize = maxHeaderLength() + 1; quint8 *headerBuffer = new quint8[bufferSize]; qint32 x, y; qint32 width, height; stream->readLine((char *)headerBuffer, bufferSize); sscanf((char *) headerBuffer, "%d,%d,%d,%d", &x, &y, &width, &height); qint32 row = yToRow(dm, y); qint32 col = xToCol(dm, x); KisTileSP tile = dm->getTile(col, row, true); tile->lockForWrite(); stream->read((char *)tile->data(), tileDataSize); tile->unlock(); }
QPointF Visualizer::worldCoordinate(QPointF deviceCoordinate) { QSizeF size = worldSize(); double pixel = pixelSize(); return QPointF(-0.5 * size.width() + deviceCoordinate.x() * pixel, 0.5 * size.height() - deviceCoordinate.y() * pixel); }
template<UnsignedInt dimensions> void BufferImage<dimensions>::setData(const typename DimensionTraits<Dimensions, Int>::VectorType& size, ColorFormat format, ColorType type, const void* data, BufferUsage usage) { _format = format; _type = type; _size = size; _buffer.setData({data, pixelSize()*size.product()}, usage); }
/* * fitWidth, fitHeight: * - from setLayout(AlignLeft | AlignTop) * is being deprecated but still needs to be implemented * - nested layouts: handles as other layout items */ DomElement *StdGridLayoutImpl2::createDomElement(bool fitWidth, bool fitHeight, WApplication *app) { needAdjust_ = needConfigUpdate_ = needRemeasure_ = false; addedItems_.clear(); removedItems_.clear(); const unsigned colCount = grid_.columns_.size(); const unsigned rowCount = grid_.rows_.size(); int margin[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0}; int maxWidth = 0, maxHeight = 0; if (layout()->parentLayout() == 0) { #ifndef WT_TARGET_JAVA layout()->getContentsMargins(margin + 3, margin, margin + 1, margin + 2); #else // WT_TARGET_JAVA margin[3] = layout()->getContentsMargin(Left); margin[0] = layout()->getContentsMargin(Top); margin[1] = layout()->getContentsMargin(Right); margin[2] = layout()->getContentsMargin(Bottom); #endif // WT_TARGET_JAVA maxWidth = pixelSize(container()->maximumWidth()); maxHeight = pixelSize(container()->maximumHeight()); } WStringStream js; js << app->javaScriptClass() << ".layouts2.add(new " WT_CLASS ".StdLayout2(" << app->javaScriptClass() << ",'" << id() << "',"; if (layout()->parentLayout()) js << "'" << getImpl(layout()->parentLayout())->id() << "',"; else js << "null,"; bool progressive = !app->environment().ajax(); js << (fitWidth ? '1' : '0') << "," << (fitHeight ? '1' : '0') << "," << (progressive ? '1' : '0') << ","; js << maxWidth << "," << maxHeight << ",[" << grid_.horizontalSpacing_ << "," << margin[3] << "," << margin[1] << "],[" << grid_.verticalSpacing_ << "," << margin[0] << "," << margin[2] << "],"; streamConfig(js, app); DomElement *div = DomElement::createNew(DomElement_DIV); div->setId(id()); div->setProperty(PropertyStylePosition, "relative"); DomElement *table = 0, *tbody = 0, *tr = 0; if (progressive) { table = DomElement::createNew(DomElement_TABLE); WStringStream style; if (maxWidth) style << "max-width: " << maxWidth << "px;"; if (maxHeight) style << "max-height: " << maxHeight << "px;"; style << "width: 100%;"; table->setProperty(PropertyStyle, style.str()); int totalColStretch = 0; for (unsigned col = 0; col < colCount; ++col) totalColStretch += std::max(0, grid_.columns_[col].stretch_); for (unsigned col = 0; col < colCount; ++col) { DomElement *c = DomElement::createNew(DomElement_COL); int stretch = std::max(0, grid_.columns_[col].stretch_); if (stretch || totalColStretch == 0) { char buf[30]; double pct = totalColStretch == 0 ? 100.0 / colCount : (100.0 * stretch / totalColStretch); WStringStream ss; ss << "width:" << Utils::round_css_str(pct, 2, buf) << "%;"; c->setProperty(PropertyStyle, ss.str()); } table->addChild(c); } tbody = DomElement::createNew(DomElement_TBODY); } #ifndef WT_TARGET_JAVA std::vector<bool> overSpanned(colCount * rowCount, false); #else std::vector<bool> overSpanned; overSpanned.insert(0, colCount * rowCount, false); #endif // WT_TARGET_JAVA int prevRowWithItem = -1; for (unsigned row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row) { if (table) tr = DomElement::createNew(DomElement_TR); bool rowVisible = false; int prevColumnWithItem = -1; for (unsigned col = 0; col < colCount; ++col) { Impl::Grid::Item& item = grid_.items_[row][col]; if (!overSpanned[row * colCount + col]) { for (int i = 0; i < item.rowSpan_; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < item.colSpan_; ++j) if (i + j > 0) overSpanned[(row + i) * colCount + col + j] = true; AlignmentFlag hAlign = item.alignment_ & AlignHorizontalMask; AlignmentFlag vAlign = item.alignment_ & AlignVerticalMask; DomElement *td = 0; if (table) { bool itemVisible = hasItem(row, col); rowVisible = rowVisible || itemVisible; td = DomElement::createNew(DomElement_TD); if (itemVisible) { int padding[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int nextRow = nextRowWithItem(row, col); int prevRow = prevRowWithItem; int nextCol = nextColumnWithItem(row, col); int prevCol = prevColumnWithItem; if (prevRow == -1) padding[0] = margin[0]; else padding[0] = (grid_.verticalSpacing_+1) / 2; if (nextRow == (int)rowCount) padding[2] = margin[2]; else padding[2] = grid_.verticalSpacing_ / 2; if (prevCol == -1) padding[3] = margin[3]; else padding[3] = (grid_.horizontalSpacing_ + 1)/2; if (nextCol == (int)colCount) padding[1] = margin[1]; else padding[1] = (grid_.horizontalSpacing_)/2; WStringStream style; if (app->layoutDirection() == RightToLeft) std::swap(padding[1], padding[3]); if (padding[0] == padding[1] && padding[0] == padding[2] && padding[0] == padding[3]) { if (padding[0] != 0) style << "padding:" << padding[0] << "px;"; } else style << "padding:" << padding[0] << "px " << padding[1] << "px " << padding[2] << "px " << padding[3] << "px;"; if (vAlign != 0) switch (vAlign) { case AlignTop: style << "vertical-align:top;"; break; case AlignMiddle: style << "vertical-align:middle;"; break; case AlignBottom: style << "vertical-align:bottom;"; default: break; } td->setProperty(PropertyStyle, style.str()); if (item.rowSpan_ != 1) td->setProperty(PropertyRowSpan, boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(item.rowSpan_)); if (item.colSpan_ != 1) td->setProperty(PropertyColSpan, boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(item.colSpan_)); prevColumnWithItem = col; } } DomElement *c = 0; if (!table) { if (item.item_) { c = createElement(item.item_, app); div->addChild(c); } } else if (item.item_) c = getImpl(item.item_)->createDomElement(true, true, app); if (table) { if (c) { if (!app->environment().agentIsIElt(9)) c->setProperty(PropertyStyleBoxSizing, "border-box"); if (hAlign == 0) hAlign = AlignJustify; switch (hAlign) { case AlignCenter: { DomElement *itable = DomElement::createNew(DomElement_TABLE); itable->setProperty(PropertyClass, "Wt-hcenter"); if (vAlign == 0) itable->setProperty(PropertyStyle, "height:100%;"); DomElement *irow = DomElement::createNew(DomElement_TR); DomElement *itd = DomElement::createNew(DomElement_TD); if (vAlign == 0) itd->setProperty(PropertyStyle, "height:100%;"); bool haveMinWidth = !c->getProperty(PropertyStyleMinWidth).empty(); itd->addChild(c); if (app->environment().agentIsIElt(9)) { // IE7 and IE8 do support min-width but do not enforce it // properly when in a table. // see // /css-min-width-in-ie6-7-and-8 if (haveMinWidth) { DomElement *spacer = DomElement::createNew(DomElement_DIV); spacer->setProperty(PropertyStyleWidth, c->getProperty(PropertyStyleMinWidth)); spacer->setProperty(PropertyStyleHeight, "1px"); itd->addChild(spacer); } } irow->addChild(itd); itable->addChild(irow); c = itable; break; } case AlignRight: if (!c->isDefaultInline()) c->setProperty(PropertyStyleFloat, "right"); else td->setProperty(PropertyStyleTextAlign, "right"); break; case AlignLeft: if (!c->isDefaultInline()) c->setProperty(PropertyStyleFloat, "left"); else td->setProperty(PropertyStyleTextAlign, "left"); break; default: break; } td->addChild(c); if (app->environment().agentIsIElt(9)) { // IE7 and IE8 do support min-width but do not enforce it properly // when in a table. // see // /css-min-width-in-ie6-7-and-8 if (!c->getProperty(PropertyStyleMinWidth).empty()) { DomElement *spacer = DomElement::createNew(DomElement_DIV); spacer->setProperty(PropertyStyleWidth, c->getProperty(PropertyStyleMinWidth)); spacer->setProperty(PropertyStyleHeight, "1px"); td->addChild(spacer); } } } tr->addChild(td); } } } if (tr) { if (!rowVisible) tr->setProperty(PropertyStyleDisplay, "hidden"); else prevRowWithItem = row; tbody->addChild(tr); } } js << "));"; if (table) { table->addChild(tbody); div->addChild(table); } div->callJavaScript(js.str()); return div; }
void Font::drawComplexText(GraphicsContext* context, const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int from, int to) const { cairo_t* cr = context->platformContext(); cairo_save(cr); cairo_translate(cr, point.x(), point.y()); PangoLayout* layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(cr); setPangoAttributes(this, run, layout); gchar* utf8 = convertUniCharToUTF8(run.characters(), run.length(), 0, run.length()); pango_layout_set_text(layout, utf8, -1); // Our layouts are single line PangoLayoutLine* layoutLine = pango_layout_get_line_readonly(layout, 0); GdkRegion* partialRegion = NULL; if (to - from != run.length()) { // Clip the region of the run to be rendered char* start = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(utf8, from); char* end = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(start, to - from); int ranges[] = {start - utf8, end - utf8}; partialRegion = gdk_pango_layout_line_get_clip_region(layoutLine, 0, 0, ranges, 1); gdk_region_shrink(partialRegion, 0, -pixelSize()); } Color fillColor = context->fillColor(); float red, green, blue, alpha; // Text shadow, inspired by FontMac IntSize shadowSize; int shadowBlur = 0; Color shadowColor; bool hasShadow = context->textDrawingMode() == cTextFill && context->getShadow(shadowSize, shadowBlur, shadowColor); // TODO: Blur support if (hasShadow) { // Disable graphics context shadows (not yet implemented) and paint them manually context->clearShadow(); Color shadowFillColor(,,, shadowColor.alpha() * fillColor.alpha() / 255); cairo_save(cr); shadowFillColor.getRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, red, green, blue, alpha); cairo_translate(cr, shadowSize.width(), shadowSize.height()); if (partialRegion) { gdk_cairo_region(cr, partialRegion); cairo_clip(cr); } pango_cairo_show_layout_line(cr, layoutLine); cairo_restore(cr); } fillColor.getRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, red, green, blue, alpha); if (partialRegion) { gdk_cairo_region(cr, partialRegion); cairo_clip(cr); } pango_cairo_show_layout_line(cr, layoutLine); if (context->textDrawingMode() & cTextStroke) { Color strokeColor = context->strokeColor(); strokeColor.getRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, red, green, blue, alpha); pango_cairo_layout_line_path(cr, layoutLine); cairo_set_line_width(cr, context->strokeThickness()); cairo_stroke(cr); } // Re-enable the platform shadow we disabled earlier if (hasShadow) context->setShadow(shadowSize, shadowBlur, shadowColor); // Pango sometimes leaves behind paths we don't want cairo_new_path(cr); if (partialRegion) gdk_region_destroy(partialRegion); g_free(utf8); g_object_unref(layout); cairo_restore(cr); }
void BlogListDelegate::paint ( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index) const { BlogListWidget * listWidget = qobject_cast<BlogListWidget *>(this->parent()); if (listWidget == NULL) return; QStyle * style = listWidget->style(); if (style == NULL) return; painter->save(); QFont itemFont(painter->font()); style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &option, painter, listWidget); QPixmap pixmap = qvariant_cast<QPixmap>(; QString title =; QString date =; QString author =; QString intro =; // QRect rect; int imageSpace = ImageSpace + 10; // TITLE painter->setPen(listWidget->titleTextColor()); QFont titleFont(listWidget->titleTextFontFamily()); titleFont.setPixelSize(pixelSize(listWidget->titleTextFontSize())); painter->setFont(titleFont); QRect rect = option.rect.adjusted(imageSpace, TopSpace, 0, 0); style->drawItemText(painter, rect, Qt::AlignLeft, option.palette, true, title); QFontMetrics titleFontMetrics(titleFont); // INTRO painter->setPen(listWidget->introTextColor()); QFont introFont(listWidget->introTextFontFamily()); introFont.setPixelSize(pixelSize(listWidget->introTextFontSize())); painter->setFont(introFont); rect = option.rect.adjusted(imageSpace, TopSpace + titleFontMetrics.lineSpacing() + pixelSize(listWidget->titleTextExtraLeading()) , 0, 0); style->drawItemText(painter, rect, Qt::AlignLeft, option.palette, true, intro); QFontMetrics introFontMetrics(introFont); // DATE painter->setPen(listWidget->dateTextColor()); QFont font(listWidget->dateTextFontFamily()); font.setPixelSize(pixelSize(listWidget->dateTextFontSize())); painter->setFont(font); rect = option.rect.adjusted(imageSpace, TopSpace + titleFontMetrics.lineSpacing() + introFontMetrics.lineSpacing() + pixelSize(listWidget->introTextExtraLeading()), 0, 0); style->drawItemText(painter, rect, Qt::AlignLeft, option.palette, true, date); QFontMetrics dateTextFontMetrics(font); // AUTHOR QRect textRect = style->itemTextRect(dateTextFontMetrics, option.rect, Qt::AlignLeft, true, date); rect = option.rect.adjusted(imageSpace + textRect.width() + 7, TopSpace + titleFontMetrics.lineSpacing() + introFontMetrics.lineSpacing() + pixelSize(listWidget->introTextExtraLeading()), 0, 0); style->drawItemText(painter, rect, Qt::AlignLeft, option.palette, true, author); if (!pixmap.isNull()) { //ic.paint(painter, option.rect, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft); style->drawItemPixmap(painter, option.rect.adjusted(0, TopSpace, 0, -TopSpace), Qt::AlignLeft, pixmap); } painter->restore(); }
//***************************************************************************** // BuckeyeSMPlugin::constructSensorModelFromISD //***************************************************************************** TSMWarning *BuckeyeSMPlugin::constructSensorModelFromISD( const tsm_ISD& image_support_data, const std::string& sensor_model_name, TSMSensorModel*& sensor_model) const throw (TSMError) { TSMWarning * tsmWarn = NULL; std::string myname("BuckeyeSMPlugin::constructSensorModelFromISD"); bool isISDSupported = false; //canSensorModelBeConstructedFromISD(image_support_data, sensor_model_name, isISDSupported); const filenameISD * filenameObject = dynamic_cast<const filenameISD*>(&image_support_data); ossimFilename frameMetaGsti; ossimRefPtr<ossimImageHandler> ih; ossimFilename frameNumber; if(filenameObject) { ossimFilename file(filenameObject->_filename); if(file.ext() == "tif") { std::cout << "********* tif\n"; // Temporary -- Tiff development is underway but not operational } ossimFilename dir(file.path()); frameNumber = file.fileNoExtension(); frameMetaGsti = dir.dirCat("FrameMeta_GSTI.txt"); ih = ossimImageHandlerRegistry::instance()->open(file); if(frameMetaGsti.exists()&&ih.valid()) { isISDSupported = true; } } BuckeyeSensorModel* result = 0; if (isISDSupported) { ossimDpt pixelSize(.0068, .0068); // Note: This system only works for Square pixels....... ossimDpt principalPoint(-0.1853,1.2428); double focalLength = 211.0211; ossimIrect imageRect = ih->getBoundingRect(); double roll = 0.0; double pitch = 0.0; double yaw = 0.0; ossimGpt platformPosition; bool frameNumberFound = false; ossimCsvFile csv(" \t"); // we will use tab or spaces as separator if( { if(csv.readHeader()) { ossimRefPtr<ossimCsvFile::Record> record; while( ((record = csv.nextRecord()).valid()) && !frameNumberFound) { if( (*record)["Frame#"] == frameNumber) { frameNumberFound = true; roll = (*record)["Roll(deg)"].toDouble(); pitch = (*record)["Pitch(deg)"].toDouble(); yaw = (*record)["Yaw(deg)"].toDouble(); platformPosition = ossimGpt((*record)["Lat(deg)"].toDouble(), (*record)["Lon(deg)"].toDouble(), (*record)["HAE(m)"].toDouble()); } } } if(frameNumberFound) { result = new BuckeyeSensorModel(); BuckeyeSensorModel *bkSensorModel = static_cast<BuckeyeSensorModel*>(result); bkSensorModel->buckeye->setRollPitchHeading(roll, pitch, yaw); bkSensorModel->buckeye->setFocalLength(focalLength); bkSensorModel->buckeye->setPlatformPosition(platformPosition); bkSensorModel->buckeye->setPrincipalPoint(principalPoint); bkSensorModel->buckeye->setPixelSize(pixelSize); ossimSmacCallibrationSystem* distortion = new ossimSmacCallibrationSystem(1.06545826E-002, -1.58699040E-005, 1.12448462E-009, -8.67450914E-013, 0, 5.92909E-006, -1.66339E-005, 0, 0); bkSensorModel->buckeye->setLensDistortion(distortion); bkSensorModel->buckeye->setImageRect(imageRect); bkSensorModel->buckeye->updateModel(); bkSensorModel->setSensorPosition(platformPosition); bkSensorModel->setPrincipalPoint(principalPoint); bkSensorModel->setFocalLength(focalLength); bkSensorModel->setPixelSize(pixelSize); bkSensorModel->setImageSize(imageRect.height(), imageRect.width()); bkSensorModel->setReferenceDateAndTime("Date TIME"); #if 0 testBuckeyeCSMSensor(bkSensorModel); #endif } } } if(!result) { TSMError tsmError = TSMError(TSMError::ISD_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Unable to create sensor model from ISD.", myname); throw tsmError; } sensor_model = result; return tsmWarn; }
/*! \internal Returns a QFontEngine for the specified \a script that matches the QFontDef \e request member variable. */ void QFontPrivate::load( QFont::Script script ) { // NOTE: the X11 and Windows implementations of this function are // identical... if you change one, change both. #ifdef QT_CHECK_STATE // sanity checks if (!QFontCache::instance) qWarning("Must construct a QApplication before a QFont"); Q_ASSERT( script >= 0 && script < QFont::LastPrivateScript ); #endif // QT_CHECK_STATE QFontDef req = request; req.pixelSize = qRound(pixelSize(req, paintdevice, screen)); req.pointSize = 0; if ( ! engineData ) { QFontCache::Key key( req, QFont::NoScript, screen, paintdevice ); // look for the requested font in the engine data cache engineData = QFontCache::instance->findEngineData( key ); if ( ! engineData ) { // create a new one engineData = new QFontEngineData; QFontCache::instance->insertEngineData( key, engineData ); } else { engineData->ref(); } } // the cached engineData could have already loaded the engine we want if ( engineData->engines[script] ) return; // load the font QFontEngine *engine = 0; // double scale = 1.0; // ### TODO: fix the scale calculations // list of families to try QStringList family_list; if (! { family_list = QStringList::split( ',', ); // append the substitute list for each family in family_list QStringList subs_list; QStringList::ConstIterator it = family_list.begin(), end = family_list.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) subs_list += QFont::substitutes( *it ); family_list += subs_list; #ifndef QT_XFT2 // with Xft2, we want to use fontconfig to determine better fallbacks, // otherwise we might run into trouble with default fonts as "serif" // append the default fallback font for the specified script QString fallback = qt_fallback_font_family( script ); if ( ! fallback.isEmpty() && ! family_list.contains( fallback ) ) family_list << fallback; // add the default family QString defaultFamily = QApplication::font().family(); if ( ! family_list.contains( defaultFamily ) ) family_list << defaultFamily; // add QFont::defaultFamily() to the list, for compatibility with // previous versions family_list << QApplication::font().defaultFamily(); #endif // QT_XFT2 } // null family means find the first font matching the specified script family_list << QString::null; QStringList::ConstIterator it = family_list.begin(), end = family_list.end(); for ( ; ! engine && it != end; ++it ) { = *it; engine = QFontDatabase::findFont( script, this, req ); if ( engine ) { if ( engine->type() != QFontEngine::Box ) break; if ( ! ) engine = 0; continue; } } engine->ref(); engineData->engines[script] = engine; }