int point_crossover(void *t1, void *t2) { int *indicies = random_indicies_new(t1, t2); struct node *n1 = ((struct tree *) t1)->chromosome[indicies[0]]; struct node *n2 = ((struct tree *) t2)->chromosome[indicies[1]]; struct node *n1_old_parent = n1->parent; struct node *n2_old_parent = n2->parent; int n1_old_nth_child = n1->nth_child; int n2_old_nth_child = n2->nth_child; /* update parents */ if (n1->parent != NULL) { n1->parent->children[n1->nth_child] = n2; } if (n2->parent != NULL) { n2->parent->children[n2->nth_child] = n1; } /* crossover */ n1->parent = n2_old_parent; n2->parent = n1_old_parent; n1->nth_child = n2_old_nth_child; n2->nth_child = n1_old_nth_child; /* update tree */ tree_update(t1); tree_update(t2); /* clean up */ free(indicies); return 0; }
int main() { int n; scanf("%d", &n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) scanf("%d", &ts[i].x); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) scanf("%d", &ts[i].y); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) scanf("%d", &ts[i].z); sort(0, n-1); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%d %d %d\n", ts[i].x, ts[i].y, ts[i].z); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ys[i] = ts[i].y; sort_ys(0, n-1); ys_n = 1; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) if (ys[i] != ys[i-1]) ys[ys_n++] = ys[i]; tree_init(ys_n+1); int c = 0; for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) { int j = ys_n-ys_find(ts[i].y); fprintf(stderr, "j = %d\n", j); int v = tree_max(j-1); fprintf(stderr, "v = %d\n", v); if (v > ts[i].z) c++; tree_update(j, ts[i].z); } printf("%d\n", c); return 0; }
void leimkuhler_tree(double maxtime) { int i; const double tinterval = 1.0; float time_start, time_end; if (verbosity > 0) { fprintf(err, "Using leimkuhler_tree integrator.\n" "TIME_CAP: %3i\n", TIME_CAP); fprintf(err, "-------------------------------------------------\n"); } /*======================================================================== * Calculate the initial forces and time steps, start the integrator * by first drifting. *======================================================================*/ for (i=0; i < NPARTICLES; i++) lkACCEL_AND_POTENTIAL(ps[i], 0); for (i=0; i < NPARTICLES; i++) { double h2 = sqrt(SELECT_TIME_STEP(ps[i])); DRIFT(ps[i], h2); ps[i]->time = 0; ps[i]->timeNext = h2; } write_state(0); /*======================================================================== * Put each particle into the priority queue *======================================================================*/ struct pqNode *head = ps[0]; for (i=1; i < NPARTICLES; i++) { struct pqNode *p = ps[i]; PQ_MERGE(head, p); } pTree *tree; tree = pintBuildTree(ps, NULL); #if 1 time_start = CPUTIME; for (i=0; i < 50000; i++) tree = pintBuildTree(ps, NULL); time_end = CPUTIME; #endif #if DYNAMIC_TREE //fprintf(err, "tree->cell.fMass = %e\n", tree->cell.fMass); #endif fprintf(err, "comparisonCount = %i\n", comparisonCount); fprintf(err, "nodeCount = %i\n", nodeCount); fprintf(err, "tree construction time = %e\n", (time_end - time_start) / 50000.); //fprintf(err, "tree construction time = %e\n", (time_end - time_start) ); //assert(tree->cell.fMass == 1.0); #if 0 #if DYNAMIC_TREE int len = walk_tree(tree, NULL, 0); fprintf(err, "\n"); #else int len = walk_tree(tree, ps, 0); fprintf(err, "\n"); #endif #endif #if 0 #if DYNAMIC_TREE fprintf(err, "\n\n"); struct pqNode **ps2 = (struct pqNode **)malloc(NPARTICLES * sizeof(struct pqNode *)); int len = walk_tree(tree, ps2, 0); fprintf(err, "len = %i\n", len); assert(len == NPARTICLES); struct pqNode *ps3 = (struct pqNode *)malloc(NPARTICLES * sizeof(struct pqNode)); assert(ps3 != NULL); for (i=0; i < NPARTICLES; i++) memcpy(&(ps3[i]), ps2[i], sizeof(struct pqNode)); for (i=0; i < NPARTICLES; i++) ps2[i] = &(ps3[i]); time_start = CPUTIME; for (i=0; i < 5000; i++) tree = pintBuildTree(ps2, NULL); time_end = CPUTIME; fprintf(err, "tree->cell.fMass = %e\n", tree->cell.fMass); fprintf(err, "tree construction time = %e\n", (time_end - time_start) / 5000.); #endif #endif //assert(tree->cell.fMass == 1.0); return; /*======================================================================== * Run the simulation *======================================================================*/ double prevtimeNext = 0; double tout = tinterval; fflush(out); fflush(err); RESET_ACCEL_HIST(); while (1) { struct pqNode *p; PQ_REMOVE_MIN(head, p); assert(prevtimeNext <= p->timeNext); prevtimeNext = p->timeNext; fprintf(out, "%i %f %f %f\n", p->id, p->r[0], p->r[1], p->r[2]); fflush(out); /*==================================================================== * Write output *==================================================================*/ if (p->timeNext < tout && tout <= head->timeNext) { tout += tinterval; RESET_ACCEL_HIST(); for (i=0; i < NPARTICLES; i++) ACCEL_HIST(ps[i]->a); write_state(p->timeNext); AccelCount = 0; if (p->timeNext < maxtime && maxtime <= head->timeNext) break; #if !DYNAMIC_TREE //tree = pintBuildTree2(ps, tree); tree = pintBuildTree(ps, NULL); #endif } /*==================================================================== * Drift, Kick, Drift *==================================================================*/ double h1 = p->timeNext - p->time; DRIFT(p, h1); lkACCEL_AND_POTENTIAL(p, p->timeNext); KICK(p, h1); double h2 = SELECT_TIME_STEP(p) / h1; KICK(p, h2); DRIFT(p, h2); /*==================================================================== * Update particle's time and put it back in the queue *==================================================================*/ p->time = p->timeNext + h2; p->timeNext = p->time + h2; #if DYNAMIC_TREE _DA_ time_start = CPUTIME; tree = tree_update(p, tree); _DA_ time_end = CPUTIME; _DA_ fprintf(err, "tree update time = %e\n", time_end - time_start); #endif #if 0 #if DYNAMIC_TREE _DA_ time_start = CPUTIME; tree = tree_insert(p, tree); _DA_ time_end = CPUTIME; _DA_ fprintf(err, "tree insert time = %e\n", time_end - time_start); #endif #endif PQ_MERGE(head, p); } }
void iterate(void){ // A 'DKD'-like integrator will do the first 'D' part. PROFILING_START() integrator_part1(); PROFILING_STOP(PROFILING_CAT_INTEGRATOR) // Check for root crossings. PROFILING_START() boundaries_check(); PROFILING_STOP(PROFILING_CAT_BOUNDARY) // Update and simplify tree. // Prepare particles for distribution to other nodes. // This function also creates the tree if called for the first time. PROFILING_START() #ifdef TREE tree_update(); #endif //TREE #ifdef MPI // Distribute particles and add newly received particles to tree. communication_mpi_distribute_particles(); #endif // MPI #ifdef GRAVITY_TREE // Update center of mass and quadrupole moments in tree in preparation of force calculation. tree_update_gravity_data(); #ifdef MPI // Prepare essential tree (and particles close to the boundary needed for collisions) for distribution to other nodes. tree_prepare_essential_tree_for_gravity(); // Transfer essential tree and particles needed for collisions. communication_mpi_distribute_essential_tree_for_gravity(); #endif // MPI #endif // GRAVITY_TREE // Calculate accelerations. gravity_calculate_acceleration(); if (N_megno){ gravity_calculate_variational_acceleration(); } // Calculate non-gravity accelerations. if (problem_additional_forces) problem_additional_forces(); if (problem_additional_forces_with_parameters) problem_additional_forces_with_parameters(particles, t, dt, G, N, N_megno); PROFILING_STOP(PROFILING_CAT_GRAVITY) // A 'DKD'-like integrator will do the 'KD' part. PROFILING_START() integrator_part2(); if (problem_post_timestep_modifications){ integrator_synchronize(); problem_post_timestep_modifications(); if (integrator == WHFAST || integrator == HYBRID){ integrator_whfast_recalculate_jacobi_this_timestep = 1; } } if (problem_post_timestep_modifications_with_parameters){ integrator_synchronize(); problem_post_timestep_modifications_with_parameters(particles, t, dt, G, N, N_megno); if (integrator == WHFAST || integrator == HYBRID){ integrator_whfast_recalculate_jacobi_this_timestep = 1; } } PROFILING_STOP(PROFILING_CAT_INTEGRATOR) // Do collisions here. We need both the positions and velocities at the same time. #ifndef COLLISIONS_NONE // Check for root crossings. PROFILING_START() boundaries_check(); PROFILING_STOP(PROFILING_CAT_BOUNDARY) // Search for collisions using local and essential tree. PROFILING_START() collisions_search(); // Resolve collisions (only local particles are affected). collisions_resolve(); PROFILING_STOP(PROFILING_CAT_COLLISION) #endif // COLLISIONS_NONE #ifdef OPENGL PROFILING_START() display(); PROFILING_STOP(PROFILING_CAT_VISUALIZATION) #endif // OPENGL problem_output(); // Check if the simulation finished. #ifdef MPI int _exit_simulation = 0; MPI_Allreduce(&exit_simulation, &_exit_simulation,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MAX,MPI_COMM_WORLD); exit_simulation = _exit_simulation; #endif // MPI // @TODO: Adjust timestep so that t==tmax exaclty at the end. if((t+dt>tmax && tmax!=0.0) || exit_simulation==1){ #ifdef GRAVITY_GRAPE gravity_finish(); #endif // GRAVITY_GRAPE problem_finish(); struct timeval tim; gettimeofday(&tim, NULL); double timing_final = tim.tv_sec+(tim.tv_usec/1000000.0); printf("\nComputation finished. Total runtime: %f s\n",timing_final-timing_initial); #ifdef MPI MPI_Finalize(); #endif // MPI exit(0); } }
void display(){ if (display_pause) return; #ifdef TREE if (display_tree){ tree_update(); #ifdef GRAVITY_TREE tree_update_gravity_data(); #endif } #endif if (display_clear){ glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); } if (!display_wire) { if (display_spheres){ glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); GLfloat lightpos[] = {0, boxsize_max, boxsize_max, 0.f}; glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, lightpos); }else{ glEnable(GL_BLEND); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glDisable(GL_LIGHT0); } } glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); glVertexPointer(3, GL_DOUBLE, sizeof(struct particle), particles); int _N_active = (N_active==-1)?N:N_active; if (display_reference>=0){ glTranslatef(-particles[display_reference].x,-particles[display_reference].y,-particles[display_reference].z); } glRotatef(display_rotate_x,1,0,0); glRotatef(display_rotate_z,0,0,1); for (int i=-display_ghostboxes*nghostx;i<=display_ghostboxes*nghostx;i++){ for (int j=-display_ghostboxes*nghosty;j<=display_ghostboxes*nghosty;j++){ for (int k=-display_ghostboxes*nghostz;k<=display_ghostboxes*nghostz;k++){ struct ghostbox gb = boundaries_get_ghostbox(i,j,k); glTranslatef(gb.shiftx,gb.shifty,gb.shiftz); if (!(!display_clear&&display_wire)){ if (display_spheres){ // Drawing Spheres glColor4f(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0); #ifndef COLLISIONS_NONE for (int i=0;i<N;i++){ struct particle p = particles[i]; glTranslatef(p.x,p.y,p.z); glScalef(p.r,p.r,p.r); #ifdef _APPLE glCallList(display_dlist_sphere); #else //_APPLE glutSolidSphere(1,40,10); #endif //_APPLE glScalef(1./p.r,1./p.r,1./p.r); glTranslatef(-p.x,-p.y,-p.z); } #endif // COLLISIONS_NONE }else{ // Drawing Points glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glPointSize(3.); glColor4f(1.0,1.0,1.0,0.5); glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, _N_active, N-_N_active); glColor4f(1.0,1.0,0.0,0.9); glPointSize(5.); glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, _N_active); glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); } } // Drawing wires if (display_wire){ #ifndef INTEGRATOR_SEI double radius = 0; struct particle com = particles[0]; for (int i=1;i<N;i++){ struct particle p = particles[i]; if (N_active>0){ // Different colors for active/test particles if (i>=N_active){ glColor4f(0.9,1.0,0.9,0.9); }else{ glColor4f(1.0,0.9,0.0,0.9); } }else{ // Alternating colors if (i%2 == 1){ glColor4f(0.0,1.0,0.0,0.9); }else{ glColor4f(0.0,0.0,1.0,0.9); } } struct orbit o = tools_p2orbit(p,com); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(com.x,com.y,com.z); glRotatef(o.Omega/DEG2RAD,0,0,1); glRotatef(,1,0,0); glRotatef(,0,0,1); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (double trueAnom=0; trueAnom < 2.*M_PI; trueAnom+=M_PI/100.) { //convert degrees into radians radius = o.a * (1. - o.e*o.e) / (1. + o.e*cos(trueAnom)); glVertex3f(radius*cos(trueAnom),radius*sin(trueAnom),0); } glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); com = tools_get_center_of_mass(p,com); } #else // INTEGRATOR_SEI for (int i=1;i<N;i++){ struct particle p = particles[i]; glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (double _t=-100.*dt;_t<=100.*dt;_t+=20.*dt){ double frac = 1.-fabs(_t/(120.*dt)); glColor4f(1.0,(_t+100.*dt)/(200.*dt),0.0,frac); glVertex3f(p.x+p.vx*_t, p.y+p.vy*_t, p.z+p.vz*_t); } glEnd(); } #endif // INTEGRATOR_SEI } // Drawing Tree glColor4f(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.4); #ifdef TREE if (display_tree){ glColor4f(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.4); display_entire_tree(); } #endif // TREE glTranslatef(-gb.shiftx,-gb.shifty,-gb.shiftz); } } } glColor4f(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.4); glScalef(boxsize_x,boxsize_y,boxsize_z); glutWireCube(1); glScalef(1./boxsize_x,1./boxsize_y,1./boxsize_z); glRotatef(-display_rotate_z,0,0,1); glRotatef(-display_rotate_x,1,0,0); if (display_reference>=0){ glTranslatef(particles[display_reference].x,particles[display_reference].y,particles[display_reference].z); } glutSwapBuffers(); }
int main() { // Ressources unsigned long t_debut, t_fin; float dt, waitShoot = 0; BITMAP *buffer; int fin = 0, v = 200; Map *map; DepthList *depthList; Rect screen_pos, map_pos; Actor *joueur; // Initialisation fprintf(stderr,"Initialisation ...\n"); timeBeginPeriod(1); set_uformat(U_ASCII); set_color_depth(32); allegro_init(); install_keyboard(); install_mouse(); srand(time(NULL)); if(set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 1024, 768, 0, 0)) ERREUR("Echec du lancement du mode graphique."); buffer = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); resman_loadSprites(); fprintf(stderr,"Chargement des ressources ...\n"); map = new_map("media/map/test1"); map_pos.x = map_pos.y = 0; map_pos.w = map->w; map_pos.h = map->h; actList = new_glist(); root = new_tree(map_pos); map_addEntities(map, actList, root); depthList = new_dlist(); screen_pos.w = SCREEN_W; screen_pos.h = SCREEN_H; // Ajout du joueur joueur = actor_addJoueur(actList, root, 500, 500); // Intro debut(); // Boucle principale fprintf(stderr,"Debut !\n"); t_debut = timeGetTime(); while(!fin) { // Gestion clavier if(key[KEY_ESC]) { fin = 1; } if(key[KEY_W]) { joueur->vit_y = -v; joueur->direction_regard = HAUT; joueur->etat = ETAT_MARCHE; } else if(key[KEY_S]) { joueur->vit_y = v; joueur->direction_regard = BAS; joueur->etat = ETAT_MARCHE; } else joueur->vit_y = 0; if(key[KEY_A]) { joueur->vit_x = -v; joueur->direction_regard = GAUCHE; joueur->etat = ETAT_MARCHE; } else if(key[KEY_D]) { joueur->vit_x = v; joueur->direction_regard = DROITE; joueur->etat = ETAT_MARCHE; } else joueur->vit_x = 0; if(joueur->vit_x != 0 && joueur->vit_y != 0) { joueur->vit_x /= sqrt(2); joueur->vit_y /= sqrt(2); } if(!key[KEY_W] && !key[KEY_D] && !key[KEY_S] && !key[KEY_A]) joueur->etat = ETAT_REPOS; if(key[KEY_Q]) { if(waitShoot <= 0) { waitShoot = .1; actor_addTree(actList, root, mouse_x + screen_pos.x, mouse_y + screen_pos.y); } } waitShoot -= dt; if(mouse_b&1) { float vx, vy, v; if(waitShoot <= 0) { waitShoot = .3; vx = mouse_x - (joueur->pos_x - screen_pos.x); vy = mouse_y - (joueur->pos_y - screen_pos.y); v = sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy); vx = vx/v; vy = vy/v; actor_addMissile(actList, root, joueur->pos_x + vx*joueur->w*1.5, joueur->pos_y + vy*joueur->h*1.5, vx*300, vy*300); } } if(key[KEY_P]) { FILE *fd = fopen("arbres.txt", "w+"); Actor *act; glist_startIter(actList); while(!glist_endIter(actList)) { act = glist_getCurrentData(actList); if(act->type == ACT_TREE) fprintf(fd, "%d\n%d\n", (int) act->pos_x, (int) act->pos_y); glist_iter(actList); } fclose(fd); } // Double buffer clear_bitmap(buffer); render_map(buffer, map, screen_pos.x, screen_pos.y); // Mises à jour resman_updateSprites(&dt); actor_spawnMonster(actList, root); actor_ia(actList, joueur); // Deplacement glist_startIter(actList); while(!glist_endIter(actList)) { actor_update(glist_getCurrentData(actList), map_pos, map, dt); if( ((Actor*) glist_getCurrentData(actList))->deleting) { glist_remCell(actList, glist_getCurrentId(actList)); } else glist_iter(actList); } // Cadrage ecran screen_pos.x = joueur->pos_x - SCREEN_W/2; screen_pos.y = joueur->pos_y - SCREEN_H/2; // Collision tree_collisionDetection(root); // Affichage tree_update(root); dlist_getActorsFromTree(depthList, root, screen_pos); dlist_update(depthList, screen_pos); dlist_blit(depthList, buffer, screen_pos); draw_cursor(buffer); textprintf_centre_ex(buffer, font, SCREEN_W/2, 5, makecol(0, 0, 0), makecol(255, 0, 0), " Vies restantes : %d | Score : %d ", joueur->vie, score); // Rafraichissement écran vsync(); blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); // Gestion du temps t_fin = timeGetTime(); dt = ((float)t_fin - t_debut)/1000; t_debut = t_fin; // Test fin de jeu if(joueur->deleting) fin = 1; resman_freeList(); } // Game over gameover(); // Fin timeEndPeriod(1); delete_map(map); del_tree(root); del_dlist(depthList); del_glist(actList); destroy_bitmap(buffer); resman_freeSprites(); allegro_exit(); return 0; }