void model_collide_preprocess_subobj(vec3d *pos, matrix *orient, polymodel *pm,  polymodel_instance *pmi, int subobj_num)
	submodel_instance *smi = &pmi->submodel[subobj_num];

	smi->mc_base = *pos;
	smi->mc_orient = *orient;

	int i = pm->submodel[subobj_num].first_child;

	while ( i >= 0 ) {
		angles angs = pmi->submodel[i].angs;
		bsp_info * csm = &pm->submodel[i];

		matrix tm = IDENTITY_MATRIX;

		vm_vec_unrotate(pos, &csm->offset, &smi->mc_orient );
		vm_vec_add2(pos, &smi->mc_base);

		if( vm_matrix_same(&tm, &csm->orientation)) {
			// if submodel orientation matrix is identity matrix then don't bother with matrix ops
			vm_angles_2_matrix(&tm, &angs);
		} else {
			matrix rotation_matrix = csm->orientation;
			vm_rotate_matrix_by_angles(&rotation_matrix, &angs);

			matrix inv_orientation;
			vm_copy_transpose(&inv_orientation, &csm->orientation);

			vm_matrix_x_matrix(&tm, &rotation_matrix, &inv_orientation);

		vm_matrix_x_matrix(orient, &smi->mc_orient, &tm);

		model_collide_preprocess_subobj(pos, orient, pm, pmi, i);

		i = csm->next_sibling;
void techroom_ships_render(float frametime)
	// render all the common stuff
	if(Cur_entry_index == -1)

	// now render the trackball ship, which is unique to the ships tab
	float rev_rate = REVOLUTION_RATE;
	angles rot_angles, view_angles;
	int z, i, j;
	ship_info *sip = &Ship_info[Cur_entry_index];
	model_render_params render_info;

	if (sip->uses_team_colors) {
		render_info.set_team_color(sip->default_team_name, "none", 0, 0);

	// get correct revolution rate
	z = sip->flags;
	if (z & SIF_BIG_SHIP) {
		rev_rate *= 1.7f;
	if (z & SIF_HUGE_SHIP) {
		rev_rate *= 3.0f;

	// rotate the ship as much as required for this frame
	Techroom_ship_rot += PI2 * frametime / rev_rate;
	while (Techroom_ship_rot > PI2){
		Techroom_ship_rot -= PI2;	

	//	reorient ship
	if (Trackball_active) {
		int dx, dy;
		matrix mat1, mat2;

		if (Trackball_active) {
			mouse_get_delta(&dx, &dy);
			if (dx || dy) {
				vm_trackball(-dx, -dy, &mat1);
				vm_matrix_x_matrix(&mat2, &mat1, &Techroom_ship_orient);
				Techroom_ship_orient = mat2;

	} else {
		// setup stuff needed to render the ship
		view_angles.p = -0.6f;
		view_angles.b = 0.0f;
		view_angles.h = 0.0f;
		vm_angles_2_matrix(&Techroom_ship_orient, &view_angles);

		rot_angles.p = 0.0f;
		rot_angles.b = 0.0f;
		rot_angles.h = Techroom_ship_rot;
		vm_rotate_matrix_by_angles(&Techroom_ship_orient, &rot_angles);

	gr_set_clip(Tech_ship_display_coords[gr_screen.res][SHIP_X_COORD], Tech_ship_display_coords[gr_screen.res][SHIP_Y_COORD], Tech_ship_display_coords[gr_screen.res][SHIP_W_COORD], Tech_ship_display_coords[gr_screen.res][SHIP_H_COORD], GR_RESIZE_MENU);	

	// render the ship
	g3_set_view_matrix(&sip->closeup_pos, &vmd_identity_matrix, sip->closeup_zoom * 1.3f);


	// lighting for techroom
	vec3d light_dir = vmd_zero_vector;
	light_dir.xyz.y = 1.0f;	
	light_dir.xyz.x = 0.0000001f;	
	light_add_directional(&light_dir, 0.85f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	// lighting for techroom

	Glowpoint_use_depth_buffer = false;


	polymodel *pm = model_get(Techroom_ship_modelnum);
	for (i = 0; i < sip->n_subsystems; i++) {
		model_subsystem *msp = &sip->subsystems[i];
		if (msp->type == SUBSYSTEM_TURRET) {

			float p = 0.0f;
			float h = 0.0f;

			for (j = 0; j < msp->n_triggers; j++) {

				// special case for turrets
				p = msp->triggers[j].angle.xyz.x;
				h = msp->triggers[j].angle.xyz.y;
			if ( msp->subobj_num >= 0 )	{
				model_set_instance_techroom(Techroom_ship_modelnum, msp->subobj_num, 0.0f, h );
			if ( (msp->subobj_num != msp->turret_gun_sobj) && (msp->turret_gun_sobj >= 0) )		{
				model_set_instance_techroom(Techroom_ship_modelnum, msp->turret_gun_sobj, p, 0.0f );


		shadows_start_render(&Eye_matrix, &Eye_position, Proj_fov, gr_screen.clip_aspect, -sip->closeup_pos.xyz.z + pm->rad, -sip->closeup_pos.xyz.z + pm->rad + 200.0f, -sip->closeup_pos.xyz.z + pm->rad + 2000.0f, -sip->closeup_pos.xyz.z + pm->rad + 10000.0f);
        render_info.set_flags(MR_NO_TEXTURING | MR_NO_LIGHTING | MR_AUTOCENTER);
		model_render_immediate(&render_info, Techroom_ship_modelnum, &Techroom_ship_orient, &vmd_zero_vector);

		gr_set_clip(Tech_ship_display_coords[gr_screen.res][SHIP_X_COORD], Tech_ship_display_coords[gr_screen.res][SHIP_Y_COORD], Tech_ship_display_coords[gr_screen.res][SHIP_W_COORD], Tech_ship_display_coords[gr_screen.res][SHIP_H_COORD], GR_RESIZE_MENU);
	if (!Cmdline_nohtl) {
		gr_set_proj_matrix(Proj_fov, gr_screen.clip_aspect, Min_draw_distance, Max_draw_distance);
		gr_set_view_matrix(&Eye_position, &Eye_matrix);

	uint render_flags = MR_AUTOCENTER;

	if(sip->flags2 & SIF2_NO_LIGHTING)
		render_flags |= MR_NO_LIGHTING;


	model_render_immediate(&render_info, Techroom_ship_modelnum, &Techroom_ship_orient, &vmd_zero_vector);

	Glowpoint_use_depth_buffer = true;


	if (!Cmdline_nohtl)


void camera::set_rotation(angles *in_angles, float in_rotation_time, float in_rotation_acceleration_time, float in_rotation_deceleration_time)
	matrix mtx = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
	vm_rotate_matrix_by_angles(&mtx, in_angles);
	this->set_rotation(&mtx, in_rotation_time, in_rotation_acceleration_time, in_rotation_deceleration_time);
// This function recursively checks a submodel and its children
// for a collision with a vector.
void mc_check_subobj( int mn )
	vec3d tempv;
	vec3d hitpt;		// used in bounding box check
	bsp_info * sm;
	int i;

	Assert( mn >= 0 );
	Assert( mn < Mc_pm->n_models );
	if ( (mn < 0) || (mn>=Mc_pm->n_models) ) return;
	sm = &Mc_pm->submodel[mn];
	if (sm->no_collisions) return; // don't do collisions
	if (sm->nocollide_this_only) goto NoHit; // Don't collide for this model, but keep checking others

	// Rotate the world check points into the current subobject's 
	// frame of reference.
	// After this block, Mc_p0, Mc_p1, Mc_direction, and Mc_mag are correct
	// and relative to this subobjects' frame of reference.
	vm_vec_sub(&tempv, Mc->p0, &Mc_base);
	vm_vec_rotate(&Mc_p0, &tempv, &Mc_orient);

	vm_vec_sub(&tempv, Mc->p1, &Mc_base);
	vm_vec_rotate(&Mc_p1, &tempv, &Mc_orient);
	vm_vec_sub(&Mc_direction, &Mc_p1, &Mc_p0);

	// bail early if no ray exists
	if ( IS_VEC_NULL(&Mc_direction) ) {

	if (Mc_pm->detail[0] == mn)	{
		// Quickly bail if we aren't inside the full model bbox
		if (!mc_ray_boundingbox( &Mc_pm->mins, &Mc_pm->maxs, &Mc_p0, &Mc_direction, NULL))	{

		// If we are checking the root submodel, then we might want to check	
		// the shield at this point
		if ((Mc->flags & MC_CHECK_SHIELD) && (Mc_pm->shield.ntris > 0 )) {

	if (!(Mc->flags & MC_CHECK_MODEL)) {
	Mc_submodel = mn;

	// Check if the ray intersects this subobject's bounding box
	if ( mc_ray_boundingbox(&sm->min, &sm->max, &Mc_p0, &Mc_direction, &hitpt) ) {
		if (Mc->flags & MC_ONLY_BOUND_BOX) {
			float dist = vm_vec_dist( &Mc_p0, &hitpt );

			// If the ray is behind the plane there is no collision
			if (dist < 0.0f) {
				goto NoHit;

			// The ray isn't long enough to intersect the plane
			if ( !(Mc->flags & MC_CHECK_RAY) && (dist > Mc_mag) ) {
				goto NoHit;

			// If the ray hits, but a closer intersection has already been found, return
			if ( Mc->num_hits && (dist >= Mc->hit_dist) ) {
				goto NoHit;

			Mc->hit_dist = dist;
			Mc->hit_point = hitpt;
			Mc->hit_submodel = Mc_submodel;
			Mc->hit_bitmap = -1;
		} else {
			// The ray intersects this bounding box, so we have to check all the
			// polygons in this submodel.
			if ( Cmdline_old_collision_sys ) {
			} else {
				if (Mc->lod > 0 && sm->num_details > 0) {
					bsp_info *lod_sm = sm;

					for (i = Mc->lod - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
						if (sm->details[i] != -1) {
							lod_sm = &Mc_pm->submodel[sm->details[i]];

							//mprintf(("Checking %s collision for %s using %s instead\n", Mc_pm->filename, sm->name, lod_sm->name));

					model_collide_bsp(model_get_bsp_collision_tree(lod_sm->collision_tree_index), 0);
				} else {
					model_collide_bsp(model_get_bsp_collision_tree(sm->collision_tree_index), 0);


	// If we're only checking one submodel, return
	if (Mc->flags & MC_SUBMODEL)	{

	// If this subobject doesn't have any children, we're done checking it.
	if ( sm->num_children < 1 ) return;
	// Save instance (Mc_orient, Mc_base, Mc_point_base)
	matrix saved_orient = Mc_orient;
	vec3d saved_base = Mc_base;
	// Check all of this subobject's children
	i = sm->first_child;
	while ( i >= 0 )	{
		angles angs;
		bool blown_off;
		bool collision_checked;
		bsp_info * csm = &Mc_pm->submodel[i];
		if ( Mc_pmi ) {
			angs = Mc_pmi->submodel[i].angs;
			blown_off = Mc_pmi->submodel[i].blown_off;
			collision_checked = Mc_pmi->submodel[i].collision_checked;
		} else {
			angs = csm->angs;
			blown_off = csm->blown_off ? true : false;
			collision_checked = false;

		// Don't check it or its children if it is destroyed
		// or if it's set to no collision
		if ( !blown_off && !collision_checked && !csm->no_collisions )	{
			if ( Mc_pmi ) {
				Mc_orient = Mc_pmi->submodel[i].mc_orient;
				Mc_base = Mc_pmi->submodel[i].mc_base;
				vm_vec_add2(&Mc_base, Mc->pos);
			} else {
				//instance for this subobject
				matrix tm = IDENTITY_MATRIX;

				vm_vec_unrotate(&Mc_base, &csm->offset, &saved_orient );
				vm_vec_add2(&Mc_base, &saved_base );

				if( vm_matrix_same(&tm, &csm->orientation)) {
					// if submodel orientation matrix is identity matrix then don't bother with matrix ops
					vm_angles_2_matrix(&tm, &angs);
				} else {
					matrix rotation_matrix = csm->orientation;
					vm_rotate_matrix_by_angles(&rotation_matrix, &angs);

					matrix inv_orientation;
					vm_copy_transpose(&inv_orientation, &csm->orientation);

					vm_matrix_x_matrix(&tm, &rotation_matrix, &inv_orientation);

				vm_matrix_x_matrix(&Mc_orient, &saved_orient, &tm);

			mc_check_subobj( i );

		i = csm->next_sibling;
