vector<ASTNode*> ASTNode::getChildren(const string &key) { vector<ASTNode*> subset; if (m_children.size() > 0) { string keyLC = key; // Transform key name to lower case for case insensitive lookups. transform(keyLC.begin(), keyLC.end(), keyLC.begin(), ptr_fun(::tolower)); vector<ASTNode*>::iterator it = m_children.begin(); while (it != m_children.end()) { ASTNode *n = (*it++); string nodeKey = n->getKey(); // Transform key name to lower case for case insensitive lookups. transform(nodeKey.begin(), nodeKey.end(), nodeKey.begin(), ptr_fun(::tolower)); // Try to match the key. if (keyLC == nodeKey) { subset.push_back(n); } } } return subset; }
void ASTNode::printKeys() const { vector<ASTNode*>::const_iterator it = m_children.begin(); while (it != m_children.end()) { ASTNode *n = (*it++); clog << "Key: " << n->getKey() << endl; } }
Object SITSituationVisitor::visitObject(ASTNode *node) { Object o; if (node != NULL) { ASTNode *n = NULL; n = node->getNodeFromFirstMatchingChildFor("OBJECT"); if (n == NULL) { OPENDAVINCI_CORE_THROW_EXCEPTION(SITSituationVisitorException, "Node to get value from OBJECT expected."); } o.setName(n->getValue<string>()); n = node->getNodeFromFirstMatchingChildFor("OBJECTID"); if (n == NULL) { OPENDAVINCI_CORE_THROW_EXCEPTION(SITSituationVisitorException, "Node to get value from OBJECTID expected."); } o.setID(n->getValue<uint32_t>()); // Parse shape from child. vector<ASTNode*> listOfChildren = node->getChildren("OBJECTID"); vector<ASTNode*>::iterator it = listOfChildren.begin() + 1; // Skip first OBJECTID. while (it != listOfChildren.end()) { ASTNode *child = (*it++)->getFirstChild(); if (child != NULL) { if (child->getKey() == "SHAPENAME") { Shape *shape = visitShape(child->getParent()); o.setShape(shape); } } } n = node->getNodeFromFirstMatchingChildFor("ROTZ"); if (n == NULL) { OPENDAVINCI_CORE_THROW_EXCEPTION(SITSituationVisitorException, "Node to get value from ROTZ expected."); } o.setRotationZ(n->getValue<double>()); n = *(node->getChildren("ROTZ").begin() + 1); // BEHAVIOR starts directly after ROTZ. if (n == NULL) { OPENDAVINCI_CORE_THROW_EXCEPTION(SITSituationVisitorException, "Node to get value from BEHAVIOR expected."); } o.setBehavior(visitBehavior(n)); } return o; }