int RosAriaNode::Setup()
  // Note, various objects are allocated here which are never deleted (freed), since Setup() is only supposed to be
  // called once per instance, and these objects need to persist until the process terminates.

  robot = new ArRobot();
  ArArgumentBuilder *args = new ArArgumentBuilder(); //  never freed
  ArArgumentParser *argparser = new ArArgumentParser(args); // Warning never freed
  argparser->loadDefaultArguments(); // adds any arguments given in /etc/Aria.args.  Useful on robots with unusual serial port or baud rate (e.g. pioneer lx)

  // Now add any parameters given via ros params (see RosAriaNode constructor):

  // if serial port parameter contains a ':' character, then interpret it as hostname:tcpport
  // for wireless serial connection. Otherwise, interpret it as a serial port name.
  size_t colon_pos = serial_port.find(":");
  if (colon_pos != std::string::npos)
    args->add("-remoteHost"); // pass robot's hostname/IP address to Aria
    args->add(serial_port.substr(0, colon_pos).c_str());
    //ROS_INFO( "RosAria: using IP: [%s]", serial_port.substr(0, colon_pos).c_str() );
    args->add("-remoteRobotTcpPort"); // pass robot's TCP port to Aria
    //ROS_INFO( "RosAria: using port: [%s]", serial_port.substr(colon_pos+1).c_str() );
    args->add("-robotPort"); // pass robot's serial port to Aria

  // if a baud rate was specified in baud parameter
  if(serial_baud != 0)
    char tmp[100];
    snprintf(tmp, 100, "%d", serial_baud);
  if( debug_aria )
    // turn on all ARIA debugging
    args->add("-robotLogPacketsReceived"); // log received packets
    args->add("-robotLogPacketsSent"); // log sent packets
    args->add("-robotLogVelocitiesReceived"); // log received velocities
    ArLog::init(ArLog::File, ArLog::Verbose, aria_log_filename.c_str(), true);

  // Connect to the robot
  conn = new ArRobotConnector(argparser, robot); // warning never freed
  if (!conn->connectRobot()) {
    ROS_ERROR("RosAria: ARIA could not connect to robot! (Check ~port parameter is correct, and permissions on port device.)");
    return 1;

  // causes ARIA to load various robot-specific hardware parameters from the robot parameter file in /usr/local/Aria/params
    ROS_ERROR("RosAria: ARIA error parsing ARIA startup parameters!");
    return 1;


  // Start dynamic_reconfigure server
  dynamic_reconfigure_server = new dynamic_reconfigure::Server<rosaria::RosAriaConfig>;

   * 横向速度和纵向速度单位为米

   * 初始化参数的最小值 其中TickMM=10 DriftFactor=-200 Revount=-32760

  // Setup Parameter Minimums
  rosaria::RosAriaConfig dynConf_min;
  dynConf_min.trans_accel = robot->getAbsoluteMaxTransAccel() / 1000;
  dynConf_min.trans_decel = robot->getAbsoluteMaxTransDecel() / 1000;
  // TODO: Fix rqt dynamic_reconfigure gui to handle empty intervals
  // Until then, set unit length interval.
  dynConf_min.lat_accel = ((robot->getAbsoluteMaxLatAccel() > 0.0) ? robot->getAbsoluteMaxLatAccel() : 0.1) / 1000;
  dynConf_min.lat_decel = ((robot->getAbsoluteMaxLatDecel() > 0.0) ? robot->getAbsoluteMaxLatDecel() : 0.1) / 1000;
  dynConf_min.rot_accel = robot->getAbsoluteMaxRotAccel() * M_PI/180;
  dynConf_min.rot_decel = robot->getAbsoluteMaxRotDecel() * M_PI/180;
  // I'm setting these upper bounds relitivly arbitrarily, feel free to increase them.
  dynConf_min.TicksMM     = 10;
  dynConf_min.DriftFactor = -200;
  dynConf_min.RevCount    = -32760;
  // 初始化参数的最大值 其中TickMM=200 DriftFactor=200 Revount=32760
  rosaria::RosAriaConfig dynConf_max;
  dynConf_max.trans_accel = robot->getAbsoluteMaxTransAccel() / 1000;
  dynConf_max.trans_decel = robot->getAbsoluteMaxTransDecel() / 1000;
  // TODO: Fix rqt dynamic_reconfigure gui to handle empty intervals
  // Until then, set unit length interval.
  dynConf_max.lat_accel = ((robot->getAbsoluteMaxLatAccel() > 0.0) ? robot->getAbsoluteMaxLatAccel() : 0.1) / 1000;
  dynConf_max.lat_decel = ((robot->getAbsoluteMaxLatDecel() > 0.0) ? robot->getAbsoluteMaxLatDecel() : 0.1) / 1000;
  dynConf_max.rot_accel = robot->getAbsoluteMaxRotAccel() * M_PI/180;
  dynConf_max.rot_decel = robot->getAbsoluteMaxRotDecel() * M_PI/180;
  // I'm setting these upper bounds relitivly arbitrarily, feel free to increase them.
  dynConf_max.TicksMM     = 200;
  dynConf_max.DriftFactor = 200;
  dynConf_max.RevCount    = 32760;
   // 初始化参数的默认值
  rosaria::RosAriaConfig dynConf_default;
  dynConf_default.trans_accel = robot->getTransAccel() / 1000;
  dynConf_default.trans_decel = robot->getTransDecel() / 1000;
  dynConf_default.lat_accel   = robot->getLatAccel() / 1000;
  dynConf_default.lat_decel   = robot->getLatDecel() / 1000;
  dynConf_default.rot_accel   = robot->getRotAccel() * M_PI/180;
  dynConf_default.rot_decel   = robot->getRotDecel() * M_PI/180;

  dynConf_default.TicksMM     = TicksMM;
  dynConf_default.DriftFactor = DriftFactor;
  dynConf_default.RevCount    = RevCount;
  dynamic_reconfigure_server->setCallback(boost::bind(&RosAriaNode::dynamic_reconfigureCB, this, _1, _2));

  // Enable the motors

  // disable sonars on startup

  // callback will  be called by ArRobot background processing thread for every SIP data packet received from robot
  robot->addSensorInterpTask("ROSPublishingTask", 100, &myPublishCB);

  // Initialize bumpers with robot number of bumpers

  // Run ArRobot background processing thread

  return 0;
 *  dynamic reconfigure call back
void RosAriaNode::dynamic_reconfigureCB(rosaria::RosAriaConfig &config, uint32_t level)
  // Odometry Settings
  if(TicksMM != config.TicksMM and config.TicksMM > 0)
    ROS_INFO("Setting TicksMM from Dynamic Reconfigure: %d -> %d ", TicksMM, config.TicksMM);
    TicksMM = config.TicksMM;
    robot->comInt(93, TicksMM);
  if(DriftFactor != config.DriftFactor)
    ROS_INFO("Setting DriftFactor from Dynamic Reconfigure: %d -> %d ", DriftFactor, config.DriftFactor);
    DriftFactor = config.DriftFactor;
    robot->comInt(89, DriftFactor);
  if(RevCount != config.RevCount and config.RevCount > 0)
    ROS_INFO("Setting RevCount from Dynamic Reconfigure: %d -> %d ", RevCount, config.RevCount);
    RevCount = config.RevCount;
    robot->comInt(88, RevCount);
  // Acceleration Parameters
  int value;
  value = config.trans_accel * 1000;
  if(value != robot->getTransAccel() and value > 0)
    ROS_INFO("Setting TransAccel from Dynamic Reconfigure: %d", value);
  value = config.trans_decel * 1000;
  if(value != robot->getTransDecel() and value > 0)
    ROS_INFO("Setting TransDecel from Dynamic Reconfigure: %d", value);
  value = config.lat_accel * 1000;
  if(value != robot->getLatAccel() and value > 0)
    ROS_INFO("Setting LatAccel from Dynamic Reconfigure: %d", value);
    if (robot->getAbsoluteMaxLatAccel() > 0 )
  value = config.lat_decel * 1000;
  if(value != robot->getLatDecel() and value > 0)
    ROS_INFO("Setting LatDecel from Dynamic Reconfigure: %d", value);
    if (robot->getAbsoluteMaxLatDecel() > 0 )
  value = config.rot_accel * 180/M_PI;
  if(value != robot->getRotAccel() and value > 0)
    ROS_INFO("Setting RotAccel from Dynamic Reconfigure: %d", value);
  value = config.rot_decel * 180/M_PI;
  if(value != robot->getRotDecel() and value > 0)
    ROS_INFO("Setting RotDecel from Dynamic Reconfigure: %d", value);