void Joydrive::drive(void) { int trans, rot; // print out some data about the robot printf("\rx %6.1f y %6.1f tth %6.1f vel %7.1f mpacs %3d ", myRobot->getX(), myRobot->getY(), myRobot->getTh(), myRobot->getVel(), myRobot->getMotorPacCount()); fflush(stdout); // see if a joystick butotn is pushed, if so drive if (myJoyHandler.haveJoystick() && (myJoyHandler.getButton(1) || myJoyHandler.getButton(2))) { // get the values out of the joystick handler myJoyHandler.getAdjusted(&rot, &trans); // drive the robot myRobot->setVel(trans); myRobot->setRotVel(-rot); } // if a button isn't pushed, stop the robot else { myRobot->setVel(0); myRobot->setRotVel(0); } }
void laserRequest_and_odom(ArServerClient *client, ArNetPacket *packet) { robot.lock(); ArNetPacket sending; sending.empty(); ArLaser* laser = robot.findLaser(1); if(!laser){ printf("Could not connect to Laser... exiting\n"); Aria::exit(1);} laser->lockDevice(); const std::list<ArSensorReading*> *sensorReadings = laser->getRawReadings(); // see ArRangeDevice interface doc sending.byte4ToBuf((ArTypes::Byte4)(sensorReadings->size())); for (std::list<ArSensorReading*>::const_iterator it2= sensorReadings->begin(); it2 != sensorReadings->end(); ++it2){ ArSensorReading* laserRead =*it2; sending.byte4ToBuf((ArTypes::Byte4)(laserRead->getRange())); //printf("%i,%i:",laserRead->getRange(),laserRead->getIgnoreThisReading()); } sending.byte4ToBuf((ArTypes::Byte4)(robot.getX())); sending.byte4ToBuf((ArTypes::Byte4)(robot.getY())); sending.byte4ToBuf((ArTypes::Byte4)(robot.getTh())); sending.byte4ToBuf((ArTypes::Byte4)(robot.getVel())); sending.byte4ToBuf((ArTypes::Byte4)(robot.getRotVel())); //printf("%1f,%1f,%1f\n",robot.getX(),robot.getY(),robot.getTh()); laser->unlockDevice(); robot.unlock(); sending.finalizePacket(); //sending.printHex(); client->sendPacketTcp(&sending); }
// this is the function called in the new thread void *Joydrive::runThread(void *arg) { threadStarted(); int trans, rot; // only run while running, ie play nice and pay attention to the thread //being shutdown while (myRunning) { // lock the robot before touching it myRobot->lock(); if (!myRobot->isConnected()) { myRobot->unlock(); break; } // print out some information about the robot printf("\rx %6.1f y %6.1f tth %6.1f vel %7.1f mpacs %3d ", myRobot->getX(), myRobot->getY(), myRobot->getTh(), myRobot->getVel(), myRobot->getMotorPacCount()); fflush(stdout); // if one of the joystick buttons is pushed, drive the robot if (myJoyHandler.haveJoystick() && (myJoyHandler.getButton(1) || myJoyHandler.getButton(2))) { // get out the values from the joystick myJoyHandler.getAdjusted(&rot, &trans); // drive the robot myRobot->setVel(trans); myRobot->setRotVel(-rot); } // if no buttons are pushed stop the robot else { myRobot->setVel(0); myRobot->setRotVel(0); } // unlock the robot, so everything else can run myRobot->unlock(); // now take a little nap ArUtil::sleep(50); } // return out here, means the thread is done return NULL; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string str; int ret; int dist; ArTime start; ArPose startPose; bool vel2 = false; // connection to the robot ArSerialConnection con; // the robot ArRobot robot; // the connection handler from above ConnHandler ch(&robot); // init area with a dedicated signal handling thread Aria::init(Aria::SIGHANDLE_THREAD); if (argc != 2 || (dist = atoi(argv[1])) == 0) { printf("Usage: %s <distInMM>\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } if (dist < 1000) { printf("You must go at least a meter\n"); exit(0); } // open the connection with the defaults, exit if failed if ((ret = con.open()) != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // set the robots connection robot.setDeviceConnection(&con); // try to connect, if we fail, the connection handler should bail if (!robot.blockingConnect()) { // this should have been taken care of by the connection handler // but just in case printf( "asyncConnect failed because robot is not running in its own thread.\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // run the robot in its own thread, so it gets and processes packets and such robot.runAsync(false); // just a big long set of printfs, direct motion commands and sleeps, // it should be self-explanatory robot.lock(); /* robot.setAbsoluteMaxTransVel(2000); robot.setTransVelMax(2000); robot.setTransAccel(1000); robot.setTransDecel(1000); robot.comInt(82, 30); // rotkp robot.comInt(83, 200); // rotkv robot.comInt(84, 0); // rotki robot.comInt(85, 30); // transkp robot.comInt(86, 450); // transkv robot.comInt(87, 4); // transki */ printf("Driving %d mm (going full speed for that far minus a meter then stopping)\n", dist); if (vel2) robot.setVel2(2200, 2200); else robot.setVel(2200); robot.unlock(); start.setToNow(); startPose = robot.getPose(); while (1) { robot.lock(); printf("\r vel: %.0f x: %.0f y: %.0f: dist: %.0f heading: %.2f", robot.getVel(), robot.getX(), robot.getY(), startPose.findDistanceTo(robot.getPose()), robot.getTh()); if (startPose.findDistanceTo(robot.getPose()) > abs(dist) - 1000) { printf("\nFinished distance\n"); robot.setVel(0); robot.unlock(); break; } if (start.mSecSince() > 10000) { printf("\nDistance timed out\n"); robot.setVel(0); robot.unlock(); break; } robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(50); } if (vel2) robot.setVel2(0, 0); else robot.setVel(0); start.setToNow(); while (1) { robot.lock(); if (vel2) robot.setVel2(0, 0); else robot.setVel(0); if (fabs(robot.getVel()) < 20) { printf("Stopped\n"); robot.unlock(); break; } if (start.mSecSince() > 2000) { printf("\nStop timed out\n"); robot.unlock(); break; } robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(50); } robot.lock(); robot.disconnect(); robot.unlock(); // shutdown and ge tout Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }
void manualControlHandler(){ if(firstCall){ firstCall=false; showMenu(); } if(keyPressedBefore && !driver->estaEjecutando()){ keyPressedBefore=false; showMenu(); } if(mrpt::system::os::kbhit() ){ char c = mrpt::system::os::getch(); keyPressedBefore=true; switch(c){ case '\033': c=mrpt::system::os::getch(); // skip the [ cout << "Siguiente caracter" << (int)c << endl; double v; switch(mrpt::system::os::getch()) { // the real value case 'A': // code for arrow up v=robot->getVel(); robot->setVel(v+50); break; case 'B': // code for arrow down v=robot->getVel(); robot->setVel(v-50); break; case 'C': // code for arrow right v=robot->getRotVel(); robot->setRotVel(v-5); break; case 'D': // code for arrow left v=robot->getRotVel(); robot->setRotVel(v+5); break; } break; case ' ': robot->stop(); break; case 'x': //Aria::shutdown(); driver->stopRunning(); robot->stopRunning(); break; case 'c': guardarContinuo(); break; case 'p': start(); break; case 'g': guardar(); break; case 'w': guardarTrayectoria(); break; case 't': testParado(); break; case 's': stop(); break; } } }
void PeoplebotTest::userTask(void) { switch (myState) { case IDLE: // start wandering printf("Starting to wander for the first time\n"); myStateTime.setToNow(); myState = WANDERING; myRobot->addAction(myConstantVelocity, 25); printf("Opening up ACTS\n"); myCmd = "DISPLAY="; myCmd += myHostname.c_str(); myCmd += ":0; /usr/local/acts/bin/acts -G bttv -n 0 &> /dev/null &"; system(myCmd.c_str()); break; case WANDERING: if (timeout(myWanderingTimeout)) { myRobot->comInt(ArCommands::SONAR,0); myRobot->remAction(myConstantVelocity); myRobot->setVel(0); myRobot->setRotVel(0); myState = RESTING; mySonar = 0; printf("Going to rest now\n"); printf("Killing ACTS\n"); system("killall -9 acts &> /dev/null"); myStateTime.setToNow(); myTotalWanderTime += myWanderingTimeout; } else if (myRobot->getVel() > 0 && mySonar != 1) { // ping front sonar //printf("Enabling front sonar\n"); mySonar = 1; myRobot->comInt(ArCommands::SONAR, 0); myRobot->comInt(ArCommands::SONAR, 1); myRobot->comInt(ArCommands::SONAR, 4); } else if (myRobot->getVel() < 0 && mySonar != -1) { // ping rear sonar //printf("Enabling rear sonar\n"); mySonar = -1; myRobot->comInt(ArCommands::SONAR, 0); myRobot->comInt(ArCommands::SONAR, 5); } break; case RESTING: if (timeout(myRestingTimeout)) { printf("Going to wander now\n"); myState = WANDERING; myStateTime.setToNow(); myTotalRestTime += myRestingTimeout; myRobot->clearDirectMotion(); myRobot->addAction(myConstantVelocity, 25); printf("Opening up ACTS\n"); myCmd = "DISPLAY="; myCmd += myHostname.c_str(); myCmd += ":0; /usr/local/acts/bin/acts -G bttv -n 0 &> /dev/null &"; system(myCmd.c_str()); } break; case OTHER: default: break; }; }
int __cdecl _tmain (int argc, char** argv) { //------------ I N I C I O M A I N D E L P R O G R A M A D E L R O B O T-----------// //inicializaion de variables Aria::init(); ArArgumentParser parser(&argc, argv); parser.loadDefaultArguments(); ArSimpleConnector simpleConnector(&parser); ArRobot robot; ArSonarDevice sonar; ArAnalogGyro gyro(&robot); robot.addRangeDevice(&sonar); ActionGos go(500, 350); robot.addAction(&go, 48); ActionTurns turn(400, 110); robot.addAction(&turn, 49); ActionTurns turn2(400, 110); robot.addAction(&turn2, 49); // presionar tecla escape para salir del programa ArKeyHandler keyHandler; Aria::setKeyHandler(&keyHandler); robot.attachKeyHandler(&keyHandler); printf("Presionar ESC para salir\n"); // uso de sonares para evitar colisiones con las paredes u // obstaculos grandes, mayores a 8cm de alto ArActionLimiterForwards limiterAction("limitador velocidad cerca", 300, 600, 250); ArActionLimiterForwards limiterFarAction("limitador velocidad lejos", 300, 1100, 400); ArActionLimiterTableSensor tableLimiterAction; robot.addAction(&tableLimiterAction, 100); robot.addAction(&limiterAction, 95); robot.addAction(&limiterFarAction, 90); // Inicializon la funcion de goto ArActionGoto gotoPoseAction("goto"); robot.addAction(&gotoPoseAction, 50); // Finaliza el goto si es que no hace nada ArActionStop stopAction("stop"); robot.addAction(&stopAction, 40); // Parser del CLI if (!Aria::parseArgs() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed()) { Aria::logOptions(); exit(1); } // Conexion del robot if (!simpleConnector.connectRobot(&robot)) { printf("Could not connect to robot... exiting\n"); Aria::exit(1); } robot.runAsync(true); // enciende motores, apaga sonidos robot.enableMotors(); robot.comInt(ArCommands::SOUNDTOG, 0); // Imprimo algunos datos del robot como posicion velocidad y bateria robot.lock(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Posicion=(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f), Trans. Vel=%.2f, Bateria=%.2fV", robot.getX(), robot.getY(), robot.getTh(), robot.getVel(), robot.getBatteryVoltage()); robot.unlock(); const int duration = 100000; //msec ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Completados los puntos en %d segundos", duration/1000); // ============================ INICIO CONFIG COM =================================// CSerial serial; LONG lLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Trata de abrir el com seleccionado lLastError = serial.Open(_T("COM3"),0,0,false); if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Imposible abrir el COM")); // Inicia el puerto serial (9600,8N1) lLastError = serial.Setup(CSerial::EBaud9600,CSerial::EData8,CSerial::EParNone,CSerial::EStop1); if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Imposible setear la config del COM")); // Register only for the receive event lLastError = serial.SetMask(CSerial::EEventBreak | CSerial::EEventCTS | CSerial::EEventDSR | CSerial::EEventError | CSerial::EEventRing | CSerial::EEventRLSD | CSerial::EEventRecv); if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to set COM-port event mask")); // Use 'non-blocking' reads, because we don't know how many bytes // will be received. This is normally the most convenient mode // (and also the default mode for reading data). lLastError = serial.SetupReadTimeouts(CSerial::EReadTimeoutNonblocking); if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to set COM-port read timeout.")); // ============================ FIN CONFIG COM =================================// bool first = true; int goalNum = 0; int color = 3; ArTime start; start.setToNow(); while (Aria::getRunning()) { robot.lock(); // inicia el primer punto if (first || gotoPoseAction.haveAchievedGoal()) { first = false; goalNum++; //cambia de 0 a 1 el contador printf("El contador esta en: --> %d <---\n",goalNum); if (goalNum > 20) goalNum = 1; //comienza la secuencia de puntos if (goalNum == 1) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(1150, 0)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); // Imprimo algunos datos del robot como posicion velocidad y bateria robot.lock(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Posicion=(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f), Trans. Vel=%.2f, Bateria=%.2fV", robot.getX(), robot.getY(), robot.getTh(), robot.getVel(), robot.getBatteryVoltage()); robot.unlock(); // Create the sound queue. ArSoundsQueue soundQueue; // Run the sound queue in a new thread soundQueue.runAsync(); std::vector<const char*> filenames; filenames.push_back("sound-r2a.wav"); soundQueue.play(filenames[0]); } else if (goalNum == 2) { printf("Gira 90 grados izquierda\n"); robot.unlock(); turn.myActivate = 1; turn.myDirection = 1; turn.activate(); ArUtil::sleep(1000); turn.deactivate(); turn.myActivate = 0; turn.myDirection = 0; robot.lock(); } else if (goalNum == 3) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(1150, 2670)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); // Imprimo algunos datos del robot como posicion velocidad y bateria robot.lock(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Posicion=(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f), Trans. Vel=%.2f, Bateria=%.2fV", robot.getX(), robot.getY(), robot.getTh(), robot.getVel(), robot.getBatteryVoltage()); robot.unlock(); } else if (goalNum == 4) { printf("Gira 90 grados izquierda\n"); robot.unlock(); turn2.myActivate = 1; turn2.myDirection = 1; turn2.activate(); ArUtil::sleep(1000); turn2.deactivate(); turn2.myActivate = 0; turn2.myDirection = 0; robot.lock(); } else if (goalNum == 5) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(650, 2670)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } else if (goalNum == 6) { printf("Gira 90 grados izquierda\n"); robot.unlock(); turn2.myActivate = 1; turn2.myDirection = 1; turn2.activate(); ArUtil::sleep(1000); turn2.deactivate(); turn2.myActivate = 0; turn2.myDirection = 0; robot.lock(); } else if (goalNum == 7) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(650, 0)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } else if (goalNum == 8) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(1800,1199)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } else if (goalNum == 9) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2600, 1199)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } else if (goalNum == 10) { if (color == 1) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 850)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } if (color == 2) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3500, 1199)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } if (color == 3) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 1550)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } } else if (goalNum == 11) { if (color == 1) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 613)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } if (color == 2) { printf("Gira 180 grados derecha\n"); robot.unlock(); turn2.myActivate = 1; turn2.myDirection = 2; turn2.activate(); ArUtil::sleep(2000); turn2.deactivate(); turn2.myActivate = 0; turn2.myDirection = 0; robot.lock(); goalNum = 19; } if (color == 3) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 1785)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } } else if (goalNum == 12) { if (color == 1) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3300, 413)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } if (color == 3) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3300, 1985)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } } else if (goalNum == 13) { if (color == 1) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3500, 413)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } if (color == 3) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3500, 1985)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } } else if (goalNum == 14) { robot.unlock(); //Valor para el while bool fContinue = true; // <<<<<<------------- 1 Parte Secuencia: BAJA BRAZO ------------->>>>>> // lLastError = serial.Write("b"); if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to send data")); //-------------------------E S C U C H A C O M ----------------------------// do { // Wait for an event lLastError = serial.WaitEvent(); if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to wait for a COM-port event.")); // Save event const CSerial::EEvent eEvent = serial.GetEventType(); // Handle break event if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventBreak) { printf("\n### BREAK received ###\n"); } // Handle CTS event if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventCTS) { printf("\n### Clear to send %s ###\n", serial.GetCTS()?"on":"off"); } // Handle DSR event if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventDSR) { printf("\n### Data set ready %s ###\n", serial.GetDSR()?"on":"off"); } // Handle error event if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventError) { printf("\n### ERROR: "); switch (serial.GetError()) { case CSerial::EErrorBreak: printf("Break condition"); break; case CSerial::EErrorFrame: printf("Framing error"); break; case CSerial::EErrorIOE: printf("IO device error"); break; case CSerial::EErrorMode: printf("Unsupported mode"); break; case CSerial::EErrorOverrun: printf("Buffer overrun"); break; case CSerial::EErrorRxOver: printf("Input buffer overflow"); break; case CSerial::EErrorParity: printf("Input parity error"); break; case CSerial::EErrorTxFull: printf("Output buffer full"); break; default: printf("Unknown"); break; } printf(" ###\n"); } // Handle ring event if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventRing) { printf("\n### RING ###\n"); } // Handle RLSD/CD event if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventRLSD) { printf("\n### RLSD/CD %s ###\n", serial.GetRLSD()?"on":"off"); } // Handle data receive event if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventRecv) { // Read data, until there is nothing left DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; char szBuffer[101]; do { // Lee datos del Puerto COM lLastError = serial.Read(szBuffer,sizeof(szBuffer)-1,&dwBytesRead); if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to read from COM-port.")); if (dwBytesRead > 0) { //Preseteo color int color = 0; // Finaliza el dato, asi que sea una string valida szBuffer[dwBytesRead] = '\0'; // Display the data printf("%s", szBuffer); // <<<<<<----------- 2 Parte Secuencia: CIERRA GRIPPER ----------->>>>>> // if (strchr(szBuffer,76)) { lLastError = serial.Write("c"); if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to send data")); } // <<<<<<------------- 3 Parte Secuencia: SUBE BRAZO ------------->>>>>> // if (strchr(szBuffer,117)) { lLastError = serial.Write("s"); if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to send data")); } // <<<<<<------------- 4 Parte Secuencia: COLOR ------------->>>>>> // if (strchr(szBuffer,72)) { lLastError = serial.Write("C"); if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to send data")); } // <<<<<<---------- 5.1 Parte Secuencia: COLOR ROJO---------->>>>>> // if (strchr(szBuffer,82)) { color = 1; //salir del bucle fContinue = false; } // <<<<<<---------- 5.2 Parte Secuencia: COLOR AZUL ---------->>>>>> // if (strchr(szBuffer,66)) { color = 2; //salir del bucle fContinue = false; } // <<<<<<---------- 5.3 Parte Secuencia: COLOR VERDE ---------->>>>>> // if (strchr(szBuffer,71)) { color = 3; //salir del bucle fContinue = false; } } } while (dwBytesRead == sizeof(szBuffer)-1); } } while (fContinue); // Close the port again serial.Close(); robot.lock(); } else if (goalNum == 15) { printf("Gira 180 grados derecha\n"); robot.unlock(); turn2.myActivate = 1; turn2.myDirection = 2; turn2.activate(); ArUtil::sleep(2000); turn2.deactivate(); turn2.myActivate = 0; turn2.myDirection = 0; robot.lock(); } else if (goalNum == 16) { if (color == 1) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3300, 413)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } if (color == 3) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3300, 1985)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } } else if (goalNum == 17) { if (color == 1) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 603)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } if (color == 3) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 1795)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } } else if (goalNum == 18) { if (color == 1) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 860)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } if (color == 3) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 1540)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } } else if (goalNum == 19) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2600, 1199)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } else if (goalNum == 20) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(1800, 1199)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } } if(start.mSecSince() >= duration) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "No puede llegar al punto, y la aplicacion saldra en %d", duration/1000); gotoPoseAction.cancelGoal(); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(3000); break; } robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(10); } // Robot desconectado al terminal el sleep Aria::shutdown(); //------------ F I N M A I N D E L P R O G R A M A D E L R O B O T-----------// return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Aria::init(); ArRobot robot; ArArgumentParser parser(&argc, argv); parser.loadDefaultArguments(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "WARNING: this program does no sensing or avoiding of obstacles, the robot WILL collide with any objects in the way! Make sure the robot has approximately 3 meters of free space on all sides."); // ArRobotConnector connects to the robot, get some initial data from it such as type and name, // and then loads parameter files for this robot. ArRobotConnector robotConnector(&parser, &robot); if(!robotConnector.connectRobot()) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "simpleMotionCommands: Could not connect to the robot."); if(parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed()) { Aria::logOptions(); Aria::exit(1); return 1; } } if (!Aria::parseArgs()) { Aria::logOptions(); Aria::exit(1); return 1; } ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "simpleMotionCommands: Connected."); // Start the robot processing cycle running in the background. // True parameter means that if the connection is lost, then the // run loop ends. robot.runAsync(true); // Print out some data from the SIP. // We must "lock" the ArRobot object // before calling its methods, and "unlock" when done, to prevent conflicts // with the background thread started by the call to robot.runAsync() above. // See the section on threading in the manual for more about this. // Make sure you unlock before any sleep() call or any other code that will // take some time; if the robot remains locked during that time, then // ArRobot's background thread will be blocked and unable to communicate with // the robot, call tasks, etc. robot.lock(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "simpleMotionCommands: Pose=(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f), Trans. Vel=%.2f, Rot. Vel=%.2f, Battery=%.2fV", robot.getX(), robot.getY(), robot.getTh(), robot.getVel(), robot.getRotVel(), robot.getBatteryVoltage()); robot.unlock(); // Sleep for 3 seconds. ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "simpleMotionCommands: Will start driving in 3 seconds..."); ArUtil::sleep(3000); // Set forward velocity to 50 mm/s ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "simpleMotionCommands: Driving forward at 250 mm/s for 5 sec..."); robot.lock(); robot.enableMotors(); robot.setVel(250); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(5000); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "simpleMotionCommands: Stopping."); robot.lock(); robot.stop(); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(1000); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "simpleMotionCommands: Rotating at 10 deg/s for 5 sec..."); robot.lock(); robot.setRotVel(10); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(5000); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "simpleMotionCommands: Rotating at -10 deg/s for 10 sec..."); robot.lock(); robot.setRotVel(-10); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(10000); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "simpleMotionCommands: Driving forward at 150 mm/s for 5 sec..."); robot.lock(); robot.setRotVel(0); robot.setVel(150); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(5000); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "simpleMotionCommands: Stopping."); robot.lock(); robot.stop(); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(1000); // Other motion command functions include move(), setHeading(), // setDeltaHeading(). You can also adjust acceleration and deceleration // values used by the robot with setAccel(), setDecel(), setRotAccel(), // setRotDecel(). See the ArRobot class documentation for more. robot.lock(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "simpleMotionCommands: Pose=(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f), Trans. Vel=%.2f, Rot. Vel=%.2f, Battery=%.2fV", robot.getX(), robot.getY(), robot.getTh(), robot.getVel(), robot.getRotVel(), robot.getBatteryVoltage()); robot.unlock(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "simpleMotionCommands: Ending robot thread..."); robot.stopRunning(); // wait for the thread to stop robot.waitForRunExit(); // exit ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "simpleMotionCommands: Exiting."); Aria::exit(0); return 0; }
void RosAriaNode::cmdvel_cb( const geometry_msgs::PointStampedConstPtr &msg) { veltime = ros::Time::now(); //get data from Package Vsd =ceil(msg->point.x); //Vsd = Xm/Scale Vm=msg->point.y; // Vm fk = msg->point.z; //real velocity Vs = ceil(robot->getVel()); //Distance from obstacle distance = sonar.currentReadingPolar(-30,30); //Environment force if (distance<Min_Range) fe = -Max_Force; else if (distance<Max_Range) fe = -Ke*1/distance; else fe=0; //Virtual force fs = (Vsd-Vs)/50; /* * Xm chanel */ //PO if (fs*Vsd>0) { //do nothing slaE_N_Xm-=fs*Vsd; //output } else { //slaE_N_Xm+=fs*Vsd; //output } //ROS_INFO("Slave Energy: %5f",slaE_N_Xm); //fprintf(Energy,"%.3f \n",slaE_N_Xm); //PC #if 1 if (slaE_N_Xm+mstE_P_Xm<0) //input + output<0 =>active { //modify Vsd slaE_N_Xm+=fs*Vsd; Vsd = (slaE_N_Xm+mstE_P_Xm)/fs; slaE_N_Xm-=fs*Vsd; ROS_INFO("Modified Vs"); } #endif /* * fe chanel */ if (fe*Vm>0) { slaE_P_fe+=fe*Vm; } else { //do nothing } //fprintf(Energy,"%.3f \n",slaE_P_fe); /* * fk chanel */ if (fk*Vs>0) { // slaE_P_fk+=fk*Vs; } else { slaE_P_fk-=fk*Vs; //do nothing } fprintf(Energy,"%.3f \n",slaE_P_fk); // ROS_INFO("Slave Energy: %5f",slaE_P_fk); //ROS_INFO("Set velocity: %5f",Vsd); //ROS_INFO("Real velocity: %5f",Vs); //ROS_INFO("Force: %5f",fe); robot->setVel(Vsd); //Package and publish chanelParameter.point.x = Vs; chanelParameter.point.y = fs; chanelParameter.point.z = fe; chanelEnergy.point.x = slaE_P_fe; chanelEnergy.point.y = slaE_P_fk; chanelParameter_Pub.publish(chanelParameter); chanelEnergy_Pub.publish(chanelEnergy); fprintf(Vs_save,"%.3f \n",Vs); fprintf(Vsd_save,"%.3f \n",Vsd); }
int _tmain(int argc, char** argv) { //-------------- M A I N D E L P R O G R A M A D E L R O B O T------------// //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //inicializaion de variables Aria::init(); ArArgumentParser parser(&argc, argv); parser.loadDefaultArguments(); ArSimpleConnector simpleConnector(&parser); ArRobot robot; ArSonarDevice sonar; ArAnalogGyro gyro(&robot); robot.addRangeDevice(&sonar); ActionTurns turn(400, 55); robot.addAction(&turn, 49); ActionTurns turn2(400, 55); robot.addAction(&turn2, 49); turn.deactivate(); turn2.deactivate(); // presionar tecla escape para salir del programa ArKeyHandler keyHandler; Aria::setKeyHandler(&keyHandler); robot.attachKeyHandler(&keyHandler); printf("Presionar ESC para salir\n"); // uso de sonares para evitar colisiones con las paredes u // obstaculos grandes, mayores a 8cm de alto ArActionLimiterForwards limiterAction("limitador velocidad cerca", 300, 600, 250); ArActionLimiterForwards limiterFarAction("limitador velocidad lejos", 300, 1100, 400); ArActionLimiterTableSensor tableLimiterAction; robot.addAction(&tableLimiterAction, 100); robot.addAction(&limiterAction, 95); robot.addAction(&limiterFarAction, 90); // Inicializon la funcion de goto ArActionGoto gotoPoseAction("goto"); robot.addAction(&gotoPoseAction, 50); // Finaliza el goto si es que no hace nada ArActionStop stopAction("stop"); robot.addAction(&stopAction, 40); // Parser del CLI if (!Aria::parseArgs() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed()) { Aria::logOptions(); exit(1); } // Conexion del robot if (!simpleConnector.connectRobot(&robot)) { printf("Could not connect to robot... exiting\n"); Aria::exit(1); } robot.runAsync(true); // enciende motores, apaga sonidos robot.enableMotors(); robot.comInt(ArCommands::SOUNDTOG, 0); // Imprimo algunos datos del robot como posicion velocidad y bateria robot.lock(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Posicion=(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f), Trans. Vel=%.2f, Bateria=%.2fV", robot.getX(), robot.getY(), robot.getTh(), robot.getVel(), robot.getBatteryVoltage()); robot.unlock(); const int duration = 100000; //msec ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Completados los puntos en %d segundos", duration/1000); bool first = true; int goalNum = 0; int color = 3; ArTime start; start.setToNow(); while (Aria::getRunning()) { robot.lock(); // inicia el primer punto if (first || gotoPoseAction.haveAchievedGoal()) { first = false; goalNum++; //cambia de 0 a 1 el contador printf("El contador esta en: --> %d <---\n",goalNum); if (goalNum > 20) goalNum = 1; //comienza la secuencia de puntos if (goalNum == 1) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(1150, 0)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); // Imprimo algunos datos del robot como posicion velocidad y bateria robot.lock(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Posicion=(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f), Trans. Vel=%.2f, Bateria=%.2fV", robot.getX(), robot.getY(), robot.getTh(), robot.getVel(), robot.getBatteryVoltage()); robot.unlock(); } else if (goalNum == 2) { printf("Gira 90 grados izquierda\n"); robot.unlock(); turn.myActivate = 1; turn.myDirection = 1; turn.activate(); ArUtil::sleep(1000); turn.deactivate(); turn.myActivate = 0; turn.myDirection = 0; robot.lock(); } else if (goalNum == 3) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(1150, 2670)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); // Imprimo algunos datos del robot como posicion velocidad y bateria robot.lock(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Posicion=(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f), Trans. Vel=%.2f, Bateria=%.2fV", robot.getX(), robot.getY(), robot.getTh(), robot.getVel(), robot.getBatteryVoltage()); robot.unlock(); } else if (goalNum == 4) { printf("Gira 90 grados izquierda\n"); robot.unlock(); turn2.myActivate = 1; turn2.myDirection = 1; turn2.activate(); ArUtil::sleep(1000); turn2.deactivate(); turn2.myActivate = 0; turn2.myDirection = 0; robot.lock(); } else if (goalNum == 5) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(650, 2670)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } else if (goalNum == 6) { printf("Gira 90 grados izquierda\n"); robot.unlock(); turn2.myActivate = 1; turn2.myDirection = 1; turn2.activate(); ArUtil::sleep(1000); turn2.deactivate(); turn2.myActivate = 0; turn2.myDirection = 0; robot.lock(); } else if (goalNum == 7) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(650, 0)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } else if (goalNum == 8) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(1800,1199)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } else if (goalNum == 9) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2600, 1199)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } else if (goalNum == 10) { if (color == 1) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 850)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } if (color == 2) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3500, 1199)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } if (color == 3) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 1550)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } } else if (goalNum == 11) { if (color == 1) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 613)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } if (color == 2) { printf("Gira 180 grados derecha\n"); robot.unlock(); turn2.myActivate = 1; turn2.myDirection = 2; turn2.activate(); ArUtil::sleep(2000); turn2.deactivate(); turn2.myActivate = 0; turn2.myDirection = 0; robot.lock(); goalNum = 19; } if (color == 3) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 1785)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } } else if (goalNum == 12) { if (color == 1) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3300, 413)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } if (color == 3) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3300, 1985)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } } else if (goalNum == 13) { if (color == 1) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3500, 413)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } if (color == 3) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3500, 1985)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } } else if (goalNum == 14) { //secuencia de drop de la figura } else if (goalNum == 15) { printf("Gira 180 grados derecha\n"); robot.unlock(); turn2.myActivate = 1; turn2.myDirection = 2; turn2.activate(); ArUtil::sleep(2000); turn2.deactivate(); turn2.myActivate = 0; turn2.myDirection = 0; robot.lock(); } else if (goalNum == 16) { if (color == 1) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3300, 413)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } if (color == 3) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3300, 1985)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } } else if (goalNum == 17) { if (color == 1) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 603)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } if (color == 3) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 1795)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } } else if (goalNum == 18) { if (color == 1) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 860)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } if (color == 3) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 1540)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } } else if (goalNum == 19) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2600, 1199)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } else if (goalNum == 20) { gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(1800, 1199)); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); } } if(start.mSecSince() >= duration) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "No puede llegar al punto, y la aplicacion saldra en %d", duration/1000); gotoPoseAction.cancelGoal(); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(3000); break; } robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(10); } // Robot desconectado al terminal el sleep Aria::shutdown(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// return 0; }
void RosAriaNode::publish() { // Note, this is called via SensorInterpTask callback (myPublishCB, named "ROSPublishingTask"). ArRobot object 'robot' sholud not be locked or unlocked. pos = robot->getPose(); tf::poseTFToMsg(tf::Transform(tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(pos.getTh()*M_PI/180), tf::Vector3(pos.getX()/1000, pos.getY()/1000, 0)), position.pose.pose); //Aria returns pose in mm. position.twist.twist.linear.x = robot->getVel()/1000; //Aria returns velocity in mm/s. position.twist.twist.linear.y = robot->getLatVel()/1000.0; position.twist.twist.angular.z = robot->getRotVel()*M_PI/180; position.header.frame_id = frame_id_odom; position.child_frame_id = frame_id_base_link; position.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); pose_pub.publish(position); ROS_DEBUG("RosAria: publish: (time %f) pose x: %f, y: %f, angle: %f; linear vel x: %f, y: %f; angular vel z: %f", position.header.stamp.toSec(), (double)position.pose.pose.position.x, (double)position.pose.pose.position.y, (double)position.pose.pose.orientation.w, (double) position.twist.twist.linear.x, (double) position.twist.twist.linear.y, (double) position.twist.twist.angular.z ); // publishing transform odom->base_link odom_trans.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); odom_trans.header.frame_id = frame_id_odom; odom_trans.child_frame_id = frame_id_base_link; odom_trans.transform.translation.x = pos.getX()/1000; odom_trans.transform.translation.y = pos.getY()/1000; odom_trans.transform.translation.z = 0.0; odom_trans.transform.rotation = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw(pos.getTh()*M_PI/180); odom_broadcaster.sendTransform(odom_trans); // getStallValue returns 2 bytes with stall bit and bumper bits, packed as (00 00 FrontBumpers RearBumpers) int stall = robot->getStallValue(); unsigned char front_bumpers = (unsigned char)(stall >> 8); unsigned char rear_bumpers = (unsigned char)(stall); bumpers.header.frame_id = frame_id_bumper; bumpers.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); std::stringstream bumper_info(std::stringstream::out); // Bit 0 is for stall, next bits are for bumpers (leftmost is LSB) for (unsigned int i=0; i<robot->getNumFrontBumpers(); i++) { bumpers.front_bumpers[i] = (front_bumpers & (1 << (i+1))) == 0 ? 0 : 1; bumper_info << " " << (front_bumpers & (1 << (i+1))); } ROS_DEBUG("RosAria: Front bumpers:%s", bumper_info.str().c_str()); bumper_info.str(""); // Rear bumpers have reverse order (rightmost is LSB) unsigned int numRearBumpers = robot->getNumRearBumpers(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<numRearBumpers; i++) { bumpers.rear_bumpers[i] = (rear_bumpers & (1 << (numRearBumpers-i))) == 0 ? 0 : 1; bumper_info << " " << (rear_bumpers & (1 << (numRearBumpers-i))); } ROS_DEBUG("RosAria: Rear bumpers:%s", bumper_info.str().c_str()); bumpers_pub.publish(bumpers); //Publish battery information // TODO: Decide if BatteryVoltageNow (normalized to (0,12)V) is a better option std_msgs::Float64 batteryVoltage; batteryVoltage.data = robot->getRealBatteryVoltageNow(); voltage_pub.publish(batteryVoltage); if(robot->haveStateOfCharge()) { std_msgs::Float32 soc; soc.data = robot->getStateOfCharge()/100.0; state_of_charge_pub.publish(soc); } // publish recharge state if changed char s = robot->getChargeState(); if(s != recharge_state.data) { ROS_INFO("RosAria: publishing new recharge state %d.", s); recharge_state.data = s; recharge_state_pub.publish(recharge_state); } // publish motors state if changed bool e = robot->areMotorsEnabled(); if(e != motors_state.data || !published_motors_state) { ROS_INFO("RosAria: publishing new motors state %d.", e); motors_state.data = e; motors_state_pub.publish(motors_state); published_motors_state = true; } // Publish sonar information, if enabled. if (use_sonar) { sensor_msgs::PointCloud cloud; //sonar readings. cloud.header.stamp = position.header.stamp; //copy time. // sonar sensors relative to base_link cloud.header.frame_id = frame_id_sonar; // Log debugging info std::stringstream sonar_debug_info; sonar_debug_info << "Sonar readings: "; for (int i = 0; i < robot->getNumSonar(); i++) { ArSensorReading* reading = NULL; reading = robot->getSonarReading(i); if(!reading) { ROS_WARN("RosAria: Did not receive a sonar reading."); continue; } // getRange() will return an integer between 0 and 5000 (5m) sonar_debug_info << reading->getRange() << " "; // local (x,y). Appears to be from the centre of the robot, since values may // exceed 5000. This is good, since it means we only need 1 transform. // x & y seem to be swapped though, i.e. if the robot is driving north // x is north/south and y is east/west. // //ArPose sensor = reading->getSensorPosition(); //position of sensor. // sonar_debug_info << "(" << reading->getLocalX() // << ", " << reading->getLocalY() // << ") from (" << sensor.getX() << ", " // << sensor.getY() << ") ;; " ; //add sonar readings (robot-local coordinate frame) to cloud geometry_msgs::Point32 p; p.x = reading->getLocalX() / 1000.0; p.y = reading->getLocalY() / 1000.0; p.z = 0.0; cloud.points.push_back(p); } ROS_DEBUG_STREAM(sonar_debug_info.str()); sonar_pub.publish(cloud); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string str; int ret; ArTime start; // connection to the robot ArSerialConnection con; // the robot ArRobot robot; // the connection handler from above ConnHandler ch(&robot); // init area with a dedicated signal handling thread Aria::init(Aria::SIGHANDLE_THREAD); // open the connection with the defaults, exit if failed if ((ret = con.open()) != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // set the robots connection robot.setDeviceConnection(&con); // try to connect, if we fail, the connection handler should bail if (!robot.blockingConnect()) { // this should have been taken care of by the connection handler // but just in case printf( "asyncConnect failed because robot is not running in its own thread.\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // run the robot in its own thread, so it gets and processes packets and such robot.runAsync(false); // just a big long set of printfs, direct motion commands and sleeps, // it should be self-explanatory printf("Telling the robot to go 300 mm for 5 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setVel(500); robot.unlock(); start.setToNow(); while (1) { robot.lock(); if (start.mSecSince() > 5000) { robot.unlock(); break; } printf("Trans: %10g Rot: %10g\n", robot.getVel(), robot.getRotVel()); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(100); } printf("Telling the robot to turn at 50 deg/sec for 10 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setVel(0); robot.setRotVel(50); robot.unlock(); start.setToNow(); while (1) { robot.lock(); if (start.mSecSince() > 10000) { robot.unlock(); break; } printf("Trans: %10g Rot: %10g\n", robot.getVel(), robot.getRotVel()); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(100); } printf("Telling the robot to turn at 100 deg/sec for 10 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setVel(0); robot.setRotVel(100); robot.unlock(); start.setToNow(); while (1) { robot.lock(); if (start.mSecSince() > 10000) { robot.unlock(); break; } printf("Trans: %10g Rot: %10g\n", robot.getVel(), robot.getRotVel()); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(100); } printf("Done with tests, exiting\n"); robot.disconnect(); // shutdown and ge tout Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }
void Joydrive::drive(void) { int trans, rot; ArPose pose; ArPose rpose; ArTransform transform; ArRangeDevice *dev; ArSensorReading *son; if (!myRobot->isConnected()) { printf("Lost connection to the robot, exiting\n"); exit(0); } printf("\rx %6.1f y %6.1f th %6.1f", myRobot->getX(), myRobot->getY(), myRobot->getTh()); fflush(stdout); if (myJoyHandler.haveJoystick() && myJoyHandler.getButton(1)) { if (ArMath::fabs(myRobot->getVel()) < 10.0) myRobot->comInt(ArCommands::ENABLE, 1); myJoyHandler.getAdjusted(&rot, &trans); myRobot->setVel(trans); myRobot->setRotVel(-rot); } else { myRobot->setVel(0); myRobot->setRotVel(0); } if (myJoyHandler.haveJoystick() && myJoyHandler.getButton(2) && time(NULL) - myLastPress > 1) { myLastPress = time(NULL); printf("\n"); switch (myTest) { case 1: printf("Moving back to the origin.\n"); pose.setPose(0, 0, 0); myRobot->moveTo(pose); break; case 2: printf("Moving over a meter.\n"); pose.setPose(myRobot->getX() + 1000, myRobot->getY(), 0); myRobot->moveTo(pose); break; case 3: printf("Doing a transform test....\n"); printf("\nOrigin should be transformed to the robots coords.\n"); transform = myRobot->getToGlobalTransform(); pose.setPose(0, 0, 0); pose = transform.doTransform(pose); rpose = myRobot->getPose(); printf("Pos: "); pose.log(); printf("Robot: "); rpose.log(); if (pose.findDistanceTo(rpose) < .1) printf("Success\n"); else printf("#### FAILURE\n"); printf("\nRobot coords should be transformed to the origin.\n"); transform = myRobot->getToLocalTransform(); pose = myRobot->getPose(); pose = transform.doTransform(pose); rpose.setPose(0, 0, 0); printf("Pos: "); pose.log(); printf("Robot: "); rpose.log(); if (pose.findDistanceTo(rpose) < .1) printf("Success\n"); else printf("#### FAILURE\n"); break; case 4: printf("Doing a tranform test...\n"); printf("A point 1 meter to the -x from the robot (in local coords) should be transformed into global coordinates.\n"); transform = myRobot->getToGlobalTransform(); pose.setPose(-1000, 0, 0); pose = transform.doTransform(pose); rpose = myRobot->getPose(); printf("Pos: "); pose.log(); printf("Robot: "); rpose.log(); if (ArMath::fabs(pose.findDistanceTo(rpose) - 1000.0) < .1) printf("Probable Success\n"); else printf("#### FAILURE\n"); break; case 5: printf("Doing a transform test on range devices..\n"); printf("Moving the robot +4 meters x and +4 meters y and seeing if the moveTo will move the sonar readings along with it.\n"); dev = myRobot->findRangeDevice("sonar"); if (dev == NULL) { printf("No sonar on the robot, can't do the test.\n"); break; } printf("Closest sonar reading to the robot is %.0f away\n", dev->currentReadingPolar(1, 0)); printf("Sonar 0 reading is at "); son = myRobot->getSonarReading(0); if (son != NULL) { pose = son->getPose(); pose.log(); } pose = myRobot->getPose(); pose.setX(pose.getX() + 4000); pose.setY(pose.getY() + 4000); myRobot->moveTo(pose); printf("Moved robot.\n"); printf("Closest sonar reading to the robot is %.0f away\n", dev->currentReadingPolar(1, 0)); printf("Sonar 0 reading is at "); son = myRobot->getSonarReading(0); if (son != NULL) { pose = son->getPose(); pose.log(); } break; case 6: printf("Robot position now is:\n"); pose = myRobot->getPose(); pose.log(); printf("Disconnecting from the robot, then reconnecting.\n"); myRobot->disconnect(); myRobot->blockingConnect(); printf("Robot position now is:\n"); pose = myRobot->getPose(); pose.log(); break; default: printf("No test for second button.\n"); break; } } }
void RosAriaNode::publish() { // Note, this is called via SensorInterpTask callback (myPublishCB, named "ROSPublishingTask"). ArRobot object 'robot' sholud not be locked or unlocked. pos = robot->getPose(); tf::poseTFToMsg(tf::Transform(tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(pos.getTh()*M_PI/180), tf::Vector3(pos.getX()/1000, pos.getY()/1000, 0)), position.pose.pose); //Aria returns pose in mm. position.twist.twist.linear.x = robot->getVel()/1000; //Aria returns velocity in mm/s. position.twist.twist.angular.z = robot->getRotVel()*M_PI/180; position.header.frame_id = frame_id_odom; position.child_frame_id = frame_id_base_link; position.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); pose_pub.publish(position); ROS_DEBUG("RosAria: publish: (time %f) pose x: %f, y: %f, angle: %f; linear vel x: %f, y: %f; angular vel z: %f", position.header.stamp.toSec(), (double)position.pose.pose.position.x, (double)position.pose.pose.position.y, (double)position.pose.pose.orientation.w, (double) position.twist.twist.linear.x, (double) position.twist.twist.linear.y, (double) position.twist.twist.angular.z ); // publishing transform odom->base_link odom_trans.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); odom_trans.header.frame_id = frame_id_odom; odom_trans.child_frame_id = frame_id_base_link; odom_trans.transform.translation.x = pos.getX()/1000; odom_trans.transform.translation.y = pos.getY()/1000; odom_trans.transform.translation.z = 0.0; odom_trans.transform.rotation = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw(pos.getTh()*M_PI/180); odom_broadcaster.sendTransform(odom_trans); // getStallValue returns 2 bytes with stall bit and bumper bits, packed as (00 00 FrontBumpers RearBumpers) int stall = robot->getStallValue(); unsigned char front_bumpers = (unsigned char)(stall >> 8); unsigned char rear_bumpers = (unsigned char)(stall); bumpers.header.frame_id = frame_id_bumper; bumpers.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); std::stringstream bumper_info(std::stringstream::out); // Bit 0 is for stall, next bits are for bumpers (leftmost is LSB) for (unsigned int i=0; i<robot->getNumFrontBumpers(); i++) { bumpers.front_bumpers[i] = (front_bumpers & (1 << (i+1))) == 0 ? 0 : 1; bumper_info << " " << (front_bumpers & (1 << (i+1))); } ROS_DEBUG("RosAria: Front bumpers:%s", bumper_info.str().c_str()); bumper_info.str(""); // Rear bumpers have reverse order (rightmost is LSB) unsigned int numRearBumpers = robot->getNumRearBumpers(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<numRearBumpers; i++) { bumpers.rear_bumpers[i] = (rear_bumpers & (1 << (numRearBumpers-i))) == 0 ? 0 : 1; bumper_info << " " << (rear_bumpers & (1 << (numRearBumpers-i))); } ROS_DEBUG("RosAria: Rear bumpers:%s", bumper_info.str().c_str()); bumpers_pub.publish(bumpers); //Publish battery information // TODO: Decide if BatteryVoltageNow (normalized to (0,12)V) is a better option std_msgs::Float64 batteryVoltage; batteryVoltage.data = robot->getRealBatteryVoltageNow(); voltage_pub.publish(batteryVoltage); if(robot->haveStateOfCharge()) { std_msgs::Float32 soc; soc.data = robot->getStateOfCharge()/100.0; state_of_charge_pub.publish(soc); } // publish recharge state if changed char s = robot->getChargeState(); if(s != recharge_state.data) { ROS_INFO("RosAria: publishing new recharge state %d.", s); recharge_state.data = s; recharge_state_pub.publish(recharge_state); } // publish motors state if changed bool e = robot->areMotorsEnabled(); if(e != motors_state.data || !published_motors_state) { ROS_INFO("RosAria: publishing new motors state %d.", e); motors_state.data = e; motors_state_pub.publish(motors_state); published_motors_state = true; } if (robot->areSonarsEnabled()) { int i = 0; int j = 0; ArSensorReading* reading = NULL; if(sonars__crossed_the_streams) { i = 8; j = 8; } for(; i < 16; i++) { ranges.data[i].header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); ArSensorReading* _reading = NULL; _reading = robot->getSonarReading(i-j); ranges.data[i].range = _reading->getRange() / 1000.0f; range_pub[i].publish(ranges.data[i]); } ranges.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); combined_range_pub.publish(ranges); } }