void MediaIcon::_findIconFor( const live_node_info &nodeInfo) { D_INTERNAL(("MediaIcon::_findIconFor(live_node_info)\n")); BMediaRoster *roster = BMediaRoster::CurrentRoster(); if (m_nodeKind & B_FILE_INTERFACE) { entry_ref ref; if ((roster && (roster->GetRefFor(nodeInfo.node, &ref) == B_OK)) && (BNodeInfo::GetTrackerIcon(&ref, this, m_size) == B_OK)) { return; } } dormant_node_info dormantNodeInfo; if (roster && (roster->GetDormantNodeFor(nodeInfo.node, &dormantNodeInfo) == B_OK)) { D_INTERNAL((" -> instantiated from dormant node\n")); _findIconFor(dormantNodeInfo); } else { D_INTERNAL((" -> application internal node\n")); port_info portInfo; app_info appInfo; if ((get_port_info(nodeInfo.node.port, &portInfo) == B_OK) && (be_roster->GetRunningAppInfo(portInfo.team, &appInfo) == B_OK)) { D_INTERNAL((" -> application info found: %s\n", appInfo.signature)); app_info thisAppInfo; if ((be_app->GetAppInfo(&thisAppInfo) != B_OK) || ((strcmp(appInfo.signature, thisAppInfo.signature) != 0) && (strcmp(appInfo.signature, addon_host::g_appSignature) != 0))) { // only use app icon if the node doesn't belong to our team // or the addon-host BNodeInfo::GetTrackerIcon(&appInfo.ref, this, m_size); return; } } bool audioIn = false, audioOut = false, videoIn = false, videoOut = false; _getMediaTypesFor(nodeInfo, &audioIn, &audioOut, &videoIn, &videoOut); _findDefaultIconFor(audioIn, audioOut, videoIn, videoOut); } }
status_t MediaWindow::_InitMedia(bool first) { status_t err = B_OK; BMediaRoster* roster = BMediaRoster::Roster(&err); if (first && err != B_OK) { BAlert* alert = new BAlert("start_media_server", B_TRANSLATE("Could not connect to the media server.\n" "Would you like to start it ?"), B_TRANSLATE("Quit"), B_TRANSLATE("Start media server"), NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->SetShortcut(0, B_ESCAPE); if (alert->Go() == 0) return B_ERROR; Show(); launch_media_server(); } Lock(); bool isVideoSelected = true; if (!first && fListView->ItemAt(0) != NULL && fListView->ItemAt(0)->IsSelected()) isVideoSelected = false; while (fListView->CountItems() > 0) delete fListView->RemoveItem((int32)0); _EmptyNodeLists(); // Grab Media Info _FindNodes(); // Add video nodes first. They might have an additional audio // output or input, but still should be listed as video node. _AddNodeItems(fVideoOutputs, MediaListItem::VIDEO_TYPE); _AddNodeItems(fVideoInputs, MediaListItem::VIDEO_TYPE); _AddNodeItems(fAudioOutputs, MediaListItem::AUDIO_TYPE); _AddNodeItems(fAudioInputs, MediaListItem::AUDIO_TYPE); fAudioView->AddOutputNodes(fAudioOutputs); fAudioView->AddInputNodes(fAudioInputs); fVideoView->AddOutputNodes(fVideoOutputs); fVideoView->AddInputNodes(fVideoInputs); // build our list view DeviceListItem* audio = new DeviceListItem(B_TRANSLATE("Audio settings"), MediaListItem::AUDIO_TYPE); fListView->AddItem(audio); MidiListItem* midi = new MidiListItem(B_TRANSLATE("MIDI Settings")); fListView->AddItem(midi); MediaListItem* video = new DeviceListItem(B_TRANSLATE("Video settings"), MediaListItem::VIDEO_TYPE); fListView->AddItem(video); MediaListItem* mixer = new AudioMixerListItem(B_TRANSLATE("Audio mixer")); fListView->AddItem(mixer); fListView->SortItems(&MediaListItem::Compare); _UpdateListViewMinWidth(); // Set default nodes for our setting views media_node defaultNode; dormant_node_info nodeInfo; int32 outputID; BString outputName; if (roster->GetAudioInput(&defaultNode) == B_OK) { roster->GetDormantNodeFor(defaultNode, &nodeInfo); fAudioView->SetDefaultInput(&nodeInfo); // this causes our listview to be updated as well } if (roster->GetAudioOutput(&defaultNode, &outputID, &outputName) == B_OK) { roster->GetDormantNodeFor(defaultNode, &nodeInfo); fAudioView->SetDefaultOutput(&nodeInfo); fAudioView->SetDefaultChannel(outputID); // this causes our listview to be updated as well } if (roster->GetVideoInput(&defaultNode) == B_OK) { roster->GetDormantNodeFor(defaultNode, &nodeInfo); fVideoView->SetDefaultInput(&nodeInfo); // this causes our listview to be updated as well } if (roster->GetVideoOutput(&defaultNode) == B_OK) { roster->GetDormantNodeFor(defaultNode, &nodeInfo); fVideoView->SetDefaultOutput(&nodeInfo); // this causes our listview to be updated as well } if (first) fListView->Select(fListView->IndexOf(mixer)); else if (isVideoSelected) fListView->Select(fListView->IndexOf(video)); else fListView->Select(fListView->IndexOf(audio)); Unlock(); return B_OK; }
status_t MediaWindow::InitMedia(bool first) { status_t err = B_OK; BMediaRoster* roster = BMediaRoster::Roster(&err); if (first && err != B_OK) { BAlert* alert = new BAlert("start_media_server", B_TRANSLATE("Could not connect to the media server.\n" "Would you like to start it ?"), B_TRANSLATE("Quit"), B_TRANSLATE("Start media server"), NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); if (alert->Go()==0) return B_ERROR; fAlert = new MediaAlert(BRect(0, 0, 300, 60), "restart_alert", B_TRANSLATE( "Restarting media services\nStarting media server" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS "\n")); fAlert->Show(); Show(); launch_media_server(); } Lock(); bool isVideoSelected = true; if (!first && fListView->ItemAt(0) && fListView->ItemAt(0)->IsSelected()) isVideoSelected = false; if ((!first || (first && err) ) && fAlert) { BAutolock locker(fAlert); if (locker.IsLocked()) fAlert->TextView()->SetText( B_TRANSLATE("Ready for use" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS)); } while (fListView->CountItems() > 0) delete fListView->RemoveItem((int32)0); _EmptyNodeLists(); // Grab Media Info _FindNodes(); // Add video nodes first. They might have an additional audio // output or input, but still should be listed as video node. _AddNodeItems(fVideoOutputs, MediaListItem::VIDEO_TYPE); _AddNodeItems(fVideoInputs, MediaListItem::VIDEO_TYPE); _AddNodeItems(fAudioOutputs, MediaListItem::AUDIO_TYPE); _AddNodeItems(fAudioInputs, MediaListItem::AUDIO_TYPE); fAudioView->AddOutputNodes(fAudioOutputs); fAudioView->AddInputNodes(fAudioInputs); fVideoView->AddOutputNodes(fVideoOutputs); fVideoView->AddInputNodes(fVideoInputs); // build our list view DeviceListItem* audio = new DeviceListItem(B_TRANSLATE("Audio settings"), MediaListItem::AUDIO_TYPE); fListView->AddItem(audio); MediaListItem* video = new DeviceListItem(B_TRANSLATE("Video settings"), MediaListItem::VIDEO_TYPE); fListView->AddItem(video); MediaListItem* mixer = new AudioMixerListItem(B_TRANSLATE("Audio mixer")); fListView->AddItem(mixer); fListView->SortItems(&MediaListItem::Compare); _UpdateListViewMinWidth(); // Set default nodes for our setting views media_node default_node; dormant_node_info node_info; int32 outputID; BString outputName; if (roster->GetAudioInput(&default_node) == B_OK) { roster->GetDormantNodeFor(default_node, &node_info); fAudioView->SetDefaultInput(&node_info); // this causes our listview to be updated as well } if (roster->GetAudioOutput(&default_node, &outputID, &outputName)==B_OK) { roster->GetDormantNodeFor(default_node, &node_info); fAudioView->SetDefaultOutput(&node_info); fAudioView->SetDefaultChannel(outputID); // this causes our listview to be updated as well } if (roster->GetVideoInput(&default_node)==B_OK) { roster->GetDormantNodeFor(default_node, &node_info); fVideoView->SetDefaultInput(&node_info); // this causes our listview to be updated as well } if (roster->GetVideoOutput(&default_node)==B_OK) { roster->GetDormantNodeFor(default_node, &node_info); fVideoView->SetDefaultOutput(&node_info); // this causes our listview to be updated as well } if (first) { fListView->Select(fListView->IndexOf(mixer)); } else { if (isVideoSelected) fListView->Select(fListView->IndexOf(video)); else fListView->Select(fListView->IndexOf(audio)); } if (fAlert) { snooze(800000); fAlert->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); } fAlert = NULL; Unlock(); return B_OK; }