void WorldSession::HandleBattlefieldStatusOpcode(WorldPacket &recv_data)
	//sLog.outDebug("BATTLEGROUND: Recieved CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS packet.");
	if(!GetPlayer()->m_bgInBattleground || GetPlayer()->GetCurrentBattleground() == NULL)
		WorldPacket pkt;
		pkt << uint32(0x00) << uint32(0x00);

	WorldPacket * pkt;
	Battleground * bg = GetPlayer()->GetCurrentBattleground();
	uint32 CurrentTime = uint32(time(NULL));
	pkt = sBattlegroundMgr.BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(0, bg->GetBattlegroundType(), bg->GetInstanceID(), 3, CurrentTime, 0);
	delete pkt;
void WorldSession::HandleBattleFieldPortOpcode(WorldPacket &recv_data)

    uint8 action;                                           // enter battle 128, leave queue 0
    // then goes uint64 that we sent to client in SMSG_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS3
    uint32 bgTypeId_;                                       // type id from dbc
    uint32 type;                                             // arenatype if arena

    recv_data >> action >> bgTypeId_ >> type;

    if (!sBattlemasterListStore.LookupEntry(bgTypeId_))
        sLog->outError("BattlegroundHandler: invalid bgtype (%u) received.", bgTypeId_);
    if (!_player->InBattlegroundQueue())
        sLog->outError("BattlegroundHandler: Invalid CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT received from player (%u), he is not in bg_queue.", _player->GetGUIDLow());

    //get GroupQueueInfo from BattlegroundQueue
    BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId = BattlegroundTypeId(bgTypeId_);
    BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId = BattlegroundMgr::BGQueueTypeId(bgTypeId, (uint8)type);
    BattlegroundQueue& bgQueue = sBattlegroundMgr->m_BattlegroundQueues[bgQueueTypeId];
    //we must use temporary variable, because GroupQueueInfo pointer can be deleted in BattlegroundQueue::RemovePlayer() function
    GroupQueueInfo ginfo;
    if (!bgQueue.GetPlayerGroupInfoData(_player->GetGUID(), &ginfo))
        sLog->outError("BattlegroundHandler: itrplayerstatus not found.");
    // if action == 1, then instanceId is required
    if (!ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID && action == 1)
        sLog->outError("BattlegroundHandler: instance not found.");

    Battleground *bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattleground(ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId);

    // bg template might and must be used in case of leaving queue, when instance is not created yet
    if (!bg && action == 0)
        bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundTemplate(bgTypeId);
    if (!bg)
        sLog->outError("BattlegroundHandler: bg_template not found for type id %u.", bgTypeId);

    // expected bracket entry
    PvPDifficultyEntry const* bracketEntry = GetBattlegroundBracketByLevel(bg->GetMapId(), _player->getLevel());
    if (!bracketEntry)

    //some checks if player isn't cheating - it is not exactly cheating, but we cannot allow it
    if (action == 1 && ginfo.ArenaType == 0)
        //if player is trying to enter battleground (not arena!) and he has deserter debuff, we must just remove him from queue
        if (!_player->CanJoinToBattleground())
            //send bg command result to show nice message
            WorldPacket data2;
            sBattlegroundMgr->BuildGroupJoinedBattlegroundPacket(&data2, ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_DESERTERS);
            action = 0;
            sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_BATTLEGROUND, "Battleground: player %s (%u) has a deserter debuff, do not port him to battleground!", _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow());
        //if player don't match battleground max level, then do not allow him to enter! (this might happen when player leveled up during his waiting in queue
        if (_player->getLevel() > bg->GetMaxLevel())
            sLog->outError("Battleground: Player %s (%u) has level (%u) higher than maxlevel (%u) of battleground (%u)! Do not port him to battleground!",
                _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), _player->getLevel(), bg->GetMaxLevel(), bg->GetTypeID());
            action = 0;
    uint32 queueSlot = _player->GetBattlegroundQueueIndex(bgQueueTypeId);
    WorldPacket data;
    switch(action >> 7)
        case 1:                                         // port to battleground
            if (!_player->IsInvitedForBattlegroundQueueType(bgQueueTypeId))
                return;                                 // cheating?

            if (!_player->InBattleground())

            // resurrect the player
            if (!_player->isAlive())
            // stop taxi flight at port
            if (_player->isInFlight())

            sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, queueSlot, STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, 0, bg->GetStartTime(), bg->GetArenaType());
            // remove battleground queue status from BGmgr
            bgQueue.RemovePlayer(_player->GetGUID(), false);
            // this is still needed here if battleground "jumping" shouldn't add deserter debuff
            // also this is required to prevent stuck at old battleground after SetBattlegroundId set to new
            if (Battleground *currentBg = _player->GetBattleground())
                currentBg->RemovePlayerAtLeave(_player->GetGUID(), false, true);

            // set the destination instance id
            _player->SetBattlegroundId(bg->GetInstanceID(), bgTypeId);
            // set the destination team
            // bg->HandleBeforeTeleportToBattleground(_player);
            sBattlegroundMgr->SendToBattleground(_player, ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId);
            // add only in HandleMoveWorldPortAck()
            // bg->AddPlayer(_player, team);
            sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_BATTLEGROUND, "Battleground: player %s (%u) joined battle for bg %u, bgtype %u, queue type %u.", _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), bg->GetInstanceID(), bg->GetTypeID(), bgQueueTypeId);
        case 0:                                         // leave queue
            // if player leaves rated arena match before match start, it is counted as he played but he lost
            if (ginfo.IsRated && ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID)
                ArenaTeam * at = sObjectMgr->GetArenaTeamById(ginfo.Team);
                if (at)
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_BATTLEGROUND, "UPDATING memberLost's personal arena rating for %u by opponents rating: %u, because he has left queue!", GUID_LOPART(_player->GetGUID()), ginfo.OpponentsTeamRating);
                    at->MemberLost(_player, ginfo.OpponentsMatchmakerRating);
            _player->RemoveBattlegroundQueueId(bgQueueTypeId);  // must be called this way, because if you move this call to queue->removeplayer, it causes bugs
            sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, queueSlot, STATUS_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
            bgQueue.RemovePlayer(_player->GetGUID(), true);
            // player left queue, we should update it - do not update Arena Queue
            if (!ginfo.ArenaType)
                sBattlegroundMgr->ScheduleQueueUpdate(ginfo.ArenaMatchmakerRating, ginfo.ArenaType, bgQueueTypeId, bgTypeId, bracketEntry->GetBracketId());
            sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_BATTLEGROUND, "Battleground: player %s (%u) left queue for bgtype %u, queue type %u.", _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), bg->GetTypeID(), bgQueueTypeId);
            sLog->outError("Battleground port: unknown action %u", action);
void WorldSession::HandleBattleFieldPortOpcode(WorldPacket &recvData)
    uint8 type;                                             // arenatype if arena
    uint8 unk2;                                             // unk, can be 0x0 (may be if was invited?) and 0x1
    uint32 bgTypeId_;                                       // type id from dbc
    uint16 unk;                                             // 0x1F90 constant?
    uint8 action;                                           // enter battle 0x1, leave queue 0x0

    recvData >> type >> unk2 >> bgTypeId_ >> unk >> action;
    if (!sBattlemasterListStore.LookupEntry(bgTypeId_))
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s ArenaType: %u, Unk: %u, BgType: %u, Action: %u. Invalid BgType!",
            GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), type, unk2, bgTypeId_, action);

    if (!_player->InBattlegroundQueue())
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s ArenaType: %u, Unk: %u, BgType: %u, Action: %u. Player not in queue!",
            GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), type, unk2, bgTypeId_, action);

    //get GroupQueueInfo from BattlegroundQueue
    BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId = BattlegroundTypeId(bgTypeId_);
    BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId = BattlegroundMgr::BGQueueTypeId(bgTypeId, type);
    BattlegroundQueue& bgQueue = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundQueue(bgQueueTypeId);
    //we must use temporary variable, because GroupQueueInfo pointer can be deleted in BattlegroundQueue::RemovePlayer() function
    GroupQueueInfo ginfo;
    if (!bgQueue.GetPlayerGroupInfoData(_player->GetGUID(), &ginfo))
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s ArenaType: %u, Unk: %u, BgType: %u, Action: %u. Player not in queue (No player Group Info)!",
            GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), type, unk2, bgTypeId_, action);
    // if action == 1, then instanceId is required
    if (!ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID && action == 1)
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s ArenaType: %u, Unk: %u, BgType: %u, Action: %u. Player is not invited to any bg!",
            GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), type, unk2, bgTypeId_, action);

    Battleground* bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattleground(ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId);
    if (!bg)
        if (action)
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s ArenaType: %u, Unk: %u, BgType: %u, Action: %u. Cant find BG with id %u!",
                GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), type, unk2, bgTypeId_, action, ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID);

        bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundTemplate(bgTypeId);
        if (!bg)
            TC_LOG_ERROR("network", "BattlegroundHandler: bg_template not found for type id %u.", bgTypeId);

    TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s ArenaType: %u, Unk: %u, BgType: %u, Action: %u.",
        GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), type, unk2, bgTypeId_, action);

    // expected bracket entry
    PvPDifficultyEntry const* bracketEntry = GetBattlegroundBracketByLevel(bg->GetMapId(), _player->getLevel());
    if (!bracketEntry)

    //some checks if player isn't cheating - it is not exactly cheating, but we cannot allow it
    if (action == 1 && ginfo.ArenaType == 0)
        //if player is trying to enter battleground (not arena!) and he has deserter debuff, we must just remove him from queue
        if (!_player->CanJoinToBattleground(bg))
            //send bg command result to show nice message
            WorldPacket data2;
            sBattlegroundMgr->BuildGroupJoinedBattlegroundPacket(&data2, ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_DESERTERS);
            action = 0;
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Player %s (%u) has a deserter debuff, do not port him to battleground!", _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUIDLow());
        //if player don't match battleground max level, then do not allow him to enter! (this might happen when player leveled up during his waiting in queue
        if (_player->getLevel() > bg->GetMaxLevel())
            TC_LOG_ERROR("network", "Player %s (%u) has level (%u) higher than maxlevel (%u) of battleground (%u)! Do not port him to battleground!",
                _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), _player->getLevel(), bg->GetMaxLevel(), bg->GetTypeID());
            action = 0;
    uint32 queueSlot = _player->GetBattlegroundQueueIndex(bgQueueTypeId);
    WorldPacket data;
    if (action)
        // check Freeze debuff
        if (_player->HasAura(9454))

        if (!_player->IsInvitedForBattlegroundQueueType(bgQueueTypeId))
            return;                                 // cheating?

        if (!_player->InBattleground())

        // resurrect the player
        if (!_player->IsAlive())
        // stop taxi flight at port
        if (_player->IsInFlight())

        sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, queueSlot, STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, 0, bg->GetStartTime(), bg->GetArenaType(), ginfo.Team);

        // remove battleground queue status from BGmgr
        bgQueue.RemovePlayer(_player->GetGUID(), false);
        // this is still needed here if battleground "jumping" shouldn't add deserter debuff
        // also this is required to prevent stuck at old battleground after SetBattlegroundId set to new
        if (Battleground* currentBg = _player->GetBattleground())
            currentBg->RemovePlayerAtLeave(_player->GetGUID(), false, true);

        // set the destination instance id
        _player->SetBattlegroundId(bg->GetInstanceID(), bgTypeId);
        // set the destination team

        // bg->HandleBeforeTeleportToBattleground(_player);
        sBattlegroundMgr->SendToBattleground(_player, ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId);
        // add only in HandleMoveWorldPortAck()
        // bg->AddPlayer(_player, team);
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Battleground: player %s (%u) joined battle for bg %u, bgtype %u, queue type %u.", _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), bg->GetInstanceID(), bg->GetTypeID(), bgQueueTypeId);
    else // leave queue
        if (bg->isArena() && bg->GetStatus() > STATUS_WAIT_QUEUE)

        // if player leaves rated arena match before match start, it is counted as he played but he lost
        if (ginfo.IsRated && ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID)
            ArenaTeam* at = sArenaTeamMgr->GetArenaTeamById(ginfo.Team);
            if (at)
                TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "UPDATING memberLost's personal arena rating for %s by opponents rating: %u, because he has left queue!", _player->GetGUID().ToString().c_str(), ginfo.OpponentsTeamRating);
                at->MemberLost(_player, ginfo.OpponentsMatchmakerRating);
        _player->RemoveBattlegroundQueueId(bgQueueTypeId);  // must be called this way, because if you move this call to queue->removeplayer, it causes bugs
        sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, queueSlot, STATUS_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        bgQueue.RemovePlayer(_player->GetGUID(), true);
        // player left queue, we should update it - do not update Arena Queue
        if (!ginfo.ArenaType)
            sBattlegroundMgr->ScheduleQueueUpdate(ginfo.ArenaMatchmakerRating, ginfo.ArenaType, bgQueueTypeId, bgTypeId, bracketEntry->GetBracketId());
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Battleground: player %s (%u) left queue for bgtype %u, queue type %u.", _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), bg->GetTypeID(), bgQueueTypeId);
void WorldSession::HandleBattleFieldPortOpcode(WorldPacket &recvData)
    TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WORLD: Recvd CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT Message");

    uint32 time;
    uint32 queueSlot;
    uint32 unk;
    uint8 action;                       // enter battle 0x1, leave queue 0x0
    ObjectGuid guid;

    recvData >> time;
    recvData >> queueSlot;
    recvData >> unk;

    guid[0] = recvData.ReadBit();
    guid[1] = recvData.ReadBit();
    guid[5] = recvData.ReadBit();
    guid[6] = recvData.ReadBit();
    guid[7] = recvData.ReadBit();
    guid[4] = recvData.ReadBit();
    guid[3] = recvData.ReadBit();
    guid[2] = recvData.ReadBit();

    action = recvData.ReadBit();


    if (!_player->InBattlegroundQueue())
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s Slot: %u, Unk: %u, Time: %u, Action: %u. Player not in queue!",
            GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), queueSlot, unk, time, action);

    BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId = _player->GetBattlegroundQueueTypeId(queueSlot);
    if (bgQueueTypeId == BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_NONE)
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s Slot: %u, Unk: %u, Time: %u, Action: %u. Invalid queueSlot!",
            GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), queueSlot, unk, time, action);

    BattlegroundQueue& bgQueue = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundQueue(bgQueueTypeId);

    //we must use temporary variable, because GroupQueueInfo pointer can be deleted in BattlegroundQueue::RemovePlayer() function
    GroupQueueInfo ginfo;
    if (!bgQueue.GetPlayerGroupInfoData(_player->GetGUID(), &ginfo))
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s Slot: %u, Unk: %u, Time: %u, Action: %u. Player not in queue (No player Group Info)!",
            GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), queueSlot, unk, time, action);
    // if action == 1, then instanceId is required
    if (!ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID && action == 1)
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s Slot: %u, Unk: %u, Time: %u, Action: %u. Player is not invited to any bg!",
            GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), queueSlot, unk, time, action);

    BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId = BattlegroundMgr::BGTemplateId(bgQueueTypeId);
    // BGTemplateId returns BATTLEGROUND_AA when it is arena queue.
    // Do instance id search as there is no AA bg instances.
    Battleground* bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattleground(ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId == BATTLEGROUND_AA ? BATTLEGROUND_TYPE_NONE : bgTypeId);
    if (!bg)
        if (action)
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s Slot: %u, Unk: %u, Time: %u, Action: %u. Cant find BG with id %u!",
                GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), queueSlot, unk, time, action, ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID);

        bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundTemplate(bgTypeId);
        if (!bg)
            TC_LOG_ERROR("network", "BattlegroundHandler: bg_template not found for type id %u.", bgTypeId);

    TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s Slot: %u, Unk: %u, Time: %u, Action: %u.",
        GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), queueSlot, unk, time, action);

    // get real bg type
    bgTypeId = bg->GetTypeID();

    // expected bracket entry
    PvPDifficultyEntry const* bracketEntry = GetBattlegroundBracketByLevel(bg->GetMapId(), _player->getLevel());
    if (!bracketEntry)

    //some checks if player isn't cheating - it is not exactly cheating, but we cannot allow it
    if (action == 1 && ginfo.ArenaType == 0)
        //if player is trying to enter battleground (not arena!) and he has deserter debuff, we must just remove him from queue
        if (!_player->CanJoinToBattleground(bg))
            //send bg command result to show nice message
            WorldPacket data2;
            sBattlegroundMgr->BuildStatusFailedPacket(&data2, bg, _player, 0, ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_DESERTERS);
            action = 0;
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Player %s (%u) has a deserter debuff, do not port him to battleground!", _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUIDLow());
        //if player don't match battleground max level, then do not allow him to enter! (this might happen when player leveled up during his waiting in queue
        if (_player->getLevel() > bg->GetMaxLevel())
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "Player %s (%u) has level (%u) higher than maxlevel (%u) of battleground (%u)! Do not port him to battleground!",
                _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), _player->getLevel(), bg->GetMaxLevel(), bg->GetTypeID());
            action = 0;

    WorldPacket data;
    if (action)
        if (!_player->IsInvitedForBattlegroundQueueType(bgQueueTypeId))
            return;                                 // cheating?

        if (!_player->InBattleground())

        // resurrect the player
        if (!_player->IsAlive())
        // stop taxi flight at port
        if (_player->IsInFlight())

        sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, _player, queueSlot, STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, _player->GetBattlegroundQueueJoinTime(bgTypeId), bg->GetElapsedTime(), bg->GetArenaType());

        // remove battleground queue status from BGmgr
        bgQueue.RemovePlayer(_player->GetGUID(), false);
        // this is still needed here if battleground "jumping" shouldn't add deserter debuff
        // also this is required to prevent stuck at old battleground after SetBattlegroundId set to new
        if (Battleground* currentBg = _player->GetBattleground())
            currentBg->RemovePlayerAtLeave(_player->GetGUID(), false, true);

        // set the destination instance id
        _player->SetBattlegroundId(bg->GetInstanceID(), bgTypeId);
        // set the destination team

        // bg->HandleBeforeTeleportToBattleground(_player);
        sBattlegroundMgr->SendToBattleground(_player, ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId);
        // add only in HandleMoveWorldPortAck()
        // bg->AddPlayer(_player, team);
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Battleground: player %s (%u) joined battle for bg %u, bgtype %u, queue type %u.", _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), bg->GetInstanceID(), bg->GetTypeID(), bgQueueTypeId);
    else // leave queue
        // if player leaves rated arena match before match start, it is counted as he played but he lost
        if (ginfo.IsRated && ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID)
            ArenaTeam* at = sArenaTeamMgr->GetArenaTeamById(ginfo.Team);
            if (at)
                TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "UPDATING memberLost's personal arena rating for %u by opponents rating: %u, because he has left queue!", GUID_LOPART(_player->GetGUID()), ginfo.OpponentsTeamRating);
                at->MemberLost(_player, ginfo.OpponentsMatchmakerRating);
        sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, _player, queueSlot, STATUS_NONE, _player->GetBattlegroundQueueJoinTime(bgTypeId), 0, 0);

        _player->RemoveBattlegroundQueueId(bgQueueTypeId);  // must be called this way, because if you move this call to queue->removeplayer, it causes bugs
        bgQueue.RemovePlayer(_player->GetGUID(), true);
        // player left queue, we should update it - do not update Arena Queue
        if (!ginfo.ArenaType)
            sBattlegroundMgr->ScheduleQueueUpdate(ginfo.ArenaMatchmakerRating, ginfo.ArenaType, bgQueueTypeId, bgTypeId, bracketEntry->GetBracketId());

        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Battleground: player %s (%u) left queue for bgtype %u, queue type %u.", _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), bg->GetTypeID(), bgQueueTypeId);
void WorldSession::HandleBattleFieldPortOpcode(WorldPacket &recvData)

    uint32 time;
    uint32 queueSlot;                                            // guessed
    uint32 unk;                                       // type id from dbc
    uint8 action;                                           // enter battle 0x1, leave queue 0x0
    ObjectGuid guid;
    recvData >> unk;
    recvData >> queueSlot;
    recvData >> time;

    guid[0] = recvData.ReadBit();
    guid[5] = recvData.ReadBit();
    guid[3] = recvData.ReadBit();
    guid[2] = recvData.ReadBit();
    guid[4] = recvData.ReadBit();
    guid[1] = recvData.ReadBit();
    action = recvData.ReadBit();
    guid[6] = recvData.ReadBit();
    guid[7] = recvData.ReadBit();


    uint8 byteOrder[8] = {0, 3, 4, 7, 1, 5, 6, 2};
    recvData.ReadBytesSeq(guid, byteOrder);

    if (!_player->InBattlegroundQueue())
        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_BATTLEGROUND, "BattlegroundHandler: Invalid CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT received from player (Name: %s, GUID: %u), he is not in bg_queue.", _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow());

        sLog->OutPandashan("HandleBattleFieldPortOpcode queueSlot %u", queueSlot);

    BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId = _player->GetBattlegroundQueueTypeId(queueSlot);
    if (bgQueueTypeId == BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_NONE)
        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_BATTLEGROUND, "BattlegroundHandler: invalid queueSlot (%u) received.", queueSlot);

        sLog->OutPandashan("HandleBattleFieldPortOpcode bgQueueTypeId %u", bgQueueTypeId);

    BattlegroundQueue& bgQueue = sBattlegroundMgr->m_BattlegroundQueues[bgQueueTypeId];

    //we must use temporary variable, because GroupQueueInfo pointer can be deleted in BattlegroundQueue::RemovePlayer() function
    GroupQueueInfo ginfo;
    if (!bgQueue.GetPlayerGroupInfoData(_player->GetGUID(), &ginfo))
        sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "BattlegroundHandler: itrplayerstatus not found.");
    // if action == 1, then instanceId is required
    if (!ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID && action == 1)
        sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "BattlegroundHandler: instance not found.");

    BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId = BattlegroundMgr::BGTemplateId(bgQueueTypeId);
    // BGTemplateId returns BATTLEGROUND_AA when it is arena queue.
    // Do instance id search as there is no AA bg instances.
    Battleground* bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattleground(ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId == BATTLEGROUND_AA ? BATTLEGROUND_TYPE_NONE : bgTypeId);

    // bg template might and must be used in case of leaving queue, when instance is not created yet
    if (!bg && action == 0)
        bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundTemplate(bgTypeId);
    if (!bg)
        sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "BattlegroundHandler: bg_template not found for type id %u.", bgTypeId);

    // get real bg type
    bgTypeId = bg->GetTypeID();

    // expected bracket entry
    PvPDifficultyEntry const* bracketEntry = GetBattlegroundBracketByLevel(bg->GetMapId(), _player->getLevel());
    if (!bracketEntry)

    //some checks if player isn't cheating - it is not exactly cheating, but we cannot allow it
    if (action == 1 && ginfo.ArenaType == 0)
        //if player is trying to enter battleground (not arena!) and he has deserter debuff, we must just remove him from queue
        if (!_player->CanJoinToBattleground())
            //send bg command result to show nice message
            WorldPacket data2;
            sBattlegroundMgr->BuildStatusFailedPacket(&data2, bg, _player, 0, ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_DESERTERS);
            action = 0;
            sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_BATTLEGROUND, "Battleground: player %s (%u) has a deserter debuff, do not port him to battleground!", _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow());
        //if player don't match battleground max level, then do not allow him to enter! (this might happen when player leveled up during his waiting in queue
        if (_player->getLevel() > bg->GetMaxLevel())
            sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "Battleground: Player %s (%u) has level (%u) higher than maxlevel (%u) of battleground (%u)! Do not port him to battleground!",
                _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), _player->getLevel(), bg->GetMaxLevel(), bg->GetTypeID());
            action = 0;

    WorldPacket data;
    switch (action)
        case 1:                                         // port to battleground
            if (!_player->IsInvitedForBattlegroundQueueType(bgQueueTypeId))
                return;                                 // cheating?

            if (!_player->InBattleground())

            // resurrect the player
            if (!_player->isAlive())
            // stop taxi flight at port
            if (_player->isInFlight())

            sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, _player, queueSlot, STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, _player->GetBattlegroundQueueJoinTime(bgTypeId), bg->GetElapsedTime(), bg->GetArenaType());
            // remove battleground queue status from BGmgr
            bgQueue.RemovePlayer(_player->GetGUID(), false);
            // this is still needed here if battleground "jumping" shouldn't add deserter debuff
            // also this is required to prevent stuck at old battleground after SetBattlegroundId set to new
            if (Battleground* currentBg = _player->GetBattleground())
                currentBg->RemovePlayerAtLeave(_player->GetGUID(), false, true);

            // set the destination instance id
            _player->SetBattlegroundId(bg->GetInstanceID(), bgTypeId);
            // set the destination team
            // bg->HandleBeforeTeleportToBattleground(_player);
            sBattlegroundMgr->SendToBattleground(_player, ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId);
            // add only in HandleMoveWorldPortAck()
            // bg->AddPlayer(_player, team);
            sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_BATTLEGROUND, "Battleground: player %s (%u) joined battle for bg %u, bgtype %u, queue type %u.", _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), bg->GetInstanceID(), bg->GetTypeID(), bgQueueTypeId);
        case 0:                                         // leave queue
            if (bg->isArena() && bg->GetStatus() > STATUS_WAIT_QUEUE)
            // if player leaves rated arena match before match start, it is counted as he played but he lost
            if (ginfo.IsRated && ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID)
                ArenaTeam* at = sArenaTeamMgr->GetArenaTeamById(ginfo.Team);
                if (at)
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_BATTLEGROUND, "UPDATING memberLost's personal arena rating for %u by opponents rating: %u, because he has left queue!", GUID_LOPART(_player->GetGUID()), ginfo.OpponentsTeamRating);
                    at->MemberLost(_player, ginfo.OpponentsMatchmakerRating);

            sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, _player, queueSlot, STATUS_NONE, _player->GetBattlegroundQueueJoinTime(bgTypeId), 0, 0);

            _player->RemoveBattlegroundQueueId(bgQueueTypeId);  // must be called this way, because if you move this call to queue->removeplayer, it causes bugs
            bgQueue.RemovePlayer(_player->GetGUID(), true);
            // player left queue, we should update it - do not update Arena Queue
            if (!ginfo.ArenaType)
                sBattlegroundMgr->ScheduleQueueUpdate(ginfo.ArenaMatchmakerRating, ginfo.ArenaType, bgQueueTypeId, bgTypeId, bracketEntry->GetBracketId());

            sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_BATTLEGROUND, "Battleground: player %s (%u) left queue for bgtype %u, queue type %u.", _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), bg->GetTypeID(), bgQueueTypeId);
            sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "Battleground port: unknown action %u", action);
    bool OnGossipSelect(Player* player, Creature* creature, uint32 sender, uint32 action)

        if (!ArenaWatcherEnable && (!ArenaWatcherOnlyGM || player->IsGameMaster()))
            return true;

        if (action <= GOSSIP_OFFSET)
            bool bracketExists = false;

            uint8 playerCount = action - GOSSIP_ACTION_INFO_DEF;

            for (uint8 bgTypeId = 0; bgTypeId < MAX_BATTLEGROUND_TYPE_ID; ++bgTypeId)
                if (!BattlegroundMgr::IsArenaType(BattlegroundTypeId(bgTypeId)))

                BattlegroundData* arenas = sBattlegroundMgr->GetAllBattlegroundsWithTypeId(BattlegroundTypeId(bgTypeId));

                if (!arenas || arenas->m_Battlegrounds.empty())

                for (BattlegroundContainer::const_iterator itr = arenas->m_Battlegrounds.begin(); itr != arenas->m_Battlegrounds.end(); ++itr)
                    Map* map = itr->second->FindBgMap();
                    if (!map)

                    if (!(itr->second->GetStatus() & 2)) {

                    if (itr->second->GetArenaType() != playerCount)

                    if (ArenaWatcherOnlyRated && !itr->second->isRated())

                    if (itr->second->isRated())
                        ArenaTeam* teamOne = sArenaTeamMgr->GetArenaTeamById(itr->second->GetArenaTeamIdByIndex(0));
                        ArenaTeam* teamTwo = sArenaTeamMgr->GetArenaTeamById(itr->second->GetArenaTeamIdByIndex(1));

                        if (teamOne && teamTwo)
                            char gossipTextFormat[100];
                            snprintf(gossipTextFormat, 100, "%s : %s (%u) vs. %s (%u)", map->GetMapName(), teamOne->GetName().c_str(), teamOne->GetRating(), teamTwo->GetName().c_str(), teamTwo->GetRating());
                            player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM(GOSSIP_ICON_CHAT, gossipTextFormat, GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN + bgTypeId, itr->first + GOSSIP_OFFSET);
                        char gossipTextFormat[100];
                        snprintf(gossipTextFormat, 100, "[%u] %s : %u vs. %u", itr->first, map->GetMapName(), playerCount, playerCount);
                        player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM(GOSSIP_ICON_CHAT, gossipTextFormat, GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN + bgTypeId, itr->first + GOSSIP_OFFSET);

                    bracketExists = true;

            if (bracketExists)
                player->SEND_GOSSIP_MENU(player->GetGossipTextId(creature), creature->GetGUID());
                sCreatureTextMgr->SendChat(creature, SAY_NOT_FOUND_BRACKET, player->GetGUID());
            uint32 arenaId = action - GOSSIP_OFFSET;
            uint32 bgTypeId = sender - GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN;
            BattlegroundData* arenas = sBattlegroundMgr->GetAllBattlegroundsWithTypeId(BattlegroundTypeId(bgTypeId));

            if (!arenas || arenas->m_Battlegrounds.empty())
                return false;

            if (arenas->m_Battlegrounds[arenaId])
                Battleground* bg = arenas->m_Battlegrounds[arenaId];

                if (bg->GetStatus() == STATUS_NONE)
                    sCreatureTextMgr->SendChat(creature, SAY_ARENA_NOT_IN_PROGRESS, player->GetGUID());
                    return false;

                float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f, z = 0.0f;
                switch (bg->GetMapId())
                    case 617:
                        x = 1299.046f;
                        y = 784.825f;
                        z = 9.338f;
                    case 618:
                        x = 763.5f;
                        y = -284;
                        z = 28.276f;
                    case 572:
                        x = 1285.810547f;
                        y = 1667.896851f;
                        z = 39.957642f;
                    case 562:
                        x = 6238.930176f;
                        y = 262.963470f;
                        z = 0.889519f;
                    case 559:
                        x = 4055.504395f;
                        y = 2919.660645f;
                        z = 13.611241f;
                        return false;
                player->SetBattlegroundId(bg->GetInstanceID(), bg->GetTypeID());
                player->TeleportTo(bg->GetMapId(), x, y, z, player->GetOrientation());
        return true;
bool ChallengeMgr::InviteGroupsToArena(Player *leader1, Player *leader2, ArenaChallengeType type)
    uint8 arenatype = (type == ARENA_CHALLENGE_TYPE_1v1) ? ARENA_CHALLENGE_TYPE_2v2 : type;
    uint32 matchmakerRating = 0;

    //check existance
    Battleground* bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundTemplate(BATTLEGROUND_AA);
    if (!bg)
        sLog->outError("Battleground: template bg (all arenas) not found");
        return false;

    BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId = bg->GetTypeID();
    BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId = BattlegroundMgr::BGQueueTypeId(bgTypeId, arenatype);
    PvPDifficultyEntry const* bracketEntry = GetBattlegroundBracketByLevel(bg->GetMapId(), 80);
    if (!bracketEntry)
        return false;

    GroupQueueInfo *group1, *group2;
    if (type == ARENA_CHALLENGE_TYPE_1v1)
        group1 = CreateGroupQueueInfo(leader1, bgTypeId, arenatype);
        group2 = CreateGroupQueueInfo(leader2, bgTypeId, arenatype);
        group1 = CreateGroupQueueInfo(leader1->GetGroup(), bgTypeId, arenatype);
        group2 = CreateGroupQueueInfo(leader2->GetGroup(), bgTypeId, arenatype);

    if (!group1 || !group2)
        return false;

    for (std::map<uint64, PlayerQueueInfo*>::iterator itr = group1->Players.begin(); itr != group1->Players.end(); ++itr)
        Player *player = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(itr->first);
        if (!player)
            return false;

        if (!CanInvitePlayer(player, bgQueueTypeId))
            return false;

    for (std::map<uint64, PlayerQueueInfo*>::iterator itr = group2->Players.begin(); itr != group2->Players.end(); ++itr)
        Player *player = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(itr->first);
        if (!player)
            return false;

        if (!CanInvitePlayer(player, bgQueueTypeId))
            return false;

    sBattlegroundMgr->ScheduleQueueUpdate(matchmakerRating, arenatype, bgQueueTypeId, bgTypeId, bracketEntry->GetBracketId());

    Battleground *arena = sBattlegroundMgr->CreateNewBattleground(bgTypeId, bracketEntry, arenatype, true);
    if (type == ARENA_CHALLENGE_TYPE_1v1)

    for (std::map<uint64, PlayerQueueInfo*>::iterator itr = group1->Players.begin(); itr != group1->Players.end(); ++itr)
        Player *player = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(itr->first);
        if (!player)
            return false;

        uint32 queueSlot = player->AddBattlegroundQueueId(bgQueueTypeId);

        WorldPacket data;
        // send status packet (in queue)
        sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, queueSlot, STATUS_WAIT_QUEUE, 0, 0, arenatype);

        player->challengeData->bg = arena;
        player->challengeData->ginfo = CreateGroupQueueInfo(player, bgTypeId, arenatype);
        player->challengeData->ginfo->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID = arena->GetInstanceID();
        player->challengeData->ginfo->Team = ALLIANCE;

    for (std::map<uint64, PlayerQueueInfo*>::iterator itr = group2->Players.begin(); itr != group2->Players.end(); ++itr)
        Player *player = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(itr->first);
        if (!player)
            return false;

        uint32 queueSlot = player->AddBattlegroundQueueId(bgQueueTypeId);

        WorldPacket data;
        // send status packet (in queue)
        sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, queueSlot, STATUS_WAIT_QUEUE, 0, 0, arenatype);

        player->challengeData->bg = arena;
        player->challengeData->ginfo = CreateGroupQueueInfo(player, bgTypeId, arenatype);
        player->challengeData->ginfo->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID = arena->GetInstanceID();
        player->challengeData->ginfo->Team = HORDE;

    InviteGroupToArena(group1, arena, ALLIANCE);
    InviteGroupToArena(group2, arena, HORDE);


    if (!sBattlegroundMgr->HasBattleground(arena))
        sBattlegroundMgr->AddBattleground(group1->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId, arena);

    return true;
void WorldSession::HandleBattleFieldPortOpcode(WorldPacket &recvData)
    uint8 arenaType;                                        // arenatype if arena
    uint8 unk2;                                             // unk, can be 0x0 (may be if was invited?) and 0x1
    uint32 bgTypeId_;                                       // type id from dbc
    uint16 unk;                                             // 0x1F90 constant?
    uint8 action;                                           // enter battle 0x1, leave queue 0x0

    recvData >> arenaType >> unk2 >> bgTypeId_ >> unk >> action;

	// bgTypeId not valid
    if (!sBattlemasterListStore.LookupEntry(bgTypeId_))

	// player not in any queue, so can't really answer
    if (!_player->InBattlegroundQueue())

    // get BattlegroundQueue for received 
    BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId = BattlegroundTypeId(bgTypeId_);
    BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId = BattlegroundMgr::BGQueueTypeId(bgTypeId, arenaType);
    BattlegroundQueue& bgQueue = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundQueue(bgQueueTypeId);

    // get group info from queue
    GroupQueueInfo ginfo;
    if (!bgQueue.GetPlayerGroupInfoData(_player->GetGUID(), &ginfo))

    // to accept, player must be invited to particular battleground id
    if (!ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID && action == 1)

    Battleground* bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattleground(ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID);

    // use template if leaving queue (instance might not be created yet)
    if (!bg && action == 0)
        bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundTemplate(bgTypeId);

    if (!bg)

    // expected bracket entry
    PvPDifficultyEntry const* bracketEntry = GetBattlegroundBracketByLevel(bg->GetMapId(), _player->getLevel());
    if (!bracketEntry)

    // safety checks
    if (action == 1 && ginfo.ArenaType == 0)
        // can't join with deserter, check it here right before joining to be sure
        if (!_player->CanJoinToBattleground())
            WorldPacket data;
            sBattlegroundMgr->BuildGroupJoinedBattlegroundPacket(&data, ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_DESERTERS);
            action = 0;

        if (_player->getLevel() > bg->GetMaxLevel())
            action = 0;

	// get player queue slot index for this bg (can be in up to 2 queues at the same time)
    uint32 queueSlot = _player->GetBattlegroundQueueIndex(bgQueueTypeId);

    WorldPacket data;
    switch (action)
        case 1: // accept
				// set entry point if not in battleground
				if (!_player->InBattleground())

				// resurrect the player
				if (!_player->IsAlive())

				// remove player from all bg queues
				for (uint32 qslot = 0; qslot < PLAYER_MAX_BATTLEGROUND_QUEUES; ++qslot)
					if (BattlegroundQueueTypeId q = _player->GetBattlegroundQueueTypeId(qslot))
						BattlegroundQueue& queue = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundQueue(q);
						queue.RemovePlayer(_player->GetGUID(), (bgQueueTypeId == q), qslot);

				// send status packet
				sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, queueSlot, STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, 0, bg->GetStartTime(), bg->GetArenaType(), ginfo.teamId);

				_player->SetBattlegroundId(bg->GetInstanceID(), bg->GetBgTypeID(), queueSlot, true, bgTypeId == BATTLEGROUND_RB, ginfo.teamId);

				sBattlegroundMgr->SendToBattleground(_player, ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId);
        case 0: // leave queue
				bgQueue.RemovePlayer(_player->GetGUID(), false, queueSlot);
    bool OnGossipSelect(Player* player, Creature* creature, uint32 sender, uint32 action)

        uint8 mode = ARENA_TYPE_2v2;
        if (action == (GOSSIP_ACTION_INFO_DEF + 3)) // 3v3
            mode = ARENA_TYPE_3v3;
        if (action == (GOSSIP_ACTION_INFO_DEF + 5)) // 5v5
            mode = ARENA_TYPE_5v5;

        if (action <= GOSSIP_OFFSET)
            BattlegroundSet arenasSet = sBattlegroundMgr->GetAllBattlegroundsWithTypeId(BATTLEGROUND_AA);

            // Check for matches of chosen type
            bool bracketMatchs = false;
            for (BattlegroundSet::const_iterator itr = arenasSet.begin(); itr != arenasSet.end(); ++itr)
                if (Battleground* bg = itr->second)
                    if (bg->GetArenaType() == mode)
                        bracketMatchs = true;

            if (!bracketMatchs)
                std::stringstream errMsg;
                errMsg << "Sorry " << player->GetName() << ", There are no current matches of the type you selected.";
                creature->MonsterWhisper(errMsg.str().c_str(), player->GetGUID());
                // team 1 and 2!
                for (BattlegroundSet::const_iterator itr = arenasSet.begin(); itr != arenasSet.end(); ++itr)
                    if (Battleground* bg = itr->second)
                        ArenaTeam* teamOne = sArenaTeamMgr->GetArenaTeamById(bg->GetArenaTeamIdByIndex(0));
                        ArenaTeam* teamTwo = sArenaTeamMgr->GetArenaTeamById(bg->GetArenaTeamIdByIndex(1));

                        if (teamOne && teamTwo)
                            std::stringstream gossipItem;
                            gossipItem << teamOne->GetName() << " (";
                            gossipItem << teamOne->GetRating() << ") VS ";
                            gossipItem << teamTwo->GetName() << " (";
                            gossipItem << teamTwo->GetRating() << ")";
                            player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM(GOSSIP_ICON_CHAT, gossipItem.str(), GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN + 1, itr->first + GOSSIP_OFFSET);
                player->PlayerTalkClass->SendGossipMenu(player->GetGossipTextId(creature), creature->GetGUID());
            uint32 arenaId = action - GOSSIP_OFFSET;
            // Don't really bother about WPE injection here, we are allowing pretty much any arena selection
            BattlegroundSet arenasSet = sBattlegroundMgr->GetAllBattlegroundsWithTypeId(BATTLEGROUND_AA);

            if (arenasSet[arenaId] != NULL)
                Battleground* arenaChosen = arenasSet[arenaId];

                // spectator crap
                if (arenaChosen->GetStatus() != STATUS_NONE && arenaChosen->GetStatus() != STATUS_IN_PROGRESS)
                    std::stringstream errMsg;
                    errMsg << "Sorry " << player->GetName() << ", the chosen arena has ended";
                    creature->MonsterWhisper(errMsg.str().c_str(), player->GetGUID());
                    return false;

                // OK. In the case of a selected arena, we teleport in the center of the arena.
                player->SetBattlegroundId(arenaChosen->GetInstanceID(), arenaChosen->GetTypeID());
                float x, y, z;
                switch (arenaChosen->GetMapId())
                case 617:
                    x = 1299.046f;
                    y = 784.825f;
                    z = 9.338f;
                    break; // Dalaran Sewers
                case 618:
                    x = 763.5f;
                    y = -284;
                    z = 28.276f;
                    break; // Ring of Valor
                case 572:
                    x = 1285.810547f;
                    y = 1667.896851f;
                    z = 39.957642f;
                    break; // Ruins of Lordearon
                case 562:
                    x = 6238.930176f;
                    y = 262.963470f;
                    z = 0.889519f;
                    break; // Blade's Edge Arena
                case 559:
                    x = 4055.504395f;
                    y = 2919.660645f;
                    z = 13.611241f;
                    break; // Nagrand Arena
                player->SetGMVisible(false); // Make the player invisible. TODO: Use a custom spell in `spell_dbc`
                player->TeleportTo(arenaChosen->GetMapId(), x, y, z, player->GetOrientation());
        return true;
void WorldSession::HandleBattlegroundPlayerPortOpcode(WorldPacket& recv_data)
    sLog.outDebug("WORLD: Recvd CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT Message");

    uint8 type;                                             // arenatype if arena
    uint8 unk2;                                             // unk, can be 0x0 (may be if was invited?) and 0x1
    uint32 instanceId;
    uint32 bgTypeId;                                        // type id from dbc
    uint16 unk;                                             // 0x1F90 constant?
    uint8 action;                                           // enter battle 0x1, leave queue 0x0

    recv_data >> type >> unk2 >> bgTypeId >> unk >> action;

        sLog.outError("Battleground: invalid bgtype received.");
        // update battleground slots for the player to fix his UI and sent data.
        // this is a HACK, I don't know why the client starts sending invalid packets in the first place.
        // it usually happens with extremely high latency (if debugging / stepping in the code for example)
        if (_player->InBattlegroundQueue())
            // update all queues, send invitation info if player is invited, queue info if queued
            for (uint32 i = 0; i < PLAYER_MAX_BATTLEGROUND_QUEUES; i++)
                uint32 queue_id = _player->GetBattlegroundQueueId(i);
                if (!queue_id)
                BattlegroundQueue::QueuedPlayersMap::iterator itrPlayerStatus = sBattlegroundMgr.m_BattlegroundQueues[queue_id].m_QueuedPlayers[_player->GetBattlegroundQueueIdFromLevel()].find(_player->GetGUID());
                // if the player is not in queue, contine
                if (itrPlayerStatus == sBattlegroundMgr.m_BattlegroundQueues[queue_id].m_QueuedPlayers[_player->GetBattlegroundQueueIdFromLevel()].end())

                // no group information, this should never happen
                if (!itrPlayerStatus->second.GroupInfo)

                Battleground* bg = NULL;

                // get possibly needed data from groupinfo
                bgTypeId = itrPlayerStatus->second.GroupInfo->BgTypeId;
                uint8 arenatype = itrPlayerStatus->second.GroupInfo->ArenaType;
                uint8 israted = itrPlayerStatus->second.GroupInfo->IsRated;
                uint8 status = 0;

                if (!itrPlayerStatus->second.GroupInfo->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID)
                    // not invited to bg, get template
                    bg = sBattlegroundMgr.GetBattlegroundTemplate(bgTypeId);
                    status = STATUS_WAIT_QUEUE;
                    // get the bg we're invited to
                    bg = sBattlegroundMgr.GetBattleground(itrPlayerStatus->second.GroupInfo->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID);
                    status = STATUS_WAIT_JOIN;

                // if bg not found, then continue
                if (!bg)

                // don't invite if already in the instance
                if (_player->InBattleground() && _player->GetBattleground() && _player->GetBattleground()->GetInstanceID() == bg->GetInstanceID())

                // re - invite player with proper data
                WorldPacket data;
                sBattlegroundMgr.BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, itrPlayerStatus->second.GroupInfo->Team ? itrPlayerStatus->second.GroupInfo->Team : _player->GetTeam(), i, status, INVITE_ACCEPT_WAIT_TIME, 0, arenatype, israted);

    uint32 bgQueueTypeId = 0;
    // get the bg what we were invited to
    BattlegroundQueue::QueuedPlayersMap::iterator itrPlayerStatus;
    bgQueueTypeId = sBattlegroundMgr.BGQueueTypeId(bgTypeId, type);
    itrPlayerStatus = sBattlegroundMgr.m_BattlegroundQueues[bgQueueTypeId].m_QueuedPlayers[_player->GetBattlegroundQueueIdFromLevel()].find(_player->GetGUID());

    if (itrPlayerStatus == sBattlegroundMgr.m_BattlegroundQueues[bgQueueTypeId].m_QueuedPlayers[_player->GetBattlegroundQueueIdFromLevel()].end())
        sLog.outError("Battleground: itrplayerstatus not found.");
    instanceId = itrPlayerStatus->second.GroupInfo->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID;

    // if action == 1, then instanceId is _required_
    if (!instanceId && action == 1)
        sLog.outError("Battleground: instance not found.");

    Battleground* bg = sBattlegroundMgr.GetBattleground(instanceId);

    // bg template might and must be used in case of leaving queue, when instance is not created yet
    if (!bg && action == 0)
        bg = sBattlegroundMgr.GetBattlegroundTemplate(bgTypeId);

    if (!bg)
        sLog.outError("Battleground: bg not found.");

    bgTypeId = bg->GetTypeID();

    if (_player->InBattlegroundQueue())
        uint32 queueSlot = 0;
        uint32 team = 0;
        uint32 arenatype = 0;
        uint32 israted = 0;
        uint32 rating = 0;
        uint32 opponentsRating = 0;
        // get the team info from the queue
        BattlegroundQueue::QueuedPlayersMap::iterator pitr = sBattlegroundMgr.m_BattlegroundQueues[bgQueueTypeId].m_QueuedPlayers[_player->GetBattlegroundQueueIdFromLevel()].find(_player->GetGUID());
        if (pitr != sBattlegroundMgr.m_BattlegroundQueues[bgQueueTypeId].m_QueuedPlayers[_player->GetBattlegroundQueueIdFromLevel()].end()
            && pitr->second.GroupInfo)
            team = pitr->second.GroupInfo->Team;
            arenatype = pitr->second.GroupInfo->ArenaType;
            israted = pitr->second.GroupInfo->IsRated;
            rating = pitr->second.GroupInfo->ArenaTeamRating;
            opponentsRating = pitr->second.GroupInfo->OpponentsTeamRating;
            sLog.outError("Battleground: Invalid player queue info!");
        // if player is trying to enter battleground (not arena) and he has deserter debuff, we must just remove him from queue
        if (arenatype == 0 && !_player->CanJoinToBattleground())
            sLog.outDebug("Battleground: player %s (%u) has a deserter debuff, do not port him to battleground!", _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow());
            action = 0;
        WorldPacket data;
        switch (action)
        case 1:                                     // port to battleground
            if (!_player->IsInvitedForBattlegroundQueueType(bgQueueTypeId))
                return;                                     // cheating?

            if (sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_BATTLEGROUND_WRATH_LEAVE_MODE))

            // resurrect the player
            if (!_player->IsAlive())
            // stop taxi flight at port
            if (_player->IsInFlight())
            queueSlot = _player->GetBattlegroundQueueIndex(bgQueueTypeId);
            sBattlegroundMgr.BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, _player->GetTeam(), queueSlot, STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, 0, bg->GetStartTime());
            // remove battleground queue status from BGmgr
            sBattlegroundMgr.m_BattlegroundQueues[bgQueueTypeId].RemovePlayer(_player->GetGUID(), false);
            // this is still needed here if battleground "jumping" shouldn't add deserter debuff
            // also this required to prevent stuck at old battleground after SetBattlegroundId set to new
            if (Battleground* currentBg = _player->GetBattleground())
                currentBg->RemovePlayerAtLeave(_player->GetGUID(), false, true);

            // set the destination instance id
            // set the destination team
            // bg->HandleBeforeTeleportToBattleground(_player);
            sBattlegroundMgr.SendToBattleground(_player, instanceId);
            // add only in HandleMoveWorldPortAck()
            // bg->AddPlayer(_player,team);
            sLog.outDebug("Battleground: player %s (%u) joined battle for bg %u, bgtype %u, queue type %u.", _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), bg->GetInstanceID(), bg->GetTypeID(), bgQueueTypeId);
        case 0:                                         // leave queue
            queueSlot = _player->GetBattlegroundQueueIndex(bgQueueTypeId);
            if player leaves rated arena match before match start, it is counted as he played but he lost
            if (israted)
                ArenaTeam* at = sObjectMgr.GetArenaTeamById(team);
                if (at)
                    sLog.outDebug("UPDATING memberLost's personal arena rating for %u by opponents rating: %u, because he has left queue!", GUID_LOPART(_player->GetGUID()), opponentsRating);
                    at->MemberLost(_player, opponentsRating);
            _player->RemoveBattlegroundQueueId(bgQueueTypeId); // must be called this way, because if you move this call to queue->removeplayer, it causes bugs
            sBattlegroundMgr.BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, _player->GetTeam(), queueSlot, STATUS_NONE, 0, 0);
            sBattlegroundMgr.m_BattlegroundQueues[bgQueueTypeId].RemovePlayer(_player->GetGUID(), true);
            // player left queue, we should update it, maybe now his group fits in
            sBattlegroundMgr.m_BattlegroundQueues[bgQueueTypeId].Update(bgTypeId, _player->GetBattlegroundQueueIdFromLevel(), arenatype, israted, rating);
            sLog.outDebug("Battleground: player %s (%u) left queue for bgtype %u, queue type %u.", _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), bg->GetTypeID(), bgQueueTypeId);
            sLog.outError("Battleground port: unknown action %u", action);