    this event has many possibilities when it is executed:
    1. player is in battleground (he clicked enter on invitation window)
    2. player left battleground queue and he isn't there any more
    3. player left battleground queue and he joined it again and IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID = 0
    4. player left queue and he joined again and he has been invited to same battleground again -> we should not remove him from queue yet
    5. player is invited to bg and he didn't choose what to do and timer expired - only in this condition we should call queue::RemovePlayer
    we must remove player in the 5. case even if battleground object doesn't exist!
bool BGQueueRemoveEvent::Execute(uint64 /*e_time*/, uint32 /*p_time*/)
    Player* player = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(m_PlayerGuid);
    if (!player)
        // player logged off (we should do nothing, he is correctly removed from queue in another procedure)
        return true;

    Battleground* bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattleground(m_BgInstanceGUID, m_BgTypeId);
    //battleground can be deleted already when we are removing queue info
    //bg pointer can be NULL! so use it carefully!

    uint32 queueSlot = player->GetBattlegroundQueueIndex(m_BgQueueTypeId);
    if (queueSlot < PLAYER_MAX_BATTLEGROUND_QUEUES)         // player is in queue, or in Battleground
        // check if player is in queue for this BG and if we are removing his invite event
        BattlegroundQueue &bgQueue = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundQueue(m_BgQueueTypeId);
        if (bgQueue.IsPlayerInvited(m_PlayerGuid, m_BgInstanceGUID, m_RemoveTime))
            sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_BATTLEGROUND, "Battleground: removing player %u from bg queue for instance %u because of not pressing enter battle in time.", player->GetGUIDLow(), m_BgInstanceGUID);

            bgQueue.RemovePlayer(m_PlayerGuid, true);
            //update queues if battleground isn't ended
            if (bg && bg->isBattleground() && bg->GetStatus() != STATUS_WAIT_LEAVE)
                sBattlegroundMgr->ScheduleQueueUpdate(0, 0, m_BgQueueTypeId, m_BgTypeId, bg->GetBracketId());

            WorldPacket data;
            sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, queueSlot, STATUS_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    //event will be deleted
    return true;
void WorldSession::HandleBattleFieldPortOpcode(WorldPacket &recvData)
    uint8 type;                                             // arenatype if arena
    uint8 unk2;                                             // unk, can be 0x0 (may be if was invited?) and 0x1
    uint32 bgTypeId_;                                       // type id from dbc
    uint16 unk;                                             // 0x1F90 constant?
    uint8 action;                                           // enter battle 0x1, leave queue 0x0

    recvData >> type >> unk2 >> bgTypeId_ >> unk >> action;
    if (!sBattlemasterListStore.LookupEntry(bgTypeId_))
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s ArenaType: %u, Unk: %u, BgType: %u, Action: %u. Invalid BgType!",
            GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), type, unk2, bgTypeId_, action);

    if (!_player->InBattlegroundQueue())
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s ArenaType: %u, Unk: %u, BgType: %u, Action: %u. Player not in queue!",
            GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), type, unk2, bgTypeId_, action);

    //get GroupQueueInfo from BattlegroundQueue
    BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId = BattlegroundTypeId(bgTypeId_);
    BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId = BattlegroundMgr::BGQueueTypeId(bgTypeId, type);
    BattlegroundQueue& bgQueue = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundQueue(bgQueueTypeId);
    //we must use temporary variable, because GroupQueueInfo pointer can be deleted in BattlegroundQueue::RemovePlayer() function
    GroupQueueInfo ginfo;
    if (!bgQueue.GetPlayerGroupInfoData(_player->GetGUID(), &ginfo))
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s ArenaType: %u, Unk: %u, BgType: %u, Action: %u. Player not in queue (No player Group Info)!",
            GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), type, unk2, bgTypeId_, action);
    // if action == 1, then instanceId is required
    if (!ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID && action == 1)
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s ArenaType: %u, Unk: %u, BgType: %u, Action: %u. Player is not invited to any bg!",
            GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), type, unk2, bgTypeId_, action);

    Battleground* bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattleground(ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId);
    if (!bg)
        if (action)
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s ArenaType: %u, Unk: %u, BgType: %u, Action: %u. Cant find BG with id %u!",
                GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), type, unk2, bgTypeId_, action, ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID);

        bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundTemplate(bgTypeId);
        if (!bg)
            TC_LOG_ERROR("network", "BattlegroundHandler: bg_template not found for type id %u.", bgTypeId);

    TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_PORT %s ArenaType: %u, Unk: %u, BgType: %u, Action: %u.",
        GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), type, unk2, bgTypeId_, action);

    // expected bracket entry
    PvPDifficultyEntry const* bracketEntry = GetBattlegroundBracketByLevel(bg->GetMapId(), _player->getLevel());
    if (!bracketEntry)

    //some checks if player isn't cheating - it is not exactly cheating, but we cannot allow it
    if (action == 1 && ginfo.ArenaType == 0)
        //if player is trying to enter battleground (not arena!) and he has deserter debuff, we must just remove him from queue
        if (!_player->CanJoinToBattleground(bg))
            //send bg command result to show nice message
            WorldPacket data2;
            sBattlegroundMgr->BuildGroupJoinedBattlegroundPacket(&data2, ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_DESERTERS);
            action = 0;
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Player %s (%u) has a deserter debuff, do not port him to battleground!", _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUID().GetCounter());
        //if player don't match battleground max level, then do not allow him to enter! (this might happen when player leveled up during his waiting in queue
        if (_player->getLevel() > bg->GetMaxLevel())
            TC_LOG_ERROR("network", "Player %s (%u) has level (%u) higher than maxlevel (%u) of battleground (%u)! Do not port him to battleground!",
                _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUID().GetCounter(), _player->getLevel(), bg->GetMaxLevel(), bg->GetTypeID());
            action = 0;
    uint32 queueSlot = _player->GetBattlegroundQueueIndex(bgQueueTypeId);
    WorldPacket data;
    if (action)
        // check Freeze debuff
        if (_player->HasAura(9454))

        if (!_player->IsInvitedForBattlegroundQueueType(bgQueueTypeId))
            return;                                 // cheating?

        if (!_player->InBattleground())

        // resurrect the player
        if (!_player->IsAlive())
        // stop taxi flight at port
        if (_player->IsInFlight())

        sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, queueSlot, STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, 0, bg->GetStartTime(), bg->GetArenaType(), ginfo.Team);

        // remove battleground queue status from BGmgr
        bgQueue.RemovePlayer(_player->GetGUID(), false);
        // this is still needed here if battleground "jumping" shouldn't add deserter debuff
        // also this is required to prevent stuck at old battleground after SetBattlegroundId set to new
        if (Battleground* currentBg = _player->GetBattleground())
            currentBg->RemovePlayerAtLeave(_player->GetGUID(), false, true);

        // set the destination instance id
        _player->SetBattlegroundId(bg->GetInstanceID(), bgTypeId);
        // set the destination team

        // bg->HandleBeforeTeleportToBattleground(_player);
        sBattlegroundMgr->SendToBattleground(_player, ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId);
        // add only in HandleMoveWorldPortAck()
        // bg->AddPlayer(_player, team);
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Battleground: player %s (%u) joined battle for bg %u, bgtype %u, queue type %u.", _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUID().GetCounter(), bg->GetInstanceID(), bg->GetTypeID(), bgQueueTypeId);
    else // leave queue
        if (bg->isArena() && bg->GetStatus() > STATUS_WAIT_QUEUE)

        // if player leaves rated arena match before match start, it is counted as he played but he lost
        if (ginfo.IsRated && ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID)
            ArenaTeam* at = sArenaTeamMgr->GetArenaTeamById(ginfo.Team);
            if (at)
                TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "UPDATING memberLost's personal arena rating for %s by opponents rating: %u, because he has left queue!", _player->GetGUID().ToString().c_str(), ginfo.OpponentsTeamRating);
                at->MemberLost(_player, ginfo.OpponentsMatchmakerRating);
        _player->RemoveBattlegroundQueueId(bgQueueTypeId);  // must be called this way, because if you move this call to queue->removeplayer, it causes bugs
        sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, queueSlot, STATUS_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        bgQueue.RemovePlayer(_player->GetGUID(), true);
        // player left queue, we should update it - do not update Arena Queue
        if (!ginfo.ArenaType)
            sBattlegroundMgr->ScheduleQueueUpdate(ginfo.ArenaMatchmakerRating, ginfo.ArenaType, bgQueueTypeId, bgTypeId, bracketEntry->GetBracketId());
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Battleground: player %s (%u) left queue for bgtype %u, queue type %u.", _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUID().GetCounter(), bg->GetTypeID(), bgQueueTypeId);

        // track if player refuses to join the BG after being invited
        if (bg->isBattleground() && sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_BATTLEGROUND_TRACK_DESERTERS) &&
                (bg->GetStatus() == STATUS_IN_PROGRESS || bg->GetStatus() == STATUS_WAIT_JOIN))
            PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_INS_DESERTER_TRACK);
            stmt->setUInt32(0, _player->GetGUID().GetCounter());
            stmt->setUInt8(1, BG_DESERTION_TYPE_LEAVE_QUEUE);
void WorldSession::HandleBattleFieldPortOpcode(WorldPacket &recvData)
    uint8 arenaType;                                        // arenatype if arena
    uint8 unk2;                                             // unk, can be 0x0 (may be if was invited?) and 0x1
    uint32 bgTypeId_;                                       // type id from dbc
    uint16 unk;                                             // 0x1F90 constant?
    uint8 action;                                           // enter battle 0x1, leave queue 0x0

    recvData >> arenaType >> unk2 >> bgTypeId_ >> unk >> action;

    // bgTypeId not valid
    if (!sBattlemasterListStore.LookupEntry(bgTypeId_))

    // player not in any queue, so can't really answer
    if (!_player->InBattlegroundQueue())

    // get BattlegroundQueue for received 
    BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId = BattlegroundTypeId(bgTypeId_);
    BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId = BattlegroundMgr::BGQueueTypeId(bgTypeId, arenaType);
    BattlegroundQueue& bgQueue = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundQueue(bgQueueTypeId);

    // get group info from queue
    GroupQueueInfo ginfo;
    if (!bgQueue.GetPlayerGroupInfoData(_player->GetGUID(), &ginfo))

    // to accept, player must be invited to particular battleground id
    if (!ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID && action == 1)

    Battleground* bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattleground(ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID);

    // use template if leaving queue (instance might not be created yet)
    if (!bg && action == 0)
        bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundTemplate(bgTypeId);

    if (!bg)

    // expected bracket entry
    PvPDifficultyEntry const* bracketEntry = GetBattlegroundBracketByLevel(bg->GetMapId(), _player->getLevel());
    if (!bracketEntry)

    // safety checks
    if (action == 1 && ginfo.ArenaType == 0)
        // can't join with deserter, check it here right before joining to be sure
        if (!_player->CanJoinToBattleground())
            WorldPacket data;
            sBattlegroundMgr->BuildGroupJoinedBattlegroundPacket(&data, ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_DESERTERS);
            action = 0;

        if (_player->getLevel() > bg->GetMaxLevel())
            action = 0;

    // get player queue slot index for this bg (can be in up to 2 queues at the same time)
    uint32 queueSlot = _player->GetBattlegroundQueueIndex(bgQueueTypeId);

    WorldPacket data;
    switch (action)
        case 1: // accept
                // set entry point if not in battleground
                if (!_player->InBattleground())

                // resurrect the player
                if (!_player->IsAlive())

                TeamId teamId = ginfo.teamId;

                // remove player from all bg queues
                for (uint32 qslot = 0; qslot < PLAYER_MAX_BATTLEGROUND_QUEUES; ++qslot)
                    if (BattlegroundQueueTypeId q = _player->GetBattlegroundQueueTypeId(qslot))
                        BattlegroundQueue& queue = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundQueue(q);
                        queue.RemovePlayer(_player->GetGUID(), (bgQueueTypeId == q), qslot);

                // send status packet
                sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, queueSlot, STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, 0, bg->GetStartTime(), bg->GetArenaType(), teamId);

                _player->SetBattlegroundId(bg->GetInstanceID(), bg->GetBgTypeID(), queueSlot, true, bgTypeId == BATTLEGROUND_RB, teamId);

                sBattlegroundMgr->SendToBattleground(_player, ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId);
        case 0: // leave queue
                bgQueue.RemovePlayer(_player->GetGUID(), false, queueSlot);
                // track if player refuses to join the BG after being invited
                if (bg->isBattleground() && sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_BATTLEGROUND_TRACK_DESERTERS) &&
                    (bg->GetStatus() == STATUS_IN_PROGRESS || bg->GetStatus() == STATUS_WAIT_JOIN))
                    PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_INS_DESERTER_TRACK);
                    stmt->setUInt32(0, _player->GetGUIDLow());
                    stmt->setUInt8(1, BG_DESERTION_TYPE_LEAVE_QUEUE);