void D3D9RenderTargetTexture::GetData(Bitmap &B)
    D3DAlwaysValidate(_Device->GetRenderTargetData(_Surface, _SurfacePlain), "GetRenderTargetData");
    D3DLOCKED_RECT LockedRect;
    D3DAlwaysValidate(_SurfacePlain->LockRect(&LockedRect, NULL, 0), "LockRect");

    B.Allocate(_Width, _Height);
    RGBColor *SurfData = (RGBColor*)LockedRect.pBits;
    for(UINT y = 0; y < _Height; y++)
        //memcpy(B[_Height - 1 - y], &SurfData[y * LockedRect.Pitch / 4], _Width * 4);
        memcpy(B[y], &SurfData[y * LockedRect.Pitch / 4], _Width * 4);

void D3D9Texture::ReadData(Bitmap &Bmp)
    PersistentAssert(_Width != 0 && _Height != 0 && _Format == D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 && _RenderTarget, "ReadData called on invalid surface");
    Bmp.Allocate(_Width, _Height);
    D3DAlwaysValidate(_Device->GetRenderTargetData(_SurfaceTopLevel, _SurfacePlain), "GetRenderTargetData");
    D3DAlwaysValidate(_SurfacePlain->LockRect(&Rect, NULL, D3DLOCK_READONLY), "LockRect");
    BYTE *Bytes = (BYTE *)Rect.pBits;
    for(UINT y = 0; y < _Height; y++)
        RGBColor *CurRow = (RGBColor *)(Bytes + y * Rect.Pitch);
        for(UINT x = 0; x < _Width; x++)
            Bmp[y][x] = CurRow[x];
    D3DValidate(_SurfacePlain->UnlockRect(), "UnlockRect");
void SoftwareGraphicsDevice::CaptureScreen(WindowManager &WM, Bitmap &B)
    int i, i2, Width, Height;
    RECT WindowCoord;
    RGBColor Color;

    GetClientRect(WM.CastWindows().GetHWND(), &WindowCoord);
    MapWindowPoints(WM.CastWindows().GetHWND(), GetDesktopWindow(), (LPPOINT)&WindowCoord, 2);

    Width = WindowCoord.right - WindowCoord.left;
    Height = WindowCoord.bottom - WindowCoord.top;    //get the Width/Height

    B.Allocate(Width, Height);                //allocate space

    for(i=0; i<Height; i++)
        for(i2=0; i2<Width; i2++)
            B[Height-i-1][i2] = Bmp[i][i2];    //load the current screen into B
void ImageCompressorBlockPalette::LoadFromPalette(InputDataStream &stream, Bitmap &bmp)
    UINT width, height;
    stream >> width >> height;
    bmp.Allocate(width, height);
    for(UINT x = 0; x < width; x += blockDimension)
        for(UINT y = 0; y < height; y += blockDimension)
            BYTE paletteIndex;
            //UINT16 paletteIndex;
            stream >> paletteIndex;
            const Block32 &curBlock = _palette.colors[paletteIndex];
            for(UINT yOffset = 0; yOffset < blockDimension; yOffset++)
                for(UINT xOffset = 0; xOffset < blockDimension; xOffset++)
                    bmp[y + yOffset][x + xOffset] = curBlock.c[yOffset][xOffset];