// get any assumptions from a call/loop to callee through edge. static void GetCallAssumedBits(BlockMemory *mcfg, PEdge *edge, BlockId *callee, bool indirect, Vector<AssumeInfo> *assume_list) { // add inferred assumptions from the callee. BlockSummary *sum = GetBlockSummary(callee); const Vector<Bit*> *assumes = sum->GetAssumes(); size_t assume_count = VectorSize<Bit*>(assumes); for (size_t ind = 0; ind < assume_count; ind++) { Bit *bit = assumes->At(ind); Bit *caller_bit = GetCallerAssume(mcfg, edge, callee, indirect, bit); if (!caller_bit) continue; caller_bit->MoveRef(NULL, assume_list); AssumeInfo info; info.point = edge->GetSource(); info.bit = caller_bit; assume_list->PushBack(info); } sum->DecRef(); // add annotated postconditions from the callee. // only do this for call edges. if (!edge->IsCall()) return; Vector<BlockCFG*> *annot_list = BodyAnnotCache.Lookup(callee->Function()); for (size_t ind = 0; annot_list && ind < annot_list->Size(); ind++) { BlockCFG *annot_cfg = annot_list->At(ind); if (annot_cfg->GetAnnotationKind() != AK_Postcondition && annot_cfg->GetAnnotationKind() != AK_PostconditionAssume) continue; Bit *bit = BlockMemory::GetAnnotationBit(annot_cfg); if (!bit) continue; Bit *caller_bit = GetCallerAssume(mcfg, edge, callee, indirect, bit); if (!caller_bit) continue; caller_bit->MoveRef(NULL, assume_list); annot_cfg->IncRef(assume_list); AssumeInfo info; info.annot = annot_cfg; info.point = edge->GetSource(); info.bit = caller_bit; assume_list->PushBack(info); } BodyAnnotCache.Release(callee->Function()); }
void BlockSummary::GetAssumedBits(BlockMemory *mcfg, PPoint end_point, Vector<AssumeInfo> *assume_list) { BlockId *id = mcfg->GetId(); BlockCFG *cfg = mcfg->GetCFG(); BlockSummary *sum = GetBlockSummary(id); const Vector<Bit*> *assumes = sum->GetAssumes(); size_t assume_count = VectorSize<Bit*>(assumes); // pull in assumptions from the summary for mcfg. in some cases these // assumptions won't be useful, e.g. describing the state at exit // for functions. for now we're just adding all of them though. TODO: fix. for (size_t ind = 0; ind < assume_count; ind++) { Bit *bit = assumes->At(ind); bit->IncRef(assume_list); AssumeInfo info; info.bit = bit; assume_list->PushBack(info); } sum->DecRef(); Vector<BlockCFG*> *annot_list = BodyAnnotCache.Lookup(id->Function()); // add assumes at function entry for any preconditions. if (id->Kind() == B_Function) { for (size_t ind = 0; annot_list && ind < annot_list->Size(); ind++) { BlockCFG *annot_cfg = annot_list->At(ind); if (annot_cfg->GetAnnotationKind() != AK_Precondition && annot_cfg->GetAnnotationKind() != AK_PreconditionAssume) continue; Bit *bit = BlockMemory::GetAnnotationBit(annot_cfg); if (!bit) continue; annot_cfg->IncRef(assume_list); bit->IncRef(assume_list); AssumeInfo info; info.annot = annot_cfg; info.bit = bit; assume_list->PushBack(info); } } // add assumptions from points within the block. for (size_t pind = 0; pind < cfg->GetPointAnnotationCount(); pind++) { PointAnnotation pann = cfg->GetPointAnnotation(pind); if (end_point && pann.point >= end_point) continue; BlockCFG *annot_cfg = GetAnnotationCFG(pann.annot); if (!annot_cfg) continue; Assert(annot_cfg->GetAnnotationKind() != AK_AssertRuntime); if (Bit *bit = BlockMemory::GetAnnotationBit(annot_cfg)) { // get the annotation bit in terms of block entry. Bit *point_bit = NULL; mcfg->TranslateBit(TRK_Point, pann.point, bit, &point_bit); point_bit->MoveRef(&point_bit, assume_list); annot_cfg->IncRef(assume_list); AssumeInfo info; info.annot = annot_cfg; info.point = pann.point; info.bit = point_bit; assume_list->PushBack(info); } annot_cfg->DecRef(); } // add assumptions from annotation edges within the block, invariants // on values accessed by the block, and from the summaries of any callees. for (size_t eind = 0; eind < cfg->GetEdgeCount(); eind++) { PEdge *edge = cfg->GetEdge(eind); PPoint point = edge->GetSource(); if (end_point && point >= end_point) continue; InvariantAssumeVisitor visitor(mcfg, point, assume_list); edge->DoVisit(&visitor); if (PEdgeAnnotation *nedge = edge->IfAnnotation()) { // add an assumption for this annotation. BlockCFG *annot_cfg = GetAnnotationCFG(nedge->GetAnnotationId()); if (!annot_cfg) continue; Bit *bit = BlockMemory::GetAnnotationBit(annot_cfg); // don't incorporate AssertRuntimes, these are not assumed. if (bit && annot_cfg->GetAnnotationKind() != AK_AssertRuntime) { // get the annotation bit in terms of block entry. Bit *point_bit = NULL; mcfg->TranslateBit(TRK_Point, point, bit, &point_bit); point_bit->MoveRef(&point_bit, assume_list); annot_cfg->IncRef(assume_list); AssumeInfo info; info.annot = annot_cfg; info.point = point; info.bit = point_bit; assume_list->PushBack(info); } annot_cfg->DecRef(); } if (BlockId *callee = edge->GetDirectCallee()) { GetCallAssumedBits(mcfg, edge, callee, false, assume_list); callee->DecRef(); } else if (edge->IsCall()) { // add conditional assumes for the indirect targets of the call. // this is most useful for baked information and annotations, where // we sometimes need to attach information at indirect calls. CallEdgeSet *callees = CalleeCache.Lookup(id->BaseVar()); size_t old_count = assume_list->Size(); if (callees) { for (size_t cind = 0; cind < callees->GetEdgeCount(); cind++) { const CallEdge &cedge = callees->GetEdge(cind); if (cedge.where.id == id && cedge.where.point == point) { cedge.callee->IncRef(); BlockId *callee = BlockId::Make(B_Function, cedge.callee); GetCallAssumedBits(mcfg, edge, callee, true, assume_list); callee->DecRef(); } } } if (assume_list->Size() != old_count) { // we managed to do something at this indirect call site. // add another assumption restricting the possible callees to // only those identified by our callgraph. GuardExpVector receiver_list; mcfg->TranslateReceiver(point, &receiver_list); for (size_t rind = 0; rind < receiver_list.Size(); rind++) { const GuardExp &gs = receiver_list[rind]; gs.guard->IncRef(); // make a bit: !when || rcv == callee0 || rcv == callee1 || ... Bit *extra_bit = Bit::MakeNot(gs.guard); for (size_t cind = 0; cind < callees->GetEdgeCount(); cind++) { const CallEdge &cedge = callees->GetEdge(cind); if (cedge.where.id == id && cedge.where.point == point) { Variable *callee_var = cedge.callee; callee_var->IncRef(); Exp *callee_exp = Exp::MakeVar(callee_var); gs.exp->IncRef(); Bit *equal = Exp::MakeCompareBit(B_Equal, callee_exp, gs.exp); extra_bit = Bit::MakeOr(extra_bit, equal); } } extra_bit->MoveRef(NULL, assume_list); AssumeInfo info; info.bit = extra_bit; assume_list->PushBack(info); } } CalleeCache.Release(id->BaseVar()); } } BodyAnnotCache.Release(id->Function()); // add assumptions from heap invariants describing values mentioned // in added assumptions. we could keep doing this transitively but don't, // to ensure termination. size_t count = assume_list->Size(); for (size_t ind = 0; ind < count; ind++) { InvariantAssumeVisitor visitor(NULL, 0, assume_list); assume_list->At(ind).bit->DoVisit(&visitor); } CombineAssumeList(assume_list); }