* Unpause par2-files
* returns true, if the files with required number of blocks were unpaused,
* or false if there are no more files in queue for this collection or not enough blocks.
* special case: returns true if there are any unpaused par2-files in the queue regardless
* of the amount of blocks; this is to keep par-checker wait for download completion.
bool ParCoordinator::RequestMorePars(NZBInfo* pNZBInfo, const char* szParFilename, int iBlockNeeded, int* pBlockFound)
	DownloadQueue* pDownloadQueue = DownloadQueue::Lock();
	Blocks blocks;
	int iBlockFound = 0;
    int iCurBlockFound = 0;

	FindPars(pDownloadQueue, pNZBInfo, szParFilename, &blocks, true, true, &iCurBlockFound);
    iBlockFound += iCurBlockFound;
	if (iBlockFound < iBlockNeeded)
		FindPars(pDownloadQueue, pNZBInfo, szParFilename, &blocks, true, false, &iCurBlockFound);
        iBlockFound += iCurBlockFound;
	if (iBlockFound < iBlockNeeded)
		FindPars(pDownloadQueue, pNZBInfo, szParFilename, &blocks, false, false, &iCurBlockFound);
        iBlockFound += iCurBlockFound;

	if (iBlockFound >= iBlockNeeded)
		// 1. first unpause all files with par-blocks less or equal iBlockNeeded
		// starting from the file with max block count.
		// if par-collection was built exponentially and all par-files present,
		// this step selects par-files with exact number of blocks we need.
		while (iBlockNeeded > 0)
			BlockInfo* pBestBlockInfo = NULL;
			for (Blocks::iterator it = blocks.begin(); it != blocks.end(); it++)
				BlockInfo* pBlockInfo = *it;
				if (pBlockInfo->m_iBlockCount <= iBlockNeeded &&
				   (!pBestBlockInfo || pBestBlockInfo->m_iBlockCount < pBlockInfo->m_iBlockCount))
					pBestBlockInfo = pBlockInfo;
			if (pBestBlockInfo)
				if (pBestBlockInfo->m_pFileInfo->GetPaused())
					m_ParChecker.PrintMessage(Message::mkInfo, "Unpausing %s%c%s for par-recovery", pNZBInfo->GetName(), (int)PATH_SEPARATOR, pBestBlockInfo->m_pFileInfo->GetFilename());
				iBlockNeeded -= pBestBlockInfo->m_iBlockCount;
				delete pBestBlockInfo;
		// 2. then unpause other files
		// this step only needed if the par-collection was built not exponentially 
		// or not all par-files present (or some of them were corrupted)
		// this step is not optimal, but we hope, that the first step will work good 
		// in most cases and we will not need the second step often
		while (iBlockNeeded > 0)
			BlockInfo* pBlockInfo = blocks.front();
			if (pBlockInfo->m_pFileInfo->GetPaused())
				m_ParChecker.PrintMessage(Message::mkInfo, "Unpausing %s%c%s for par-recovery", pNZBInfo->GetName(), (int)PATH_SEPARATOR, pBlockInfo->m_pFileInfo->GetFilename());
			iBlockNeeded -= pBlockInfo->m_iBlockCount;

	bool bHasUnpausedParFiles = false;
	for (FileList::iterator it = pNZBInfo->GetFileList()->begin(); it != pNZBInfo->GetFileList()->end(); it++)
		FileInfo* pFileInfo = *it;
		if (pFileInfo->GetParFile() && !pFileInfo->GetPaused())
			bHasUnpausedParFiles = true;


	if (pBlockFound)
		*pBlockFound = iBlockFound;

	for (Blocks::iterator it = blocks.begin(); it != blocks.end(); it++)
		delete *it;

	bool bOK = iBlockNeeded <= 0 || bHasUnpausedParFiles;

	return bOK;