void SampleListener::onFrame(const Controller& controller)
    bool thand, index = false;

    // Get the most recent frame and report some basic information
    const Frame frame = controller.frame();

    // Receive Hand List
    HandList hands = frame.hands();

    // For all hands
    for (HandList::const_iterator hl = hands.begin(); hl != hands.end(); ++hl)
        // Get the first hand
        const Hand hand         = *hl;

        // Only for right hand
        if( hand.isRight() )
            // Get fingers
            const FingerList fingers = hand.fingers();
            // For all fingers in the list
            for (FingerList::const_iterator fl = fingers.begin(); fl != fingers.end(); ++fl)
                      Bone      bone;
                const Finger    finger = *fl;

                // If thamb or Index finger
                if( finger.type() == Finger::TYPE_THUMB )
                    // Receive nided bone
                    bone        = finger.bone(Bone::TYPE_DISTAL);
                    m_vThand    = bone.center();

                    thand = true;
                else if( finger.type() == Finger::TYPE_INDEX )
                    // Receive nided bone
                    bone        = finger.bone(Bone::TYPE_DISTAL);
                    m_vIndex    = bone.center();

                    index = true;

    bool newState;
    if( !thand || !index )
        newState = false;
        float distance = m_vThand.distanceTo(m_vIndex);
        qDebug () << "Distance: " << distance;

        if( distance < 40 )
            newState = true;
            newState = false;

    if( newState != m_bLastState )
        Q_EMIT releySignal( newState );
        m_bLastState = newState;