bool NetworkClock::read(ConnectionReader& reader) { Bottle bot; bool ok =; if(closing) { _time = -1; return false; } if (!ok && !closing) { YARP_ERROR(Logger::get(), "Error reading clock port"); return false; } timeMutex.lock(); sec = bot.get(0).asInt32(); nsec = bot.get(1).asInt32(); _time = sec + (nsec*1e-9); initted = true; timeMutex.unlock(); listMutex.lock(); Waiters* waiters = static_cast<Waiters*>(pwaiters); Waiters::iterator waiter_i; waiter_i = waiters->begin(); while (waiter_i != waiters->end()) { if (waiter_i->first - _time < 1E-12 ) { Semaphore *waiterSemaphore = waiter_i->second; waiter_i = waiters->erase(waiter_i); if (waiterSemaphore) waiterSemaphore->post(); } else ++waiter_i; } listMutex.unlock(); return true; }
void Pointing::run(const Bottle &args) { yInfo() << "Pointing::run"; Bottle *sensation =; string obj_name, sentence; bool no_objects = true; if (args.size()!=0) { yDebug()<<args.toString() << args.size(); obj_name = args.get(0).asList()->get(0).asString(); yDebug() << "Object selected: " << obj_name; sentence = "Okay, this is the "; no_objects=false; } else { if(sensation->size()==0) { iCub->lookAtPartner(); iCub->say("There are no objects I can point at."); iCub->home(); return; } int id = yarp::os::Random::uniform(0, sensation->size() - 1); obj_name = sensation->get(id).asList()->get(1).asString(); yDebug() << "Randomly selected: " << id << " " << obj_name; sentence = "I could point to the "; } yDebug() << "[pointing]: opc checkout"; iCub->say(sentence + obj_name, false); bool succeeded = iCub->point(obj_name); if (no_objects){ bool look_success = iCub->lookAtPartner(); if (succeeded) { iCub->say("Do you know that this is a " + obj_name, false); } else { iCub->say("I couldn't find the " + obj_name, false); } if(look_success) { yarp::os::Time::delay(1.5); } } iCub->home(); }
void testBlob() { report(0,"testing blob..."); Bottle bot("{4 42 255} 10 20"); checkEqual(bot.size(),3,"plausible parse"); checkTrue(bot.get(0).isBlob(),"blob present"); checkEqual((int)bot.get(0).asBlobLength(),3,"blob length"); checkEqual(bot.get(0).asBlob()[1],42, "blob match"); report(0,"testing blob with internal null..."); char blob[12]="hello\0world"; const Value v ((void*)blob, sizeof(blob)); checkEqual(12,(int)v.asBlobLength(),"value length"); checkFalse(v.isNull(),"value non-null"); Bottle b; b.add(v); checkEqual(b.size(),1,"insertion happened"); checkTrue(b.get(0).isBlob(),"insertion is right type"); checkEqual(12,(int)b.get(0).asBlobLength(),"length within bottle"); }
bool Recognition::respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { if(command.get(0).asString() == "actionStarted"){ actionDone = false; } else if (command.get(0).asString() == "actionStoped"){ actionDone = true; } if(command.get(0).asString() == "observ"){ lookAtHand = true; }else if(command.get(0).asString() == "stopObserv"){ lookAtHand = false; } reply.clear(); reply.addString("Recongition module over"); return true; }
bool TRACKERManager::pauseTracker(int id) { mutex.wait(); bool reply = true; Bottle ids = getIDs(); bool gotid = false; for (int i = 0; i <ids.size(); i++) { if (id == ids.get(i).asInt()) { gotid = true; yDebug()<< "got the ID " << id <<" == "<< ids.get(i).asInt(); } } if (gotid) { yDebug() << "[TRACKERManager::pauseTracker] attempting to pause tracker id " << id ; if (workerThreads[id]->isRunning()) { workerThreads[id]->suspend(); pausedThreads.push_back(id); yDebug() << "[TRACKERManager::pauseTracker] done pausing tracker id " << id ; reply = true; } else { yError() << "[TRACKERManager::pauseTracker] failed to pause tracker id %d " << id << " - Not running.. "; reply=false; } } else { yError() << "[TRACKERManager::pauseTracker] failed to pause tracker id %d " << id << " - Not running.. "; reply = false; }; return reply; }
void testSerialCopy() { report(0,"test serialization by copy"); Value v(3.14); Bottle b;; checkEqualish(b.get(0).asDouble(),3.14,"copy to bottle succeeded"); Bottle b2; b.write(b2); checkEqualish(b2.get(0).asDouble(),3.14,"copy from bottle succeeded"); }
bool tutorialModule::respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { string helpMessage = string(getName().c_str()) + " commands are: \n" + "help \n" + "quit \n"; reply.clear(); if (command.get(0).asString()=="quit") { reply.addString("quitting"); return false; } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") { cout << helpMessage; reply.addString("ok"); } return true; }
Vector PMPthread::Bottle2Vector(Bottle Bot) { Vector v(Bot.size()); for (int i = 0; i < Bot.size(); i++) { v(i) = Bot.get(i).asDouble(); } return v; }
void PointedLocation::onRead(Bottle &b) { fprintf(stdout, "got read from points size %d \n",b.size()); if (b.size()>1) { loc.x=(int)b.get(0).asDouble(); loc.y=(int)b.get(1).asDouble(); rxTime=Time::now(); } }
/** * Add a new entity to the timeKnowledge * input format : * <string name> <string timeArg1> <string timeArg2> */ void timeKnowledge::addKnowledge(Bottle bInput) { if (bInput.size() != 3) { yInfo() << "\t" << "Error in addKnowledge : fromBottle. Wrong number of inputs (need 3 inputs : <string name> <string timeArg1> <string timeArg2>)" ; return; } if (!(bInput.get(0).isString() && bInput.get(1).isString() && bInput.get(2).isString())) { yInfo() << "\t" << "Error in addKnowledge : fromBottle. Wrong format of inputs (need 3 inputs : <string name> <string timeArg1> <string timeArg2>)" ; return; } struct tm tmTimeArg1 = abmReasoningFunction::string2Time(bInput.get(1).asString().c_str()), tmTimeArg2 = abmReasoningFunction::string2Time(bInput.get(2).asString().c_str()); timeArg1.push_back(tmTimeArg1); timeArg2.push_back(tmTimeArg2); }
void ParticleFilter::onRead(Bottle &target) { //CvPoint trackLoc; if (target.size()>1) { loc.x=(int)target.get(0).asDouble(); loc.y=(int)target.get(1).asDouble(); //fprintf( stdout, "particle something: %s \n\n",target.toString().c_str() ); } }
//execute action, stop to go out Bottle learnPrimitive::execute(){ Bottle bOutput ; Bottle bRecognized, //received FROM speech recog with transfer information (1/0 (bAnswer)) bAnswer, //response from speech recog without transfer information, including raw sentence bSemantic; // semantic information of the content of the recognition string sSay = " What do you want me to do?"; yInfo() << sSay; iCub->say(sSay); Bottle bCurrentOrder = nodeNameAction("any"); string orderType = bCurrentOrder.get(0).asString(); if(orderType == "stop"){ string sSay = " Allright, thank you for the exercice"; yInfo() << sSay; iCub->say(sSay); return bCurrentOrder ; } string orderVerb = bCurrentOrder.get(1).asString(); string orderArg = bCurrentOrder.get(2).asString(); sSay = orderVerb + "ing my " + orderArg; if(orderArg == "one" || orderArg == "two" || orderArg == "three" || orderArg == "four" || orderArg == "five"){ sSay = orderVerb + "ing " + orderArg; } sSay = sSay ; yInfo() << sSay; iCub->say(sSay); if(orderType == "proto-action") { protoCommand(orderVerb, orderArg); } else if (orderType == "primitive") { primitiveCommand(orderVerb, orderArg); } else { actionCommand(orderVerb, orderArg); } yarp::os::Time::delay(6); return execute(); }
bool activate(bool force = false) { if (force) { // wipe if forced clear(); } // return if namespaces already present if (spaces.size()!=0) return true; // read namespace list from config file NameConfig conf; if (!conf.fromFile()) { double now = Time::now(); static double last_shown = now-10; if (now-last_shown>3) { last_shown = now; fprintf(stderr,"warning: YARP name server(s) not configured, ports will be anonymous\n"); fprintf(stderr,"warning: check your namespace and settings with 'yarp detect'\n"); } return false; } Bottle ns = conf.getNamespaces(); // loop through namespaces for (int i=0; i<ns.size(); i++) { ConstString n = ns.get(i).asString(); NameConfig conf2; // read configuration of individual namespace if (!conf2.fromFile(n.c_str())) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not find namespace %s\n", n.c_str()); continue; } String mode = conf2.getMode(); Contact address = conf2.getAddress().addName(n); if (mode=="yarp"||mode=="//") { // add a yarp namespace NameSpace *ns = new YarpNameSpace(address); spaces.push_back(ns); } else if (mode=="ros") { // add a ros namespace NameSpace *ns = new RosNameSpace(address); spaces.push_back(ns); } else if (mode=="local") { NameSpace *ns = new YarpDummyNameSpace; spaces.push_back(ns); } else { // shrug YARP_SPRINTF1(Logger::get(),error, "cannot deal with namespace of type %s", mode.c_str()); return false; } } // cache flags scan(); return true; }
bool autobiographicalMemory::storeImageOIDs(int instance) { Bottle bRequest; ostringstream osStoreOIDReq; osStoreOIDReq << "SELECT \"time\", img_provider_port, relative_path FROM visualdata WHERE img_oid IS NULL"; if (instance >= 0) { osStoreOIDReq << " AND instance = " << instance; } bRequest = requestFromString(osStoreOIDReq.str()); if (bRequest.size() > 0 && bRequest.get(0).toString() != "NULL") { yInfo() << "[storeImageOIDs] This may take a while!"; } else { return true; } ostringstream osStoreOID; for (int i = 0; i < bRequest.size(); i++) { string imgTime = bRequest.get(i).asList()->get(0).toString().c_str(); string imgProviderPort = bRequest.get(i).asList()->get(1).toString().c_str(); string imgRelativePath = bRequest.get(i).asList()->get(2).toString().c_str(); string fullPath = storingPath + "/" + imgRelativePath; database_mutex.lock(); unsigned int new_img_oid = ABMDataBase->lo_import(fullPath.c_str()); database_mutex.unlock(); osStoreOID << "UPDATE visualdata SET img_oid=" << new_img_oid; osStoreOID << " WHERE time='" << imgTime << "' and img_provider_port = '" << imgProviderPort << "';"; if (((i+1) % 100 == 0 && i != 0) || i == bRequest.size() - 1) { requestFromString(osStoreOID.str()); yInfo() << "[storeImageOIDs] Saved " << i+1 << " images out of " << bRequest.size(); osStoreOID.str(""); } } yInfo() << "[storeImageOIDs] All images saved."; return true; }
bool respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { reply.clear(); if (command.get(0).isInt()) { if (command.get(0).asInt()==0) { fprintf(stderr,"Asking recalibration...\n"); if (inv_dyn) { inv_dyn->suspend(); inv_dyn->calibrateOffset(); inv_dyn->resume(); } fprintf(stderr,"Recalibration complete.\n"); reply.addString("Recalibrated"); return true; } } if (command.get(0).isString()) { if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") { reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("many")); reply.addString("Available commands:"); reply.addString("calib all"); reply.addString("calib arms"); reply.addString("calib legs"); reply.addString("calib feet"); return true; } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="calib") { fprintf(stderr,"Asking recalibration...\n"); if (inv_dyn) { calib_enum calib_code=CALIB_ALL; if (command.get(1).asString()=="all") calib_code=CALIB_ALL; else if (command.get(1).asString()=="arms") calib_code=CALIB_ARMS; else if (command.get(1).asString()=="legs") calib_code=CALIB_LEGS; else if (command.get(1).asString()=="feet") calib_code=CALIB_FEET; inv_dyn->suspend(); inv_dyn->calibrateOffset(calib_code); inv_dyn->resume(); } fprintf(stderr,"Recalibration complete.\n"); reply.addString("Recalibrated"); return true; } } reply.addString("Unknown command"); return true; }
void CubCartThread::getTarget() { Bottle command; printf("current command: left %f %f %f, right %f %f %f\n", Lxd[0], Lxd[1], Lxd[2], Rxd[0], Rxd[1], Rxd[2]); if( { if(command.get(0).asString()=="left") { icartR->stopControl(); //stop the right arm printf("recieved command: left %f %f %f\n", command.get(1).asDouble(), command.get(2).asDouble(), command.get(3).asDouble()); Lxd[0] = command.get(1).asDouble() - 0.065; //left arm negative in front Lxd[1] = command.get(2).asDouble() - 0.065; //left arm negative on correct side of body (x) Lxd[2] = command.get(3).asDouble(); //positive from waist up // sanity check the position before moving there if(Lxd[0] < -0.5) Lxd[0] = -0.5; if(Lxd[0] > -0.1) Lxd[0] = -0.1; if(Lxd[1] < -0.4) Lxd[1] = -0.4; if(Lxd[1] > 0.1) Lxd[1] = 0.1; if(Lxd[2] < -0.2) Lxd[2] = -0.2; if(Lxd[2] > 0.4) Lxd[2] = 0.4; icartL->goToPose(Lxd,Lod); Time::delay(3); icartL->stopControl(); //stop the left arm } else if(command.get(0).asString()=="right") { icartL->stopControl(); //stop the left arm printf("recieved command: right %f %f %f\n", command.get(1).asDouble(), command.get(2).asDouble(), command.get(3).asDouble()); Rxd[0] = command.get(1).asDouble() - 0.04; //right arm negative in front Rxd[1] = command.get(2).asDouble() + 0.05; //right arm positive on correct side of body Rxd[2] = command.get(3).asDouble(); //positive from waist up // sanity check the position before moving there if(Rxd[0] < -0.5) Rxd[0] = -0.5; if(Rxd[0] > -0.1) Rxd[0] = -0.1; if(Rxd[1] > 0.4) Rxd[1] = 0.4; if(Rxd[1] < 0.0) Rxd[1] = 0.0; if(Rxd[2] < -0.2) Rxd[2] = -0.2; if(Rxd[2] > 0.4) Rxd[2] = 0.4; icartR->goToPose(Rxd,Rod); Time::delay(3); icartR->stopControl(); //stop the right arm } } }
Bottle VisuoThread::recogMSR(string &obj_name) { Bottle bDetect; Bottle *; if(bMSR!=NULL) { bDetect=*bMSR; obj_name=bDetect.get(0).asString().c_str(); } return bDetect; }
void SegmentationPoint::segment(Bottle &b) { if (getOutputCount()>0) { //send 2D x y coordinates to segmentator Bottle request; request.addDouble(b.get(0).asDouble()); request.addDouble(b.get(1).asDouble()); write(request); } }
//************************************************************************************************************************* int MotorFrictionIdentificationThread::convertWbiIdToNumericJointId(const Bottle &b) { if(b.size()==0 || !(b.get(0).isString()) ) { return -1; } string jointName = b.get(0).asString(); int jid; bool ret = robot->getJointList().idToIndex(jointName,jid); if(!ret) { jid = -1; } return jid; }
bool LSSVMCalibrator::toProperty(Property &info) const { Bottle data; Bottle &values=data.addList(); values.addString(impl->toString().c_str()); info.clear(); info.put("type",type.c_str()); info.put("calibration_data",data.get(0)); return Calibrator::toProperty(info); }
bool Rectification::respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { string helpMessage = string(getName().c_str()) + " commands are: \n" + "help \n" + "quit \n" + "(where <n> is an integer number) \n"; reply.clear(); if (command.get(0).asString()=="quit") { reply.addString("quitting"); return false; } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") { cout << helpMessage; reply.addString("ok"); } return true; }
void findFileBase(Property& config, const char *name, bool isDir, Bottle& output, bool justTop) { ConstString cap = config.check("capability_directory",Value("app")).asString(); Bottle defCaps = config.findGroup("default_capability").tail(); // check current directory if (ConstString(name)==""&&isDir) { output.addString(getPwd()); if (justTop) return; } ConstString str = check(getPwd(),"","",name,isDir); if (str!="") { output.addString(str); if (justTop) return; } if (configFilePath!="") { ConstString str = check(configFilePath.c_str(),"","",name,isDir); if (str!="") { output.addString(str); if (justTop) return; } } // check app dirs for (int i=0; i<apps.size(); i++) { str = check(root.c_str(),cap,apps.get(i).asString().c_str(), name,isDir); if (str!="") { output.addString(str); if (justTop) return; } } // check ROOT/app/default/ for (int i=0; i<defCaps.size(); i++) { str = check(root.c_str(),cap,defCaps.get(i).asString().c_str(), name,isDir); if (str!="") { output.addString(str); if (justTop) return; } } if (justTop) { if (!quiet) { fprintf(RTARGET,"||| did not find %s\n", name); } } }
// reading modified from react-control reactCtrlThread::getCollisionPointsFromPort // writing adapted from iCub_Sim.cpp OdeSdlSimulation::inspectWholeBodyContactsAndSendTouch() bool fillSkinContactFromAggregPort(BufferedPort<Bottle> &inPort, const double amplification, skinContactList &sCL) { SkinPart sp = SKIN_PART_UNKNOWN; //all in the link FoR Vector geocenter(3,0.0); //geocenter from skin / average activation locus from the pps Vector normal(3,0.0); Vector force(3,0.0); Vector moment(3,0.0); //will remain zero double normalized_activation = 0.0; std::vector<unsigned int> taxel_list; taxel_list.clear(); //we will be always passing empty list Bottle* collPointsMultiBottle =; if(collPointsMultiBottle != NULL) { //printf("fillSkinContactFromAggregPort(): There were %d bottles on the port.\n",collPointsMultiBottle->size()); for(int i=0; i< collPointsMultiBottle->size();i++) { sp = SKIN_PART_UNKNOWN;;; normalized_activation = 0.0; Bottle* collPointBottle = collPointsMultiBottle->get(i).asList(); //printf("Bottle %d contains %s \n", i,collPointBottle->toString().c_str()); sp = (SkinPart)(collPointBottle->get(0).asInt()); geocenter(0) = collPointBottle->get(1).asDouble(); geocenter(1) = collPointBottle->get(2).asDouble(); geocenter(2) = collPointBottle->get(3).asDouble(); normal(0) = collPointBottle->get(4).asDouble(); normal(1) = collPointBottle->get(5).asDouble(); normal(2) = collPointBottle->get(6).asDouble(); normalized_activation = collPointBottle->get(13).asDouble(); //hack - in current iCubGui version, in bvhnode.h, ForceArrow, //there is an atan that gives a wrong direction for force vectors of the form (0 0 1) force(0)=0.000001; force(1)=0.000001; force(2) = -1.0*amplification*normalized_activation*normal(2); //see iCubGui/src/objectsthread.h ObjectsManager::manage(iCub::skinDynLib::skinContactList &forces) //printf("fillDynContactFromAggregPort: setting dynContact: Body part: %s Linknum: %d CoP: %s F: %s M: %s\n", //BodyPart_s[SkinPart_2_BodyPart[sp].body].c_str(),getLinkNum(sp),geoCenter.toString(3,3).c_str(), // (-1.0*normal).toString(3,3).c_str(),moment.toString(3,3).c_str()); skinContact sc(SkinPart_2_BodyPart[sp].body,sp,getLinkNum(sp),geocenter,geocenter,taxel_list, amplification*normalized_activation,normal,force,moment); // In skinManager/src/compensator.cpp, Compensator::getContacts(): // set an estimate of the force that is with normal direction and intensity equal to the pressure // d.setForceModule(-0.05*activeTaxels*pressure*normal); sCL.push_back(sc); } return true; } else{ //printf("fillDynContactFromAggregPort(): no tactile/pps vectors on the port.\n") ; return false; }; }
bool respond(const Bottle &command, Bottle &reply) { bool f; if(command.get(0).asString()=="model") { f=loc5->changeModel(command.get(1).asString()); if(f) { reply.addString("Ok, model changed!" ); return true; } else { reply.addString("Something wrong in changing model :(" ); } } else if(command.get(0).asString()=="downsampling") { f=loc5->changeParameter("down", command.get(1).asInt()); if(f) { reply.addString("Ok, down sampling parameter changed!" ); return true; } else { reply.addString("Something wrong in changing down sampling parameter :(" ); return false; } } else return RFModule::respond(command,reply); return true; }
bool getCameraLedInfo (const Bottle& b) { int channelCount = b.get (0).asInt ();//get number of active leds vectorList.clear (); for (int i = 1; i < channelCount * 5; i = i + 5) { LEDVector led; led.channelName = b.get (i).asString ();//channel name if (led.channelName == "Channel102") continue; //now convert led coordinates from KDL frame back to the iCub frame /* led.coordinates[0] = -b.get (i + 3).asDouble ();//KDL's "-z" -> icub's "x" led.coordinates[1] = -b.get (i + 1).asDouble ();//KDL's "-x" -> icub's "y" led.coordinates[2] = b.get (i + 2).asDouble ();//KDL's "y" -> icub's "z" */ //convert vz to icub frame led.coordinates[0] = -b.get (i + 1).asDouble ();// VZ::-x -> icub::x led.coordinates[1] = b.get (i + 2).asDouble ();// VZ::y -> icub::y led.coordinates[2] = -b.get (i + 3).asDouble (); // VZ::-z -> icub::z // std::cout << led.channelName << led.coordinates[0] << " " << led.coordinates[1] << " " << led.coordinates[2] // << std::endl; if (fabs (led.coordinates[0]) < 0.001 && fabs (led.coordinates[1]) < 0.001 && fabs (led.coordinates[2]) < 0.001) return false; led.coordinates[0] += 0.38; led.coordinates[1] -= 0.095; led.coordinates[2] -= 0.0018; // cout << led.channelName << " " << led.coordinates[0] << " " << led.coordinates[1] << " " << led.coordinates[2]<< endl; vectorList.push_back (led); } return true; }
bool visualFilterModule::respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) { string helpMessage = string(getName().c_str()) + " commands are: \n" + "help \n" + "quit \n" + "set thr <n> ... set the threshold \n" + "(where <n> is an integer number) \n"; reply.clear(); if (command.get(0).asString()=="quit") { reply.addString("quitting"); return false; } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") { cout << helpMessage; reply.addString("ok"); } return true; }
bool cartControlReachAvoidThread::getAvoidanceGainFromPort() { Bottle* avoidanceGainBottle =; if(avoidanceGainBottle != NULL){ avoidanceGain = avoidanceGainBottle->get(0).asDouble(); yDebug("getAvoidanceGainFromPort(): Reading %f from port and setting to global avoidanceGain.\n",avoidanceGain); return true; } else{ return false; } }
void fromBottle(Bottle& bot, bool wipe=true) { if (wipe) { clear(); } for (int i=0; i<bot.size(); i++) { Value& bb = bot.get(i); if (bb.isList()) { Bottle *sub = bb.asList(); putBottle(bb.asList()->get(0).toString().c_str(),*sub); } } }
double* YarpAdapter::readGloveInput() { Bottle* in = inPort[GLOVE_IN].read(false); if (in == NULL) { return oldGloveData; } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) oldGloveData[i] = in->get(i).asDouble(); gloveInitialized = true; return oldGloveData; }
void PMPthread::Bottle2Matrix(Bottle Bot, Matrix &m) { int k=0; for(int i=0; i<m.rows(); i++) { for(int j=0; j<m.cols(); j++) { m(i,j) = Bot.get(k).asDouble(); k++; } } }