bool CBotInstrCall::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
    CBotVar*    ppVars[1000];
    CBotStack*  pile  = pj->AddStack(this);
    if ( pile->StackOver() ) return pj->Return( pile );

    CBotStack* pile3 = nullptr;
    if (m_exprRetVar != nullptr) // func().member
        pile3 = pile->AddStack2();
        if (pile3->GetState() == 1) // function call is done?
            if (!m_exprRetVar->Execute(pile3)) return false;
            return pj->Return(pile3);

//    CBotStack*  pile1 = pile;

    int     i = 0;

    CBotInstr*  p = m_parameters;
    // evaluates parameters
    // and places the values ​​on the stack
    // for allow of interruption at any time
    if ( p != nullptr) while ( true )
        pile = pile->AddStack();                        // place on the stack for the results
        if ( pile->GetState() == 0 )
            if (!p->Execute(pile)) return false;        // interrupted here?
            pile->SetState(1);                          // set state to remember that parameters were executed
        ppVars[i++] = pile->GetVar();
        p = p->GetNext();
        if ( p == nullptr) break;
    ppVars[i] = nullptr;

    CBotStack* pile2 = pile->AddStack();
    if ( pile2->IfStep() ) return false;

    if ( !pile2->ExecuteCall(m_nFuncIdent, GetToken(), ppVars, m_typRes)) return false; // interrupt

    if (m_exprRetVar != nullptr) // func().member
        pile3->SetCopyVar( pile2->GetVar() ); // copy the result
        pile3->SetState(1);      // set call is done
        return false;            // go back to the top ^^^

    return pj->Return(pile2);   // release the entire stack
void CBotInstrCall::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
    if ( !bMain ) return;

    CBotStack*  pile  = pj->RestoreStack(this);
    if ( pile == nullptr ) return;

    if (m_exprRetVar != nullptr)    // func().member
        CBotStack* pile3 = pile->AddStack2();
        if (pile3->GetState() == 1) // function call is done?
            m_exprRetVar->RestoreState(pile3, bMain);

//    CBotStack*  pile1 = pile;

    int         i = 0;
    CBotVar*    ppVars[1000];
    CBotInstr*  p = m_parameters;
    // evaluate parameters
    // and place the values on the stack
    // for allow of interruption at any time
    if ( p != nullptr) while ( true )
        pile = pile->RestoreStack();                        // place on the stack for the results
        if ( pile == nullptr ) return;
        if ( pile->GetState() == 0 )
            p->RestoreState(pile, bMain);                   // interrupt here!
        ppVars[i++] = pile->GetVar();               // constructs the list of parameters
        p = p->GetNext();
        if ( p == nullptr) break;
    ppVars[i] = nullptr;

    CBotStack* pile2 = pile->RestoreStack();
    if ( pile2 == nullptr ) return;

    pile2->RestoreCall(m_nFuncIdent, GetToken(), ppVars);