bool CRegionBase::r_Verb( CScript & s, CTextConsole * pSrc ) // Execute command from script { ADDTOCALLSTACK("CRegionBase::r_Verb"); EXC_TRY("Verb"); LPCTSTR pszKey = s.GetKey(); if ( !strnicmp(pszKey, "CLEARTAGS", 9) ) { pszKey = s.GetArgStr(); SKIP_SEPARATORS(pszKey); m_TagDefs.ClearKeys(pszKey); return true; } int index = FindTableSorted( pszKey, sm_szVerbKeys, COUNTOF( sm_szVerbKeys )-1 ); switch (index) { case RV_ALLCLIENTS: { ClientIterator it; for (CClient* pClient =; pClient != NULL; pClient = { CChar * pChar = pClient->GetChar(); if ( !pChar || ( pChar->GetRegion() != this )) continue; CScript script( s.GetArgStr() ); pChar->r_Verb(script, pSrc); } return true; } case RV_TAGLIST: { m_TagDefs.DumpKeys( pSrc, "TAG." ); return true; } default: break; } if ( index < 0 ) { index = FindTableSorted(s.GetKey(), CSector::sm_szVerbKeys, SEV_QTY); if ( index >= 0 ) return SendSectorsVerb(s.GetKey(), s.GetArgRaw(), pSrc); } return CScriptObj::r_Verb(s, pSrc); EXC_CATCH; EXC_DEBUG_START; g_Log.EventDebug("command '%s' args '%s' [%p]\n", s.GetKey(), s.GetArgRaw(), static_cast<void *>(pSrc)); EXC_DEBUG_END; return false; }
void CItemSpawn::GenerateChar(CResourceDef * pDef) { ADDTOCALLSTACK("CitemSpawn:GenerateChar"); if ( !IsTopLevel() || ( m_itSpawnChar.m_current >= GetAmount() ) || ( GetTopSector()->GetCharComplexity() > g_Cfg.m_iMaxCharComplexity )) return; int iDistMax = m_itSpawnChar.m_DistMax; RESOURCE_ID_BASE rid = pDef->GetResourceID(); if ( rid.GetResType() == RES_SPAWN ) { const CRandGroupDef * pSpawnGroup = STATIC_CAST <const CRandGroupDef *>(pDef); ASSERT(pSpawnGroup); size_t i = pSpawnGroup->GetRandMemberIndex(); if ( i != pSpawnGroup->BadMemberIndex() ) { rid = pSpawnGroup->GetMemberID(i); } } if (( rid.GetResType() != RES_CHARDEF ) && ( rid.GetResType() != RES_UNKNOWN )) return; CREID_TYPE id = static_cast<CREID_TYPE>(rid.GetResIndex()); bool isBadPlaceToSpawn = false; CChar * pChar = CChar::CreateBasic(id); if( pChar == NULL ) { return; } pChar->NPC_LoadScript(true); AddObj(pChar->GetUID()); pChar->m_uidSpawnItem = GetUID(); // SpawnItem for this char pChar->StatFlag_Set( STATF_Spawned ); pChar->MoveTo(GetTopPoint()); pChar->NPC_CreateTrigger(); //Removed from NPC_LoadScript() and triggered after char placement if( pChar->GetRegion() == NULL ) { isBadPlaceToSpawn = true; } else if( pChar->GetRegion()->IsGuarded() && pChar->Noto_IsEvil() ) { isBadPlaceToSpawn = true; } // Deny definitely known a bad place to spawn (like red NPCs in guarded areas) // Usually caused by wide range near the edge of the towns if( isBadPlaceToSpawn ) { pChar->Delete(); //m_itSpawnChar.m_current--; return; } ASSERT(pChar->m_pNPC); if ( iDistMax ) { pChar->m_ptHome = GetTopPoint(); pChar->m_pNPC->m_Home_Dist_Wander = static_cast<WORD>(iDistMax); } pChar->Update(); }