CFX_DIBitmap* _FX_WindowsDIB_LoadFromBuf(BITMAPINFO* pbmi, LPVOID pData, FX_BOOL bAlpha)
    int width = pbmi->bmiHeader.biWidth;
    int height = pbmi->bmiHeader.biHeight;
    BOOL bBottomUp = TRUE;
    if (height < 0) {
        height = -height;
        bBottomUp = FALSE;
    int pitch = (width * pbmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount + 31) / 32 * 4;
    CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap = FX_NEW CFX_DIBitmap;
    if (!pBitmap) {
        return NULL;
    FXDIB_Format format = bAlpha ? (FXDIB_Format)(pbmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount + 0x200) : (FXDIB_Format)pbmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount;
    FX_BOOL ret = pBitmap->Create(width, height, format);
    if (!ret) {
        delete pBitmap;
        return NULL;
    FXSYS_memcpy32(pBitmap->GetBuffer(), pData, pitch * height);
    if (bBottomUp) {
        FX_LPBYTE temp_buf = FX_Alloc(FX_BYTE, pitch);
        if (!temp_buf) {
            if (pBitmap) {
                delete pBitmap;
            return NULL;
        int top = 0, bottom = height - 1;
        while (top < bottom) {
            FXSYS_memcpy32(temp_buf, pBitmap->GetBuffer() + top * pitch, pitch);
            FXSYS_memcpy32(pBitmap->GetBuffer() + top * pitch, pBitmap->GetBuffer() + bottom * pitch, pitch);
            FXSYS_memcpy32(pBitmap->GetBuffer() + bottom * pitch, temp_buf, pitch);
            top ++;
            bottom --;
        temp_buf = NULL;
    if (pbmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 1) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i ++) {
            pBitmap->SetPaletteEntry(i, ((FX_DWORD*)pbmi->bmiColors)[i] | 0xff000000);
    } else if (pbmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 8) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i ++) {
            pBitmap->SetPaletteEntry(i, ((FX_DWORD*)pbmi->bmiColors)[i] | 0xff000000);
    return pBitmap;
CFX_DIBitmap* CFX_WindowsDIB::LoadDIBitmap(WINDIB_Open_Args_ args)
    CWin32Platform* pPlatform = (CWin32Platform*)CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetPlatformData();
    if (pPlatform->m_GdiplusExt.IsAvailable()) {
        return pPlatform->m_GdiplusExt.LoadDIBitmap(args);
    } else if (args.flags == WINDIB_OPEN_MEMORY) {
        return NULL;
    HBITMAP hBitmap = (HBITMAP)LoadImageW(NULL, (wchar_t*)args.path_name, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE);
    if (hBitmap == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    HDC hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
    int width, height;
    GetBitmapSize(hBitmap, width, height);
    CFX_DIBitmap* pDIBitmap = new CFX_DIBitmap;
    if (!pDIBitmap->Create(width, height, FXDIB_Rgb)) {
        delete pDIBitmap;
        return NULL;
    CFX_ByteString info = GetBitmapInfo(pDIBitmap);
    int ret = GetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, 0, height, pDIBitmap->GetBuffer(), (BITMAPINFO*)info.c_str(), DIB_RGB_COLORS);
    if (!ret) {
        delete pDIBitmap;
        pDIBitmap = NULL;
    return pDIBitmap;
 FX_BOOL FDE_GetStockHatchMask(int32_t iHatchStyle, CFX_DIBitmap & hatchMask) {
     FDE_LPCHATCHDATA pData = FDE_DEVGetHatchData(iHatchStyle);
     if (!pData) {
         return FALSE;
     hatchMask.Create(pData->iWidth, pData->iHeight, FXDIB_1bppMask);
     FXSYS_memcpy(hatchMask.GetBuffer(), pData->MaskBits,
                  hatchMask.GetPitch() * pData->iHeight);
     return TRUE;
CFX_DIBitmap* CFX_WindowsDIB::LoadFromFile(FX_LPCWSTR filename)
    CWin32Platform* pPlatform = (CWin32Platform*)CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetPlatformData();
    if (pPlatform->m_GdiplusExt.IsAvailable()) {
        WINDIB_Open_Args_ args;
        args.flags = WINDIB_OPEN_PATHNAME;
        args.path_name = filename;
        return pPlatform->m_GdiplusExt.LoadDIBitmap(args);
    HBITMAP hBitmap = (HBITMAP)LoadImageW(NULL, (wchar_t*)filename, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE);
    if (hBitmap == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    HDC hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
    int width, height;
    GetBitmapSize(hBitmap, width, height);
    CFX_DIBitmap* pDIBitmap = FX_NEW CFX_DIBitmap;
    if (!pDIBitmap) {
        return NULL;
    if (!pDIBitmap->Create(width, height, FXDIB_Rgb)) {
        delete pDIBitmap;
        return NULL;
    CFX_ByteString info = GetBitmapInfo(pDIBitmap);
    int ret = GetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, 0, height, pDIBitmap->GetBuffer(), (BITMAPINFO*)(FX_LPCSTR)info, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
    if (!ret) {
        if (pDIBitmap) {
            delete pDIBitmap;
        pDIBitmap = NULL;
    return pDIBitmap;
CFX_DIBitmap* CFX_DIBSource::SwapXY(FX_BOOL bXFlip,
                                    FX_BOOL bYFlip,
                                    const FX_RECT* pDestClip) const {
  FX_RECT dest_clip(0, 0, m_Height, m_Width);
  if (pDestClip) {
  if (dest_clip.IsEmpty()) {
    return nullptr;
  CFX_DIBitmap* pTransBitmap = new CFX_DIBitmap;
  int result_height = dest_clip.Height(), result_width = dest_clip.Width();
  if (!pTransBitmap->Create(result_width, result_height, GetFormat())) {
    delete pTransBitmap;
    return nullptr;
  int dest_pitch = pTransBitmap->GetPitch();
  uint8_t* dest_buf = pTransBitmap->GetBuffer();
  int row_start = bXFlip ? m_Height - dest_clip.right : dest_clip.left;
  int row_end = bXFlip ? m_Height - dest_clip.left : dest_clip.right;
  int col_start = bYFlip ? m_Width - dest_clip.bottom : dest_clip.top;
  int col_end = bYFlip ? m_Width - dest_clip.top : dest_clip.bottom;
  if (GetBPP() == 1) {
    FXSYS_memset(dest_buf, 0xff, dest_pitch * result_height);
    for (int row = row_start; row < row_end; row++) {
      const uint8_t* src_scan = GetScanline(row);
      int dest_col = (bXFlip ? dest_clip.right - (row - row_start) - 1 : row) -
      uint8_t* dest_scan = dest_buf;
      if (bYFlip) {
        dest_scan += (result_height - 1) * dest_pitch;
      int dest_step = bYFlip ? -dest_pitch : dest_pitch;
      for (int col = col_start; col < col_end; col++) {
        if (!(src_scan[col / 8] & (1 << (7 - col % 8)))) {
          dest_scan[dest_col / 8] &= ~(1 << (7 - dest_col % 8));
        dest_scan += dest_step;
  } else {
    int nBytes = GetBPP() / 8;
    int dest_step = bYFlip ? -dest_pitch : dest_pitch;
    if (nBytes == 3) {
      dest_step -= 2;
    for (int row = row_start; row < row_end; row++) {
      int dest_col = (bXFlip ? dest_clip.right - (row - row_start) - 1 : row) -
      uint8_t* dest_scan = dest_buf + dest_col * nBytes;
      if (bYFlip) {
        dest_scan += (result_height - 1) * dest_pitch;
      if (nBytes == 4) {
        uint32_t* src_scan = (uint32_t*)GetScanline(row) + col_start;
        for (int col = col_start; col < col_end; col++) {
          *(uint32_t*)dest_scan = *src_scan++;
          dest_scan += dest_step;
      } else {
        const uint8_t* src_scan = GetScanline(row) + col_start * nBytes;
        if (nBytes == 1) {
          for (int col = col_start; col < col_end; col++) {
            *dest_scan = *src_scan++;
            dest_scan += dest_step;
        } else {
          for (int col = col_start; col < col_end; col++) {
            *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++;
            *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++;
            *dest_scan = *src_scan++;
            dest_scan += dest_step;
  if (m_pAlphaMask) {
    dest_pitch = pTransBitmap->m_pAlphaMask->GetPitch();
    dest_buf = pTransBitmap->m_pAlphaMask->GetBuffer();
    int dest_step = bYFlip ? -dest_pitch : dest_pitch;
    for (int row = row_start; row < row_end; row++) {
      int dest_col = (bXFlip ? dest_clip.right - (row - row_start) - 1 : row) -
      uint8_t* dest_scan = dest_buf + dest_col;
      if (bYFlip) {
        dest_scan += (result_height - 1) * dest_pitch;
      const uint8_t* src_scan = m_pAlphaMask->GetScanline(row) + col_start;
      for (int col = col_start; col < col_end; col++) {
        *dest_scan = *src_scan++;
        dest_scan += dest_step;
  return pTransBitmap;
static CFX_DIBitmap* Transform1bppBitmap(const CFX_DIBSource* pSrc,
                                         const CFX_AffineMatrix* pDestMatrix) {
  ASSERT(pSrc->GetFormat() == FXDIB_1bppRgb ||
         pSrc->GetFormat() == FXDIB_1bppMask ||
         pSrc->GetFormat() == FXDIB_1bppCmyk);
  CFX_DIBExtractor src_bitmap(pSrc);
  CFX_DIBitmap* pSrcBitmap = src_bitmap;
  if (pSrcBitmap == NULL) {
    return NULL;
  int src_width = pSrcBitmap->GetWidth(), src_height = pSrcBitmap->GetHeight();
  uint8_t* src_buf = pSrcBitmap->GetBuffer();
  FX_DWORD src_pitch = pSrcBitmap->GetPitch();
  FX_FLOAT dest_area = pDestMatrix->GetUnitArea();
  FX_FLOAT area_scale =
      FXSYS_Div((FX_FLOAT)(src_width * src_height), dest_area);
  FX_FLOAT size_scale = FXSYS_sqrt(area_scale);
  CFX_AffineMatrix adjusted_matrix(*pDestMatrix);
  adjusted_matrix.Scale(size_scale, size_scale);
  CFX_FloatRect result_rect_f = adjusted_matrix.GetUnitRect();
  FX_RECT result_rect = result_rect_f.GetOutterRect();
  CFX_AffineMatrix src2result;
  src2result.e = adjusted_matrix.c + adjusted_matrix.e;
  src2result.f = adjusted_matrix.d + adjusted_matrix.f;
  src2result.a = adjusted_matrix.a / pSrcBitmap->GetWidth();
  src2result.b = adjusted_matrix.b / pSrcBitmap->GetWidth();
  src2result.c = -adjusted_matrix.c / pSrcBitmap->GetHeight();
  src2result.d = -adjusted_matrix.d / pSrcBitmap->GetHeight();
  src2result.TranslateI(-result_rect.left, -result_rect.top);
  CFX_AffineMatrix result2src;
  CPDF_FixedMatrix result2src_fix(result2src, 8);
  int result_width = result_rect.Width();
  int result_height = result_rect.Height();
  CFX_DIBitmap* pTempBitmap = new CFX_DIBitmap;
  if (!pTempBitmap->Create(result_width, result_height, pSrc->GetFormat())) {
    delete pTempBitmap;
    if (pSrcBitmap != src_bitmap) {
      delete pSrcBitmap;
    return NULL;
  uint8_t* dest_buf = pTempBitmap->GetBuffer();
  int dest_pitch = pTempBitmap->GetPitch();
  FXSYS_memset(dest_buf, pSrc->IsAlphaMask() ? 0 : 0xff,
               dest_pitch * result_height);
  if (pSrcBitmap->IsAlphaMask()) {
    for (int dest_y = 0; dest_y < result_height; dest_y++) {
      uint8_t* dest_scan = dest_buf + dest_y * dest_pitch;
      for (int dest_x = 0; dest_x < result_width; dest_x++) {
        int src_x, src_y;
        result2src_fix.Transform(dest_x, dest_y, src_x, src_y);
        if (src_x < 0 || src_x >= src_width || src_y < 0 ||
            src_y >= src_height) {
        if (!((src_buf + src_pitch * src_y)[src_x / 8] &
              (1 << (7 - src_x % 8)))) {
        dest_scan[dest_x / 8] |= 1 << (7 - dest_x % 8);
  } else {
    for (int dest_y = 0; dest_y < result_height; dest_y++) {
      uint8_t* dest_scan = dest_buf + dest_y * dest_pitch;
      for (int dest_x = 0; dest_x < result_width; dest_x++) {
        int src_x, src_y;
        result2src_fix.Transform(dest_x, dest_y, src_x, src_y);
        if (src_x < 0 || src_x >= src_width || src_y < 0 ||
            src_y >= src_height) {
        if ((src_buf + src_pitch * src_y)[src_x / 8] & (1 << (7 - src_x % 8))) {
        dest_scan[dest_x / 8] &= ~(1 << (7 - dest_x % 8));
  if (pSrcBitmap != src_bitmap) {
    delete pSrcBitmap;
  return pTempBitmap;
void CPDF_RenderStatus::DrawTilingPattern(CPDF_TilingPattern* pPattern,
                                          CPDF_PageObject* pPageObj,
                                          const CFX_Matrix* pObj2Device,
                                          FX_BOOL bStroke) {
  if (!pPattern->Load()) {
  if (pPageObj->m_Type == PDFPAGE_PATH) {
    if (!SelectClipPath((CPDF_PathObject*)pPageObj, pObj2Device, bStroke)) {
  } else if (pPageObj->m_Type == PDFPAGE_IMAGE) {
    FX_RECT rect = pPageObj->GetBBox(pObj2Device);
  } else {
  FX_RECT clip_box = m_pDevice->GetClipBox();
  if (clip_box.IsEmpty()) {
  CFX_Matrix dCTM = m_pDevice->GetCTM();
  FX_FLOAT sa = FXSYS_fabs(dCTM.a);
  FX_FLOAT sd = FXSYS_fabs(dCTM.d);
  clip_box.right = clip_box.left + (int32_t)FXSYS_ceil(clip_box.Width() * sa);
  clip_box.bottom = clip_box.top + (int32_t)FXSYS_ceil(clip_box.Height() * sd);
  CFX_Matrix mtPattern2Device = pPattern->m_Pattern2Form;
  FX_BOOL bAligned = FALSE;
  if (pPattern->m_BBox.left == 0 && pPattern->m_BBox.bottom == 0 &&
      pPattern->m_BBox.right == pPattern->m_XStep &&
      pPattern->m_BBox.top == pPattern->m_YStep &&
      (mtPattern2Device.IsScaled() || mtPattern2Device.Is90Rotated())) {
    bAligned = TRUE;
  CFX_FloatRect cell_bbox = pPattern->m_BBox;
  int width = (int)FXSYS_ceil(cell_bbox.Width());
  int height = (int)FXSYS_ceil(cell_bbox.Height());
  if (width == 0) {
    width = 1;
  if (height == 0) {
    height = 1;
  int min_col, max_col, min_row, max_row;
  CFX_Matrix mtDevice2Pattern;
  CFX_FloatRect clip_box_p(clip_box);
  min_col = (int)FXSYS_ceil(
      FXSYS_Div(clip_box_p.left - pPattern->m_BBox.right, pPattern->m_XStep));
  max_col = (int)FXSYS_floor(
      FXSYS_Div(clip_box_p.right - pPattern->m_BBox.left, pPattern->m_XStep));
  min_row = (int)FXSYS_ceil(
      FXSYS_Div(clip_box_p.bottom - pPattern->m_BBox.top, pPattern->m_YStep));
  max_row = (int)FXSYS_floor(
      FXSYS_Div(clip_box_p.top - pPattern->m_BBox.bottom, pPattern->m_YStep));
  if (width > clip_box.Width() || height > clip_box.Height() ||
      width * height > clip_box.Width() * clip_box.Height()) {
    CPDF_GraphicStates* pStates = NULL;
    if (!pPattern->m_bColored) {
      pStates = CloneObjStates(pPageObj, bStroke);
    CPDF_Dictionary* pFormResource = NULL;
    if (pPattern->m_pForm->m_pFormDict) {
      pFormResource = pPattern->m_pForm->m_pFormDict->GetDict("Resources");
    for (int col = min_col; col <= max_col; col++)
      for (int row = min_row; row <= max_row; row++) {
        FX_FLOAT orig_x, orig_y;
        orig_x = col * pPattern->m_XStep;
        orig_y = row * pPattern->m_YStep;
        mtPattern2Device.Transform(orig_x, orig_y);
        CFX_Matrix matrix = *pObj2Device;
        matrix.Translate(orig_x - mtPattern2Device.e,
                         orig_y - mtPattern2Device.f);
        CPDF_RenderStatus status;
        status.Initialize(m_pContext, m_pDevice, NULL, NULL, this, pStates,
                          &m_Options, pPattern->m_pForm->m_Transparency,
                          m_bDropObjects, pFormResource);
        status.RenderObjectList(pPattern->m_pForm, &matrix);
    delete pStates;
  if (bAligned) {
    int orig_x = FXSYS_round(mtPattern2Device.e);
    int orig_y = FXSYS_round(mtPattern2Device.f);
    min_col = (clip_box.left - orig_x) / width;
    if (clip_box.left < orig_x) {
    max_col = (clip_box.right - orig_x) / width;
    if (clip_box.right <= orig_x) {
    min_row = (clip_box.top - orig_y) / height;
    if (clip_box.top < orig_y) {
    max_row = (clip_box.bottom - orig_y) / height;
    if (clip_box.bottom <= orig_y) {
  FX_FLOAT left_offset = cell_bbox.left - mtPattern2Device.e;
  FX_FLOAT top_offset = cell_bbox.bottom - mtPattern2Device.f;
  CFX_DIBitmap* pPatternBitmap = NULL;
  if (width * height < 16) {
    CFX_DIBitmap* pEnlargedBitmap =
        DrawPatternBitmap(m_pContext->m_pDocument, m_pContext->m_pPageCache,
                          pPattern, pObj2Device, 8, 8, m_Options.m_Flags);
    pPatternBitmap = pEnlargedBitmap->StretchTo(width, height);
    delete pEnlargedBitmap;
  } else {
    pPatternBitmap = DrawPatternBitmap(
        m_pContext->m_pDocument, m_pContext->m_pPageCache, pPattern,
        pObj2Device, width, height, m_Options.m_Flags);
  if (!pPatternBitmap) {
  if (m_Options.m_ColorMode == RENDER_COLOR_GRAY) {
  FX_ARGB fill_argb = GetFillArgb(pPageObj);
  int clip_width = clip_box.right - clip_box.left;
  int clip_height = clip_box.bottom - clip_box.top;
  CFX_DIBitmap screen;
  if (!screen.Create(clip_width, clip_height, FXDIB_Argb)) {
  FX_DWORD* src_buf = (FX_DWORD*)pPatternBitmap->GetBuffer();
  for (int col = min_col; col <= max_col; col++) {
    for (int row = min_row; row <= max_row; row++) {
      int start_x, start_y;
      if (bAligned) {
        start_x = FXSYS_round(mtPattern2Device.e) + col * width - clip_box.left;
        start_y = FXSYS_round(mtPattern2Device.f) + row * height - clip_box.top;
      } else {
        FX_FLOAT orig_x = col * pPattern->m_XStep;
        FX_FLOAT orig_y = row * pPattern->m_YStep;
        mtPattern2Device.Transform(orig_x, orig_y);
        start_x = FXSYS_round(orig_x + left_offset) - clip_box.left;
        start_y = FXSYS_round(orig_y + top_offset) - clip_box.top;
      if (width == 1 && height == 1) {
        if (start_x < 0 || start_x >= clip_box.Width() || start_y < 0 ||
            start_y >= clip_box.Height()) {
        FX_DWORD* dest_buf =
            (FX_DWORD*)(screen.GetBuffer() + screen.GetPitch() * start_y +
                        start_x * 4);
        if (pPattern->m_bColored) {
          *dest_buf = *src_buf;
        } else {
          *dest_buf = (*(uint8_t*)src_buf << 24) | (fill_argb & 0xffffff);
      } else {
        if (pPattern->m_bColored) {
          screen.CompositeBitmap(start_x, start_y, width, height,
                                 pPatternBitmap, 0, 0);
        } else {
          screen.CompositeMask(start_x, start_y, width, height, pPatternBitmap,
                               fill_argb, 0, 0);
  CompositeDIBitmap(&screen, clip_box.left, clip_box.top, 0, 255,
                    FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL, FALSE);
  delete pPatternBitmap;
void CPDF_RenderStatus::DrawShading(CPDF_ShadingPattern* pPattern,
                                    CFX_Matrix* pMatrix,
                                    FX_RECT& clip_rect,
                                    int alpha,
                                    FX_BOOL bAlphaMode) {
  CPDF_Function** pFuncs = pPattern->m_pFunctions;
  int nFuncs = pPattern->m_nFuncs;
  CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = pPattern->m_pShadingObj->GetDict();
  CPDF_ColorSpace* pColorSpace = pPattern->m_pCS;
  if (!pColorSpace) {
  FX_ARGB background = 0;
  if (!pPattern->m_bShadingObj &&
      pPattern->m_pShadingObj->GetDict()->KeyExist("Background")) {
    CPDF_Array* pBackColor =
    if (pBackColor &&
        pBackColor->GetCount() >= (FX_DWORD)pColorSpace->CountComponents()) {
      CFX_FixedBufGrow<FX_FLOAT, 16> comps(pColorSpace->CountComponents());
      for (int i = 0; i < pColorSpace->CountComponents(); i++) {
        comps[i] = pBackColor->GetNumber(i);
      FX_FLOAT R = 0.0f, G = 0.0f, B = 0.0f;
      pColorSpace->GetRGB(comps, R, G, B);
      background = ArgbEncode(255, (int32_t)(R * 255), (int32_t)(G * 255),
                              (int32_t)(B * 255));
  if (pDict->KeyExist("BBox")) {
    CFX_FloatRect rect = pDict->GetRect("BBox");
  CPDF_DeviceBuffer buffer;
  buffer.Initialize(m_pContext, m_pDevice, &clip_rect, m_pCurObj, 150);
  CFX_Matrix FinalMatrix = *pMatrix;
  CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap = buffer.GetBitmap();
  if (!pBitmap->GetBuffer()) {
  int fill_mode = m_Options.m_Flags;
  switch (pPattern->m_ShadingType) {
    case kInvalidShading:
    case kMaxShading:
    case kFunctionBasedShading:
      DrawFuncShading(pBitmap, &FinalMatrix, pDict, pFuncs, nFuncs, pColorSpace,
    case kAxialShading:
      DrawAxialShading(pBitmap, &FinalMatrix, pDict, pFuncs, nFuncs,
                       pColorSpace, alpha);
    case kRadialShading:
      DrawRadialShading(pBitmap, &FinalMatrix, pDict, pFuncs, nFuncs,
                        pColorSpace, alpha);
    case kFreeFormGouraudTriangleMeshShading: {
      DrawFreeGouraudShading(pBitmap, &FinalMatrix,
                             ToStream(pPattern->m_pShadingObj), pFuncs, nFuncs,
                             pColorSpace, alpha);
    } break;
    case kLatticeFormGouraudTriangleMeshShading: {
      DrawLatticeGouraudShading(pBitmap, &FinalMatrix,
                                ToStream(pPattern->m_pShadingObj), pFuncs,
                                nFuncs, pColorSpace, alpha);
    } break;
    case kCoonsPatchMeshShading:
    case kTensorProductPatchMeshShading: {
          pPattern->m_ShadingType == kTensorProductPatchMeshShading, pBitmap,
          &FinalMatrix, ToStream(pPattern->m_pShadingObj), pFuncs, nFuncs,
          pColorSpace, fill_mode, alpha);
    } break;
  if (bAlphaMode) {
    pBitmap->LoadChannel(FXDIB_Red, pBitmap, FXDIB_Alpha);
  if (m_Options.m_ColorMode == RENDER_COLOR_GRAY) {
    pBitmap->ConvertColorScale(m_Options.m_ForeColor, m_Options.m_BackColor);
CFX_DIBitmap* CFX_WindowsDIB::LoadFromDDB(HDC hDC, HBITMAP hBitmap, FX_DWORD* pPalette, FX_DWORD palsize)
    FX_BOOL bCreatedDC = hDC == NULL;
    if (hDC == NULL) {
        hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
    FXSYS_memset(&bmih, 0, sizeof bmih);
    bmih.biSize = sizeof bmih;
    GetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, 0, 0, NULL, (BITMAPINFO*)&bmih, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
    int width = bmih.biWidth;
    int height = abs(bmih.biHeight);
    bmih.biHeight = -height;
    bmih.biCompression = BI_RGB;
    CFX_DIBitmap* pDIBitmap = new CFX_DIBitmap;
    int ret = 0;
    if (bmih.biBitCount == 1 || bmih.biBitCount == 8) {
        int size = sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 8;
        if (bmih.biBitCount == 8) {
            size += sizeof (FX_DWORD) * 254;
        BITMAPINFO* pbmih = (BITMAPINFO*)FX_Alloc(uint8_t, size);
        pbmih->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
        pbmih->bmiHeader.biBitCount = bmih.biBitCount;
        pbmih->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
        pbmih->bmiHeader.biHeight = -height;
        pbmih->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
        pbmih->bmiHeader.biWidth = bmih.biWidth;
        if (!pDIBitmap->Create(bmih.biWidth, height, bmih.biBitCount == 1 ? FXDIB_1bppRgb : FXDIB_8bppRgb)) {
            delete pDIBitmap;
            if (bCreatedDC) {
            return NULL;
        ret = GetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, 0, height, pDIBitmap->GetBuffer(), (BITMAPINFO*)pbmih, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
        pbmih = NULL;
        pDIBitmap->CopyPalette(pPalette, palsize);
    } else {
        if (bmih.biBitCount <= 24) {
            bmih.biBitCount = 24;
        } else {
            bmih.biBitCount = 32;
        if (!pDIBitmap->Create(bmih.biWidth, height, bmih.biBitCount == 24 ? FXDIB_Rgb : FXDIB_Rgb32)) {
            delete pDIBitmap;
            if (bCreatedDC) {
            return NULL;
        ret = GetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, 0, height, pDIBitmap->GetBuffer(), (BITMAPINFO*)&bmih, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
        if (ret != 0 && bmih.biBitCount == 32) {
            int pitch = pDIBitmap->GetPitch();
            for (int row = 0; row < height; row ++) {
                uint8_t* dest_scan = (uint8_t*)(pDIBitmap->GetBuffer() + row * pitch);
                for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
                    dest_scan[3] = 255;
                    dest_scan += 4;
    if (ret == 0) {
        delete pDIBitmap;
        pDIBitmap = NULL;
    if (bCreatedDC) {
    return pDIBitmap;
CFX_DIBitmap* CPDF_RenderStatus::LoadSMask(CPDF_Dictionary* pSMaskDict,
        FX_RECT* pClipRect, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix)
    if (pSMaskDict == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    CFX_DIBitmap* pMask = NULL;
    int width = pClipRect->right - pClipRect->left;
    int height = pClipRect->bottom - pClipRect->top;
    FX_BOOL bLuminosity = FALSE;
    bLuminosity = pSMaskDict->GetConstString(FX_BSTRC("S")) != FX_BSTRC("Alpha");
    CPDF_Stream* pGroup = pSMaskDict->GetStream(FX_BSTRC("G"));
    if (pGroup == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    CPDF_Function* pFunc = NULL;
    CPDF_Object* pFuncObj = pSMaskDict->GetElementValue(FX_BSTRC("TR"));
    if (pFuncObj && (pFuncObj->GetType() == PDFOBJ_DICTIONARY || pFuncObj->GetType() == PDFOBJ_STREAM)) {
        pFunc = CPDF_Function::Load(pFuncObj);
    CFX_AffineMatrix matrix = *pMatrix;
    matrix.TranslateI(-pClipRect->left, -pClipRect->top);
    CPDF_Form form(m_pContext->m_pDocument, m_pContext->m_pPageResources, pGroup);
    form.ParseContent(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    CFX_FxgeDevice bitmap_device;
    if (!bitmap_device.Create(width, height, bLuminosity ? FXDIB_Rgb32 : FXDIB_8bppMask)) {
        return NULL;
    if (!bitmap_device.Create(width, height, bLuminosity ? FXDIB_Rgb : FXDIB_8bppMask)) {
        return NULL;
    CFX_DIBitmap& bitmap = *bitmap_device.GetBitmap();
    CPDF_Object* pCSObj = NULL;
    CPDF_ColorSpace* pCS = NULL;
    if (bLuminosity) {
        CPDF_Array* pBC = pSMaskDict->GetArray(FX_BSTRC("BC"));
        FX_ARGB back_color = 0xff000000;
        if (pBC) {
            pCSObj = pGroup->GetDict()->GetDict(FX_BSTRC("Group"))->GetElementValue(FX_BSTRC("CS"));
            pCS = m_pContext->m_pDocument->LoadColorSpace(pCSObj);
            if (pCS) {
                FX_FLOAT R, G, B;
                FX_DWORD num_floats = 8;
                if (pCS->CountComponents() > (FX_INT32)num_floats) {
                    num_floats = (FX_DWORD)pCS->CountComponents();
                CFX_FixedBufGrow<FX_FLOAT, 8> float_array(num_floats);
                FX_FLOAT* pFloats = float_array;
                FXSYS_memset32(pFloats, 0, num_floats * sizeof(FX_FLOAT));
                int count = pBC->GetCount() > 8 ? 8 : pBC->GetCount();
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
                    pFloats[i] = pBC->GetNumber(i);
                pCS->GetRGB(pFloats, R, G, B);
                back_color = 0xff000000 | ((FX_INT32)(R * 255) << 16) | ((FX_INT32)(G * 255) << 8) | (FX_INT32)(B * 255);
    } else {
    CPDF_Dictionary* pFormResource = NULL;
    if (form.m_pFormDict) {
        pFormResource = form.m_pFormDict->GetDict(FX_BSTRC("Resources"));
    CPDF_RenderOptions options;
    options.m_ColorMode = bLuminosity ? RENDER_COLOR_NORMAL : RENDER_COLOR_ALPHA;
    CPDF_RenderStatus status;
    status.Initialize(m_Level + 1, m_pContext, &bitmap_device, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                      &options, 0, m_bDropObjects, pFormResource, TRUE, NULL, 0, pCS ? pCS->GetFamily() : 0, bLuminosity);
    status.RenderObjectList(&form, &matrix);
    pMask = FX_NEW CFX_DIBitmap;
    if (!pMask->Create(width, height, FXDIB_8bppMask)) {
        delete pMask;
        return NULL;
    FX_LPBYTE dest_buf = pMask->GetBuffer();
    int dest_pitch = pMask->GetPitch();
    FX_LPBYTE src_buf = bitmap.GetBuffer();
    int src_pitch = bitmap.GetPitch();
    FX_LPBYTE pTransfer = FX_Alloc(FX_BYTE, 256);
    if (pFunc) {
        CFX_FixedBufGrow<FX_FLOAT, 16> results(pFunc->CountOutputs());
        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i ++) {
            FX_FLOAT input = (FX_FLOAT)i / 255.0f;
            int nresult;
            pFunc->Call(&input, 1, results, nresult);
            pTransfer[i] = FXSYS_round(results[0] * 255);
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i ++) {
            pTransfer[i] = i;
    if (bLuminosity) {
        int Bpp = bitmap.GetBPP() / 8;
        for (int row = 0; row < height; row ++) {
            FX_LPBYTE dest_pos = dest_buf + row * dest_pitch;
            FX_LPBYTE src_pos = src_buf + row * src_pitch;
            for (int col = 0; col < width; col ++) {
                *dest_pos ++ = pTransfer[FXRGB2GRAY(src_pos[2], src_pos[1], *src_pos)];
                src_pos += Bpp;
    } else if (pFunc) {
        int size = dest_pitch * height;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i ++) {
            dest_buf[i] = pTransfer[src_buf[i]];
    } else {
        FXSYS_memcpy32(dest_buf, src_buf, dest_pitch * height);
    if (pFunc) {
        delete pFunc;
    return pMask;
DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_RenderPage(HDC dc, FPDF_PAGE page, int start_x, int start_y, int size_x, int size_y,
                                       int rotate, int flags)
    if (page==NULL) return;
    CPDF_Page* pPage = (CPDF_Page*)page;

    CRenderContext* pContext = FX_NEW CRenderContext;
    pPage->SetPrivateData((void*)1, pContext, DropContext);

#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
    CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap = NULL;
    FX_BOOL bBackgroundAlphaNeeded=FALSE;
    bBackgroundAlphaNeeded = pPage->BackgroundAlphaNeeded();
    if (bBackgroundAlphaNeeded)

        pBitmap = FX_NEW CFX_DIBitmap;
        pBitmap->Create(size_x, size_y, FXDIB_Argb);
        pContext->m_pDevice = FX_NEW CFX_SkiaDevice;
        pContext->m_pDevice = FX_NEW CFX_FxgeDevice;
        pContext->m_pDevice = FX_NEW CFX_WindowsDevice(dc);
    if (flags & FPDF_NO_CATCH)
        Func_RenderPage(pContext, page, start_x, start_y, size_x, size_y, rotate, flags,TRUE,NULL);
    else {
        try {
            Func_RenderPage(pContext, page, start_x, start_y, size_x, size_y, rotate, flags,TRUE,NULL);
        } catch (...) {
    if (bBackgroundAlphaNeeded)
        if (pBitmap)
            CFX_WindowsDevice WinDC(dc);

            if (WinDC.GetDeviceCaps(FXDC_DEVICE_CLASS) == FXDC_PRINTER)
                CFX_DIBitmap* pDst = FX_NEW CFX_DIBitmap;
                pDst->Create(pBitmap->GetWidth(), pBitmap->GetHeight(),FXDIB_Rgb32);
                FXSYS_memcpy(pDst->GetBuffer(), pBitmap->GetBuffer(), pBitmap->GetPitch()*pBitmap->GetHeight());
//				WinDC.SetDIBits(pDst,0,0);
                delete pDst;

    // get clip region
    RECT rect, cliprect;
    rect.left = start_x;
    rect.top = start_y;
    rect.right = start_x + size_x;
    rect.bottom = start_y + size_y;
    GetClipBox(dc, &cliprect);
    IntersectRect(&rect, &rect, &cliprect);
    int width = rect.right - rect.left;
    int height = rect.bottom - rect.top;

        char str[128];
        sprintf(str, "Rendering DIB %d x %d", width, height);
        CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(999, str);

    // Create a DIB section
    LPVOID pBuffer;
    FXSYS_memset(&bmih, 0, sizeof bmih);
    bmih.biSize = sizeof bmih;
    bmih.biBitCount = 24;
    bmih.biHeight = -height;
    bmih.biPlanes = 1;
    bmih.biWidth = width;
    pContext->m_hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(dc, (BITMAPINFO*)&bmih, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pBuffer, NULL, 0);
    if (pContext->m_hBitmap == NULL) {
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG)
        char str[128];
        sprintf(str, "Error CreateDIBSection: %d x %d, error code = %d", width, height, GetLastError());
        CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(FPDFERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, str);
        CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(FPDFERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
    FXSYS_memset(pBuffer, 0xff, height*((width*3+3)/4*4));

        CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(999, "DIBSection created");

    // Create a device with this external buffer
    pContext->m_pBitmap = FX_NEW CFX_DIBitmap;
    pContext->m_pBitmap->Create(width, height, FXDIB_Rgb, (FX_LPBYTE)pBuffer);
    pContext->m_pDevice = FX_NEW CPDF_FxgeDevice;

    CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(999, "Ready for PDF rendering");

    // output to bitmap device
    if (flags & FPDF_NO_CATCH)
        Func_RenderPage(pContext, page, start_x - rect.left, start_y - rect.top, size_x, size_y, rotate, flags);
    else {
        try {
            Func_RenderPage(pContext, page, start_x - rect.left, start_y - rect.top, size_x, size_y, rotate, flags);
        } catch (...) {

    CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(999, "Finished PDF rendering");

    // Now output to real device
    HDC hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
    if (hMemDC == NULL) {
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG)
        char str[128];
        sprintf(str, "Error CreateCompatibleDC. Error code = %d", GetLastError());
        CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(FPDFERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, str);
        CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(FPDFERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);

    HGDIOBJ hOldBitmap = SelectObject(hMemDC, pContext->m_hBitmap);

    CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(999, "Ready for screen rendering");

    BitBlt(dc, rect.left, rect.top, width, height, hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
    SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldBitmap);

    CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(999, "Finished screen rendering");

    if (bBackgroundAlphaNeeded)
        if (pBitmap)
            delete pBitmap;
        pBitmap = NULL;
    delete pContext;