BOOL CFanmotorDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon aboutdlg = NULL; debugdlg = NULL; detaildlg = NULL; otpdlg = NULL; otpcaldlg = NULL; evaluationdlg = NULL; testdlg = NULL; inttest = NULL; //CFanmotorDlg* pParent = (CFanmotorDlg*)m_pParent; //***************************************************** /* set virtual_board=false for read back IC reg value. set virtual_board=true for read back virtual reg value.*/ virtual_board=false; fOTP=0; //***************************************************** if(virtual_board==true) InitVirtualBoard(); m_EDIT_ADDR.SetWindowText(_T("92")); m_EDIT_SCL_FREQ.Format(_T("400kHz")); UpdateData(FALSE); //m_EDIT_PWM_FREQ.Format(_T("25kHz")); //UpdateData(FALSE); m_EDIT_PWM_DC.Format(_T("%.0f%s"),duty_cycle1,"%"); UpdateData(FALSE); m_EDIT_PWM_DC2.Format(_T("%d%s"),duty_cycle2,"%"); UpdateData(FALSE); m_EDIT_MODE.Format(_T("ON")); UpdateData(FALSE); m_CHECK_MODE.SetCheck(1); //OnBnClickedButtonStart(); linkupbridge(); Sleep(1000); CListBox* listBoxBridges = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_BRIDGE_LISTBOX); listBoxBridges->SetCurSel(0);//? //linkupdevice(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control }
static void SelectString( CListBox &list, const RString &sToSelect ) { for( int i=0; i<list.GetCount(); i++ ) { CString s; list.GetText( i, s ); if( s == sToSelect ) { list.SetCurSel( i ); break; } } }
void CPhotoProjectsTypeDlg::BuildList(void) { /* // Get the name to match. */ CString csOldName; if (m_pOldInfo != NULL) { csOldName = m_pOldInfo->GetName(); } int nNewSel = 0; CListBox* pList; if ((pList = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_PHOTOPROJECTS_LIST)) != NULL) { pList->SetRedraw(FALSE); pList->ResetContent(); int nPhotoPrjs = m_List.PhotoProjects(); for (int nPhotoPrj = 0; nPhotoPrj < nPhotoPrjs; nPhotoPrj++) { CPhotoPrjData* pPhotoPrj = (CPhotoPrjData*)m_List.PhotoProject(nPhotoPrj); ASSERT(pPhotoPrj != NULL); int nIndex = pList->AddString(pPhotoPrj->m_pSubAreaData[0]->GetName()); if (nIndex >= 0) { pList->SetItemData(nIndex, (DWORD)pPhotoPrj); if (pPhotoPrj->m_pSubAreaData[0]->GetName() == csOldName) { nNewSel = nIndex; } } } /* // Set the initial entry as necessary. */ if (pList->GetCount() > 0) { pList->SetCurSel(nNewSel); OnSelchangePhotoProjectsList(); } pList->SetRedraw(TRUE); } }
bool CFanmotorDlg::GetActiveBridge(CString& BridgeID) { CListBox* listBoxBridges = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_BRIDGE_LISTBOX); listBoxBridges->SetCurSel(0); BridgeID = L""; if (listBoxBridges->GetCurSel() < 0) { DisplayInforMessageBox((LPCWSTR)L"Error", L"Select Active BRIDGE!"); return false; } CBridgeInfo* bridgeInfo = (CBridgeInfo*)listBoxBridges->GetItemDataPtr(listBoxBridges->GetCurSel()); BridgeID = bridgeInfo->BridgeID; return true; }
void CEnvelopeTypeDialog::BuildList(void) { CListBox* pList; if ((pList = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_ENVELOPE_LIST)) != NULL) { /* // Get the name to match. */ CString csOldName; if (m_pOldInfo != NULL) { csOldName = m_pOldInfo->GetName(); } int nNewSel = 0; pList->SetRedraw(FALSE); pList->ResetContent(); int nLabels = m_List.Labels(); for (int nLabel = 0; nLabel < nLabels; nLabel++) { CLabelData* pLabel = m_List.Label(nLabel); ASSERT(pLabel != NULL); if (pLabel != NULL) { int nIndex = pList->AddString(pLabel->GetName()); if (nIndex >= 0) { pList->SetItemData(nIndex, (DWORD)pLabel); /* // If the label matches the name coming in, // remember its position. */ if (pLabel->GetName() == csOldName) { nNewSel = nIndex; } } } } // Always start with the first label. pList->SetCurSel(nNewSel); pList->SetRedraw(TRUE); OnSelchangeEnvelopeList(); // Do this by hand. } }
void CFanmotorDlg::ErrorMsg(int r) { CString msg = Bridge->GetStatusMsg(r); AfxMessageBox(msg, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK, 0); if (r == 7) // If device is busy by another application { CListBox* listBoxBridges = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_BRIDGE_LISTBOX); listBoxBridges->SetCurSel(-1); CListBox* listBoxDevices = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_DEVICE_LISTBOX); listBoxDevices->ResetContent(); // ResetPowerSettings(); // ResetSpeedSettings(); Bridge->AbortTransfer(); // Deactivate any Bridge (free port handle) } }
void ArxDbgUtils::fillListBox(const SdStrList& slist, CListBox& lb, int defIndex) { BOOL addedOne = FALSE; lb.ResetContent(); SdStrListIterator iter(slist); for(; !iter.done(); { addedOne = TRUE; lb.AddString(iter.item()); } if ( addedOne ) lb.SetCurSel(defIndex); }
void CDizzyDialog::OnAddButton() { UpdateData(true); CListBox* pListBox = (CListBox*) GetDlgItem(IDC_INPUT_LIST); CAxisRotation inputRotation; bool bValidString = inputRotation.ParseString(m_strInput); if (bValidString) { int iOffset = pListBox->GetCurSel(); if (iOffset != LB_ERR) { pListBox->InsertString(iOffset+1,m_strInput); pListBox->SetCurSel(iOffset+1); } else { pListBox->AddString(m_strInput); pListBox->SetCurSel(pListBox->GetCount()-1); } RecalculateRotation(); m_strInput = ""; UpdateData(false); } else { ::AfxMessageBox("Input must be a valid axis-angle rotation!"); } }
void CFanmotorDlg::linkupdevice() { //CString BridgeID; CListBox* listBoxBridges = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_BRIDGE_LISTBOX); listBoxBridges->SetCurSel(0); setpower5v(); setspeed400k(); /* setpower3v(); if (GetActiveBridge(BridgeID)) { CListBox* listBoxBridges = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_DEVICE_LISTBOX); listBoxBridges->ResetContent(); SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_WAIT)); VARIANT data = Bridge->GetDeviceList(BridgeID); SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_ARROW)); //Process Result int lastError = Bridge->GetBridgeStatus(1); if (lastError != 34) // failure of bus scanning ErrorMsg(lastError); else // bus scanned successfully { SAFEARRAY FAR *List = data.parray; long highBound, lowBound, count; SafeArrayGetUBound(List, 1, &highBound); SafeArrayGetLBound(List, 1, &lowBound); count = highBound - lowBound + 1; if (count == 1) { //only 0s element, which indicates amount of devices found DisplayInforMessageBox((LPCWSTR)L"Error", L"No I2C devices can be found"); return; } BYTE HUGEP *pDevice; CString strDevice; SafeArrayAccessData(List, (void HUGEP* FAR*)&pDevice); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++){ int device = pDevice[i]; strDevice.Format(L"0x%02X",device); listBoxBridges->AddString(strDevice); } SafeArrayUnaccessData(List); } } CListBox* listBoxDevices = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_DEVICE_LISTBOX); listBoxDevices->SetCurSel(0); setspeed100k(); */ }
BOOL CScaleDialog::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); CListBox* pListBox = static_cast<CListBox*>(GetDlgItem(IDC_SCALE_LIST)); CString scaleStr; for(int i = 1 ; i <= 8 ; ++i) { scaleStr.Format(_T("Scale %d"), i); pListBox->AddString(scaleStr); } pListBox->SetCurSel(m_Scale); // Set current scale return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
void ArxDbgUtils::fillListBox(const SdStrObjIdList& slist, CListBox& lb, int defIndex) { lb.ResetContent(); SdStrObjIdListIterator iter(slist); CString str; AcDbObjectId objId; for(; !iter.done();{ iter.item(str, objId); lb.AddString(str); } int retCode = lb.SetCurSel(defIndex); ASSERT(retCode != LB_ERR); }
void CDizzyDialog::OnDownButton() { UpdateData(true); CListBox* pListBox = (CListBox*) GetDlgItem(IDC_INPUT_LIST); int iOffset = pListBox->GetCurSel(); if ((iOffset != LB_ERR) && (iOffset != pListBox->GetCount()-1)) { CString strCurrent; pListBox->GetText(iOffset, strCurrent); pListBox->DeleteString(iOffset); iOffset++; pListBox->InsertString(iOffset, strCurrent); pListBox->SetCurSel(iOffset); RecalculateRotation(); } UpdateData(false); }
void CChannelSelectDlg::InitChannelList( int iChannel, int iMaxChannel ) { CListBox *pListBox = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem( IDC_CHANNELLIST ); CString str; int iN; for( iN = 0; iN < iMaxChannel; iN ++ ) { str.Format( "Channel %d", iN ); pListBox->AddString( str ); } pListBox->SetCurSel( iChannel ); pListBox->GetText( iChannel, str ); GetDlgItem( IDC_SELLECTEDCHANNEL )->SetWindowText( str ); }
bool CFanmotorDlg::GetActiveDevice(BYTE& DeviceAddress) { DeviceAddress = 255; CListBox* listBoxDevices = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_DEVICE_LISTBOX); listBoxDevices->SetCurSel(0); if (listBoxDevices->GetCurSel() < 0) { DisplayInforMessageBox((LPCWSTR)L"Error", L"Select Active DEVICE!\r\nPress \"Device List\" button and Select Device"); return false; } CString s; int n = listBoxDevices->GetTextLen(listBoxDevices->GetCurSel()); WCHAR *ch, *buf = s.GetBuffer(n); listBoxDevices->GetText(listBoxDevices->GetCurSel(), buf); DeviceAddress = (BYTE)wcstol(buf,&ch,16); s.ReleaseBuffer(); return true; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- void MapSizeDlg::Init() { CListBox* pListBox = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem( IDC_MAPSIZE ); int index = pListBox->AddString( "60x60" ); pListBox->SetItemData( index, 0 ); index = pListBox->AddString( "80x80" ); pListBox->SetItemData( index, 1 ); index = pListBox->AddString( "100x100" ); pListBox->SetItemData( index, 2 ); index = pListBox->AddString( "120x120" ); pListBox->SetItemData( index, 3 ); //magic 21022011 begin index = pListBox->AddString( "140x140" ); pListBox->SetItemData( index, 4 ); index = pListBox->AddString( "160x160" ); pListBox->SetItemData( index, 5 ); //magic 23022011 begin index = pListBox->AddString( "180x180" ); pListBox->SetItemData( index, 6 ); index = pListBox->AddString( "200x200" ); pListBox->SetItemData( index, 7 ); //magic 23022011 end //magic 24032012 begin index = pListBox->AddString( "220x220" ); pListBox->SetItemData( index, 8 ); index = pListBox->AddString( "240x240" ); pListBox->SetItemData( index, 9 ); index = pListBox->AddString( "260x260" ); pListBox->SetItemData( index, 10 ); index = pListBox->AddString( "280x280" ); pListBox->SetItemData( index, 11 ); //magic 24032012 end //magic 21022011 end pListBox->SetCurSel( mapSize ); }
void DLGSkill::upDate() { CListBox* pLB = (CListBox*) GetDlgItem(IDC_SkillList); int oriSel = pLB->GetCurSel(); pLB->ResetContent(); char buf[256]; for(int i = 0; CSkill::getInfoCount() > i; i++) { CSkillInfo* pInfo = CSkill::getInfo(i); sprintf_s(buf, sizeof(buf), "[%d] %s", i, pInfo->getName().c_str()); CString str; str = buf; pLB->AddString(str); } pLB->SetCurSel(oriSel); }
BOOL PSWelcomePowEditor::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // Fill the list control with the names of provinces. CListBox* pProvLB = (CListBox*) GetDlgItem(IDC_PROV_LIST); int i; for (i = 1; i <= TG.GetNumberOfPowers(); i++) { PSPower* pPow = TG.GetPower(i); ASSERT(pPow); pProvLB->AddString(pPow->m_strName); } ASSERT(i > 1);// This box should not be displayed if there is no game loaded. pProvLB->SetCurSel(0); return TRUE; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- void MapSizeDlg::Init() { CListBox* pListBox = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem( IDC_MAPSIZE ); int index = pListBox->AddString( "60x60" ); pListBox->SetItemData( index, 0 ); index = pListBox->AddString( "80x80" ); pListBox->SetItemData( index, 1 ); index = pListBox->AddString( "100x100" ); pListBox->SetItemData( index, 2 ); index = pListBox->AddString( "120x120" ); pListBox->SetItemData( index, 3 ); pListBox->SetCurSel( mapSize ); }
void CNewsHubDlg::MessageDelivered(NewsHub::ClientQueueThreadLoop* queue, const NewsHub::Socket & socket, const unsigned int messageId, const std::string & message) { CListBox* pSentMessages = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_SENT_MESSAGES); for (int i = 0; i < pSentMessages->GetCount(); ++i) { MessageInfo* messageInfo = (MessageInfo*)pSentMessages->GetItemDataPtr(i); if ((messageInfo->queue == queue) && (messageInfo->messageId == messageId)) { CString str; pSentMessages->GetText(i, str); pSentMessages->DeleteString(i); pSentMessages->InsertString(i, str + _T(": Delivered")); pSentMessages->SetItemDataPtr(i, messageInfo); pSentMessages->SetCurSel(i); break; } } }
BOOL CListDlg::OnInitDialog() { SetWindowText(m_strDlgTitle); // fix this SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC_HEADING, m_strListTitle); CListBox* pListBox = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_LISTDIALOG_LIST); ASSERT(pListBox != NULL); // fill with document templates in list POSITION pos = m_listItems.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { if ( pListBox->AddString(m_listItems.GetNext(pos)) == -1) return FALSE; } pListBox->SetCurSel(m_nSelection); return CDialog::OnInitDialog(); }
HRESULT AddDMOsToList(const GUID *clsid, CListBox& ListFilters, BOOL bIncludeKeyed) { HRESULT hr; IEnumDMO *pEnum = NULL; int nFilters=0; DWORD dwFlags = bIncludeKeyed ? DMO_ENUMF_INCLUDE_KEYED : 0; // Enumerate all DMOs of the selected category hr = DMOEnum(*clsid, dwFlags, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, &pEnum); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; // Enumerate all filters using the category enumerator hr = EnumDMOsToList(pEnum, ListFilters, nFilters); // Now that the DMOs (if any) are enumerated and added // to the list, go ahead and select the first one. ListFilters.SetCurSel(0); pEnum->Release(); return hr; }
void CReactorTool::InitLBTargets () { if (!GetMine ()) return; CListBox *plb = LBTargets (); m_iTarget = plb->GetCurSel (); plb->ResetContent (); if (m_pTrigger) { m_nTargets = m_pTrigger->num_links; int i; for (i = 0; i < m_nTargets ; i++) { sprintf (m_szTarget, " %d, %d", m_pTrigger->seg [i], m_pTrigger->side [i] + 1); plb->AddString (m_szTarget); } if ((m_iTarget < 0) || (m_iTarget >= m_nTargets)) m_iTarget = 0; *m_szTarget = '\0'; } else m_nTargets = m_iTarget = 0; plb->SetCurSel (m_iTarget); }
void AddMessage( LPCTSTR szMsg ){ int idx = m_ListBox.AddString( szMsg ); m_ListBox.SetCurSel( idx ); }
BOOL OPCServerDlg::GetOPCServers(LPTSTR node) { CListBox* pList = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem( IDC_SERVER_LIST ); USES_CONVERSION; CWaitCursor wait; ASSERT_VALID(pList); pList->ResetContent(); // New 2.0 method using component categories IOPCServerList* pServers=NULL; COSERVERINFO si; MULTI_QI qi; si.dwReserved1 = 0; si.pwszName = NULL; if( node && node[0] != 0 ) si.pwszName = T2OLE(node); si.pAuthInfo = NULL; si.dwReserved2 = 0; qi.pIID = &IID_IOPCServerList; qi.pItf = NULL; = 0; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstanceEx(CLSID_OPCServerList, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, &si, 1, &qi); if (FAILED(hr) || FAILED( { CString msg(_T("Error connecting to OPC 2.0 Server Browser.")); if( !m_Node.IsEmpty() ) msg.Format(_T("Error connecting to OPC 2.0 Server Browser on %s."), (LPCTSTR)m_Node); if( hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG ) { CString msg(_T("Please install the OPC 2.0 Components.")); if( !m_Node.IsEmpty() ) msg.Format(_T("Please install the OPC 2.0 Components on %s."), (LPCTSTR)m_Node); } if( FAILED(hr) ) theDoc->ReportError(msg, hr); else theDoc->ReportError(msg,; } else { pServers = (IOPCServerList*)qi.pItf; IEnumGUID *pEnumGUID=NULL; hr = pServers->EnumClassesOfCategories(1, &m_catid, 1, &m_catid, &pEnumGUID); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { unsigned long count; CLSID clsid[NEXT_COUNT]; do { hr = pEnumGUID->Next(NEXT_COUNT, clsid, &count); for( ULONG index=0; index<count; index++ ) { LPOLESTR pszProgID; LPOLESTR pszUserType; HRESULT hr2 = pServers->GetClassDetails(clsid[index], &pszProgID, &pszUserType); if (SUCCEEDED(hr2)) { OPCServerInfo* pServerInfo = new OPCServerInfo(pszProgID, pszUserType, clsid[index] ); m_Servers.AddTail( pServerInfo ); CString name; name.Format( _T("%s (%s)"), (LPCTSTR)pServerInfo->m_ProgID, (LPCTSTR)pServerInfo->m_Description ); int pos = pList->AddString( name ); pList->SetItemData( pos, (DWORD)pServerInfo ); if( m_Server == pServerInfo->m_ProgID ) pList->SetCurSel(pos); CoTaskMemFree(pszProgID); CoTaskMemFree(pszUserType); } } } while ( hr==S_OK ); pEnumGUID->Release(); pServers->Release(); return TRUE; } else // hr failed { CString msg(_T("EnumClassesOfCategories failed:")); theDoc->ReportError(msg, hr); } pServers->Release(); } // Old 1.0 method: search the registry for OPC entries if( m_catid != CATID_OPCDAServer10 ) return FALSE; HKEY hk = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; if( node ) { DWORD dwR = RegConnectRegistry ((LPTSTR)node, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, &hk); if( dwR != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return FALSE; } TCHAR key[MAX_KEYLEN]; DWORD size = MAX_KEYLEN; FILETIME ft; for( int index=0; RegEnumKeyEx(hk, index, key, &size, 0, NULL, NULL, &ft)==ERROR_SUCCESS; index++) { HKEY hProgID=0; if(RegOpenKeyEx(hk, key, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hProgID )==ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Find OPC key HKEY hOPC=0; if(RegOpenKeyEx(hProgID, _T("OPC"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hOPC)==ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Found OPC key, save this information CLSID clsid; DWORD type=REG_SZ; HKEY hCLSID=0; if(RegOpenKeyEx(hProgID, _T("CLSID"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hCLSID)==ERROR_SUCCESS ) { TCHAR clsidString[MAX_KEYLEN]; size=MAX_KEYLEN; if(RegQueryValueEx(hCLSID, key, 0, &type, (BYTE*)clsidString, &size )==ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = CLSIDFromString( T2OLE(clsidString), &clsid ); if( FAILED(hr)) { theDoc->ReportError( _T("CLSIDFromString: "), hr ); continue; } } } TCHAR desc[MAX_KEYLEN]; size=MAX_KEYLEN; RegQueryValueEx(hOPC, key, 0, &type, (BYTE*)desc, &size); OPCServerInfo* pServerInfo = new OPCServerInfo(T2OLE(key), L"", clsid ); m_Servers.AddTail( pServerInfo ); int pos = pList->AddString( pServerInfo->m_ProgID ); pList->SetItemData( pos, (DWORD)pServerInfo ); if( m_Server == key ) pList->SetCurSel(pos); RegCloseKey( hOPC ); } RegCloseKey( hProgID ); } size = MAX_KEYLEN; } OnSelchangeServerList(); return TRUE; }
void CIWinSyncDlg::PopulateSettingsDialog() { //Set the Current Sync Path CEdit* pPathEditBox = NULL; pPathEditBox = (CEdit*) GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_PATH); if (pPathEditBox != NULL) { pPathEditBox->SetWindowTextW(m_pszCurrentSyncPath); } pPathEditBox = NULL; //Set the Current Sync Interval CEdit* pIntervalEditBox = NULL; pIntervalEditBox = (CEdit*) GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_INTERVAL); if (pIntervalEditBox != NULL) { TCHAR szSyncInterval[50]; _stprintf_s(szSyncInterval,50,_T("%u"),(m_nSyncInterval/60000)); pIntervalEditBox->SetWindowTextW(szSyncInterval); } pIntervalEditBox = NULL; //Set the Suppress Dialogs Check box CButton* pEnableDialogsBtn = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK_SUPPRESS); if (pEnableDialogsBtn != NULL) { pEnableDialogsBtn->SetCheck(m_bSuppressDialogs); } pEnableDialogsBtn = NULL; //Set the Disable Sync Check box CButton* pDisableSyncBtn = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK_DISABLE); if (pDisableSyncBtn != NULL) { pDisableSyncBtn->SetCheck(m_bDisableSync); } pEnableDialogsBtn = NULL; //Set The Last Result Strings for (int i=0;i<5;i++) { CStatic *pResultText = NULL; switch(i) { case 0: pResultText = (CStatic*) GetDlgItem(IDC_RESULT1); break; case 1: pResultText = (CStatic*) GetDlgItem(IDC_RESULT2); break; case 2: pResultText = (CStatic*) GetDlgItem(IDC_RESULT3); break; case 3: pResultText = (CStatic*) GetDlgItem(IDC_RESULT4); break; case 4: pResultText = (CStatic*) GetDlgItem(IDC_RESULT5); break; } if (pResultText != NULL) { if (m_apszLastResults[i] != NULL) { pResultText->SetWindowTextW(m_apszLastResults[i]); } else { pResultText->SetWindowTextW(_T("")); } } pResultText = NULL; } //Select The Current Logging Level CListBox * pLoggingLevelList = (CListBox*) GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST_LOGLEVEL); if (pLoggingLevelList != NULL) { if (m_dwLogLevel < 0 || m_dwLogLevel > 2) { m_dwLogLevel = DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL; } pLoggingLevelList->SetCurSel(m_dwLogLevel); } pLoggingLevelList = NULL; UpdateData(FALSE); }
// runChecker: // Run the spelling checker and display the next misspelled word. void CSpellingDlg::runChecker() { SSCE_CHAR word[SSCE_MAX_WORD_SZ]; SSCE_CHAR otherWord[SSCE_MAX_WORD_SZ]; CWaitCursor busy; // Process auto-corrections SSCE_S16 result; do { result = SSCE_CheckString(SSCE_GetSid(), text, &cursor, word, sizeof(word), otherWord, sizeof(otherWord)); if (result == SSCE_AUTO_CHANGE_WORD_RSLT) { // Replace the word in the text block if (SSCE_ReplaceStringWord(SSCE_GetSid(), text, textSz, cursor, otherWord) >= 0) { // Replace the word in the edit control. editCtrl->SetSel(cursor, cursor + lstrlen((TCHAR *)word)); editCtrl->ReplaceSel((TCHAR *)otherWord); } // Skip over the replaced word to avoid problems caused by // recursive replacements cursor += lstrlen((TCHAR *)otherWord); } } while (result == SSCE_AUTO_CHANGE_WORD_RSLT); if (result == SSCE_END_OF_BLOCK_RSLT) { // End of text reached. EndDialog(IDOK); } else { CString problemDesc; // A problem was detected. if (result == (SSCE_MISSPELLED_WORD_RSLT | SSCE_UNCAPPED_WORD_RSLT)) { problemDesc = _T("Capitalization:"); } else if (result & SSCE_MISSPELLED_WORD_RSLT) { problemDesc = _T("Not in dictionary:"); } else if (result == SSCE_CONDITIONALLY_CHANGE_WORD_RSLT) { problemDesc = _T("Consider changing:"); } else if (result == SSCE_DOUBLED_WORD_RSLT) { problemDesc = _T("Doubled word:"); } SetDlgItemText(IDC_PROBLEMDESC, problemDesc); SetDlgItemText(IDC_PROBLEMWORD, (TCHAR *)word); CListBox *suggestionsList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_SUGGESTIONSLIST); if (result & SSCE_MISSPELLED_WORD_RSLT) { // Fill the suggestions list with suggestions. suggestionDepth = SSCE_GetMinSuggestDepth(); fillSuggestionsList(); } else if (result == SSCE_CONDITIONALLY_CHANGE_WORD_RSLT) { // Add the replacement word to the suggestions list. suggestionsList->ResetContent(); suggestionsList->AddString((TCHAR *)otherWord); suggestionsList->SetCurSel(0); } else if (result == SSCE_DOUBLED_WORD_RSLT) { // Clear the suggestions list. suggestionsList->ResetContent(); SetDlgItemText(IDC_CHANGETO, _T("")); } // Highlight the problem word in the edit control. editCtrl->SetSel(cursor, cursor + lstrlen((TCHAR *)word)); } }