void CPythonNode::configure(CNodeConfig &config) { config.setDescription("Run Python scripts as nodes."); config.setCategory("Script"); // Add parameters config.addFilename("input_script", "Python Script", "Python script to execute."); // Add the gates. config.addInput("in_table", "table"); config.addInput("in_flow", "tcpstreams"); config.addOutput("out", "table"); }
void CTcpStreamFeaturesNode::configure(CNodeConfig &config) { // Add parameters config.addInt("timezone", "GMT time", "The timezone value.", 0); config.addBool("split_dest_ip", "Split Destination IP", "Split each octet of the destination IP address as different features.", false); config.addUInt("dest_ip_split_number", "Destination IP Features", "The number of octets to use as attributes, starting from the " "least significant to the most significant [1-4]", 4); config.addBool("split_src_ip", "Split Source IP", "Split each octet of the source IP address as different attributes.", false); config.addUInt("src_ip_split_number", "Source IP Features", "The number of octets to use as attributes, starting from the " "least significant to the most significant [1-4]", 4); config.addUInt("word_count", "Words to Extract", "The number of words to extract from the data stream as they appear.", 8); config.addUInt("word_length", "Maximum Length of a Word", "The number of characters a word can be matched to.", 16); // Add the gates. config.addInput("in", "tcpstreams"); config.addOutput("out", "table"); }
void CTcpStreamExtractorNode::configure(CNodeConfig &config) { config.setDescription("Extract streams from TCP packets."); // Add parameters config.addUInt("payload_size", "TCP Stream Data Size", "The maximum number of bytes that will be stored for " "the contents of a TCP stream.", 102400); config.addBool("dest_filter", "Should destination IPs be filtered?", "Filter specifiying if IP addresses are filtered " "for analysis.", false); config.addString("dest_ip_filter_from", "Starting Valid Destination IP Address", "The first IP value which will be considered " "for the analysis."); config.addString("dest_ip_filter_to", "End Valid Destination IP Address", "The last IP value which will be taken into account."); config.addUInt("dest_port_filter_from", "Starting Valid Destination Port", "Packages that target a destination port above this " "parameter are accepted.",0); config.addUInt("dest_port_filter_to", "Last Valid Destination Port", "Packages targeting a destination port below this " "parameter are accepted", 1024); // Add the gates. config.addInput("in", "tcpdump"); config.addOutput("out", "tcpstreams"); }
void CTcpDumpNode::configure(CNodeConfig &config) { config.setDescription("Parse the contents received into TCP Packets."); // Add inputs and outputs config.addInput("in", "file"); config.addOutput("out", "tcpdump"); }
void CMawiLabelsNode::configure(CNodeConfig &config) { // Set a Description of this node. config.setDescription("Parse a file as an XML of labeled anomalies " "from the MAWI dataset."); // Add parameters //config.addFilename("input_file", "XML File", "XML file containing the anomalies."); // Add the gates. config.addInput("in", "file"); config.addOutput("out", "table"); }