void CTcpStreamExtractorNode::configure(CNodeConfig &config)
    config.setDescription("Extract streams from TCP packets.");

    // Add parameters
    config.addUInt("payload_size", "TCP Stream Data Size",
                   "The maximum number of bytes that will be stored for "
                   "the contents of a TCP stream.",
    config.addBool("dest_filter", "Should destination IPs be filtered?",
                   "Filter specifiying if IP addresses are filtered "
                   "for analysis.", false);
    config.addString("dest_ip_filter_from", "Starting Valid Destination IP Address",
                     "The first IP value which will be considered "
                     "for the analysis.");
    config.addString("dest_ip_filter_to", "End Valid Destination IP Address",
                     "The last IP value which will be taken into account.");
    config.addUInt("dest_port_filter_from", "Starting Valid Destination Port",
                   "Packages that target a destination port above this "
                   "parameter are accepted.",0);
    config.addUInt("dest_port_filter_to", "Last Valid Destination Port",
                   "Packages targeting a destination port below this "
                   "parameter are accepted", 1024);

    // Add the gates.
    config.addInput("in", "tcpdump");
    config.addOutput("out", "tcpstreams");