/*!*************************************************************************** @Function LoadEffect @Output ppEffect @Input pszEffectName @Input pszFileName @Return bool @Description Loads a PFX Effect. *****************************************************************************/ bool OGLES3Skybox2::LoadEffect( CPVRTPFXEffect **ppEffect, const char * pszEffectName, const char *pszFileName ) { if(!ppEffect) return false; unsigned int nUnknownUniformCount; CPVRTString error; CPVRTPFXEffect* pEffect = *ppEffect; // Load an effect from the file if(!pEffect) { *ppEffect = new CPVRTPFXEffect(); pEffect = *ppEffect; if(!pEffect) { delete m_pEffectParser; PVRShellSet(prefExitMessage, "Failed to create effect.\n"); return false; } } if(pEffect->Load(*m_pEffectParser, pszEffectName, pszFileName, NULL, nUnknownUniformCount, &error) != PVR_SUCCESS) { PVRShellSet(prefExitMessage, error.c_str()); return false; } if(nUnknownUniformCount) { PVRShellOutputDebug(error.c_str()); PVRShellOutputDebug("Unknown uniform semantic count: %d\n", nUnknownUniformCount); } /* Set the textures for each effect */ unsigned int i,j ; const CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXTexture>& sTex = pEffect->GetTextureArray(); for(i = 0; i < sTex.GetSize(); ++i) { for(j = 0; j < g_ui32TexNo; ++j) { int iTexIdx = m_pEffectParser->FindTextureByName(sTex[i].Name); const CPVRTStringHash& FileName = m_pEffectParser->GetTexture(iTexIdx)->FileName; if(FileName == g_aszTextureNames[j]) { if(j == 3 || j == 4) pEffect->SetTexture(i, m_ui32TextureIDs[j], PVRTEX_CUBEMAP); else pEffect->SetTexture(i, m_ui32TextureIDs[j]); break; } } } return true; }
/*!**************************************************************************** @Function InitView @Return bool true if no error occured @Description Code in InitView() will be called by PVRShell upon initialization or after a change in the rendering context. Used to initialize variables that are dependant on the rendering context (e.g. textures, vertex buffers, etc.) ******************************************************************************/ bool OGLESIntroducingPFX::InitView() { /* Initialize Print3D */ bool bRotate = PVRShellGet(prefIsRotated) && PVRShellGet(prefFullScreen); if(m_Print3D.SetTextures(0,PVRShellGet(prefWidth),PVRShellGet(prefHeight), bRotate) != PVR_SUCCESS) { PVRShellSet(prefExitMessage, "ERROR: Cannot initialise Print3D\n"); return false; } // Sets the clear color glClearColor(0.6f, 0.8f, 1.0f, 1.0f); // Enables depth test using the z-buffer glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); /* Loads the light direction from the scene. */ // We check the scene contains at least one if (m_Scene.nNumLight == 0) { PVRShellSet(prefExitMessage, "ERROR: The scene does not contain a light\n"); return false; } /* Load the effect file */ { unsigned int nUnknownUniformCount; CPVRTString error; // Parse the file m_pEffectParser = new CPVRTPFXParser; if(m_pEffectParser->ParseFromFile(c_szPfxFile, &error) != PVR_SUCCESS) { PVRShellSet(prefExitMessage, error.c_str()); return false; } // Load an effect from the file m_pEffect = new CPVRTPFXEffect(); if(m_pEffect->Load(*m_pEffectParser, "Effect", c_szPfxFile, &error) != PVR_SUCCESS) { PVRShellSet(prefExitMessage, error.c_str()); return false; } // Generate uniform array if(m_pEffect->BuildUniformTable( &m_psUniforms, &m_nUniformCnt, &nUnknownUniformCount, c_psUniformSemantics, sizeof(c_psUniformSemantics) / sizeof(*c_psUniformSemantics), &error) != PVR_SUCCESS) { PVRShellOutputDebug(error.c_str()); return false; } if(nUnknownUniformCount) { PVRShellOutputDebug(error.c_str()); PVRShellOutputDebug("Unknown uniform semantic count: %d\n", nUnknownUniformCount); } } /* Loads the textures. For a more detailed explanation, see Texturing and IntroducingPVRTools */ { const SPVRTPFXTexture *psTex; unsigned int nCnt, i; GLuint ui; psTex = m_pEffect->GetTextureArray(nCnt); for(i = 0; i < nCnt; ++i) { if(strcmp(psTex[i].p, "Reflection.pvr") == 0) { if(PVRTTextureLoadFromPVR(c_szReflectTexFile, &ui) != PVR_SUCCESS) { PVRShellSet(prefExitMessage, "ERROR: Cannot load the texture\n"); return false; } glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); m_pEffect->SetTexture(i, ui); } else if (strcmp(psTex[i].p, "Basetex.pvr") == 0) { if(PVRTTextureLoadFromPVR(c_szBaseTexFile, &ui) != PVR_SUCCESS) { PVRShellSet(prefExitMessage, "ERROR: Cannot load the texture\n"); return false; } glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); m_pEffect->SetTexture(i, ui); } else { PVRShellOutputDebug("Warning: effect file requested unrecognised texture: \"%s\"\n", psTex[i].p); m_pEffect->SetTexture(i, 0); } } } // Create buffer objects. m_aiVboID = new GLuint[m_Scene.nNumMeshNode]; glGenBuffers(m_Scene.nNumMeshNode, m_aiVboID); for(int i = 0; i < (int)m_Scene.nNumMeshNode ; i++) { SPODNode* pNode = &m_Scene.pNode[i]; // Gets pMesh referenced by the pNode SPODMesh* pMesh = &m_Scene.pMesh[pNode->nIdx]; // Generate a vertex buffer and set the interleaved vertex data. glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_aiVboID[i]); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, pMesh->sVertex.nStride*pMesh->nNumVertex, pMesh->pInterleaved, GL_STATIC_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } return true; }