// Create CPolyLine for a pad
CPolyLine * CPolyLine::MakePolylineForPad( int type, int x, int y, int w, int l, int r, int angle )
	CPolyLine * poly = new CPolyLine;
	int dx = l/2;
	int dy = w/2;
	if( angle%180 == 90 )
		dx = w/2;
		dy = l/2;
	if( type == PAD_ROUND )
		poly->Start( 0, 0, 0, x-dx, y, 0, NULL, NULL );
		poly->AppendCorner( x, y+dy, ARC_CW, 0 );
		poly->AppendCorner( x+dx, y, ARC_CW, 0 );
		poly->AppendCorner( x, y-dy, ARC_CW, 0 );
		poly->Close( ARC_CW );
	return poly;
// Use the General Polygon Clipping Library to clip contours
// If this results in new polygons, return them as CArray p
// If bRetainArcs == TRUE, try to retain arcs in polys
// Returns number of external contours, or -1 if error
int CPolyLine::NormalizeWithGpc( CArray<CPolyLine*> * pa, BOOL bRetainArcs )
	CArray<CArc> arc_array;

	if( bRetainArcs )
		MakeGpcPoly( -1, &arc_array );
		MakeGpcPoly( -1, NULL );


	// now, recreate poly
	// first, find outside contours and create new CPolyLines if necessary
	int n_ext_cont = 0;
	for( int ic=0; ic<m_gpc_poly->num_contours; ic++ )
		if( !(m_gpc_poly->hole)[ic] )
			if( n_ext_cont == 0 )
				// first external contour, replace this poly
				m_ncorners = 0;
				for( int i=0; i<m_gpc_poly->contour[ic].num_vertices; i++ )
					int x = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].x;
					int y = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].y;
					if( i==0 )
						Start( m_layer, m_w, m_sel_box, x, y, m_hatch, &m_id, m_ptr );
						AppendCorner( x, y, STRAIGHT, FALSE );
			else if( pa )
				// next external contour, create new poly
				CPolyLine * poly = new CPolyLine;
				pa->SetSize(n_ext_cont);	// put in array
				(*pa)[n_ext_cont-1] = poly;
				for( int i=0; i<m_gpc_poly->contour[ic].num_vertices; i++ )
					int x = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].x;
					int y = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].y;
					if( i==0 )
						poly->Start( m_layer, m_w, m_sel_box, x, y, m_hatch, &m_id, m_ptr );
						poly->AppendCorner( x, y, STRAIGHT, FALSE );
				poly->Close( STRAIGHT, FALSE );

	// now add cutouts to the CPolyLine(s)
	for( int ic=0; ic<m_gpc_poly->num_contours; ic++ )
		if( (m_gpc_poly->hole)[ic] )
			CPolyLine * ext_poly = NULL;
			if( n_ext_cont == 1 )
				ext_poly = this;
				// find the polygon that contains this hole
				for( int i=0; i<m_gpc_poly->contour[ic].num_vertices; i++ )
					int x = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].x;
					int y = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].y;
					if( TestPointInside( x, y ) )
						ext_poly = this;
						for( int ext_ic=0; ext_ic<n_ext_cont-1; ext_ic++ )
							if( (*pa)[ext_ic]->TestPointInside( x, y ) )
								ext_poly = (*pa)[ext_ic];
					if( ext_poly )
			if( !ext_poly )
			for( int i=0; i<m_gpc_poly->contour[ic].num_vertices; i++ )
				int x = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].x;
				int y = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].y;
				ext_poly->AppendCorner( x, y, STRAIGHT, FALSE );
			ext_poly->Close( STRAIGHT, FALSE );
	if( bRetainArcs )
		RestoreArcs( &arc_array, pa );

	return n_ext_cont;
CPolyLine* CPolyLine::Fillet( unsigned int aRadius, unsigned int aSegments )
    CPolyLine* newPoly = new CPolyLine;

    if( !aRadius )
        newPoly->Copy( this );
        return newPoly;

    int polycount = GetContoursCount();

    for( int contour = 0; contour < polycount; contour++ )
        unsigned int    startIndex  = GetContourStart( contour );
        unsigned int    endIndex    = GetContourEnd( contour );

        for( unsigned int index = startIndex; index <= endIndex; index++ )
            int         x1, y1; // Current vertex
            long long   xa, ya; // Previous vertex
            long long   xb, yb; // Next vertex
            double      nx, ny;

            x1  = m_CornersList[index].x;
            y1  = m_CornersList[index].y;

            if( index == startIndex )
                xa  = m_CornersList[endIndex].x - x1;
                ya  = m_CornersList[endIndex].y - y1;
                xa  = m_CornersList[index - 1].x - x1;
                ya  = m_CornersList[index - 1].y - y1;

            if( index == endIndex )
                xb  = m_CornersList[startIndex].x - x1;
                yb  = m_CornersList[startIndex].y - y1;
                xb  = m_CornersList[index + 1].x - x1;
                yb  = m_CornersList[index + 1].y - y1;

            double          lena    = hypot( xa, ya );
            double          lenb    = hypot( xb, yb );
            double          cosine  = ( xa * xb + ya * yb ) / ( lena * lenb );

            double          radius  = aRadius;
            double          denom   = sqrt( 2.0 / ( 1 + cosine ) - 1 );

            // Do nothing in case of parallel edges
            if( std::isinf( denom ) )

            // Limit rounding distance to one half of an edge
            if( 0.5 * lena * denom < radius )
                radius = 0.5 * lena * denom;

            if( 0.5 * lenb * denom < radius )
                radius = 0.5 * lenb * denom;

            // Calculate fillet arc absolute center point (xc, yx)
            double  k       = radius / sqrt( .5 * ( 1 - cosine ) );
            double  lenab   = sqrt( ( xa / lena + xb / lenb ) * ( xa / lena + xb / lenb ) +
                                    ( ya / lena + yb / lenb ) * ( ya / lena + yb / lenb ) );
            double  xc  = x1 + k * ( xa / lena + xb / lenb ) / lenab;
            double  yc  = y1 + k * ( ya / lena + yb / lenb ) / lenab;

            // Calculate arc start and end vectors
            k = radius / sqrt( 2 / ( 1 + cosine ) - 1 );
            double  xs  = x1 + k * xa / lena - xc;
            double  ys  = y1 + k * ya / lena - yc;
            double  xe  = x1 + k * xb / lenb - xc;
            double  ye  = y1 + k * yb / lenb - yc;

            // Cosine of arc angle
            double  argument = ( xs * xe + ys * ye ) / ( radius * radius );

            if( argument < -1 ) // Just in case...
                argument = -1;
            else if( argument > 1 )
                argument = 1;

            double  arcAngle = acos( argument );

            // Calculate the number of segments
            double  tempSegments = (double) aSegments * ( arcAngle / ( 2 * M_PI ) );

            if( tempSegments - (int) tempSegments > 0 )

            unsigned int    segments = (unsigned int) tempSegments;

            double          deltaAngle  = arcAngle / segments;
            double          startAngle  = atan2( -ys, xs );

            // Flip arc for inner corners
            if( xa * yb - ya * xb <= 0 )
                deltaAngle *= -1;

            nx  = xc + xs;
            ny  = yc + ys;

            if( index == startIndex )
                newPoly->Start( GetLayer(), KiROUND( nx ), KiROUND( ny ), GetHatchStyle() );
                newPoly->AppendCorner( KiROUND( nx ), KiROUND( ny ) );

            for( unsigned int j = 0; j < segments; j++ )
                nx  = xc + cos( startAngle + (j + 1) * deltaAngle ) * radius;
                ny  = yc - sin( startAngle + (j + 1) * deltaAngle ) * radius;
                newPoly->AppendCorner( KiROUND( nx ), KiROUND( ny ) );


    return newPoly;
CPolyLine* CPolyLine::Chamfer( unsigned int aDistance )
    CPolyLine* newPoly = new CPolyLine;

    if( !aDistance )
        newPoly->Copy( this );
        return newPoly;

    int polycount = GetContoursCount();

    for( int contour = 0; contour < polycount; contour++ )
        unsigned int    startIndex  = GetContourStart( contour );
        unsigned int    endIndex    = GetContourEnd( contour );

        for( unsigned int index = startIndex; index <= endIndex; index++ )
            int         x1, y1, nx, ny;
            long long   xa, ya, xb, yb;

            x1  = m_CornersList[index].x;
            y1  = m_CornersList[index].y;

            if( index == startIndex )
                xa  = m_CornersList[endIndex].x - x1;
                ya  = m_CornersList[endIndex].y - y1;
                xa  = m_CornersList[index - 1].x - x1;
                ya  = m_CornersList[index - 1].y - y1;

            if( index == endIndex )
                xb  = m_CornersList[startIndex].x - x1;
                yb  = m_CornersList[startIndex].y - y1;
                xb  = m_CornersList[index + 1].x - x1;
                yb  = m_CornersList[index + 1].y - y1;

            unsigned int    lena        = KiROUND( hypot( xa, ya ) );
            unsigned int    lenb        = KiROUND( hypot( xb, yb ) );
            unsigned int    distance    = aDistance;

            // Chamfer one half of an edge at most
            if( 0.5 * lena < distance )
                distance = int( 0.5 * lena );

            if( 0.5 * lenb < distance )
                distance = int( 0.5 * lenb );

            nx  = KiROUND( (distance * xa) / hypot( xa, ya ) );
            ny  = KiROUND( (distance * ya) / hypot( xa, ya ) );

            if( index == startIndex )
                newPoly->Start( GetLayer(), x1 + nx, y1 + ny, GetHatchStyle() );
                newPoly->AppendCorner( x1 + nx, y1 + ny );

            nx  = KiROUND( (distance * xb) / hypot( xb, yb ) );
            ny  = KiROUND( (distance * yb) / hypot( xb, yb ) );
            newPoly->AppendCorner( x1 + nx, y1 + ny );


    return newPoly;