bool Connection::command(CommandLine &command, Process *process)
    // Remove the command and process name, leaving only the process command line
    CommandLine::iterator start = command.begin();
    CommandLine::iterator end = start + 2;
    command.erase(start, end);
    // Change the command line for the process
    process->command = command;

    //FIXME - Log just the executable or everything?
    log_printf("Changed command for \"%s\"\n", process->name.c_str());
    log_printf("    argc == %d:\n", command.size());
    for (CommandLine::const_iterator i = command.begin(); i != command.end(); ++i)
        log_printf("        \"%s\"\n", (*i).c_str());
    return true;
void Connection::run()
    // True while the process list mutex is held.
    // This lets the exception handler know when to unlock the mutex.
    bool locked = false;
//    in_addr_t a = ntohl(remote_addr.sin_addr.s_addr);
//    log_printf("Received connection from %d.%d.%d.%d:%d\n", a >> 24, (a >> 16) & 255, (a >> 8) & 255, a & 255, ntohs(remote_addr.sin_port));
        // Identify ourselves
        write("Watchdog v2.0\n");
        while (1)
            // Read a command
            CommandLine command;
            if (!read_command(command))
                write("Command cancelled\n");
            int words = command.size();
            if (words == 0)
                // Blank line
#if 0
            printf("%d words:\n", words);
            for (Command::const_iterator i = command.begin(); i != command.end(); ++i)
                printf("    \"%s\"\n", (*i).c_str());
            // Find a handler for this command
            for (int i = 0; command_table[i].command; i++)
                // Check the command name
                if (command[0] == command_table[i].command)
                    // Check the number of words
                    if (command_table[i].words > 0 && words != command_table[i].words)
                        write("Wrong number of parameters\n");
                        goto next_command;
                    locked = true;
                    // Check the process name if required by the table
                    Process *process = 0;
                    if (command_table[i].check_process)
                        // If a process name is given, try to find it.
                        // This test handles the case where the table
                        // requires zero words but check_process is true.
                        if (words > 1)
                            process = Process::find(command[1]);
                        if (!process)
                            locked = false;
                            write("No such process\n");
                            goto next_command;
                    // Call the handler
                    if (command_table[i].handler)
                        if ((this->*command_table[i].handler)(command, process))
                    } else {
                        write("Unimplemented command\n");
                    locked = false;

                    goto next_command;
            write("Unrecognized command\n");

next_command: ;
    } catch (connection_closed)
    } catch (std::exception &ex)
        log_printf("Connection::run() exception: %s\n", ex.what());

    // Unlock the process list in case an exception was thrown while it was locked.
    if (locked)

//    log_printf("Closed connection from %d.%d.%d.%d:%d\n", a >> 24, (a >> 16) & 255, (a >> 8) & 255, a & 255, ntohs(remote_addr.sin_port));