string MuscleOptimizer::getIndependentCoordinate(Model& model, const std::string& dofName)
    ConstraintSet constraintSet = model.getConstraintSet();
    for (int n = 0; n < constraintSet.getSize(); ++n)
        CoordinateCouplerConstraint* constraint = dynamic_cast<CoordinateCouplerConstraint*>(&constraintSet.get(n));
        if (constraint != NULL) // we can only handle this type of constraint, so we just skip the others
            string depCoordinateName = constraint->getDependentCoordinateName();
            if (depCoordinateName == dofName)
                const Array<std::string>& indepCoordinateNamesSet = constraint->getIndependentCoordinateNames();
                if (indepCoordinateNamesSet.getSize() == 1)
                    return indepCoordinateNamesSet.get(0);
                else if (indepCoordinateNamesSet.getSize() > 1)
                    std::cout << "CoordinateCouplerConstraint with dependent coordinate " << dofName << " has more than one indipendent coordinate and this is not managed by this software yet." << std::endl;
                    return "";


    return "";