CoordinateFrame GLight::frame() const {
    CoordinateFrame f;
    if (rightDirection == Vector3::zero()) {
        // No specified right direction; choose one automatically
        if (position.w == 0) {
            // Directional light
        } else {
            // Spot light
    } else {
        const Vector3& Z = -spotDirection.direction();
        Vector3 X = rightDirection.direction();

        // Ensure the vectors are not too close together
        while (abs(X.dot(Z)) > 0.9f) {
            X = Vector3::random();

        // Ensure perpendicular
        X -= Z * Z.dot(X);
        const Vector3& Y = Z.cross(X);

        f.rotation.setColumn(Vector3::X_AXIS, X);
        f.rotation.setColumn(Vector3::Y_AXIS, Y);
        f.rotation.setColumn(Vector3::Z_AXIS, Z);
    f.translation = position.xyz();

    return f;
文件: main.cpp 项目: luaman/g3d-cpp
void testCoordinateFrame() {
    printf("CoordinateFrame ");

        // Easy case
        CoordinateFrame c;
        c.lookAt(Vector3(-1, 0, -1));
        float h = c.getHeading();
        debugAssert(fuzzyEq(h, G3D::pi() / 4));

    // Test getHeading at a variety of angles
    for (int i = -175; i <= 175; i += 5) {
        CoordinateFrame c;
        float h = c.getHeading();
        debugAssert(h == 0);

        c.rotation = Matrix3::fromAxisAngle(Vector3::unitY(), toRadians(i));

        h = c.getHeading();
        debugAssert(fuzzyEq(h, toRadians(i)));

 Two slanted green ramps.
void Demo::insertRamps() {
        Box b(Vector3(-1, 0, -5), Vector3(1, .25f, 5.5f));
        CoordinateFrame c;
        c.lookAt(Vector3(0, 1, 2));
        c.translation = Vector3(-2.5f, 2.25f, 5.5f);
        scene.insertStatic(new BoxObject(c.toWorldSpace(b), (Color3::green() + Color3::white()) / 2));

    // Corner ramp  
        Box b(Vector3(-1, 0, -5), Vector3(1, .25f, 5.5f));
        CoordinateFrame c;
        c.lookAt(Vector3(-2, 2, -2));
        c.translation = Vector3(-11.2f, 2.85f, -7.2f);
        scene.insertStatic(new BoxObject(c.toWorldSpace(b), (Color3::green() + Color3::white()) / 2));
void Demo::insertSpiralSlide() {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 41; ++i) {
        double angle = pi() * i / 10.0;
        double angle2 = pi() * (i - 0.6) / 10.0;

        // Outer spiral
        CoordinateFrame c;
        Box b(Vector3(-1, -1, -.1f), Vector3(1, 1, .1f));
        c.translation = Vector3(cos(angle) * 2.9f, i / 3.5f + 1.5f, sin(angle) * 2.9f);
        c.lookAt(Vector3(cos(angle2) * 1.5f, i / 3.5 + 2.2f, sin(angle2) * 1.5f));
        scene.insertStatic(new BoxObject(c.toWorldSpace(b), (Color3::yellow() + Color3::white()) / 2));

        // Inner inner spiral
            Box b(Vector3(-.3f, -.3f, -.1f), Vector3(.25f, .25f, .1f));
            c.translation = Vector3(cos(angle) * 1.2f, i / 3.5f + 1, sin(angle) * 1.2f);
            c.lookAt(Vector3(cos(angle2) * 3, i / 3.5f + 2, sin(angle2) * 3));
            scene.insertStatic(new BoxObject(c.toWorldSpace(b), (Color3::yellow() + Color3::white()) / 2));

    scene.insertDynamic(new SimSphere(Sphere(Vector3(1.9f, 13, -1), .75f), Vector3(-2,-.5f,-2), Color3::blue()));