int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc!=5){ printf("Usage: cubeNonMaxSup cube.nfo theta.nfo phi.nfo output\n"); exit(0); } Cube< float, double>* orig = new Cube<float, double>(argv[1]); Cube< float, double>* theta = new Cube<float, double>(argv[2]); Cube< float, double>* phi = new Cube<float, double>(argv[3]); Cube< float, double>* output; // Cube< float, double>* outputOrient; string outputName = argv[4]; // string outputOrientName = argv[5]; if(fileExists(outputName)){ output = new Cube<float, double>(outputName); } else { output = orig->duplicate_clean(outputName); } // if(fileExists(outputOrientName)){ // outputOrient = new Cube<float, double>(outputOrientName); // } else { // outputOrient = orig->duplicate_clean(outputOrientName); // } // Loop for all the voxels of the cube. For now we will ignore the borders printf("Performing non-maxima-supression["); #pragma omp parallel for for(int z = 1; z < orig->cubeDepth -1; z++){ int currOrient = 0; bool isMax = false; for(int y = 1; y < orig->cubeHeight -1; y++){ for(int x = 1; x < orig->cubeWidth -1; x++){ isMax = true; currOrient = computeOrientation(theta->at(x,y,z), phi->at(x,y,z)); // outputOrient->put(x,y,z,currOrient); for(int neigh = 0; neigh < 8; neigh++){ if(orig->at(x+nbrToIdx[perpNeigh[currOrient][neigh]][0], y+nbrToIdx[perpNeigh[currOrient][neigh]][1], z+nbrToIdx[perpNeigh[currOrient][neigh]][2]) > orig->at(x,y,z)){ isMax = false; break; } } //Neighbors if(isMax){ output->put(x,y,z, orig->at(x,y,z)); } } } printf("#"); fflush(stdout); } printf("]\n"); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc!=7) { printf("Usage: kMSTanalyzeDir directory kInit kEnd kStep groundTruth.nfo pp.asc\n"); exit(0); } //string directory = "/home/ggonzale/mount/bbpsg1scratch/n2/3d/tree/"; string directory = argv[1]; Cube<uchar, ulong>* mask = new Cube<uchar, ulong>(argv[5]); Cube<uchar, ulong>* rendered = new Cube<uchar, ulong>(argv[5], false); rendered->load_volume_data("", false); //Cube<uchar, ulong>* rendered = mask->duplicate_clean("rendered"); int kInit = atoi(argv[2]);; int kEnd = atoi(argv[3]); int kStep = atoi(argv[4]); Neuron* gtNeuron = new Neuron(argv[6]); char nameGraph[2048]; vector< vector< double > > toSave; //Counts all the negative points in the ground truth int negativePoints = 0; for(int z = 0; z < mask->cubeDepth; z++) for(int y = 0; y < mask->cubeHeight; y++) for(int x = 0; x < mask->cubeWidth; x++) if(mask->at(x,y,z) == 255) negativePoints++; double tp = 0; double fp = 0; double fn = 0; if(0){ Cube<uchar, ulong>* rendered = mask->duplicate_clean("rendered"); sprintf(nameGraph, "%s/tree/kmsts/", directory.c_str(), 725); printf("%s\n", nameGraph); Graph< Point3Dw, EdgeW<Point3Dw> >* gr = new Graph< Point3Dw, EdgeW<Point3Dw> >(nameGraph); evaluateGraph(directory, mask, rendered, gtNeuron, gr, tp, fp, fn); } if(0){ for(int k = kInit; k <=kEnd; k+=kStep){ tp = 0; fp = 0; fn = 0; sprintf(nameGraph, "%s/tree/kmsts/", directory.c_str(), k); printf("%s\n", nameGraph); Graph< Point3Dw, EdgeW<Point3Dw> >* gr = new Graph< Point3Dw, EdgeW<Point3Dw> >(nameGraph); evaluateGraph(directory, mask, rendered, gtNeuron, gr, tp, fp, fn); vector< double > it(5); double tn = negativePoints - fp; it[0] = k; it[1] = tp; it[2] = fp; it[3] = tn; it[4] = fn; toSave.push_back(it); } saveMatrix(toSave, directory + "/tree/kmsts/evaluation.txt"); } //Evaluatoin of the mst if(1){ toSave.resize(0); sprintf(nameGraph, "%s/tree/", directory.c_str()); printf("Evaluating the graph: %s\n", nameGraph); tp = 0; fp = 0; fn = 0; Graph< Point3Dw, EdgeW<Point3Dw> >* gr = new Graph< Point3Dw, EdgeW<Point3Dw> >(nameGraph); printf("Loaded the graph: %s\n", nameGraph); evaluateGraph(directory, mask, rendered, gtNeuron, gr, tp, fp, fn); vector< double > it(5); double tn = negativePoints - fp; it[0] = 0; it[1] = tp; it[2] = fp; it[3] = tn; it[4] = fn; toSave.push_back(it); saveMatrix(toSave, directory + "/tree/mstFromCptGraphwE.txt"); } if(0){ toSave.resize(0); sprintf(nameGraph, "%s/tree/mst/", directory.c_str()); printf("Evaluating the graph: %s\n", nameGraph); tp = 0; fp = 0; fn = 0; Graph< Point3Dw, EdgeW<Point3Dw> >* gr = new Graph< Point3Dw, EdgeW<Point3Dw> >(nameGraph); printf("Loaded the graph: %s\n", nameGraph); evaluateGraph(directory, mask, rendered, gtNeuron, gr, tp, fp, fn); vector< double > it(5); double tn = negativePoints - fp; it[0] = 0; it[1] = tp; it[2] = fp; it[3] = tn; it[4] = fn; toSave.push_back(it); saveMatrix(toSave, directory + "/tree/mst/mstFromCptGraphwPrunedE.txt"); } }