ExperimentTracer::ExperimentTracer(vector<probe_set*> ps, vector<uint> expt, std::set<PathTracer*>* tracers, QMutex* mutex, float sm){
  DataExtractor de;
  uint* expts = new uint[expt.size()];
  for(uint i=0; i < expt.size(); i++){ expts[i] = expt[i]; }
  // ok life is a bit complicated as we have to transpose the resulting array of values which we are going to obtain.
  uint dimNo = 0;      // this is actually going to be the same as the number of probe sets which we get to use..
  float** values = new float*[expt.size()];
  cout << "creating the values 2d array. expt size : " << expt.size() << endl;
  for(int i=0; i < expt.size(); i++){
    values[i] = new float[ps.size()];   // ok.. hmmm 
  cout << "transposing values ps size : " << ps.size() << endl;
  for(uint i=0; i < ps.size(); i++){
    cout << i ;
    ExData* data = de.globalNorm(ps[i], expts, expt.size(), 2, true);
    cout << "-";
      delete data;
    float* mean = data->mean();
    // We are now at dimension number dimNo, so go through the different experiments (values) and copy the appropriate value
    for(uint j=0; j < expt.size(); j++){
      //cout << "- " << j << " " << expts[j] << " -";
      values[j][dimNo] = mean[j];
    cout << "| ";
    delete []mean;
    delete data;       // this is a little expensive, but anyway, this is not important in the grand scheme of things.
    //cout << endl;
  cout << endl;
  // ok the values have been set up.. we could do some normalisation on these before we hand over to the thingy,
  // but I think that I will leave it at this...
  // I would also suggest that in the future we provide some string with some information regarding what we are doing, so that it 
  // can be retrieved from the data. .. but..
  cout << "Making pathtracer .. " << endl;
  PathTracer* tracer = new PathTracer(values, expts, expt.size(), dimNo, tracers, mutex, sm);
  cout << "starting path tracer " << endl;
  cout << "and going on with life as it were .. " << endl;

  /// and I leave off here, and see what happens when we change stuff for the better... or something like that...