int main() { if(runTests()) { DoublyLinkedList<int> list; unsigned int numberOfPeople; unsigned int currentIndex; list.clear(); for (unsigned int count = 0; count < numberOfPeople; ++count) { list.pushBack(count + 1); } while(numberOfPeople > 1) { for (unsigned int skip = 0; skip < 33; ++skip) { currentIndex++; if( currentIndex > list.size() ) currentIndex = 1; } list.removeAt(currentIndex-1); numberOfPeople--; } cout << "Person number: " << list.popBack() << "is left" << endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { cout << "[+] doubly linked list test program" << endl; DoublyLinkedList<int> dlist; test<bool>(dlist.empty(), true, "empty test1"); dlist.addFront(1); dlist.addFront(2); dlist.addBack(3); test<bool>(dlist.empty(), false, "empty test2"); test<int>(dlist.front(), 2, "front test"); test<int>(dlist.back(), 3, "back test"); dlist.removeBack(); test<int>(dlist.back(), 1, "remove test1"); dlist.removeFront(); test<int>(dlist.front(), 1, "remove test2"); dlist.clear(); test<bool>(dlist.empty(), true, "clear test"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main() { DoublyLinkedList *ls = new DoublyLinkedList(); ls->push_back(*(new ListNode("100"))); ListNode *n1 = new ListNode("5"); ls->push_front(*n1); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("1"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("3"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("4"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("0"))); ls->push_back(*(new ListNode("1sdsd"))); ls->print(); cout << "\n"; ls->print_bkw(); cout << "\nLink list size is equal to " << ls->size() << endl; cout << "\n"; cout << "Lets delete first and last nodes from list\n"; ls->pop_back(); ls->pop_front(); ls->print(); cout << "\nNow lets erase 4, 1 and 100: \n"; ls->erase("4"); ls->erase("1"); ls->erase("100"); ls->print(); cout << "\nLets insert '6' after '3' and '7' after '5': \n"; ls->insert_after("3", *(new ListNode("6"))); ls->insert_after("5", *(new ListNode("7"))); ls->print(); cout << "\nLets clear linked list (check this with 'isEmpty' method): \n"; ls->clear(); if (ls->isEmpty()) cout << "Our list is empty! \n"; cout << "\nLets get new list: \n"; ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("6"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("31"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("55"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("4"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("1"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("3"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("4"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("8"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("5"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("0"))); ls->print(); cout << "\nOur new sorted list: \n"; ls->sort(); ls->print(); cout << "\nLets delete unique elements: \n"; ls->unique(); ls->print(); cout << "\nLets insert '0', '2', '7' and '9' preserving list ordering: \n"; ls->insert_ord(*(new ListNode("0"))); ls->insert_ord(*(new ListNode("2"))); ls->insert_ord(*(new ListNode("7"))); ls->insert_ord(*(new ListNode("9"))); ls->print(); cout << "\nLets get new list 'temp_ls': \n"; DoublyLinkedList *temp_ls = new DoublyLinkedList(); temp_ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("b"))); temp_ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("v"))); temp_ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("a"))); temp_ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("d"))); temp_ls->print(); cout << "\nLets 'merge' our lists (temp_ls in ls): \n"; ls->merge(*temp_ls); ls->print(); if (temp_ls->isEmpty()) cout << "Our 'temp_ls' list is empty! \n"; cout << "\nLets get new lists: \n"; ls->clear(); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("6"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("3"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("5"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("4"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("1"))); cout << "New 'ls': "; ls->print(); temp_ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("b"))); temp_ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("v"))); temp_ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("a"))); temp_ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("d"))); cout << "New 'temp_ls': "; temp_ls->print(); cout << "\nLets assign 'ls' to 'temp_ls' from 1 to 3: \n"; ls->assign(*temp_ls, 1, 3); cout << "New 'ls': "; ls->print(); cout << "New 'temp_ls': "; temp_ls->print(); cout << "\nLets splice 'temp_ls' in 'ls' from index 3 with all list:\n "; ls->splice(3, *temp_ls); ls->print(); ls->clear(); temp_ls->clear(); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("6"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("3"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("5"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("4"))); ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("1"))); cout << "\nlets get new lists: \nNew 'ls': "; ls->print(); temp_ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("b"))); temp_ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("v"))); temp_ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("b"))); temp_ls->push_front(*(new ListNode("d"))); cout << "New 'temp_ls': "; temp_ls->print(); cout << "\nLets splice 'temp_ls' in 'ls' from index 2 from 1 to 2: "; ls->splice(2, *temp_ls, 1, 2); ls->print(); return 0; }