ExitCodes main_(int, const char**) { String inputfile_name = getStringOption_("in"); String outputfile_name = getStringOption_("out"); vector<ProteinIdentification> proteins; vector<PeptideIdentification> peptides; IdXMLFile().load(inputfile_name, proteins, peptides); Size n_prot_ids = proteins.size(); Size n_prot_hits = IDFilter::countHits(proteins); Size n_pep_ids = peptides.size(); Size n_pep_hits = IDFilter::countHits(peptides); // Filtering peptide identification according to set criteria double rt_high = numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), rt_low = -rt_high; if (parseRange_(getStringOption_("precursor:rt"), rt_low, rt_high)) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering peptide IDs by precursor RT..." << endl; IDFilter::filterPeptidesByRT(peptides, rt_low, rt_high); } double mz_high = numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), mz_low = -mz_high; if (parseRange_(getStringOption_("precursor:mz"), mz_low, mz_high)) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering peptide IDs by precursor m/z..."; IDFilter::filterPeptidesByMZ(peptides, mz_low, mz_high); } // Filtering peptide hits according to set criteria if (getFlag_("unique")) { LOG_INFO << "Removing duplicate peptide hits..." << endl; IDFilter::removeDuplicatePeptideHits(peptides); } if (getFlag_("unique_per_protein")) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering peptides by unique match to a protein..." << endl; IDFilter::keepUniquePeptidesPerProtein(peptides); } double peptide_significance = getDoubleOption_("thresh:pep"); if (peptide_significance > 0) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by peptide significance threshold..." << endl; IDFilter::filterHitsBySignificance(peptides, peptide_significance); } double pred_rt_pv = getDoubleOption_("rt:p_value"); if (pred_rt_pv > 0) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by RT prediction p-value..." << endl; IDFilter::filterPeptidesByRTPredictPValue( peptides, "predicted_RT_p_value", pred_rt_pv); } double pred_rt_pv_1d = getDoubleOption_("rt:p_value_1st_dim"); if (pred_rt_pv_1d > 0) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by RT prediction p-value (first dim.)..." << endl; IDFilter::filterPeptidesByRTPredictPValue( peptides, "predicted_RT_p_value_first_dim", pred_rt_pv_1d); } String whitelist_fasta = getStringOption_("whitelist:proteins").trim(); if (!whitelist_fasta.empty()) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by protein whitelisting (FASTA input)..." << endl; // load protein accessions from FASTA file: vector<FASTAFile::FASTAEntry> fasta; FASTAFile().load(whitelist_fasta, fasta); set<String> accessions; for (vector<FASTAFile::FASTAEntry>::iterator it = fasta.begin(); it != fasta.end(); ++it) { accessions.insert(it->identifier); } IDFilter::keepHitsMatchingProteins(peptides, accessions); IDFilter::keepHitsMatchingProteins(proteins, accessions); } vector<String> whitelist_accessions = getStringList_("whitelist:protein_accessions"); if (!whitelist_accessions.empty()) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by protein whitelisting (accessions input)..." << endl; set<String> accessions(whitelist_accessions.begin(), whitelist_accessions.end()); IDFilter::keepHitsMatchingProteins(peptides, accessions); IDFilter::keepHitsMatchingProteins(proteins, accessions); } String whitelist_peptides = getStringOption_("whitelist:peptides").trim(); if (!whitelist_peptides.empty()) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by inclusion peptide whitelisting..." << endl; vector<PeptideIdentification> inclusion_peptides; vector<ProteinIdentification> inclusion_proteins; // ignored IdXMLFile().load(whitelist_peptides, inclusion_proteins, inclusion_peptides); bool ignore_mods = getFlag_("whitelist:ignore_modifications"); IDFilter::keepPeptidesWithMatchingSequences(peptides, inclusion_peptides, ignore_mods); } vector<String> whitelist_mods = getStringList_("whitelist:modifications"); if (!whitelist_mods.empty()) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering peptide IDs by modification whitelisting..." << endl; set<String> good_mods(whitelist_mods.begin(), whitelist_mods.end()); IDFilter::keepPeptidesWithMatchingModifications(peptides, good_mods); } String blacklist_fasta = getStringOption_("blacklist:proteins").trim(); if (!blacklist_fasta.empty()) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by protein blacklisting (FASTA input)..." << endl; // load protein accessions from FASTA file: vector<FASTAFile::FASTAEntry> fasta; FASTAFile().load(blacklist_fasta, fasta); set<String> accessions; for (vector<FASTAFile::FASTAEntry>::iterator it = fasta.begin(); it != fasta.end(); ++it) { accessions.insert(it->identifier); } IDFilter::removeHitsMatchingProteins(peptides, accessions); IDFilter::removeHitsMatchingProteins(proteins, accessions); } vector<String> blacklist_accessions = getStringList_("blacklist:protein_accessions"); if (!blacklist_accessions.empty()) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by protein blacklisting (accessions input)..." << endl; set<String> accessions(blacklist_accessions.begin(), blacklist_accessions.end()); IDFilter::removeHitsMatchingProteins(peptides, accessions); IDFilter::removeHitsMatchingProteins(proteins, accessions); } String blacklist_peptides = getStringOption_("blacklist:peptides").trim(); if (!blacklist_peptides.empty()) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by exclusion peptide blacklisting..." << endl; vector<PeptideIdentification> exclusion_peptides; vector<ProteinIdentification> exclusion_proteins; // ignored IdXMLFile().load(blacklist_peptides, exclusion_proteins, exclusion_peptides); bool ignore_mods = getFlag_("blacklist:ignore_modifications"); IDFilter::removePeptidesWithMatchingSequences( peptides, exclusion_peptides, ignore_mods); } vector<String> blacklist_mods = getStringList_("blacklist:modifications"); if (!blacklist_mods.empty()) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering peptide IDs by modification blacklisting..." << endl; set<String> bad_mods(blacklist_mods.begin(), blacklist_mods.end()); IDFilter::removePeptidesWithMatchingModifications(peptides, bad_mods); } if (getFlag_("best:strict")) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by best peptide hits..." << endl; IDFilter::keepBestPeptideHits(peptides, true); } Int min_length = 0, max_length = 0; if (parseRange_(getStringOption_("length"), min_length, max_length)) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by peptide length..." << endl; if ((min_length < 0) || (max_length < 0)) { LOG_ERROR << "Fatal error: negative values are not allowed for parameter 'length'" << endl; return ILLEGAL_PARAMETERS; } IDFilter::filterPeptidesByLength(peptides, Size(min_length), Size(max_length)); } // Filter by digestion enzyme product String protein_fasta = getStringOption_("digest:fasta").trim(); if (!protein_fasta.empty()) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering peptides by digested protein (FASTA input)..." << endl; // load protein accessions from FASTA file: vector<FASTAFile::FASTAEntry> fasta; FASTAFile().load(protein_fasta, fasta); // Configure Enzymatic digestion EnzymaticDigestion digestion; String enzyme = getStringOption_("digest:enzyme").trim(); if (!enzyme.empty()) { digestion.setEnzyme(enzyme); } String specificity = getStringOption_("digest:specificity").trim(); if (!specificity.empty()) { digestion.setSpecificity(digestion.getSpecificityByName(specificity)); } Int missed_cleavages = getIntOption_("digest:missed_cleavages"); bool ignore_missed_cleavages = true; if (missed_cleavages > -1) { ignore_missed_cleavages = false; if (digestion.getSpecificity() == EnzymaticDigestion::SPEC_FULL) { LOG_WARN << "Specificity not full, missed_cleavages option is redundant" << endl; } digestion.setMissedCleavages(missed_cleavages); } bool methionine_cleavage = false; if (getFlag_("digest:methionine_cleavage")) { methionine_cleavage = true; } // Build the digest filter function IDFilter::DigestionFilter filter(fasta, digestion, ignore_missed_cleavages, methionine_cleavage); // Filter peptides filter.filterPeptideEvidences(peptides); } if (getFlag_("var_mods")) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering for variable modifications..." << endl; // gather possible variable modifications from search parameters: set<String> var_mods; for (vector<ProteinIdentification>::iterator prot_it = proteins.begin(); prot_it != proteins.end(); ++prot_it) { const ProteinIdentification::SearchParameters& params = prot_it->getSearchParameters(); for (vector<String>::const_iterator mod_it = params.variable_modifications.begin(); mod_it != params.variable_modifications.end(); ++mod_it) { var_mods.insert(*mod_it); } } IDFilter::keepPeptidesWithMatchingModifications(peptides, var_mods); } double pep_score = getDoubleOption_("score:pep"); // @TODO: what if 0 is a reasonable cut-off for some score? if (pep_score != 0) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by peptide score..." << endl; IDFilter::filterHitsByScore(peptides, pep_score); } Int min_charge = numeric_limits<Int>::min(), max_charge = numeric_limits<Int>::max(); if (parseRange_(getStringOption_("charge"), min_charge, max_charge)) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by peptide charge..." << endl; IDFilter::filterPeptidesByCharge(peptides, min_charge, max_charge); } Size best_n_pep = getIntOption_("best:n_peptide_hits"); if (best_n_pep > 0) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by best n peptide hits..." << endl; IDFilter::keepNBestHits(peptides, best_n_pep); } Int min_rank = 0, max_rank = 0; if (parseRange_(getStringOption_("best:n_to_m_peptide_hits"), min_rank, max_rank)) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by peptide hit ranks..." << endl; if ((min_rank < 0) || (max_rank < 0)) { LOG_ERROR << "Fatal error: negative values are not allowed for parameter 'best:n_to_m_peptide_hits'" << endl; return ILLEGAL_PARAMETERS; } IDFilter::filterHitsByRank(peptides, Size(min_rank), Size(max_rank)); } double mz_error = getDoubleOption_("mz:error"); if (mz_error > 0) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by mass error..." << endl; bool unit_ppm = (getStringOption_("mz:unit") == "ppm"); IDFilter::filterPeptidesByMZError(peptides, mz_error, unit_ppm); } // Filtering protein identifications according to set criteria double protein_significance = getDoubleOption_("thresh:prot"); if (protein_significance > 0) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by protein significance threshold..." << endl; IDFilter::filterHitsBySignificance(proteins, protein_significance); } double prot_score = getDoubleOption_("score:prot"); // @TODO: what if 0 is a reasonable cut-off for some score? if (prot_score != 0) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by protein score..." << endl; IDFilter::filterHitsByScore(proteins, prot_score); } Size best_n_prot = getIntOption_("best:n_protein_hits"); if (best_n_prot > 0) { LOG_INFO << "Filtering by best n protein hits..." << endl; IDFilter::keepNBestHits(proteins, best_n_prot); } if (getFlag_("remove_decoys")) { LOG_INFO << "Removing decoy hits..." << endl; IDFilter::removeDecoyHits(peptides); IDFilter::removeDecoyHits(proteins); } // Clean-up: if (!getFlag_("keep_unreferenced_protein_hits")) { LOG_INFO << "Removing unreferenced protein hits..." << endl; IDFilter::removeUnreferencedProteins(proteins, peptides); } IDFilter::updateHitRanks(proteins); IDFilter::updateHitRanks(peptides); // remove non-existant protein references from peptides (and optionally: // remove peptides with no proteins): bool rm_pep = getFlag_("delete_unreferenced_peptide_hits"); if (rm_pep) LOG_INFO << "Removing peptide hits without protein references..." << endl; IDFilter::updateProteinReferences(peptides, proteins, rm_pep); IDFilter::removeEmptyIdentifications(peptides); // we want to keep "empty" protein IDs because they contain search meta data // update protein groupings if necessary: for (vector<ProteinIdentification>::iterator prot_it = proteins.begin(); prot_it != proteins.end(); ++prot_it) { bool valid = IDFilter::updateProteinGroups(prot_it->getProteinGroups(), prot_it->getHits()); if (!valid) { LOG_WARN << "Warning: While updating protein groups, some proteins were removed from groups that are still present. The new grouping (especially the group probabilities) may not be completely valid any more." << endl; } valid = IDFilter::updateProteinGroups( prot_it->getIndistinguishableProteins(), prot_it->getHits()); if (!valid) { LOG_WARN << "Warning: While updating indistinguishable proteins, some proteins were removed from groups that are still present. The new grouping (especially the group probabilities) may not be completely valid any more." << endl; } } // some stats LOG_INFO << "Before filtering:\n" << n_prot_ids << " protein identification(s) with " << n_prot_hits << " protein hit(s),\n" << n_pep_ids << " peptide identification(s) with " << n_pep_hits << " peptides hit(s).\n" << "After filtering:\n" << proteins.size() << " protein identification(s) with " << IDFilter::countHits(proteins) << " protein hit(s),\n" << peptides.size() << " peptide identification(s) with " << IDFilter::countHits(peptides) << " peptides hit(s)." << endl; IdXMLFile().store(outputfile_name, proteins, peptides); return EXECUTION_OK; }
START_SECTION([EXTRA] ~EnzymaticDigestion()) delete e_ptr; END_SECTION START_SECTION((EnzymaticDigestion(const EnzymaticDigestion &rhs))) EnzymaticDigestion ed; ed.setMissedCleavages(1234); ed.setEnzyme("no cleavage"); ed.setSpecificity(EnzymaticDigestion::SPEC_SEMI); EnzymaticDigestion ed2(ed); TEST_EQUAL(ed.getMissedCleavages(), ed2.getMissedCleavages()); TEST_EQUAL(ed.getEnzymeName(), ed2.getEnzymeName()); TEST_EQUAL(ed.getSpecificity(), ed2.getSpecificity()); END_SECTION START_SECTION((EnzymaticDigestion & operator=(const EnzymaticDigestion &rhs))) EnzymaticDigestion ed; ed.setMissedCleavages(1234); ed.setEnzyme("no cleavage"); ed.setSpecificity(EnzymaticDigestion::SPEC_SEMI); EnzymaticDigestion ed2 = ed; TEST_EQUAL(ed.getMissedCleavages(), ed2.getMissedCleavages()); TEST_EQUAL(ed.getEnzymeName(), ed2.getEnzymeName()); TEST_EQUAL(ed.getSpecificity(), ed2.getSpecificity());