double computeEnergyThreshold(FeatureServer & fs,double pSelect,unsigned long nbBins=100)
  Histo histo(nbBins);                                             // Create an histo accumulator with 100 bins
  Feature f;                                                     // reset the reader at the begin of the input stream
  fs.reset();                                                     // feature server reset 
for (unsigned long ind=0;fs.readFeature(f); ind++) // feature loop
    histo.accumulateValue(f[0]);                               // Accumulate the energy in the histo Accumulator
  histo.computeHisto();                                           // Compute the histo
  long i=nbBins-1;  
  real_t count=0;
while((i>=0) && (count<=pSelect)){                               // Find the bin corresponding to the percentage of data wanted
  double threshold;
  if (i>=0) threshold=histo.higherBound(i);                        // Set the threshold to the higherBound of the next bin
  else threshold=histo.lowerBound(0);                              // if 100% of data should be selected
  if (verbose)  cout << "Percentage wanted["<<(int) (pSelect*100.0) <<"]Energy threshold["<<threshold<<"]"<<endl;
  return threshold;	
// Build the segments with the energized frames
unsigned long selectFrames(FeatureServer &fs,SegServer & segServer,double threshold,SegCluster &selectedSeg,SegCluster &outputSeg,String labelOutput,String fileName)
  unsigned long countFrames=0;
  fs.reset();                                                       // feature server reset
  unsigned long ind=0;
  unsigned long begin=0;
  bool in=false;
  Seg *seg;                                                         // current selectd segment
  selectedSeg.rewind();                                             // reset the reader at the begin of the input stream
  while((seg=selectedSeg.getSeg())!=NULL){                          // For each input segments
    for (unsigned long idx=seg->begin();idx<seg->begin()+seg->length();idx++){ // for each frame
      Feature f;
      if (f[0]>threshold){                                         // the frame is selected
	if (in==false){                                             // Begin of a new segment         
      else if (in){                                                // End of a segment
	Seg & segFake=segServer.createSeg(begin,ind-begin,0,       // Create a segment - Take care : length=end-begin+1 but ind =end+1 !!
	outputSeg.add(segFake);                                  // Add a segment 	
      ind++;                                                       // Increment the frame index
    }                                                              // end of one input segment
    if (in){                                                       // deal with the last energized segmeent inside the current input segment
      Seg & segFake=segServer.createSeg(begin,ind-begin+1,0,       // Create a segment 
      outputSeg.add(segFake);                                    // Add a segment  - Take care : length=end-begin+1 and ind=end in this case !!
  }                                                              // end feature loop                   
  return countFrames;