文件: Layout.cpp 项目: Eynx/R3D
    Bool Resource::Layout::Create(const Description& description)
        // Prepare the D3D11 input layout
        D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC* inputLayout = new D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC[description.Elements.Count];

        // Fill in all of the elements
        for(UInt i = 0; i < description.Elements.Count; ++i)
            inputLayout[i].SemanticName = description.Elements[i].Name.c_str();
            inputLayout[i].SemanticIndex = description.Elements[i].Index;
            inputLayout[i].Format = (DXGI_FORMAT)description.Elements[i].Format;
            inputLayout[i].InputSlot = description.Elements[i].Slot;
            inputLayout[i].AlignedByteOffset = description.Elements[i].Offset;
            // No support for instancing yet
            inputLayout[i].InputSlotClass = D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA; //description.Elements[i].Classification;
            inputLayout[i].InstanceDataStepRate = 0; //description.Elements[i].InstanceStepRate;

        // Get the device handle
        Graphics::Device& device = Graphics::Manager::Singleton->Device;

        File shaderFile;
        // Open the shader associated with this input layout to retrieve its input signature
        Bool result = shaderFile.Open(description.Shader, File::Mode::Read);
        if(FAILED(result)) {
            return false;

        // Load the shader data
        shaderFile.Allocate(shaderFile.FileSize + 1);

        Log::Singleton->Write("Creating input layout with (" + description.Shader + ") vertex shader");
        // Create the vertex input layout
        HRESULT hresult = device->CreateInputLayout(inputLayout, description.Elements.Count, shaderFile.Data, shaderFile.Size, &Handle);
        if(FAILED(hresult)) {
            return false;

        // We're done with the file for now

        // Success!
        return true;
文件: Layout.cpp 项目: Eynx/R3D
    Bool Resource::Layout::CreateFromFile(const String& filename)
        File layoutFile;
        // Open the file containing the layout
        layoutFile.Open(filename, File::Mode::Read);

        // Prepare a description to create the layout
        Resource::Layout::Description layoutDesc;

        String name;
        // Get the resource name of the input layout
        UInt length = layoutFile.Read<UByte>();
        name += layoutFile.Read<Char>(length);

        // Read the number of input elements
        UInt elements = layoutFile.Read<UByte>();

        // Read each input layout
        for(UInt i = 0; i < elements; ++i)
            // Write the size of the string then the string to the file
            length = layoutFile.Read<UByte>();
            layoutDesc.Elements[i].Name += layoutFile.Read<Char>(length);
            // Simply write the rest of the element to disk
            layoutDesc.Elements[i].Index = layoutFile.Read<UInt>();
            layoutDesc.Elements[i].Format = layoutFile.Read<Texture::Format>();
            layoutDesc.Elements[i].Slot = layoutFile.Read<UInt>();
            layoutDesc.Elements[i].Offset = layoutFile.Read<UInt>();

        // Read the shader blob
        length = layoutFile.Read<UInt>();
        layoutFile.Allocate(length + 1);

        // Prepare the D3D11 input layout
        D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC* inputLayout = new D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC[elements];

        // Fill in all of the elements
        for(UInt i = 0; i < elements; ++i)
            inputLayout[i].SemanticName = layoutDesc.Elements[i].Name.c_str();
            inputLayout[i].SemanticIndex = layoutDesc.Elements[i].Index;
            inputLayout[i].Format = (DXGI_FORMAT)layoutDesc.Elements[i].Format;
            inputLayout[i].InputSlot = layoutDesc.Elements[i].Slot;
            inputLayout[i].AlignedByteOffset = layoutDesc.Elements[i].Offset;
            // No support for instancing yet
            inputLayout[i].InputSlotClass = D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA; //description.Elements[i].Classification;
            inputLayout[i].InstanceDataStepRate = 0; //description.Elements[i].InstanceStepRate;

        // Get the device handle
        Graphics::Device& device = Graphics::Manager::Singleton->Device;

        Log::Singleton->Write("Creating input layout (" + name + ")");
        // Create the vertex input layout
        HRESULT result = device->CreateInputLayout(inputLayout, elements, layoutFile.Data, layoutFile.Size, &Handle);
        if(FAILED(result)) {
            return false;

        // And done

        // Whoo
        return true;