short bMainThread :: Start() { Editor ed; int lp; if (argc > 1) { File *f; for (lp=1 ; lp < argc ; lp++) { f = new File(argv[lp]); if (!f->Exists()) { char buf[300]; sprintf(buf, "File %s does not exist", argv[lp]); wMessageBox mb(&ed, buf, "Error", MbIconExclamation | MbOk); } else new Document(&ed, argv[lp]); delete f; } ed.TileDocuments(); } Exec(); return 0; }
void Settings::Load() { Directory appDataDir = GetAppDataDir(); if (appDataDir.Exists()) { File config; config.SetLocation(appDataDir.Location().OriginalString() + "/config.txt"); FileStream fs; if (config.Exists()) { AutoPointerArray<UInt8> buf(new UInt8[config.Size()], config.Size()); if (fs.Open(config.Location(), FileAccessMode::Read, FileAccessPriority::ReadThroughput)) { fs.Read(buf.Get(), 0, buf.Size()); fs.Close(); for (Size i = 0, s = 0; i < buf.Size(); ++i) if (buf[i] == '\n') { String line = String(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&buf[s]), i - s); AutoPointerArray<String> keyValue = line.Split(String("=")); if (keyValue.Count() == 2) { const char* key = StringCache::Find(keyValue[0]); if (key == 0) key = keyValue[0].c_str(); m_PImpl->m_Data[key] = keyValue[1]; } s = i+1; } } } } }
extern "C" uint64_t Syscall_CheckFileExistence(const char* path) { using namespace Kernel::HardwareAbstraction::Filesystems::VFS; File* f = new File(path); bool ret = f->Exists(); delete f; return ret; }
File MediaManager::FindMedia(const File& filename) const { for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator itr = m_Paths.begin(); itr != m_Paths.end(); ++itr) { File retFile = *itr + filename.Fullname(); if (retFile.Exists()) return retFile; } throw LoadingFailed(filename.Fullname(), "Fichier introuvable dans les répertoires de recherche"); }
bool checkDirExists(File &dir, const char *desc) { if (dir.Exists()) { return true; } LOG(INFO) << "For File Area: " << desc; LOG(INFO) << "Unable to find dir: " << dir.full_pathname(); LOG(INFO) << "Please create it."; return false; //printf(" Do you wish to CREATE it (y/N)?\n"); //string s; //std::cin >> s; //if (s[0] == 'Y' || s[0] == 'y') { // if (!File::mkdirs(dir)) { // Print(NOK, true, "Unable to create dir '%s' for %s dir.", dir.full_pathname().c_str(), desc); // return false; // } //} //return true; }
#include "..\Catch.hpp" #include <File.hpp> using SmartIO::File; TEST_CASE("File - Testing the Exists functionality.") { File file("TestDirectory/SomeFile.txt"); REQUIRE(file.Exists()); } TEST_CASE("File - Testing the Create functionality.") { File file("TestDirectory/SubDirectory/NewFile.txt"); REQUIRE(file.Create(true)); } TEST_CASE("File - Testing the Writing functionality.") { File file("TestDirectory/SomeFile.txt"); REQUIRE(file.Write("Something")); } TEST_CASE("File - Testing the Encryption functionality.") { File file("TestDirectory/SomeFile.txt");