void IsisMain() {
  ProcessByLine p;
  Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");
  double gsigma = Isis::Application::GetUserInterface().GetDouble("GSIGMA");

  for(int i = 0; i < icube->bandCount(); i++) {
    Histogram hist = *(icube->histogram(i + 1));
    double mean = (hist.Maximum() + hist.Minimum()) / 2.0;
    double stdev = (hist.Maximum() - hist.Minimum()) / (2.0 * gsigma);
    stretch.push_back(new GaussianStretch(hist, mean, stdev));

  for(int i = 0; i < icube->bandCount(); i++) delete stretch[i];
文件: stats.cpp 项目: corburn/ISIS
void IsisMain() {

  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  Process p;

  // Get the histogram
  Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");

  double validMin = Isis::ValidMinimum;
  double validMax = Isis::ValidMaximum;

  if(ui.WasEntered("VALIDMIN")) {
    validMin = ui.GetDouble("VALIDMIN");

  if(ui.WasEntered("VALIDMAX")) {
    validMax = ui.GetDouble("VALIDMAX");
  // Set a global Pvl for storing results
  Pvl mainpvl;
  // Get the number of bands to process
  int bandcount = icube->bandCount();
  for (int i = 1; i <= bandcount; i++) {
    Histogram *stats = icube->histogram(i, validMin, validMax);

    // Construct a label with the results
    PvlGroup results("Results");  
    results += PvlKeyword("From", icube->fileName());
    results += PvlKeyword("Band", toString(icube->physicalBand(i)));
    if(stats->ValidPixels() != 0) {
      results += PvlKeyword("Average", toString(stats->Average()));
      results += PvlKeyword("StandardDeviation", toString(stats->StandardDeviation()));
      results += PvlKeyword("Variance", toString(stats->Variance()));
      // These statistics only worked on a histogram
      results += PvlKeyword("Median", toString(stats->Median()));
      results += PvlKeyword("Mode", toString(stats->Mode()));
      results += PvlKeyword("Skew", toString(stats->Skew()));
      results += PvlKeyword("Minimum", toString(stats->Minimum()));
      results += PvlKeyword("Maximum", toString(stats->Maximum()));
      results += PvlKeyword("Sum", toString(stats->Sum()));
    results += PvlKeyword("TotalPixels", toString(stats->TotalPixels()));
    results += PvlKeyword("ValidPixels", toString(stats->ValidPixels()));
    results += PvlKeyword("OverValidMaximumPixels", toString(stats->OverRangePixels()));
    results += PvlKeyword("UnderValidMinimumPixels", toString(stats->UnderRangePixels()));
    results += PvlKeyword("NullPixels", toString(stats->NullPixels()));
    results += PvlKeyword("LisPixels", toString(stats->LisPixels()));
    results += PvlKeyword("LrsPixels", toString(stats->LrsPixels()));
    results += PvlKeyword("HisPixels", toString(stats->HisPixels()));
    results += PvlKeyword("HrsPixels", toString(stats->HrsPixels()));
    delete stats;
    // Write the results to the log
  // Write the results to the output file if the user specified one
  if(ui.WasEntered("TO")) {
    QString outFile = FileName(ui.GetFileName("TO")).expanded();
    bool exists = FileName(outFile).fileExists();
    bool append = ui.GetBoolean("APPEND");
    ofstream os;
    bool writeHeader = false;
    //write the results in the requested format.
    if(ui.GetString("FORMAT") == "PVL") {
      if(append) {
      else {
    else {
      //if the format was not PVL, write out a flat file.
      if(append) {
        os.open(outFile.toAscii().data(), ios::app);
        if(!exists) {
          writeHeader = true;
      else {
        os.open(outFile.toAscii().data(), ios::out);
        writeHeader = true;

      if(writeHeader) {
        for(int i = 0; i < mainpvl.group(0).keywords(); i++) {
          os << mainpvl.group(0)[i].name();
          if( i < mainpvl.group(0).keywords() - 1 ) {
            os << ",";
        os << endl;
      for(int i = 0; i < mainpvl.groups(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < mainpvl.group(i).keywords(); j++) {
          os << (QString)mainpvl.group(i)[j];
          if(j < mainpvl.group(i).keywords() - 1) {
            os << ",";
        os << endl;
   * ScatterPlotDataConstructor
   * @param xCube The x-axis cube
   * @param xCubeBand The x-axis cube's band to get DN values from
   * @param xBinCount The resolution of the x-axis
   * @param yCube The y-axis cube
   * @param yCubeBand The y-axis cube's band to get DN values from
   * @param yBinCount The resolution of the y-axis
   * @param sampleRange The sample range to gather the histogram from, this is
   *                    the same for the x cube and y cube.
   * @param lineRange The line range to gather the histogram from, this is
   *                  the same for the x cube and y cube.
      Cube *xCube, int xCubeBand, int xBinCount,
      Cube *yCube, int yCubeBand, int yBinCount,
      QwtInterval sampleRange, QwtInterval lineRange) : QwtRasterData(),
      m_xDnToBinStretch(new Stretch), m_yDnToBinStretch(new Stretch),
        new QVector< QVector<int> >(yBinCount, QVector<int>(xBinCount))),
      m_alarmedBins(new QMap<int, bool>) {
    int startLine = qRound(lineRange.minValue());
    int endLine = qRound(lineRange.maxValue());
    ASSERT(xCube->lineCount() == yCube->lineCount());

    Histogram *xCubeHist = new Histogram(*xCube, xCubeBand, NULL,
        sampleRange.minValue(), lineRange.minValue(),
        sampleRange.maxValue(), lineRange.maxValue(),
        xBinCount, true);
    m_xCubeMin = xCubeHist->Minimum();
    m_xCubeMax = xCubeHist->Maximum();

    Histogram *yCubeHist = new Histogram(*yCube, yCubeBand, NULL,
        sampleRange.minValue(), lineRange.minValue(),
        sampleRange.maxValue(), lineRange.maxValue(),
        yBinCount, true);
    m_yCubeMin = yCubeHist->Minimum();
    m_yCubeMax = yCubeHist->Maximum();

    m_xDnToBinStretch->AddPair(m_xCubeMin, 0);
    m_xDnToBinStretch->AddPair(m_xCubeMax, xBinCount - 1);

    m_yDnToBinStretch->AddPair(m_yCubeMin, 0);
    m_yDnToBinStretch->AddPair(m_yCubeMax, yBinCount - 1);

    m_maxCount = 0;

    Brick brick1((int)(sampleRange.maxValue() - sampleRange.minValue() + 1),
                 1, 1, xCube->pixelType());
    Brick brick2((int)(sampleRange.maxValue() - sampleRange.minValue() + 1),
                 1, 1, yCube->pixelType());
    ASSERT(xCube->sampleCount() == yCube->sampleCount());
    ASSERT(brick1.size() == brick2.size());

    for (int line = startLine; line <= endLine; line++) {
      brick1.SetBasePosition(qRound(sampleRange.minValue()), line, xCubeBand);

      brick2.SetBasePosition(qRound(sampleRange.minValue()), line, yCubeBand);

      for (int i = 0; i < brick1.size(); i++) {
        double xDn = brick1[i];
        double yDn = brick2[i];

        if (!IsSpecial(xDn) && !IsSpecial(yDn)) {
          double x = m_xDnToBinStretch->Map(xDn);
          double y = m_yDnToBinStretch->Map(yDn);

          if (!IsSpecial(x) && !IsSpecial(y)) {
            int roundedX = qRound(x);
            int roundedY = qRound(y);

            if (roundedX >= 0 && roundedX < xBinCount &&
                roundedY >= 0 && roundedY < yBinCount) {
              int value = (*m_counts)[roundedY][roundedX] + 1;
              (*m_counts)[roundedY][roundedX] = value;

              m_maxCount = qMax(m_maxCount, value);

    setInterval(Qt::XAxis, QwtInterval(m_xCubeMin, m_xCubeMax));
    setInterval(Qt::YAxis, QwtInterval(m_yCubeMin, m_yCubeMax));
    setInterval(Qt::ZAxis, QwtInterval(0, m_maxCount));