文件: sig.cpp 项目: idaohang/mole
QDebug operator << (QDebug dbg, const Histogram &histogram)
  dbg.nospace() << "[";
  for (int i = histogram.min(); i <= histogram.max(); ++i) {
    if (histogram.at(i) > 0) {
      dbg.nospace() << i << "=" << histogram.at(i);
      if (i <= histogram.max() - 1)
	dbg.nospace() << " ";
  dbg.nospace() << "]";

  return dbg.space();
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> KinectFilter::remove_error(Histogram noise)
  // Only remove Z error for now....
  std::vector<float> avg_distance(noise.size(), 0.0), sum_distance(noise.size(), 0.0), number_distance(noise.size(), 0.0);

  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> p_out_cloud_ret;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < p_in_cloud->size(); i++)
    Eigen::Vector3f xyz = p_in_cloud->points.at(i).getVector3fMap();
    Eigen::Vector3i rgb;
    rgb = p_in_cloud->points.at(i).getRGBVector3i();

    for (size_t j = 0; j < noise.size(); j++)
      if (xyz(2) >= noise.at(j).r_min && xyz(2) < noise.at(j).r_max)
        xyz(2) -= noise.at(j).err;

        sum_distance.at(j) += xyz(2);

        pcl::PointXYZRGB filtered_p(rgb(0), rgb(1), rgb(2));
        filtered_p.getVector3fMap() = xyz;


  for (size_t j = 0; j < noise.size(); j++)
    avg_distance.at(j) = sum_distance.at(j)/number_distance.at(j);
    std::cout << "distance " << j << ": " << avg_distance.at(j) << std::endl;

  return p_out_cloud_ret;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ros::init(argc, argv, "kinect_filter");
  ros::NodeHandle nh;

  Histogram hist;

  KinectFilter kf(nh);

  ros::Publisher pub_out_cloud = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("camera/depth_registered/filtered/points", 1);

  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> out_cloud;

  std::fstream myfile("/home/luc/indigo/histogram.dat", std::ios_base::in);

  float a;
  int i = 0;
  int j;
  while (myfile >> a)
    j = std::floor(i/4); 
    Bin b;
    if(i%4 == 0)
      b.quantity = a; 
    } else if(i%4 == 1)
      b.err = a;
    } else if(i%4 == 2)
      b.r_min = a;
    } else if(i%4 == 3)
      b.r_max = a;

  sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 ros_view_cloud;

  ROS_INFO("got histogram...");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < hist.size(); i++)
    std::cout << "Bin " << i << ": quantity: " << hist.at(i).quantity << "| err: " << hist.at(i).err << " (" << hist.at(i).r_min << ", " << hist.at(i).r_max << ")" << std::endl; 

  ROS_INFO("about to filter...");
    out_cloud = kf.remove_error(hist);

    pcl::toROSMsg(out_cloud, ros_view_cloud);

    ros_view_cloud.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
    ros_view_cloud.header.frame_id = kf.getPCFrame();



int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ros::init(argc, argv, "character");
  ros::NodeHandle nh;

  if (!nh.getParam("/characterize_noise/pointcloud_topic", g_pcl_topic))
    g_pcl_topic = "/camera/depth_registered/points";

  Characterizer c (nh);

  Histogram hist;

  std::vector<float> errors;
  std::vector<Bin> error_vector;
  std::vector<pcl::PointXYZ> offsets;
  float far_z, close_z;
  float mean_error;
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr p_cloud;
  uint number_of_sample_points = 16;
  uint sample_number = 0;

  while (ros::ok() && number_of_sample_points > sample_number)
    // Check to see if we got a point cloud...
    if (g_got_pcl)
      p_cloud = c.getCloud();
      // Begin processing!
      g_processing = true;

      // Transform the points into a frame that is based at the 
      // lowest plane of the points. TODO(jonathankoss): Does this make sense
      // could also transform the points to the fixed frame of the flat surface
      // that we are viewing

      // Going to assume that the setup is like this:
      //              /-->  [--------wall--------]
      // [o kinect o] --->  [--------wall--------]
      //              \-->  [--------wall--------]

      // OK, so we now have a pcl_Kinect_clr_ptr full of points to deal with.
      // Furthest X point away will be where we transform the points to.

      // Everything is in relation to the kinect_frame

      // ! Instead of doing a literal transform we could just subtract that X from all
      // of the points to find the 'error'.


      far_z = c.getFurthest(p_cloud);
      close_z = c.getClosest(p_cloud);

      std::cout << "far_z: " << far_z << " | close_z: " << close_z << std::endl;

      float avg_z = (far_z + close_z)/2;

      offsets = c.getOffsetVec(avg_z, p_cloud);
      //errors = c.getErrorVec(offsets);
      mean_error = c.getMeanError(offsets);

      std::cout << "mean error: " << mean_error << std::endl;

      Bin b;

      b.r_min = close_z;
      b.r_max = far_z;
      b.err = mean_error;



      if(sample_number%4 == 0)
        ROS_INFO("Move it, soldier!!!");
      g_processing = false;
      // give a histogram of distances and mean errors


  //c.addToHistogram(errors, close_z, far_z);

      std::ofstream output_file;

      hist = c.getHistogram();
      for (size_t i = 0; i < hist.size(); i++)
        std::cout << "Bin " << i << ": quantity: " << hist.at(i).quantity << "| err: " << hist.at(i).err << " (" << hist.at(i).r_min << ", " << hist.at(i).r_max << ")" << std::endl; 
        output_file << hist.at(i).quantity << " " << hist.at(i).err << " " << hist.at(i).r_min << " " << hist.at(i).r_max << std::endl;
