virtual void threadRelease() { /* Stop and close ports */ cportL->interrupt(); cportR->interrupt(); susPort->interrupt(); cportL->close(); cportR->close(); susPort->close(); delete cportL; delete cportR; delete susPort; /* stop motor interfaces and close */ gaze->stopControl(); clientGazeCtrl.close(); carm->stopControl(); clientArmCart.close(); robotTorso.close(); robotHead.close(); robotArm.close(); }
bool interruptModule() { imgLPortIn.interrupt(); imgRPortIn.interrupt(); igaze->stopControl(); iarm->stopControl(); return true; }
virtual void threadRelease() { // we require an immediate stop // before closing the client for safety reason igaze->stopControl(); // it's a good rule to restore the controller // context as it was before opening the module igaze->restoreContext(startup_context_id); clientGaze.close(); clientTorso.close(); }
virtual void threadRelease() { // we require an immediate stop // before closing the client for safety reason // (anyway it's already done internally in the // destructor) igaze->stopControl(); // it's a good rule to reinstate the tracking mode // as it was igaze->setTrackingMode(false); delete clientGaze; // delete clientTorso; //pramod }
bool close() { iarm->stopControl(); iarm->restoreContext(startup_context); drvCart.close(); ivel->stop(joints.size(),joints.getFirst()); for (size_t i=0; i<modes.size(); i++) modes[i]=VOCAB_CM_POSITION; imod->setControlModes(joints.size(),joints.getFirst(),modes.getFirst()); drvHand.close(); if (simulator) { Bottle cmd,reply; cmd.addString("world"); cmd.addString("del"); cmd.addString("all"); simPort.write(cmd,reply); simPort.close(); } if (gaze) { igaze->stopControl(); drvGaze.close(); } igeo->stopFeedback(); igeo->setTransformation(eye(4,4)); drvGeomagic.close(); forceFbPort.close(); return true; }
bool close() { handlerPort.close(); objectsPort.close(); igaze->stopControl(); igaze->restoreContext(startupGazeContextID); igaze->deleteContext(startupGazeContextID); igaze->deleteContext(currentGazeContextID); if (clientGazeCtrl.isValid()) clientGazeCtrl.close(); icartLeft->stopControl(); icartLeft->restoreContext(startupArmLeftContextID); icartLeft->deleteContext(startupArmLeftContextID); icartLeft->deleteContext(currentArmLeftContextID); if (clientArmLeft.isValid()) clientArmLeft.close(); icartRight->stopControl(); icartRight->restoreContext(startupArmRightContextID); icartRight->deleteContext(startupArmRightContextID); icartRight->deleteContext(currentArmRightContextID); if (clientArmLeft.isValid()) clientArmLeft.close(); itorsoVelocity->stop(); if (clientTorso.isValid()) clientTorso.close(); return true; }
virtual void run() { while (isStopping() != true) { /* poll the click ports containers to see if we have left/right ready to go */ bfL.lock(); bfR.lock(); if (bfL.size() == 2 && bfR.size() == 2) { printf("got a hit!\n"); /* if they are, raise the flag that action is beginning, save current joint configuration */ Bottle susmsg; susmsg.addInt(1); susPort->write(susmsg); //get the current joint configuration for the torso, head, and arm tang.clear(); tang.resize(3); tEnc->getEncoders(; hang.clear(); hang.resize(6); hEnc->getEncoders(; aang.clear(); aang.resize(16); aEnc->getEncoders(; /* get the xyz location of the gaze point */ Vector bvL(2); Vector bvR(2); bvL[0] = bfL.get(0).asDouble(); bvL[1] = bfL.get(1).asDouble(); bvR[0] = bfR.get(0).asDouble(); bvR[1] = bfR.get(1).asDouble(); objPos.clear(); objPos.resize(3); gaze->triangulate3DPoint(bvL,bvR,objPos); /* servo the head to gaze at that point */ //gaze->lookAtStereoPixels(bvL,bvR); gaze->lookAtFixationPoint(objPos); gaze->waitMotionDone(1.0,10.0); gaze->stopControl(); printf("object position estimated as: %f, %f, %f\n", objPos[0], objPos[1], objPos[2]); printf("is this ok?\n"); string posResp = Network::readString().c_str(); if (posResp == "yes" || posResp == "y") { /* move to hover the hand over the XY position of the target: [X, Y, Z=0.2], with palm upright */ objPos[2] = 0.1; Vector axa(4);; if (armInUse) { axa[2] = 1.0; axa[3] = M_PI; } else { axa[1] = 1.0; axa[3] = M_PI; } carm->goToPoseSync(objPos,axa); carm->waitMotionDone(1.0,10.0); Time::delay(2.0); //curl fingers and thumb slightly to hold object Vector armCur(16); aEnc->getEncoders(; armCur[8] = 3; armCur[10] = 25; armCur[11] = 25; armCur[12] = 25; armCur[13] = 25; armCur[14] = 25; armCur[15] = 55; aPos->positionMove(; Time::delay(2.0); /* wait for terminal signal from user that object has been moved to the hand */ bool validTarg = false; printf("object position reached, place in hand and enter target xy position\n"); while (!validTarg) { string objResp = Network::readString().c_str(); /* ask the user to enter in an XY target location, or confirm use of previous one */ Bottle btarPos(objResp.c_str()); if (btarPos.size() < 2) { //if user enters no target position, try to use last entered position if (targetPos.length() != 3) { printf("no previous target position available, please re-enter:\n"); } else { validTarg = true; } } else { targetPos.clear(); targetPos.resize(3); targetPos[0] = btarPos.get(0).asDouble(); targetPos[1] = btarPos.get(1).asDouble(); targetPos[2] = 0.1; validTarg = true; } } /* move the arm to above the target location */; if (armInUse) { axa[2] = 1.0; axa[3] = M_PI; } else { axa[1] = 1.0; axa[3] = M_PI; } carm->goToPoseSync(targetPos,axa); //carm->goToPosition(targetPos); carm->waitMotionDone(1.0,10.0); Time::delay(2.0); /* wait for user signal that the object has been removed */ printf("object has been moved to target location. please remove object and hit enter\n"); string tarResp = Network::readString().c_str(); } /* return to saved motor configuration, clear click buffers, lower flag signaling action done */ printf("gaze done, attempting reset\n"); tPos->positionMove(; hPos->positionMove(; aPos->positionMove(; bfL.clear(); bfR.clear(); bfL.unlock(); bfR.unlock(); susmsg.clear(); susmsg.addInt(0); susPort->write(susmsg); } else { bfL.unlock(); bfR.unlock(); } } }
void reachingHandler(const bool b, const Vector &pos, const Vector &rpy) { if (b) { if (s0==idle) s0=triggered; else if (s0==triggered) { if (++c0*getPeriod()>0.5) { pos0[0]=pos[0]; pos0[1]=pos[1]; pos0[2]=pos[2]; rpy0[0]=rpy[0]; rpy0[1]=rpy[1]; rpy0[2]=rpy[2]; iarm->getPose(x0,o0); s0=running; } } else { Vector xd(4,0.0); xd[0]=pos[0]-pos0[0]; xd[1]=pos[1]-pos0[1]; xd[2]=pos[2]-pos0[2]; xd[3]=1.0; Matrix H0=eye(4,4); H0(0,3)=x0[0]; H0(1,3)=x0[1]; H0(2,3)=x0[2]; xd=H0*xd; Matrix Rd; if (onlyXYZ) Rd=axis2dcm(o0); else { Vector drpy(3); drpy[0]=rpy[0]-rpy0[0]; drpy[1]=rpy[1]-rpy0[1]; drpy[2]=rpy[2]-rpy0[2]; Vector ax(4,0.0),ay(4,0.0),az(4,0.0); ax[0]=1.0; ax[3]=drpy[2]; ay[1]=1.0; ay[3]=drpy[1]*((part=="left_arm")?1.0:-1.0); az[2]=1.0; az[3]=drpy[0]*((part=="left_arm")?1.0:-1.0); Rd=axis2dcm(o0)*axis2dcm(ax)*axis2dcm(ay)*axis2dcm(az); } Vector od=dcm2axis(Rd); iarm->goToPose(xd,od); if (gaze) igaze->lookAtFixationPoint(xd); yInfo("going to (%s) (%s)", xd.toString(3,3).c_str(),od.toString(3,3).c_str()); if (simulator) updateSim(xd); } } else { if (s0==triggered) onlyXYZ=!onlyXYZ; if (c0!=0) { iarm->stopControl(); if (simulator) { Vector x,o; iarm->getPose(x,o); updateSim(x); } if (gaze) igaze->stopControl(); } s0=idle; c0=0; } }