/* This little program demonstrates the parsing of IPAddress strings */
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
   CompleteSetupSystem css;


      printf("Please enter a string representing an IPv4 or IPv6 numeric host-address: ");

      char buf[1024];
      (void) fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin);

      String s = buf;
      s = s.Trim();  // get rid of newline ugliness

      IPAddress ip;
      if (ip.SetFromString(s) == B_NO_ERROR)
         printf("I parsed the string [%s] as IPAddress %s\n", s(), ip.ToString()());
         printf("    ip.IsValid() returned %i\n", ip.IsValid());
         printf("    ip.IsIPv4() returned %i\n", ip.IsIPv4());
         printf("    ip.IsMulticast() returned %i\n", ip.IsMulticast());
         printf("    ip.IsStandardLoopbackAddress() returned %i\n", ip.IsStandardLoopbackDeviceAddress());
      else printf("Error, couldn't parse [%s] as an IPAddress!\n", s());
   return 0;
文件: IPAddress.cpp 项目: Zethes/CGUL
/** @details The broadcast address can only be calculated on a IPv4 network.  While it is
 *  technically possible to calculate an IPv6 broadcast address, the IPv6 protocol has dropped
 *  support for broadcasting.  Since broadcasting is not supported in IPv6, this method will result
 *  in an exception given an IPv6 address.
 *  @param ip An IP address on the network.
 *  @param netmask The netmask defining the network range.
 *  @returns The broadcast address.
_CGUL_EXPORT CGUL::Network::IPAddress CGUL::Network::IPAddress::CalculateBroadcast(const IPAddress& ip, const IPAddress& netmask)
    if (ip.GetType() == IPAddressType::IPV6 || netmask.GetType() == IPAddressType::IPV6)
        throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CALCULATE_ADDRESS, NetworkExceptionReason::ADDRESS_INVALID);
    if (!ip.IsValid() || ip.GetType() != netmask.GetType())
        throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CALCULATE_ADDRESS, NetworkExceptionReason::ADDRESS_MISMATCH);

    return IPAddress(ip.ToUInt32() | (~netmask.ToUInt32()));
文件: IPAddress.cpp 项目: Zethes/CGUL
/** @details A network address defines the "bottom-most" address for a given network.
 *  @param ip An IP address on the network.
 *  @param netmask The netmask defining the network range.
 *  @returns The network address.
_CGUL_EXPORT CGUL::Network::IPAddress CGUL::Network::IPAddress::CalculateNetwork(const IPAddress& ip, const IPAddress& netmask)
    if (!ip.IsValid() || ip.GetType() != netmask.GetType())
        throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CALCULATE_ADDRESS, NetworkExceptionReason::ADDRESS_MISMATCH);

    if (ip.GetType() == IPAddressType::IPV4)
        return IPAddress(ip.ToUInt32() & netmask.ToUInt32());
        UInt64 network[2];
        network[0] = ip.address[0] & netmask.address[0];
        network[1] = ip.address[1] & netmask.address[1];
        return IPAddress(network);
/** @brief Connects to a server on a given ip and port.
 *  @param ip The IP address to connect to.
 *  @param port The port number.
void Jatta::Network::SocketTCP::Connect(const IPAddress& ip, unsigned short port)
    // Check that the IP is valid
    if (!ip.IsValid())
        throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CONNECT, NetworkExceptionReason::ADDRESS_INVALID);

    // Create a hints variable used to determine the connection configuration.
    struct addrinfo hints;
    memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(addrinfo));

    // Check if the IP is an IPv4 or IPv6.
    if (ip.GetType() == IPAddressType::IPV4)
        // Use IPv4.
        hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
        // Use IPv6.
        hints.ai_family = AF_INET6;

    // We're setting up a TCP/IP connection, which is a STREAM socket.
    hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;

    // Convert the port into a string.
    char portString[6];
#   ifdef MSVC
    sprintf_s(portString, "%d", port);
#   else
    sprintf(portString, "%d", port);
#   endif

    // Get the address info using the hints.
    addrinfo* result;
    if (getaddrinfo(ip.ToString().GetCString(), portString, &hints, &result) != 0)
        throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CONNECT, NetworkExceptionReason::NO_NETWORK_INTERFACE);

    // Create the socket.  Because our hints are so strict, we don't have to worry about looping
    // through the linked list.  We should be able to trust that the first result is what we want.
    sock = socket(result->ai_family, result->ai_socktype, result->ai_protocol);
    if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET)
        throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CONNECT, NetworkExceptionReason::FAILED_CREATE_SOCKET);

    // Make the connection.
    if (::connect(sock, result->ai_addr, result->ai_addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR)
        throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CONNECT, NetworkExceptionReason::FAILED_CONNECT_CALL);

    // Make a non-blocking socket.
    if (!MakeNonBlocking())
        throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CONNECT, NetworkExceptionReason::FAILED_NONBLOCKING);

    // Turn off the Nagle Algorithm to increase speed.
    if (!MakeNoDelay())
        throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CONNECT, NetworkExceptionReason::FAILED_NO_DELAY);

    // Free up the address info linked list.